k 0801 April 2011


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7/28/2019 k 0801 April 2011

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IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April, 2011INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION CONTROL ENGINEERING

(Chemical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1. Explain in detail about the various emissions from the chemical industry and

what is their effect on environment [16]

2. a) What is BOD and what you understand about 5 day BOD as well as 21 day

BOD? [8]

b) Explain briefly about self running streams [8]

3. Mention and explain various removal techniques available for the removal of 

SO2 from gaseous effluents [16]

4. a) Explain in detail about the method of analysis of CO and hydrocarbons

present air. [10]

b) What is the permissible range of SPM and RSPM for ambient air [6]

5. a) List out the suitable solvents used in absorption for control of various gaseous

pollutants. [6]

b) Discuss the basic design concepts of adsorption process. [10]

6. a) Explain bacterial growth curve. [6]

b) Discuss the process control in sludge recycle system. [10]

7. What is Ozonation step in primary treatment? Explain the role of ozone in

disinfecting water. [16]

8. a) List the advantages and disadvantages of the Open dumping methods of solid

waste disposal [8]

b) Write about the disposal of biomedical wastes. [8]

Set No.1Code No. K0821 R07

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IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April, 2011


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1. a) What is meant by MINAS and explain in detail ? [6]

b) What are the limits of standards for presence of lead and calcium in air? [4]

c) Explain briefly air pollution act [6]

2. a) Explain briefly about the method for determination of COD [8]

b) What are permissible limits for BOD, COD and TOC in drinking water and

give reasons [8]

3. What is VOC and explain in detail about various methods available for the

separation of these components from the air [16]

4. a) What are the pollutants that will present in the air and explain methods of their

collection as well as their analysis [10]

b) Explain the word stack sampling [6]

5. a) List out the advantages and disadvantages of i) Electro Static Precipitators;

ii) Wet collectors. [6+6]

b) Draw a schematic diagram of a parallel plate precipitator. [4]

6. a) Draw a sketch showing the sequence of operations for sludge treatment. [8]

b) Compare and contrast Suspended and Attached growth processes. [8]

7. Explain Carbon adsorption process emphasizing its use in waste water

treatment. [16]

8. a) Write short notes on biomedical waste control. [8]

b) Write about the potential methods for solid waste disposal. [8]

Set No.2R07Code No. K0821

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IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April, 2011INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION CONTROL ENGINEERING

(Chemical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1. a) What are the factors that led to enactment of legislation on pollution?

Discuss. [8]

b) Elucidate the need for the ‘Environmental legislation’ [8]

2. a) Write the important characteristics of effluent water [8]

b) Explain in detail about the DO and BOD estimation in water [8]

3. Explain in detail about the treatment of liquid and gaseous effluents in fertilizerIndustry. [16]

4. a) Explain the method of analyzing the NOx present in the air [8]

b) What do understand about the words SPM and RPM present in air and explain

briefly how to measure them [8]

5. a) Describe the process of cleaning gaseous equipments particulate emission

control. [10]

b) Discuss the need to control air pollution. [6]

6. a) Explain the removal of suspended solids from waste water. [10]

b) Discuss briefly the Rotary Drum Filters. [6]

7. a) Explain briefly the recovery of materials from process effluents. [10]

b) Why is a pre-treatment step necessary in treating waste water? [6]

8. a) What are the latest techniques to treat the solid waste? Explain. [8]

b) Explain “Hazardous waste management.” [8]

Set No.3R07Code No. K0821

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IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April, 2011


Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks


1. Explain the approaches generally followed in environmental legislation and write

a brief note on water act of 1974. [16]

2. a) Explain in detail about the TOC estimation in water [8]

b) Write short notes on the waster effluent characteristics from petroleum industry [8]

3. Mention and explain various removal techniques available for the removal of NOx

from gaseous effluents [16]

4. a) What are the important meteorological parameters that influence the air pollutionand also brief about the methods of measuring them? [10]

b) Explain the method of analyzing the SO2 present in the air [6]

5. a) List and explain the chemical reactions which cause pollution in the atmosphere.[10]b) What is collection efficiency? Give the equations to determine it. [6]

6. a) Elucidate the need for waste water treatment. [6]

b) Justify the statement “Secondary treatment is also called as biological

treatment.” [10]

7. a) Discuss the zone settling in detail with relevant diagrams. [10]

b) Write a short note on: Flocculation and Coagulation. [6]

8. a) What are the precautions to be taken while transportation of solid wastes likenuclear, chemical, etc? [8]

b) Which are the places, where the solid waste can be disposed off? Explain the

disposal. [8]

Code No. K0821 R07 Set No.4

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