Kate Doyle design portfolio 2014



For more information please contact Kate at katedoyledesigns@gmail.com

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katedoyledesigns@gmail.com 0401 510 496

Portfolio designed in InDesign. Photos edited in Photoshop. Graphics created in Illustrator.



DoyleVideo Producer

Graphic DesignerContent Producer

I am a passionate and creative person who believes that not just work, but also life is a team effort. I strongly believe

in trying to exude positivity all around me. Whether it is through a sunny disposition, nurturing others creativity or through giving constructive criticism.

I have a diverse background in all areas of video production, and a strong interest in digital marketing. It is through my passion for the ever-changing world of online marketing that I constantly strive for knowledge and advancement.

I have strived to live a diverse life filled with unique experiences, and I believe that this allows me to be creative in problem solving, as well as giving me the flexibility to jump into any role needed for the project.

I love to work autonomously, but have also found that I can deliver in a collaborative group situation or take

direction as I can easily slip from one role to another.

I look forward to speaking to you soon to discuss what I could bring to the table and our mutually beneficial future.

Please watch my showreel at http://youtu.be/EWim4CXn4qE Regards


katedoyledesigns@gmail.com 0401 510 496

Griffith University2007-2010Bachelor of Screen Media Production.

Australian College of Profesional Styling2012Certificate of Profesional Styling


TacticalGraphic DesignBranding designCustomer ServiceTeam managment

Fashion StylingBudget Managment

Social Media Managment

Paperwork managmentCopywriting


HobbiesGraphic ArtWritingFine ArtJewelery DesignCooking





Well Versed

Well Versed

I am proficient in vector creation and artistic design. I have created designs for t-shirts, Facebook banner art, and various sporting and music posters. I am proficient in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and can convert logos from .jpeg to vectors to animation assets.

Graphic Art

I am a trained costume designer, set designer and fashion stylist. I can design and instigate photo shoots, from the concepts, through hair and make-up to wardrobe and over all style and feel. I also can finish the images for print, web and portfolio through colour correction, background replacement and air-brushing.

Photo Styling

I have extensive experience in creating DVD/CD covers and disc designs, as well as posters, promotional and marketing material and print media. I am always striving to learn new skills, tricks and program shortcuts, and always feel that being at the forefront of design principles is of the up most importance.

Graphic Design

Social MediaI have a strong working knowledge of cross-platform social media marketing and asset creation. I am a pre-planner who can write copy, identify trends and utilise multiple sites, such as Facebook and Twitter to create a well rounded campaign. I also understand visual branding and it’s importance for cross platforming.

As apart of my duties working at Social Studios, I was in charge of the company branding and marketing. For this, I created a complete branding booklet to deliver to external designers and animators to ensure that all projects for Social Studios had a cohesive design and look.


Social Studios Brand Guidelines Colour Palette

06Colour Palette

The Social Studios colour palette is freindly, strong, simple, trendy, rich, and vibrant – reflecting the core values of the Social Studios brand.The main colours are Social Studios Orange and Red, and this is the foundation colour of the entire brand, being suplimented by basic black and white.

In suplimentary material, a more colourful and vibrant scheme is to be used, black and white should be avoided.

“Variety is key”A rich use of complementing colours and textures should be used to avoid a ʻminimalistʼ look.

Main Brand Colours

#02668Dc92 m55 y27 k6r2 g102 b141

#F08833c2 m56 y92 k0r240 g136 b51

#F1AF33c4 m33 y92 k0r241 g75 b51

#6EB7DAc54 m12 y6 k0r110 g183 b218

#297138c84 m32 y100 k21r41 g113 b56

#60284Fc58 m91 y41 k33r96 g40 b79

#CB3634c14 m93 y88 k4r203 g54 b52

#8B2E1Cc28 m90 y100 k30r139 g46 b28

#FFF6E9c0 m3 y7 k0r255 g246 b233

Supporting Colours

#EF5323c1 m82 y99 k0r239 g83 b35

#EC2024c1 m98 y98 k0r236 g32 b26

#000000c75 m68 y67 k90r0 g0 b0

#FFFFFFc0 m0 y0 k0r255 g255 b255







One of my main responsibilities was writing all copy for the website, EDM marketing material and promotional flyers. I was also responsible for; website design (to be handed over and incorporated by the web master), logo & icon design, and asset creation.



