Kaplan 900 Words 3


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7/31/2019 Kaplan 900 Words 3

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Ablution - the act of washing one’s body 

Abnegate - to deny to oneself, renounce, surrender

Acidulous - sour, ill-tempered

Adventitious - accidental

Afflatus - a creative impulse, divine inspiration

Agathism - the belief that things ultimately lead to goodAgnate - from the father’s side of the family

Aleatory - based on chance

Ana - a collection of materials that reflect a person or place

Animus - hostile feeling

Antediluvian - extremely old, antiquated

Antinomy - a contradiction between two seemingly true statements

Aphasia - loss of speech

Aphorism - a wise saying

Arable - suitable for the growing of crops

Arrant - notoriously without moderation, downright

Arriviste - a social climber, an upstart

Aseptic - surgically clean, free of germs

Atrabilious - inclined to melancholy

Bailiwick - a particular area of expertise

Banausic - routine, mechanical, boring

Bellwether - a person who assumes a leadership role or takes initiative

Benison - blessing, benediction

Bibulous - highly absorbent, given to or fond of alcoholic beverages

Bifurcated - forked, divided into two branches

Boondoggle - a useless or valueless project or activity

Bosky - wooded, covered with trees and shrubs

Braggadocio - arrogant pretension, empty conceit

Brummagem - bogus, fraudulent, cheap, showy

Caducity - the frailty of old age, the quality of being perishable transitoriness

Canard - a fabricated story, or sensational report, a hoax

Celerity - haste, swiftness of movement

Centrifugal - proceeding in action away from the center or axle

Claque - an audience paid to clap, an obsequious audience

Clerisy - the intellectual elite

Compendium - a comprehensive summary

Culvert - a sewer or drain

Daedal - ingenious or complex in design

Deciduous - shedding or losing leaves on a particular season, not evergreen

Defalcate - to embezzle

Defenestration - the act of throwing someone or something out a window

Deism - the belief that god created the world and then left it to its own devices

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Demimonde - a class of kept women or women of lower social standing,

Denouement - the outcome

Denunciation - open condemnation

Diadem - a crown that indicates royalty

Dolorous - sorrowful

Éclat - a dazzling success, acclaimEdacious - having an instable appetite, great voracity

Ephemeral - short-lived, transitory

Epicene - having characteristics of both male and female neuter

Escarpment - cliff, a steep slope resulting from erosion

Esculent - edible, suitable for eating

Etiolate - pale and drawn, to make weak by stunting growth

Euthenics - the science of improving the condition of humans by improving their environment

Evanescent - fleeting, vanishing, transient

Evince - to show, reveal

Filial - relating to a son

Forward - contrary, consistently disobedient

Fustian - ridiculously pompous, bombastic, grandiose in delivery

Galoot - a loutish oaf, a clumsy but somewhat likable person

Gemeinschaft - a group with similar tastes, a group bound by similar interests and kinship

Grig - a lively person

Hegira - an escape to avoid danger or to get away from an unpleasant location

Homologate - to confirm officially

Hortative - giving advice or exhortation

Hugger-mugger - a confusion, jumble, muddle

Imago - an adult stage of an insect,

Indeterminate - vague, not known in advance

Indubitable - unquestionable

Ineffable - unutterable, unspeakable

Ineluctable - inescapable, not to be avoided

Inquietude - uneasiness, restlessness

Inured - to become accustomed to something undesirable

Jejune - dull, lacking interest, empty of food

Labile - unstable, adaptable, liable to change

Lachrymose - tearful, mournfulLambent - radiant, flickering, marked by lightness

Lissome - supple

Luminary - a person of great intellectual, creative or spiritual stature

Lupine - having the characteristics of a wolf 

Manqué - a failure to realize one’s aspirations

Manumit - to release from slavery

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Matrix - something from which something else originates or takes from

Mélange - a mixture of incongruous elements

Mien - demeanor, the air bearing of a person

Minion - a hanger-on, a follower, an underling

Moue - a pout, usually playful, a little grimace

Mugwump - a person or politician who can’t make up his mind, an independent  Nefandous - unspeakable, unutterable

Nimbus - an atmosphere that surrounds a person or thing, a rain cloud,

Obloquy - strong language of condemnation

Obstreperous - stubbornly defiant, angry and clamorous

offal - the waste parts of a product (often as in a butchered animal), refuse, rubbish

Opine - to express an opinion

Pace - with deference to

Pachyderm - a thick-skinned animal

Paralogism - illogical reasoning of which the reason is not aware

Paroxysm - a fit

Parvenu - an upstart who has acquired wealth and class but hasn’ 

Pastiche - a piece that imitates or is made up from pieces of other works,

Percipience - keen perception

Perdition - eternal damnation

Plenary - complete, fully attended, not deficient in any way

Pluvial - rainy

Poltroon - a coward

Proscenium - the part of the stage in front of the curtain, the wall frame for the stage

Proselytize - to seek to convert someone to a religion, cause or political position

Pulchritude - physical beauty

Qua - in the capacity of 

Quiddity - the real nature of a thing, the essence , a hairsplitting distinction

Quisling - a traitor who helps an enemy who occupies his country

Quotidian - occurring every day, commonplace

Retinue - a group of attendants to an elevated person

Roué - a lecherous man, a rake, a person devoted to sensual pleasures

Saporous - tasty, flavorsome

Satrap - a subordinate ruler

Sciolism - superficial knowledge

Senescence - beginning of old age

Sequacious - slavish, obsequious, following in logical sequence

Serried - crowded together

Serviette - a table napkin

Shantung - a heavy nubby fabric, made of wild silk

Supervene - to follow immediately after, to ensue

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Surcease - cessation

Tatterdemalion - a ragged person, always in tatters

Teleology - the study of design or purpose in natural phenomena

Temerarious - recklessly daring, rash

Tenebrous - dark and gloomy

Termagant - a quarrelsome woman, a shrewTor - a high rock, a high rocky hill, or pile of rocks

Trilemma - a problem for which there are three possible courses of action, and none perfect

Tumid - swollen, distended, a bulging shape, overblown, bombastic

Ukase - an authoritative decree, official edict

Usufruct - the right to use someone else’s property as long as its not damaged in the process 

Vernal - occurring in spring, springlike youthful

Vitiate - to impair the quality of, to corrupt morally

Vituperative - harshly scolding, acrimonious

Votary - a person bound by vows to live a life of religious service

Welter - to write, toss, wallow

Winnow - to blow of, or away, to separate the good from the bad

Wraith - a specter, ghost of a dead person

Ziggurat - a terrace
