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June/July 2011 Newsletter

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West Bowdoin Baptist

Church Newsletter June/July 2011

Special points of


Sunday School each

Sunday, 9:15 AM,

through June 5.

Wednesday evening

Bible Study will

resume in the fall.

Visit our web site for

updates between



54 West Rd. PO Box 1 Bowdoin. Maine 04287

Parsonage: 207-353-6030 Church: 207-353-8520

June 27—July 1

8:45—11:30 AM

Theme Verse

John 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one

comes to the Father except through me.”


Festival Supper


June 25

4:30—6:00 PM

June/July 2011 Newsletter

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Graduates Honored

On Sunday, May 1, we honored four high school

graduates; Angela Dwyer, Chip Greene, Jake

LeTourneau, and David

Thomas. Their

achievements were

recognized and they were

encouraged to keep in

touch and to remember

that the church is there for them as they venture

off to new adventures and challengers in life.

Best wishes to all of them.

Sunday School Closing Program

Sunday, June 5

The closing program of the Sunday School will

be celebrated as part of the Sunday morning

service followed by an ALL CHURCH PICNIC


Be sure to join and celebrate with the kids but

also be ready to share in the time afterwards

when the

grills will be

going and a

time of

fellowship for

all ages will

be held.

Pastor’s Vacation

The pastor will be on vacation during the weeks

of June 20-26, July 31—August 13, and

September 6– 12. On the Sundays that he will

be absent we will have a guest speaker to lead

the worship. In the event of an emergency while

the pastor is away, please contact either Laurie

Fuller, Church Moderator, or Linda Gray, chair.

of the Board of Deacons. They will know how to

get a message to the pastor.

Summer Camp

It is still not too late to sign up for

summer camp at China Lake

Camp. China Lake Camp is one of

three American Baptist related

camps in Maine and is the camp that is nearest

to us.

Great changes have been taking place and a

great deal of work is being done to spruce up

the camp and repair some of the facilities.

The theme for 2011 cam season is ―God’s

Space—God’s Plan‖

June 26—July 1, Senior Camp for those who

have completed Grades 9-12

Jul 3—8, Middle High Camp for those who

have completed Grades 6-8.

July 10-15, Junior Camp for those who have

completed Grades 3-5

Music Camp

July 17-23 (Completed 6-12)

Wilderness Camp

August 7-12 (Completed 9-12)

Please speak to Pastor Jim if you have

questions about registration and scholarships.

Brochures available on chinalakecamp.org

along with health forms.

June/July 2011 Newsletter

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Summer Church Condensed from an article written by CATHERINE IDZERDA , Saturday, May 14, 2011, GazetteX-tra.com of Janesville, Wisconsin.

Jesus or the beach? Jesus or the garden? Jesus or boating on the river? In the summer, Jesus often is on the losing end of those equations. Church attendance drops precipitously between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Many

mainstream denominations reduce Sunday services from two to one, and classes go on hiatus. Sure, people go on vacations and might attend church elsewhere. But more often than not, it’s the promise of more engaging outdoor activities keeping them away.

Some local churches are making an effort to keep believers in the pews—or at least at services—during the summer months. Others continue to preach the message and hope and pray for the best.

The summer slump is more common in northern climates. This year, First Lutheran is starting a ―Family Express‖ worship service, the Rev. Naomi

Garber said. The service, which will be held on the lawn, is designed for families with children in fifth grade

and younger. It will be 35 minutes long and begin at 8:25 a.m. Families can go dressed for the beach or whatever activity they have planned next.

―We’re trying to make it convenient for people,‖ Garber said. During the school year, church activities center on the family unit. While parents are in the sanctuary, kids attend Sunday school for Bible lessons and games. Family Express brings the family unit back to church during the three-month Sunday school recess.

―We’re going to have some kid’s songs, and we’ll do an activity around a Bible story,‖ Garber said. ―It’s going to be very interactive.‖

The service will move to the church gym if it rains. All this raises the question: How easy does church have to be? All ministers would love to have full churches throughout the year, but that’s not the reality,

and churches can adapt. ―We’re trying to do things creatively so people do hear God’s word and do worship,‖ Garber said.

More importantly, it’s important to ―celebrate the people that do come,‖ rather than focusing on those who don’t, Garber said.

The Rev. Craig Zastrow, executive pastor at Central Christian Church, Beloit, WI, said attend-ance drops about 10 percent during the summer, but it’s less noticeable because about 2,000 peo-ple attended services there every weekend.

