Ka Elele AlohaJul 01, 2014  · Pohai Nani residents @ Pohai Nani - All welcome to attend 7/7 8am...


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July 2012 “The Messenger of Love” Vol. 16 Issue 6

Ka Elele Aloha Christ Church, Uniting Disciples and Presbyterians Worship—Sundays 10 am 300 Kailua Rd., Kailua, HI 96734 Phone: (808) 262-6911 Rev. Kerry Grogan Pastor Pastor’s Cell Ph: (808) 354-3427 Email—ccu@hawaii.rr.com Website—www.ccukailua.org


About Disciples 6 About Presbyterians 6 Birthdays/Anniver’s 7

Event Schedule 2 Flower Calendar 7

Memories 5 Memories 6

Worship Assignments 7

The July Newsletter

information deadline is June 25.

Please have information into the office by that date.

CCU Headliners. . . 5/27, Day of Pentecost celebrated as Global Mission Sunday . . . including blessing of completed little dresses for Africa,” bulletin board display of CCU mission projects & an international potluck

6/10, Music Ministry Appreciation Sunday . . . including “hymn talk” by Elden Buck & daughter Lisa Haley; in 1986 Elden’s “poet” father, Carlton, penned the words to “All Praise to God for Song God Gives,” which we sang . . . included also was a special unexpected guest —“little bird”

6/17, Kerry’s “The Great I Am” sermon punctuates Father’s Day & Baby Jennings & Mom & Dad are “new baby showered” 6/24-7/8, CCU hosts Family Promise guests . . . Marian Heidel, primary coordinator; Beth Davidann, co-coordinator; Pat Gilbert, food coordinator

This edition of Ka Elele Aloha is dedicated In Memoriam to long-time CCU members

E. K. Whiting, 9/8/38 - 5/6/12 & Joyce McGuire, 6/14/33 - 5/9/12

“Jennings” means 'God’s grace' in Hebrew and ‘little John’ in Flemish.

July 2012 CCU Event Schedule Key: K = Kitchen L = Lanai O=Ohana Rm PS = Pastor’s Study S = Sanctuary B3=upstairs classroom

6/24-7/8 CCU hosts Family Promise Guests 7/1, 9:30- HI-5 container pick-up 11:30am @ CCU parking lot 7/1, 10 am Guest Minister at Worship Service: Joshua Hayashi, Punahou chaplain 7/4 Holiday; office closed 7/6, 7 pm CCU Singers/Musicians perform for Pohai Nani residents @ Pohai Nani - All welcome to attend 7/7 8am Men’s Breakfast @ Honey’s @ Koolau G.C. 7/11, 6:30 pm Stated Meeting of Council 7/14, 10:30am Women’s Aloha Fellowship Brunch @ Pinky’s in Kailua 7/22 & 29 Guest Minister at Worship Service: Brian McCreanor 7/29, follow- CCU is invited to celebrate John & ing worship Marian Heidel’s 50th wedding anniversary

Please note: 7/20-28 Pastor Kerry in CA serving as PSWR Camp counselor 7/29-8/2 Pastor Kerry on vacation

Marian and John Heidel

invite you to celebrate with them


50th wedding anniversary

on July 29, 2012


Christ Church Uniting

following worship

(11:15 a.m.)

We'll cut the wedding cake

during Aloha time.

(Not to worry; it isn't the original!)

CCU worships & potlucks at

Kailua Beach Park on August 5, 2012 beginning at 10 am

Area of Beach Park: Across from Buzz’s

Bring: chair or mat

potluck dish to share eating utensils & drinks


AUGUST . . .

Mahalo to CCU’s summer guest preachers . . .

Lauren Buck Medeiros

June 24th

Joshua Hayashi

July 1st

Brian McCreanor

July 22 & 29 and August 19 & 26

Page 3

2012 Dirty Dozen

& Clean 15 Veggies

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has just released its latest list of the most pesticide-, fungicide-laden conven-tional produce, and the list of the least contaminated. The lists are based on U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration tests, which found detectible pesti-cide residues on 68% of food samples.

The EWG recommends eating your fruits and vegeta-bles, and buying organic when possible -- especially of the Dirty Dozen. According to the EWG, Eating 5 servings from the Clean 15 instead of from the Dirty Dozen can lower your pesticide intake by up to 92%!

