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 Proceeding the 6th Civil Engineering Conference in Asia Region: Embracing the Future through


 ISBN 978-602-8605-08-3


Gregory E. DiLoreto

President, American Society of Civil Engineers

1801 Alexander Bell Drive

Reston, VA 20190

United States



Sustainability is the key to responsible future growth and progress. By collaborating with countriesaround the globe to share best practices, we can all help create a more sustainable world. Members of the

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) are taking a leadership role in engineering a sustainable

future by creating innovative solutions to improve aging infrastructure and developing new tools to assessthe current and future sustainability of projects.

Keywords: Sustainability, Infrastructure, Civil Engineering, Envision, Institute for Sustainable


What are the challenges facing civil engineers in the globally interconnected world of today and what

challenges will we face tomorrow? How do the needs of our individual nations impact each other? What

role does the impact of climate change play? Can members of our profession become effective leaders in

our society and influence change?

As civil engineers attending CECAR6, we have gathered to discuss how our industry can impact the

future. Our goal is to draw upon the ear th’s resources in a consistently responsible and efficient way tocreate infrastructure that will be more efficient to maintain and more resilient to the forces of nature and

man and fit its intended purpose in a way that allows it to be repurposed or deconstructed for reconstruction somewhere else where it can continue to serve another intended purpose. With growing

economies and populations, we are the role models for smaller nations who expect us to find solutions

they can emulate. This is a challenge we must accept.

If we can identify the challenges that lie ahead and find ways to repair and build our infrastructure while balancing the economic, environmental and social needs of our communities, we will have made great

 progress. If we can share our best practices with each other, we will have succeeded in creating a

foundation that will carry all of us efficiently and effectively into the future


Shifting demographics and growing population continues to strain infrastructure and overburden

financing. In the developed world, infrastructure is aging and maintenance or replacement has not kept

 pace with its deterioration. In the developing world, the need for new infrastructure outstrips society’sability to put it into service.

Climate change has become a growing factor in managing our infrastructure. From melting glaciers to

warming trends around the globe, our environment is changing. Extreme events are the infrequent

conditions for which we need to design infrastructure: heavy precipitation, flooding, storm surge, heat

waves, high winds, droughts, wildfires, etc. Adaptation and mitigation are essential to maintaining

sustainable existing infrastructure and planning, siting, and designing sustainable future infrastructure.


The American Society of Civil Engineers leadership looked at the changes ahead and created a plan of 

action called the Vision for Civil Engineering 2025 which calls upon civil engineers to become leaders in

society. As leaders, we need to embrace our role as: master planners, designers and operators of the built

environment; stewards of the natural environment; innovators and integrators of ideas and technology;

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G. E. DiLoreto


managers of risk and uncertainty; and leaders in shaping public environmental and infrastructure policy.

To achieve that vision, sustainability must be a strategic priority for society.

ASCE believes that achieving leadership in sustainability requires a multi-level and multi-faceted

approach. A system of measurement to verify the sustainability of our infrastructure became available in

2010 with the development of Envision, a product of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and

Zofnass Program at Harvard Graduate School of Design. Defining and following guidelines for managingcritical infrastructure enables better protection of the health and safety of our citizens. Educational

courses and resources provide knowledge and training on new breakthroughs enabled by technologicaladvances. Encouraging infrastructure owners and engineers to showcase their sustainable projects through

awards and project profiles promotes the sharing of best practices. Inspiring future engineers through

competitions in sustainable design and incorporating principles of sustainability in engaging educational

games for younger audiences are essential for attracting and retaining talented engineers needed for the

future workforce of society.


In a global world, all of society is interdependent. Civil engineers working together to share strategies

and tactics can develop the solutions needed to ensure resilient infrastructure for a stronger, more

sustainable world. We civil engineers at the American Society of Civil Engineers invite each of youattending CECAR 6 to join us in forging a more sustainable future together.
