Just Like Josh Gibson Second Grade Reading Unit 6 – Story 1


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Just Like Josh Gibson

Second Grade Reading

Unit 6 – Story 1

Vocabulary Wordsfieldcheersthrewsailedplate

basessoarfortiesLouisville slugger

fieldA piece of land used for some special purpose.

cheersCalls out or yells loudly to show that you like something.

threwSent something through the air by force of your arm.

sailedMoved smoothly like a ship with sails.

plateA hard rubber slab that a baseball player stands beside to bat.

basesPlaces that are stations or goals in certain games, such a baseball.

soarTo fly upward

fortiesThe years between 1940-1949.

Louisville sluggerA popular kind of baseball bat.

Amazing Wordsathletechallengeeffortdainty


athleteSomeone who uses skills and abilities to compete in sports.

challengeA test of someone’s abilities; to dare to do something.

effortThe physical and mental energy you use to do something or to achieve a goal.

daintyDelicate and pretty.

disguiseClothes or make-up someone

wears to change the way he or she looks so he or she won’t be recognized.

championThe winner of a game or competition.

professionalDescribes a type of job in which people are paid for their skill and training.

shortstopThe infield position on a baseball team between second and third base.