Baby Food - For the first time since they started the

pesticide testing program in 1991, the USDA looked at pes-ticide residues on green beans, pears and sweet potatoes sold as baby food. Sweet potatoes sold as baby food were found to be clean. However baby food green beans tested positive for 5 pesticides (including organophosphates linked to neurodevelopmental problems). Baby food pears were also found to be contaminated, some with iprodione, a pesti-cide not registered for use on pears, and one which the EPA has categorized as a probable human carcinogen. Dirty Dozen Plus™ (Buy organic)

Apples Celery Sweet bell peppers Peaches

Strawberries Nectarines (imported) Grapes Spinach Lettuce Cucumbers Blueberries Potatoes Plus: + Green beans, kale & collard greens + may contain pesticide residues of special concern (i.e., organophosphates)

Clean 15™ (Lowest in pesticides) Onions Sweet corn Pineapples Avocado

Cabbage Sweet peas Asparagus Mangoes Eggplant Kiwi Cantaloupe Sweet potatoes Grapefruit Watermelon Mushrooms

So, buy organic when you can -- especially the Dirty Dozen. Organic - Good for you, good for baby, good for the farm worker, good for the water, the soil, and the planet. For a downloadable lists and for the complete list of 45 tested fruits and vegetables ranked from most to least pesti-cide residue, visit www.ewg.org/foodnews




Updating Church Directory Please inform the office administrator of recent changes/updates you would like included in a new Church Directory soon to be published. Mahalo, Jane Muench

Page 4 Memories by Rosemary Allen

An errand upstairs at CCU recently reminded me of how differently those second floor rooms were planned and then used in our church’s earlier years. The original plans (we built then Christ Presbyte-rian Church in 1966, after meeting at Kailua High School for two years) were for those rooms being used for our Christian Education purposes. At that time the Disciples Church was “down the road” near Windward Y; in 1974 the two church families united to become CCU and settled at 1300 Kailua Road.

In those years, our then-younger families had many children of many ages. School-age children on Sundays filled the upstairs class-rooms organized by familiar age-groupings—sometimes with as many as 4-6 teachers. I remember a large grouping of 4th to 6th grad-ers in the large middle room when Jim & Joyce Young were on the teaching team. One memorable project was re-enacting the Bible story of the “ascending to heaven” of prophet Elijah when the boys of the class under Jim’s direction cre-ated a *“cloud” (someone’s sheet) attached to B3’s rafters gradually “descending and ascending.” This

was only one of the many creative “projects” experienced by our chil-dren—of all ages!

Many of CCU’s former church

school teachers are among today’s active members—continuing as eld-ers, deacons, choir members, mission project managers, adult teachers, etc., etc. for CCU’s worship and out-reach in today’s world. Future hopes include more young families again.

As CCU’s “population” gradu-

ally changed, the upstairs spaces became available for some rental spaces. Seagull Schools moved into the large farther end space for its office operation and recently cele-brated 40 years with us, including downstairs spaces for its preschool programs. Our own nursery child care space moved to a smaller room next to the office.

The “front” upstairs large room

(highway side) was for many years the Hawaii Council of Churches of-fice. Now it is a yoga group stu-dio—where once CCU gave it many uses: extra class space, children’s “active” experiences, adult meetings & classes, council & committee meet-ings for instance. In recent years some of the upstairs rooms also have been used for Family Promise over-

nights every three months. During the 1990s there was

remodeling to change two small downstairs offices into one large church office room with space for the church secretary’s desk and also one for the choir director, plus nec-essary equipment, files, etc. and library shelf space. Also on the ground floor two small rooms (on the breezeway) were combined into the present large Ohana room which is multi-purpose and thus well used by both CCUers and some “outside” groups (for service meetings). (The original two small rooms were a nursery space and the original li-brary.)

The sanctuary’s only major

change was the installation of the large baptistery (below the cross) when Disciples & Presbyterians merged. But many readers may not know that our church’s original de-sign made the large double doors (now considered the back of the sanctuary) the front entry. The beautiful Maile Gilbert stained glass window above that door was installed in 1986.

Our parking lot has not

changed much—but the beautiful trees have grown!