―We don’t stop holding any services,‖ Zastrow said. ―In fact, our traditional service goes up a little bit during the summer because we serve a lot of snow birds.‖

So what’s the big deal with church attendance? ―It’s a basic human need,‖ Speerbrecker of Janesville’s St. Mark The Evangelist Lutheran

Church, Missouri Synod said. ―People need to hear God speak to them; they need to hear God’s love for them. That usually takes place in a church setting.‖

Connection to a supportive community is important, too. Like many ministers, he’s challenged by changing ideas of what’s important. It seems that man cannot live on potato chips alone.

June/July 2011 Newsletter

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Happy Birthday

and God bless


Liana Jordan June 2

Linda Hunter June 5

Amanda Maloy June 5

Glen Stevens June 5

Shirley Card June 9

Glen Allen III June 10

Kathy Tucci June 16

Laurie Fuller June 17

Nichole Allen June 20

Norma Huston June 20

Henry Webber June 20

Patti Eger June 20

June Wheeler June 22

Charlie Anderson June 23

Glen Allen Sr. June 25

Rachel Girouard June 28

Kaitlyn Allen June 29

Louise Anderson July 3

Bob Beaumont July 3

Reuben Wheeler July 5

Kaitlyn Ring July 7

Rachel Ring July 9

Erica Duval July 10

Laura Mullen July 11

Jack Hunter July 20

Lyn Jordan July 20

Forrest Jordan July 27

Justina Joy July 30



Reuben & Angela Wheeler June 15

Dwane & Loretta Wight June 17

Stanley & Miriam Wheeler June 17

Barry & Laurie Fuller June 21

Lincoln & Stacey Wheeler June 24

Charlie & Louise Anderson July 22














June/July 2011 Newsletter

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Summer Needs: Financial needs are part of the concerns of the summer at West Bowdoin Baptist

Church. As we began this year, we realized that we adopted a deficit budget and would have to draw from

reserves to meet that budget. Hopefully that is a short term solution. The math tells us that we can do this for

only a short period of time. The solution would then become that we must cut the expenses or increase the


We live with the reality that the economy is still not good. There are many who are giving generously are

living on incomes that make it difficult to meet the needs of the home, medicine, food, and utilities. We give

thanks to those who have been so faithful over the years.

We are close to meeting the anticipated budget income, but the deficit budget remains and reserve funds will

need to be used. It is necessary that we reach at least the anticipated income.

There are some things that we all can do to help. During the summer many take vacations. If you are using

offering envelopes they will remind you to give even when you are not at the church. Drop the envelopes in

early or after you return. If you do not use envelopes, remember that the church is still in ministry during the


If your financial circumstances have changed, let the treasurer know so that the anticipated income can be

adjusted accordingly. This will be a help in planning the church’s ministries.

There is a faithfulness that is evident all around us. The building construction is doing well and we anticipate

additional opportunities for ministries in the fall. The Lord has been good and God will remain our strong


Missions: International Ministries missionary, Dr. Bill Clemmer, embarks on a new medical ministry in

the Sudan, Africa. Bill and Ann have served in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for fifteen years Bill

writes: International Ministries and their affiliate IMA World Health approached Ann and me a few weeks ago

and asked what we thought about Sudan. The southern part of the country (largely Christian) in a

referendum overseen by the UN, recently voted for secession and the process of independence has

started. Hundreds of thousands of refugees in camps such as Darfur and others are walking across scorched

land towards the South looking for a new home, a new start, a new way of life. Sudan is beyond doubt the

poorest nation in Africa and health statistics there are abysmal.

I have agreed (tentatively) to help take over an IMA -led initiative to create a health care system in the Sudan

which can deal with the influx of millions; of poor, malnourished, homeless, and sick.

Ann and Cassie will remain in Congo until June to finish the school year, and Ann will join me in Sudan this

summer as Cassie heads off to college.

Half of the health facilities are closed, there are few trained nurses and almost no doctors. Less than 15% of

children are vaccinated, less than 10% of women have help with deliveries; there is a paucity of water, food,

medicine and the like.

The important question however is not what we anticipated……but what God has planned. If this is where

the Lord wants us then the pieces will fall into place; our children will integrate without us back home, security

issues will be worked in the Sudan so Ann and I can be together, supplies will arrive so we can make a

difference, support from our churches and friends will continue so we can remain, even if it means skipping

an upcoming year of furlough to visit churches, families, and friends. God has provided for all such needs in

the past……and much more. What makes us think he won’t provide them now?

We covet your prayers as we contemplate such needs…..and seek most assuredly God’s calling and plan for

the future.

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West Bowdoin Baptist Church

P.O. Box 1

Bowdoin, ME 04287
