June 9, 2019—Pentecost Sunday The Epis le


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June 9, 2019—Pentecost Sunday

November 17, 2019

The Epis le

41300 Romeo Plank Road, Clinton Twp., MI 48038

Phone: 586-228-1210 Fax: 586-228-8935

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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Jerry’s Journal

Purgatory – it is, at least to some, a strange, mysterious, and misunderstood word. Some have thought that

after our physical death we “go” to Purgatory. It’s viewed by many to be like an airport where we must

deboard and catch a connecting flight in order to arrive at our ultimate destination. What exactly does the

Catholic Church teach regarding Purgatory?

To begin with, let’s look at the word Purgatory. The word is rooted in an ancient Latin term “purgate” which

means “to cleanse” or “to purge.” It would, therefore, be helpful to view Purgatory not as a place but as a

process whereby we are cleansed or purified in order to be prepared to spend eternity with God. The

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) explains that for the faithful, this process is reserved for those

destined for the Promised Land so that they might “achieve the holiness necessary to enter into the

kingdom of Heaven.” (CCC1030)

Purgatory has been referred to by some as the “boot camp of Heaven” – an analogy which personally

makes sense. No matter what your physical condition is prior to entering the military, boot camp is

intended to bring everyone to the same level of physical and mental fitness. In order to enter into the

beatific vision of God and be one with the angels and the saints, one must first be prepared.

One image of Purgatory, which is not applicable, is that it is the equivalent of “doing time” in a way similar

to what happens to a convicted criminal who “serves time” in prison for a crime which was committed.

What makes this a less than perfect analogy is that time is a construct which exists in this life and this

world but is totally irrelevant once our earthly bodies cease to have life within them. When we enter into

eternity, measurable time – as we know it – stops. There are no countdown clocks in Purgatory.

Certainly, there are accounts of saints who have had visions of eternity. (Google or read the passages on

Purgatory which were written by St. Faustina if you want more information.) Full disclosure: I confess to

having a dubium regarding this vision. It is not Church doctrine. Ultimately, we just do not know all there is

to know about Purgatory, nor should we; our essential goal is Heaven, not Purgatory.

Basically, Purgatory is a place of hope because all in Purgatory are assured of going to Heaven. The

Catholic Church teaches that those who died with unconfessed venial sins must go through some type of

purgation. Those who die with unconfessed mortal sins are in hell if they have not repented of such sins

and sought and received absolution through the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession. There is no

chance to change one’s destiny if you die in a state of mortal sin. Therefore, the Sacrament of

Reconciliation/Confession is of vital importance for each and every Catholic.

While on the topic of Purgatory and sin, people often want to wait in order to make a death-bed confession

to a priest, or a family waits until there is almost no breath left in the body of a person who is dying before

calling a priest for the Sacrament of the Sick. They do this because they don’t want to upset the person

who is dying by calling a priest too soon. I would liken this to playing Russian Roulette with our eternal and

immortal soul. Our ultimate goal is Heaven, and if it is not, then you probably should not even be reading

this. It is important to strive to live a moral life in our earthly time and to regularly receive the Sacrament of

Reconciliation and to call a priest when a person is seriously ill but still conscious to receive the Sacrament

of the Sick. A person who is terminally ill, or dying, is pretty much aware of what is happening to them if

they are not sedated. I also believe that, while not impossible, a person who is dying and has been anointed

is not likely to sin in a grave and serious manner. Oftentimes, a person who is ill or terminal can “let go” of

their suffering knowing that they are square and right with God.

Personally, I would be overjoyed, come the end of my earthly life, to opt for Purgatory. I am painfully aware

of my unworthiness. The worst suffering our souls could ever endure would be to be permanently

separated from God. To have to undergo some type of purgation, whatever form that might take, would

give me joy in that it would confirm that I had endured sufficiently enough to know that I would be with the

Lord for eternity.

