Kameron Propheter - mmchs.org...Kameron works for Meadville Medical Center in the Environmental...


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F irst impressions can be fleeting. It’s easy to forget exactly what someone said or did at a first meeting,

but when a person evokes an emotional connection — that memory endures. Kameron works for Meadville Medical Center in the Environmental Services Department as an attendant. “It’s really very simple, I like to make people happy,” a grinning Kameron said recently. “If I can make their day by being my goofy self and get a laugh or a smile out of a patient then I feel like I have accomplished what I set out to do.” Life wasn’t always easy for this twenty-one year old. He didn’t have a father figure present while growing up and he was bullied in school. “During my freshman year, I dropped out of school and decided to try the homeschool route. That wasn’t the best plan. I later moved out on my own and started working. I held jobs at McDonald’s, Erie National Wildlife Refuge and did landscaping work,” Kameron recalled. “I have always enjoyed being outdoors and working with my hands. But deep down I realized the importance of getting my diploma, so I worked hard and earned my GED through the Crawford County READ Program. I am proud that I was able to meet that goal that I set for myself. I like to think that I have learned from my mistakes.” “My free time is spent doing things that make me happy,” Kameron said. “Fishing is relaxing for me; I love basketball and old cars, especially the ’69 Chevelle and GTO. More than anything, I enjoy spending time with my best friend, Satchi Miller, and volunteering for the Special Olympics. I met Satchi when I was in the first grade while we were both attending a summer program at Creating Landscapes; we formed a special bond and have been friends ever since. His parents, Amara Geffen and Jonathan Miller, have helped me through some tough situations over the years and I consider them to be my family as well.” “I realize that no one is perfect, but I try to do what is right. When I first started at Meadville Medical Center, I was amazed by the friendly staff. I finally felt like I belonged. When I am at the hospital, I don’t feel like I am being judged,” Kameron added. “If you work

hard and are friendly, you can have a happy life. I don’t know what I really want to do with my life yet, but I know that I can accomplish whatever I set out to do.” Kameron also supports the Children’s Health Network by contributing a portion of his pay each week. “I like to help people. I had people step up to the plate for me when I needed it most, so if I can reciprocate in a small way, that’s great,” he said. When asked what he wished he could change in Meadville, Kameron responded quickly – the drug problem. “I wish that kids could have fun like

We are proud to introduce our July Faces Behind Your MMC,

Kameron Propheter, Environmental Service Attendant.


I did growing up and not have to worry about their environment. I wish kids could just be kids again,” he said tearfully. “There are enough problems when you get older. I just wish for happiness for them.” If you come across Kameron at Meadville Medical Center, you will know right away who he is. He has an infectious smile that lights up a room. He is one of those people that you won’t soon forget.

Photo by Fallon’s Photography Studio
