Kasparov in Lüneburg


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  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    Kasparov in Lneburg, Minister to promote chess in schools04.10.2012 Recently the northern German city of Lneburg saw a festive chess event.

    Guests of honour was Garry Kasparov and the Culture Minister of Lower a!ony "r.

    #ernd $lthusmann. Kasparov used the opportunity to pressure the minister into

    ma%ing chess part of the school curriculum. &f things go as planned a pilot pro'ect willsoon introduce chess as a regular sub'ect in ()) schools.


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    Kasparov in Lneburg

    /he Chess -vent in the 0orth 1/en against Lneburg1

    The big event with Garry Kasparov was staged in the North German city of Lneburg:

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    View Larger Map

    The center of the festivities was the Ten against Lneburg part: ten masters! "ed by the

    wor"d#c"ass GM A"e$ei %hirov! p"ayed &'#board simu"s against "oca" p"ayers and fans that had

    come from a"" over Germany for the event(

    The "ten" who played against Lneburg: Alexei Shirov, Jonny Hector, Jens!ve ries

    #ielsen, Al$oscha euerstac%,

    Judith uchs, &arta &ichna, Sarah Hoolt, &elanie !h'e, Alexander #au'ann and (avid


    The si'ul 'asters pose be+ore the start with the ulture &inister o+ Lower Saxony

    (r- )ernd Althus'ann .in the dar% suit/ and 0arry 1asparov .third +ro' right/

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    A little girl in the &elanie !h'e si'ul gets so'e help +ro' the &inister and 1asparov

    An 2nternet 'atch between a tea' +ro' Lneburg and opponents in South A+rica

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    The 'atch was conducted on 3laychess, with pupils o+ a school in Johannesburg

    4sing a parallel S%ype connection 0arry was able to tal% to the %ids---

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    --- who could chat with hi' and discuss the ga'es in real ti'e---

    --- over a distance o+ 5,666 %' .7,866 'iles/

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    1asparov used his ti'e in Lneburg to explain to the 'inister his views on chess in schools

    There was also a'ple opportunity to discuss the sub$ect with )$9rn Lengwenus

    Lengwenus is a schoo" headmaster in )amburg and has for many years now pioneered chess

    teaching in his c"asses *there+s areport on thatin the nationa" TV channe" ,TL-( )e initiated

    the officia" schoo" pro.ect /hess instead of Maths and in &001 was awarded the German

    /hess 2ri3eof the German /hess 4ederation( )e is a"so the author of 4rit3 und /hesster!

    the internationa""y acc"aimed and pri3e#winning chess "earning software for chi"dren! which

    has gone on to four vo"umes and has been trans"ated into 5' "anguages( This program series

    a""ows teachers in e"ementary schoo"s to conduct four years of chess c"asses without having

    to undergo specia" training in the game( 6ou can "earn more about 4rit3 7 /hesster hereor by

    searching for /hesster on our main news page(

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    Later in a public debate 1asparov see%s to convince the 'inister to ta%e action

    The Minister for /u"ture in Lower %a$ony! 8r( 9ernd A"thusmann! is a"so the 2resident of the

    Minister of /u"ture /onference for the who"e of Germany( nfortunate"y *in our opinion- he

    says he is not current"y considering running for /hance""or of Germany( )e is a ;een chess

    amateur and was very receptive to the idea of putting chess on the regu"ar curricu"um of

    schoo"s( The event in Lneburg has impressed me! said 8r( A"thusmann! and has shown

    me that chess can be a meaningfu" addition to regu"ar "essons( 2"aying chess enhances the

    abi"ity to concentrate and to thin; "ogica""y( < am de"ighted that so many schoo"s in Lower

    %a$ony are invo"ved in teaching chess in schoo"s( 9ut < can imagine that much more can be

    done in the future( =e wi"" "oo; into it( < wi"" put it on the agenda of the /onference of

    /u"tura" Ministers in Germany and wi"" advocate imp"ementing chess in schoo"s( A"" said in

    front of TV cameras(

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    An earlier 'eeting between )$9rn Lengwenus and 0er'anys

    Labour &inister 4rsula von der Leyenregarding chess in schools

    Minister A"thusmann suggested that >0! ?0 or even '0 schoo"s shou"d participate in a pi"ot

    pro.ect of teaching chess for one hour a wee; as a regu"ar sub.ect( 9.@rn Lengwenus! who has

    underta;en to write the necessary instructions for teachers and "ead the pro.ect! is more

    ambitious: =hy not go for 500! in )amburg and Lower %a$ony(

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    0& Hel'ut 3+leger explains to the public what was going on between the two, and

    also interviews Till, who gave his i'pressions on what it was li%e to wor% with 1asparov

    0arry and Till, who' we expect to reach 0& status in the next +ew years

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    An interview with the pri'e ti'e national channel ;( < you can watch the report

    .in 0er'an/ here- The video is available inhigh =uality, 'ediu'and low-

    Towards the end o+ the day a very long line has +or'ed, people waiting +or---

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    --- the boo% signing- This little boy even got an indelible +elt pen signature on his trophy-

    A +inal progra''e point: the signing o+ the 0olden )oo% in the Lneburg Town Hall,where 1asparov was very war'ly received by Lord &ayor >duard 1olle

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    Typically 1asparov gave the tas% a +air deal o+ thought and ca'e up with the above

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    &ayor 1olle showed 1asparov around one o+ the 'ost beauti+ul and historical town halls in


    0arry engaged in a vigorous debate with the &ayor and his aids over this double

    headed eagle, which they had erroneously clai'ed ca'e +ro' the House o+ Hannover

  • 7/23/2019 Kasparov in Lneburg


    !ne o+ the 'ost splendid stainedglass windows outside a church, in the Lneburg Town Hall

    Cfficia" web site of the event *in German-