In running a small business, it can be hard to make yourself stand apart from larger competitors. Video can help boost your profile and show off your business in an entertaining light. Small businesses use video to increase their brand awareness. The use of entertaining videos can show your business as a personable and friendly place. Recording news-style videos shows off your

employees expertise in your industry and can be the swaying factor for potential clients. It is very important to set yourself

apart from others in your industry. Look for what you already have that makes you different, better or more interesting and use video to sell it. You’d be surprised how many potential clients put more emphasis on what

grabs their attention when choosing what company they do business with.


How can we help you?

We offer

0401 510 496


Helping you to connect with potential clientsThe key to a successful marketing campaign starts with engaging your audience and telling your story.

People love to watch videos of those who are passionate in their fields of expertise.

People have disconnected from traditional ‘actor reading lines’ form of advertising and are relating to real-world and knowledgeable spokespeople.

According to a study in 2012, (by customer interaction specialists Retail Touchpoints.com), shoppers who viewed video were 174% more likely to purchase products over viewers who did not.

Websites containing video are 50x more likely to rank #1 on Google searches.

Stand out! Be the first (or best) in your industry to use video!

Business decision makers LOVE online video because

it gives them the most amount of information in the

shortest amount of time.

Robert Weiss President

MultiVision Digial Use YouTube Video Marketing to Generate Leads, Awareness

and Customers

Marketing Packages-Youtube Meta Tags-SEO -Hash Tag-Cross platform marketing

from $495

Video Packages

-Multi camera filming-Animated logos

-Dynamic graphics-Location or Studio


from $660 per video

Moderation Services

-Content creation-Campaign

management-EDM Campaigns

-Mailing Lists

from $110 per week

Social Studios can take your marketing strategies and videos and manage all moderated content on social media platforms, including cross platform sharing, meta tagging and hash tag optimisation.

Social Studios offers basic videography services through to complex advertorial videos. We can plan the production, shoot the video and edit/animate to create a dynamic video for your needs.

Social Studios can plan your entire video marketing strategy and optimise the process so that your final videos hit their mark through targeting content and feel.

Social Studios is an Online

Video Production company which

combines traditional videography

services with Social Media and

Digital marketing. We can help

you use video to promote your

business or products.

Mention this email to recieve free

Content ConsultationValue: $140

To find out how video can help grow your business.


Working for Daniel Sommer Photography has been a great experience. Initially hired as a branding consultant, it was my responsibility to take his initial design idea and create branding guidelines. I then took these guidelines and created an entire stationary set, including envelopes, client CD delivery cases & disc prints and manage his social media assets. After 2 months I was then hired as studio manager and have successfully managed a one week intensive photo shoot workshop.




Although the client had a rough design he had been using, he wanted to see different directions his branding design could go. The following page is examples of the top looks. Through this process we settled on a new logo, and although he ended up going with a polished version of his original design, it was a great experience for both parties.


Stephen Irving

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Client manager

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Unlike with Social Studios, Red Crow Digital did not rely upon a graphic designer to create our initial logo. I was responsible for all the initial set up branding and designs.




Stephen Irving

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Client manager

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Client manager

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The following is an example of my design process. Please note the way the colour palette remains the same, whereas the emotions evoked from the use of this palette vary depending on the dominant colour choice.


Poster.DesignI have designed posters for multiple outlets; Musicians & album launches, independent films, sporting events and props for films & music videos. The following is examples of my favourites.

Slick/CDI started my design career by designing posters and DVD slicks for independent films that I was involved in. This quickly escalated into Press kits (EPK), Album covers & disc prints and corporate branding. The following is examples of DVD slicks and CD covers.

Label.DesignAs a props master, it is my responsibility to ensure that all products on screen don’t infringe on copyright laws. Some years ago I designed multiple labels for a fictitious beer company to be used in a feature film.

Label.DesignThe labels I designed for prop drinks became a signature of mine in many films, as the original props kept getting used until years later in commercials, short films and music videos.