Fr. Jerry Slowinski

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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10 am - 12 pm Pantry Open

6 pm Rel. Ed. at Miami

6:30 pm Men’s Group Meeting

7 pm RCIA


Nov. 19

8:30 am Mass

9:30 am Prayer Shawl Group

10 am - 1:45 pm Pantry Open

6 pm Reconciliation Candidate

Prep Session


Nov. 20

1 pm Ascension Health Diabetes


5:30 pm Confessions

6 pm Rel. Ed. at Miami

6:30 pm Rosary/Perpetual Help


7 pm Mass


Nov. 18


Nov. 21

Offices Closed

8 pm AA Meeting


7:45, 9:30, & 11:30 am

9:30 am Choir Sings at Mass

9:30 am RCIA Rite of Acceptance

11:30 am Liturgy of the Word

Youth Group Christmas Plant

Fundraiser (after Masses)

Catholic Book Store before/after


1 pm Baptisms

8:30 am Mass

9:30 am Library Committee

10 am - 12 pm Pantry Open

6 pm Wedding Rehearsal Bosma/


6:30 pm Finance Council Meeting

7 pm Choir Rehearsal


Nov. 22


Nov. 24


Nov. 23

1 pmWedding Bosma/Kolito

3:15 pm Rosary

4 pm Mass

Youth Group Christmas Plant

Fundraiser (after Mass)

Catholic Book Store before/after


Journey Men

(All sessions in S.P.O.T. Conference Room 1 unless noted.)

�� Saturday, Nov. 30 - 8:30 am - Serve breakfast at Capuchin Soup Kitchen (leave SPOT @ 7:30 am)

�� Saturday, Dec. 7 - 8:00 am - Rise Life + optional Eucharistic Adoration (7:15 am)�

�� Thursday Dec 12 - 6:30 pm - True Reformers Episode (Final episode)

�� Saturday Dec 21 - 8:00 am - Lectio: Eucharist Episode 9 + optional Chaplet of St. Michael (7:45 am)

Takeaway from recent session: Jesus respects our free will – if we want to leave Him, we can, but He won’t

water down the truth to keep us

Join the journey … get spiritually fit … all men are welcome. No experience required … no cost to attend.



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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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Remember Seniors, due to construction, the next senior meeting is on Monday, November

18 at the Clinton Twp. Library (in the auditorium) across the street from the church. The

time for this meeting is 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.

Donuts will be served but bring whatever beverage you would like. A brief meeting will

start at 12 pm and then we will play cards after the meeting. If schools are closed due to

inclement weather, the meeting will be cancelled.

Merry Christmas Seniors!

Please contact Claudette at (586) 247-0641 for Christmas Party ticket information.

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Stewardship Reflection on Lectionary Readings

November 17, 2019 — Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

MAL 3:19-20A; PS 98:5-9; 2 THES 3:7-12; LK 21:5-19

As we approach the end of the liturgical year, our readings offer a sobering reminder that this life is not

our ultimate aim, and that God’s justice will triumph in the end. Now is the time to get our priorities in

order, putting God first above all else as His faithful stewards.

This theme of right priorities is rolled out in no uncertain terms from the first verse of our first reading

from Malachi. “Lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven, when all the proud

and all evildoers will be stubble and the day that is coming will set them on


But, there is good news for those who are faithful. “For you who fear my name,

there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays.” All the trials, any

sufferings or injustices we endure for the sake of the Gospel, will be healed,

and we will be rewarded in the end by our loving God who cannot be outdone

in generosity.

Our second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians reinforces the

message that we must order our lives so that they are directed to the

attainment of holiness and nothing else. We see in this passage that

conducting ourselves as good stewards involves not only action in certain

areas (intentional prioritizing of our time, talents, and treasure); it also means

refraining from certain actions and areas that are really none of our concern.

St. Paul puts it this way: “

Some are conducting themselves among you in a disorderly way, by not

keeping busy but minding the business of others.” It can be tempting in family

life, work life and parish life, especially for those go-getters among us, to want

to insert ourselves into others’ way of doing things. But a good steward must

have the humility to recognize that God has given gifts to everyone, and the

way others use their gifts is between them and God. Besides, with a strong

stewardship plan of life, we should have plenty to focus on without worrying

about how those around us are operating.