About Presbyterians By Rosemary Allen

Something familiar about a picture in a recent Presbyterians Today magazine caught my eye. It depicted a circle of U.S. Marines in fatigues, arm in arm & with heads bowed—and closing the circle a woman’s face & uniform. She is Rear Admiral Margaret Green Kibben, who is a Presbyterian minister.

Kibben has been a military chaplain for 26 years and

the first woman to serve as chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps, also as Deputy Chief of Chaplains of the U.S. Navy. She thus oversees the 290 Navy chaplains assigned to the

Marine Corps (some of whom are on duty at our nearby KMCAS). Her duty tours have included Afghanistan & wide-ranging duties with ministry in combat and the lives of young & also experienced Marines.

Another interesting news piece covered several stories about Pittsburgh, PA churches where Presbyterian General Assembly will be meeting this summer. It was particularly fascinated by the names of some of the Pittsburgh Presbyte-rian churches. The area has in recent years experienced some very active Presbyterian church development. Among the new congregations in that area are House of Manna, Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, Mosaic Community Church, The Upper Room, & The Open Door—each of which seems to have a unique ministry. Also there are a Vietnam-ese Presbyterian Fellowship and an African Christian United Fellowship to “bring the good news” to immigrant & refugee populations.

Wonder if any of our Pacific Presbytery delegates will visit these church communities?

About Disciples, PSWR

“Miracle on 43rd Street” — Disciples PSWR newest Miracle project — is taking place now, June 27-July 1, in Los Ange-les. The CCU Witness Commission re-cently authorized a $500 donation to this project.

United Christian Church is located in one of the city’s most crowded communities, which is now mostly Spanish speaking. The church serves this every-changing community in many ways, including its hot lunch ministry.

Volunteers have come from the PSWR and youth from

various regions across North America and will provide man-power to upgrade the church facility to better serve the surrounding community.

from Jane Muench . . . Mahalo nui loa for the won-derful support extended me via your good wishes, cards & prayers during my recent hip replacement surgery & on-going recovery. They have meant the world to me! Aloha, Jane

5/13 flowers by Davidanns

Lay & Elder Worship Assignments

for July

If you are not able to fill your assignment, please try trading with someone and/or notify the church office. * T Prayer = Prayer of Thanksgiving Date Name Duty 7/1 Usher/Greeter Charlene Hosenfeld Rollo Scheurenbrand Morning Prayer Bob Grantham Scripture Reader Wendy Teixeira T Prayer/Serve Comm./Lock-up Melissa Belanger 7/8 Usher/Greeter Dianne Brookins Morning Prayer John Heidel Scripture Reader Jan Stiles T Prayer/Serve Comm./Lock-up John Stiles 7/15 Ushers/Greeters Lola Mae McAvoy, Mary Stone Morning Prayer Beth Davidann Scripture Reader Jon Davidann T Prayer/Serve Comm./Lock-up John Heidel 7/22 Usher/Greeter Bill & Jane Muench Morning Prayer Melissa Belanger Scripture Reader Bill Muench T Prayer/Serve Comm./Lock-up Jane Muench 7/29 Usher/Greeter Loren Wilson Morning Prayer Susan Wilson Scripture Reader Claire Schrader T Prayer/Serve Comm./Lock-up Jon Davidann

July Communion Preparation: Susan Wilson


July Jeff Lansdown ..................................... 2 Kristin Lee ............................................. 2 Cathy Lyman........................................ 6 John Stiles ............................................. 6 Deborah Tchou Tom ........................ 12 Hannah Barnhill ................................ 15 Ella Catherine Barnhill .................... 19 Jim Burgoyne .................................... 19 Claire Schrader ............................... 19 Marianne Whiting ........................... 26

Anniversaries July

Cathy & Clancy Lyman .................. 15 Peggy & Paul Haring ..................... 20 Marian & John Heidel .................... 29

Let us know is we have missed anyone.

We usually celebrate birthdays and/or anniversaries

the last Sunday of the month during the worship hour.

July Tellers: Rollo Scheurenbrand, Loren Wilson

July Flower Calendar

7/1 Heidel 7/8 Open 7/15 Lyman 7/22 Open 7/29 Open

5/6 Flowers by Mary Stone

CCU’s newest building on campus . . . built in 2008
