Karl Werner Lothar Koch



Karl Koch (Hacker)aka Hagbard Celine

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  • Karl Werner Lothar KochBorn July 22, 1965Died c. May 23, 1989 (aged 23)Nationality GermanOccupation hackerKnown for Cold war hacker

    Karl Koch (hacker)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaKarl Werner Lothar Koch (July 22, 1965 ca. May 23, 1989) was a German hackerin the 1980s, who called himself"hagbard", after Hagbard Celine. He wasinvolved in a Cold War computerespionage incident.

    Contents1 Biography2 Karl Koch in media

    2.1 Books2.2 Movies2.3 Music

    3 See also4 References5 External links

    BiographyKoch was born in Hanover. As his moniker would suggest, he was heavilyinuenced by The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.Besides adopting his pseudonym from a character in the book, he also named hiscomputer "FUCKUP" ("First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic Ultra-MicroProgrammer"), after a computer designed and built by that character.Koch was loosely aliated with the Chaos Computer Club. He worked with thehackers known as DOB (Dirk-Otto Brezinski), Pengo (Hans Heinrich Hbner), andUrmel (Markus Hess), and was involved in selling hacked information from UnitedStates military computers to the KGB. Cliord Stoll's book The Cuckoo's Egggives a rst-person account of the hunt and eventual identication of Hess. Pengoand Koch subsequently came forward and confessed to the authorities under theespionage amnesty, which protected them from being prosecuted.[1]Koch was found burned to death with gasoline in a forest near Celle, Germany.The death was ocially claimed to be a suicide.[2][3] However, some believe thereis little evidence supporting suicide and many believe that Koch was killed inorder to keep him from confessing more to the authorities. Why Koch would be

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  • targeted, and not Pengo and Urmel, is unknown.Koch left his workplace in his car to go for lunch; he had not returned by lateafternoon and so his employer reported him as a missing person. Meanwhile,German police were alerted of an abandoned car in a forest near Celle. When theywent to investigate, they found an abandoned car, that looked like it had beenthere for years, as it was covered in dust. Near to the car they found a burnedcorpse (Koch). His shoes were missing and have never been found. There was apatch of burned ground around him, which although it had not rained in sometime and the grass was perfectly dry, was controlled in a small circle around thecorpse. It is thought to be highly unlikely that this type of controlled burningcould have been achieved by Koch himself which leads many to believe that hisdeath was not suicide.[4]

    Karl Koch in mediaBooks

    Katie Hafner, John Marko. CYBERPUNK: Outlaws and Hackers on theComputer Frontier, Revised (November 1, 1995 ed.). Simon & Schuster.p. 400. ISBN 0-684-81862-0.

    MoviesA German movie about his life, entitled 23, was released in 1998. While the lmwas critically acclaimed, it has been harshly criticized as exploitative by real-lifewitnesses. A corrective to the lm's take is the documentation written by hisfriends.[5]In 1990 a documentary was released titled "The KGB, The Computer and Me".Music

    Koch was memorialized by Clock DVA at the opening of their music video for"The Hacker".

    See alsoBoris Floricic a.k.a. Tron, a computer hacker who allegedly suered a similarfate


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  • ^ Knight Lightning (March 29, 1989)."Phrack Inc. - Volume Three, Issue 25,File 10 of 11" (http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=25&id=10#article). Phrack. Retrieved2009-01-06.


    ^ Knight Lightning (June 20, 1989)."Phrack Inc. - Volume Three, Issue 27,File 12 of 12" (http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=27&id=12#article). Phrack. Retrieved2009-01-06.


    ^ Marko Rogge (July 2002). "DeadHackers do not talk anymore! All thatremains is the memory? (auto translatefrom German)"(http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.brain-pro.de%2FSeiten%2Fhacker%2Fhacker.htm&langpair=de). brain-pro.Retrieved 2009-01-06.


    ^ Approaching Zero: TheExtraordinary Underworld of Hackers,Phreakers, Virus Writers, andKeyboard Criminals by Paul Mungoand Bryan Clough(http://www.amazon.co.uk/Approaching-Zero-Extraordinary-Underworld-Phreakers/dp/0679409386)


    ^ Karl Koch aka. Hagbard Celine22.7.1965 - 23.5.1989(http://seti23.org/karlkoch/) - mostly inGerman


    External links23 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0126765/) at the Internet Movie Database23 facts, 23 images, links to other 23's (http://dauddegtre.co.uk)Story of a Grey Hacker (http://paolodelbene.pbworks.com/w/page/45345822/Karl_Werner_Lothar_Koch)WikiLeaks and Karl Werner Lothar Koch (http://paolodelbene.pbworks.com/w/page/45348035/WikiLeaks)

    Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Karl_Koch_(hacker)&oldid=601944744"Categories: 1965 births 1989 deaths People associated with computer securityGerman spies for the Soviet Union People from HanoverSuicides by self-immolation Suicides in Germany Spies who committed suicide

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