Finally, our Lord brings home the urgency of right priorities in our Gospel passage from Luke, reminding

the people around Him who were looking at the temple nearby, “All that you see here — the days will come

when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” Everything in this

world is fleeting, our Lord reminds us. We must keep our focus on eternity.

Yet, before the eternal bliss of heaven, we should expect to be tried and tested. “Before all this happens,

however, they will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons and

they will have you led before kings and governors because of my name.” Sounds scary. But if you are

living a stewardship way of life, there is nothing to fear. You have a plan in place. All you need to do is

stick with it. Put our Lord first in your time, with your talents, and through your use of treasure. This way of

life is not meant to be easy. But Jesus promises it will lead to eternal salvation and the joy of union with

Him. “You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your

perseverance you will secure your lives.”

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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Mass Intentions

All Mass Intentions need to be submitted to the

Parish Office. Mass Intention envelopes are at the

front counter in the Parish Office suite. Mass

Intentions need to be submitted 2-3 weeks in

advance to appear in our bulletin. Sorry, we

cannot ask the lector to write any Intentions before

our weekend Masses.

Holy Communion to the Homebound

If you know of a parishioner who is homebound and

would like to receive Communion, please contact

Deacon Marc at 586-228-1210 ext. 113. For those

making home visits, we can loan you a Communion

pyx. Sign one out at the Parish Office and return

the pyx following your Communion visit to a loved


Thank you for your ministry!

Weekend of 11-10, 2019

St. Paul of Tarsus Knights of Columbus Council #11689

The Knight of the Month for October was John Minicucci.

The Family of the Month for October was Joe & Roselyn Kish.

Congratulations to all!!!

The Council made donations during the month of October to:

Gleaners, MCREST & St. Mary of the Angels Church, New Orleans.

Schedule of Events for November:

11-17 @ 11:30 am Corporate Communion Mass, St. Paul of Tarsus.

11-20 @ 7 pm Fourth Degree Meeting at St. Lawrence.

11-20 @ 7 pm Admission Degree at St. Peter Church.

11-24 - 12-1 MCREST at St. John The Apostle.

11-30 - 12-1 Christmas Ham and Kielbasa Sale before and after Masses.

We are a band of brothers, a network of men in communities around the world dedicated to doing good in the service

of God and our neighbor. For more information about the Knights, or upcoming events and activities, please visit our

website at spotknights.com and like us on Facebook at spotknights. If you wish to join the Knights of Columbus or

get more information about us, please contact our Membership Director, Phil Mularski at 586-876-9060.

Weekly Budget Goal: $ 20,000.00

Weekend Collection: $ 18,391.60

Non-Pledge Building Fund: 126.00

Electronic Giving: 3,193.00

Miscellaneous (all other): 1,788.00

Total: $ 23,498.60


$ 3,498.60

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pray for Our Military

Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, hold all these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort them

and their families. Send angels of protection, love, and comfort to all the service men and women still at war.

Bring them home safely and comfort their families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

We wish to acknowledge and pray for our military

personnel as well, because they defend our freedom

through selfless acts.

We are asking that those who wish to have their

family members on this list please complete the

information below and return it to the parish office

or place it in the collection basket at Mass. You can

also fill out the form on our website under the Our

Parish Tab and submit your request online!

Please supply the info below so that we can place

your loved one on the list.


Branch of Service:___________________________


Duty Station:______________________________

(Address if overseas)




Submitted by:


Daytime Phone Number:


YN2 Petty Officer Daniel Adamczyk - Navy

Petty Officer 1st Class Erick Arnsby - Navy

Pvt. Russell Beecherl - Marines

1st Lt. Douglas Bour - Marines

Spec. Christopher Cooper - Army Reserve

Spec. Matthew Cooper - Army

Spec. Nicholas Cooper - Army

Spec. Tabitha Czekiel - Army

Lt. Commander Jeffrey Deliz - Navy

Staff Sergeant Bryan Furman - Army

Petty Officer 2nd Tyler J. Godbey - Navy

Lt. Jessie Gorman - Navy

Lt. Col. Donna L. Hornberger - Air Force

1st Lt. Zach Hornberger - Air Force

Cpl. Logan S. Jabouri - Marines

Sgt. 1st. Class Patrick A. Johnson - Army

Staff Sergeant Ayana Jones - Air Force

Cpl. Conner H. Jones - Marines

Staff Sergeant Corey J. Jones - Air Force

Pvt. Shelbyann Jones - Army

A1C Eric Kelly - Air Force

PFC. Micah J. Knoche - Army

MSgt. James J. Kulpa - Air Force

LCpl. Trevor Lancaster - Marines

Airman Owen LaRoche - Air Force

Gunnery Sgt. Justin Lienemann - Marines

Chief Petty Officer Nigel Littleton - Navy

PO3 Cameron D. Malcolm - Navy

SFC. Martin D. Malcolm - Army

Staff Sgt. Scott Maynard - Marines

Pvt. Brennan McAlister - Army Reserve

Senior Airman Adam McLain - Air Force

Lt. Anthony M. Morgan - Navy

Senior Airman Robert Olivier - Air Force

Col. Robert R. Porchia M.D. - Air Force

Lt. Col. Stacy Porchia - Air Force

SSgt. Bryan Pyszk - Air Force

Staff Sgt. Steven J. Schnoblen - Air Force

Private Thomas VanBibber - Marines

Staff Sgt. Cassie Webster - Air Force

Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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November 24

Kim Amodeo, Rozanne Srock & John Anderson

December 1

Steve Hull, Marge Lanzi & Toni Brunkey

November 23 & 24

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe



Lectors Altar Servers Ministers of Hospitality

4:00 pm

Fr. Ron

Sue Young

Gwen Rashid

Jacob MacKinnon

Gabriella Foerstner

S. Lublaneski, G. Csernai, L. Gutkowski,

P. Bonnette, K. Sauner, L. Soderman

& L. Bukowski

7:45 am

Fr. Ron

Bob Anderson

Tressy Anderson

Gary Gozdzielski

Ken Gonko

T. Kulpa, B. Pastrick, K. Grobbel,

S. Szypa, D. Stickney, M. Stickney & T. Gray

9:30 am

Fr. Jerry

Barbara Werth

Sandy Keller

Sophia Vitale

Adyson Gifford

T. Pardo, G. Gattari, L. DiFalco,

J. Lambertus & J. Moceri

11:30 am

Fr. Jerry

Linda Dame

Mike Lauretti

Jordyn Brown

Emily Brown

R. Liddell, J. Petoskey, K. Heiss, M. Blaz,

A. Dekoski, M. Dekoski & D. Seidl

American House

Rosary Group Schedule

November 22

Carol Golec & Angie Rubino

November 29

Thanksgiving Weekend

Holy Dusters Schedule

November 26

Dorothy Radtke, Liesel Weeg & Carol Golec

December 3

Bea Galaska, Linda Biglane & Maria Fazzalari

Welcome Table Host Schedule

November 23 & 24

4:00 pm - Sue Rybinski

7:45 am - Mike Essad

9:30 am - Guy Infante

11:30 am - Esther Sikorski

Purificator Cleaning Schedule

December 1 & 8

Angie Rubino

December 15 & 22

Maria Fazzalari

Sacristan Schedule

November 23 & 24

4:00 pm - Phil Mularski

7:45 am - Joe Schulte

9:30 am - Chris Bonkowski

11:30 am - Linda Rogala

Saturday Mass Rosary Schedule (3:15 pm)

November 23 - Phil Mularski

November 30 - David Endres

December 7 - Art Krygowski

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tuesday, November 19

7:00 pm

Curt Levillier by Family

Lena Casinelli by Family

Wednesday, November 20

8:30 am

For the Parishioners of St. Paul of Tarsus

Thursday, November 21

8:30 am

Norma Young by Carol Hackstock

Jane Carter by Jennie Fett

Saturday, November 23

4:00 pm

Norm Yurkie by Wife & Family

Carol Arens by Craig & Carolyn Thomson

Don & Norma Young by Family

Richard Les Camela by Family

Sharon Passalacqua by Joseph Passalacqua

Stanley & Margaret Powers by Daughters Virginia & Nancy

Houbeck by Robert L. Houbeck Sr.

Sally Lublaneski by Richard Pichette

Sunday, November 24

7:45 am

Jane Carter by Judy Wiedbusch

9:30 am

Thomas Jeszke by Donna Jeszke & Family

Teens & Youth of the Parish

Pasquale Presti by Tom & Clara Loria

Mary Elizabeth Szymanski by St. John OB/Gyn Professionals/

Terri McCarthy

Alex Krempa by Dorothy Krempa

Mary Lynn Janicke by Paula Baumgart

John Kurtz by Paula Baumgart

Reginald Topolewski by Wife

11:30 am

Phil Bates by Hal & Shirley Smith

Gerald V. Petkash by Gerald Petkash

Joseph Arnone (5 Yr. Anniversary) by Cindy & Family

Stanley Jurczyk by Daughter

James R. Murray (2 Yr. Anniversary) by Janet Haskin

Individuals will remain in the

bulletin for a period of 30 days. If

the person is still in need of

prayers, you must fill out a new

form after the initial 30 days have

past. Thank you for your

understanding of this procedure.
























Gray Jr.























Evelyn Rose




Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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November 17, 2019 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church

41300 Romeo Plank Road, Clinton Township, MI 48038-2191

Parish Office Phone: 586-228-1210 - Religious Education Office Phone: 586-228-6651

Fax: 586-228-8935 - Email: aogara@stpauloftarsus.com - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

Parish Pastoral Staff

Fr. Jerry Slowinski - Pastor - 586-228-1210 ext. 111


Fr. Ron Essman - Weekend Assistant

Deacon Marc Rybinski - 586-228-1210 ext. 113


Christian Service Coordinator & Marriage Preparation

Business Manager

Monica Thimm 586-228-1210 ext. 116


Parish Secretary

Amy O’Gara 586-228-1210 ext. 101


Receptionists - Michael MacKinnon & Emily MacKinnon

Evangelization - Catechesis

Parish Catechetical Leader

Baptism Preparation & RCIA Coordinator

Peggy DeClercq - 586-228-6651 ext. 4


Youth Minister

Erika Domsic 586-228-1210 ext. 118


Religious Education Secretary

Carol Hackstock - 586-228-6651 ext. 5


Religious Education Secretary & Office Assistant

Kathy Andrzejewski - 586-228-6651 ext. 2


Food Pantry & Crisis Outreach

Darlene Seifert - 586-228-1094


Joyce Yaklin - Assistant


Parish Bookkeeper

586-228-1210 ext. 124

Music Minister & Worship Coordinator

Phyllis Bengry - 586-228-1210 ext. 122


Information Technology/Bulletin Editor

Mike Lauretti - 586-206-3592


Maintenance & Grounds

Jason Scanlin - Director - 586-228-1210 ext. 121

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 7:45 am - 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Tuesday: 7:00 pm

Wednesday and Thursday: 8:30 am

Reconciliation: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 pm and

by appointment

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

Friday - closed

Saturday 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Sunday 7:30 am - 1:00 pm

Parish Council Representatives

Mike Lauretti (Chair) - mlauretti60@gmail.com

Marty Winiarski (Vice-Chair) - franmartx2@gmail.com

Mary Ellen Lesperance - lesperan1@comcast.net

Jim Rohde - cpipia@att.net

Bea Ladochi - beazer15830@gmail.com

Ray Ignatowski - iggyhug@gmail.com

Charlotte Castle - charlottecastle7@gmail.com

Commission Representatives to Parish Council

Tom Loria (Finance) - thomasaloria@aol.com

Christine Bonkowski (Worship)


Adam Seifferlein (Youth) N/A

Any questions can be directed to:

Mike Lauretti at (586) 206-3592

The Parish Council meeting minutes for October

are now posted online. Visit the Parish Council

webpage at www.stpauloftarsus.com. Parish

Council is listed under the ministries tab. Click

the link on the right-hand side of our page to view

the minutes.

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Welcome to St. Paul of Tarsus Catholic Church - Website: www.stpauloftarsus.com

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