June 7, 2020 - The Most Holy Trinity · Councils of the early Church. Today, most, if not all...


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This Sunday we joyfully celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We are blessed to have God reveal Himself, who He is, to us. By doing so, God invites us to share intimately in the Divine Life of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Because the Church is guided by God, “who can neither deceive or be deceived,” we confidently affirm the central dogma of our Catholic Faith: God is ONE God in three Divine Persons. All three Persons are fully God, co-equal and co-eternal. This revelation is a sign of God’s love for us, His children, because the only way we could have ever known God is Trinity is if He revealed this to us. Our Lord Jesus, Himself, is the fullness of God’s revelation to the human race, and He spoke on the mystery of the nature of God as Trinity, three in one. In the early Church, there were Christians, including priests and bishops, who dissented from Christ’s teaching on the Trinity, a teaching that has always been part of the Sacred Tradition handed down from the Apostles. They practiced their mistaken belief and taught others to do the same. In response to the erroneous teachings on the Trinity, the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, clarified and explained the true teaching of Jesus in one of the earliest Creeds of the Church. Our Lord affirmed that the Holy Spirit would remain with the Church to guide Her to “all truth” and “remind them” of all that He revealed. The explanation of these Divinely revealed mysteries articulated in the Deposit of Faith (the Catechism of the Catholic Church) were the fruits of much prayer, discussion, and debate among the Popes and bishops during the Councils of the early Church. Today, most, if not all Catholics seem to accept the Church’s teaching on the Holy Trinity. There are many Catholics, however, who reject and scorn, even publicly, the moral teachings of the Church, including the teaching on the evils of abortion, contraception, and euthanasia (physician-assisted suicide.) There are Catholics who support and endorse same-sex marriage, in direct contradiction to Christ’s clear teaching on the gift of marriage being between one man and one woman. Similar to how some members of the early Church, who called themselves Christians, rejected the truth on the nature of the Trinity, there are Christians in

Holy Eucharist Livestreamed Sunday Masses on FB and YouTube 9:00AM (Latin) 10:30AM and 1:30PM (Spanish) Daily Mass: Daily Mass LiveStream at 12 Noon each week day for viewing on our STJ APP , Website and YouTube. Please sign up for the STJMOD App so you can be “notified” when they are up. Call our office for help with the App. Confession: Drive-Up/Get Out Confession on Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:30PM. Please wear mask if possible. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Church open for private prayer, 9am-1pm, Monday-Friday Clergy:

RCIA Inquiries: Noemi Ewalt 209-581-8477

June 7, 2020 - The Most Holy Trinity

June Second Offerings:

June 7: Facility Improvement Fund June 21: Father’s Day

Make Offerings online at www.stjmod.com

continued on next page……………………………………..

Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please stop in or call our parish office

at 551-4973.

Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm

except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm Weekend Maintenance

(209) 602-6062


Pastoral Council: Eddie Munoz Finance Council: Jim Gordin Building: Rick Dinubilo Development: Daniel Del Real Stewardship: Ranier Ramirez


Monday: MT 5:1-12

Tuesday: MT 5:13-16

Wednesday: MT 5:17-19

Thursday: MT 5:20-26

Friday: MT 5:27-32

Saturday: MT 5:33-37

Sunday: JN 6:51-58

our own day who reject the true teaching given by Christ to His Church on moral issues. In his encyclical, Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis reaffirms the Church’s long-standing teachings on these so-called “controversial” issues. Like the erroneous teaching in the first centuries of the Church that proposed Jesus was not divine, or that the three Persons of Trinity were not co-equally God. The erroneous and false teachings of today, particularly the rejection of the Church’s teaching on morality, will not last nor can they be sustained in the long run. We trust the splendor of the truth that Christ taught will always shine out from the Church to enlighten our desperately confused and chaotic world. Each of us, as members of the mystical Body of the Church, and in our particular vocation, are called to ensure the truth of our Catholic Faith is handed down in its entirety, without error. The truth can only be known and seen by the world if we ourselves remain faithful to our Lord Jesus, and we remain faithful to Him by remaining faithful to everything His Church teaches on matters of Faith and Morals. We ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and our Patron, St. Joseph, to help us more deeply appreciate the gift of our Faith. We ask the Holy Spirit for the grace to understand the mysteries of God; to better comprehend the revelation on the Trinity – one God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ______________________________________________________________

God bless our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Stewards!

If you have not provided your Second Vincent de Paul Ministry Second Offering donation yet, please visit www.stjmod.com or drop off at the parish office.


Pausing for a quick photo are above right, John Souza (Leader) and Al Lucchesi

Our Food Pantry Stewards, are at left

Please remember St. Joseph’s Church when planning your estate.

Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. Language to use: I give to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, a Corporation Sole, a California nonprofit Corporation, located in Modesto, CA _____ Dollars ($_______) This gift shall be used for the benefit of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for ministry and operational expenses

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Parish Events and Activities

ENCOURAGE—in English and Spanish “EnCourage” is a Catholic Support Community for parents, clergy, families and friends who desire

to reach out in Truth and Compassion to loved ones experiencing same-sex attractions. To inquire about local EnCourage meetings, call (209) 425-1679.

An update for On the Go Single Adults: All activities and events are suspended as per the Mandate from the National, State and Diocesan Level. When we resume our activities we will be ready to "shoot out of the gate"!

Lots of plans have been put on hold for our 55+ men and women who are single, widowed or divorced. We will be traveling to Carmel, Capitola and Seascape Resort. To be added to our Zoom Meetings during this temporary disruption of activities, please call the Center for Lay Apostolates at 209.551.4973, ext. 202.

Want to get married at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church?

Call our office at

(209) 551-4973 for information. Or visit us in person at

the parish office.

Page 3 – June 7, 2020

Mass Intentions


Take this time of temporary suspension of the Adoration Chapel to carefully

review your schedules and then call Monica to commit as an

Adorer or Substitute when we re-open. SUBSTITUTES ARE ALWAYS

WELCOME AND APPRECIATED. Please contact Monica:


Sunday, June 7 (The Most Holy Trinity)

7:30a Deceased Members of Dwyer Family / 9:00a Albert Mendonca / 10:30a All St. Joseph’s Parishioners/ 12:00p Carolyn Rea, Bernadette Silveria, Itelvina Fontes, Olinda Silva, and Joseph Soares / 1:30p All Souls in Purgatory / 5:30p Paulina Luiz/ 7:30p Tony Ca-mara

Monday, June 8

8:00a Hilda West, Bernardo Pag-ong, Lourdes Baraan Calaycay, and Sp. Int. James Mar-tin / 5:45p Hilda West

Tuesday, June 9 (St. Ephrem)

8:00a Sp. Int. Fr. Michael Brady / 5:45p Ernest & Mary Martin, Elias Padilla, and Sp. Int. Linda Martin, Sp. Int. Debbie Weymouth

Wednesday, June 10

8:00a Sp. Int. Linda Martin, Sp. Int. On the Go Group Members, and Sp. Int. Danielle Lichter / 5:45p Mary Martin

Thursday, June 11 (St. Barnabas, Apostle)

8:00a John LaFlamme / 5:45p Hilda West

Friday, June 12

8:00a Leon Powers / 12:00p Fr. Peter Carota / 5:45p Baby John Farinha

Saturday, June 13 (St. Anthony of Padua)

8:00a Anthony & Irene Cabral, and Lynn Ehret

Sunday, June 14 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)

7:30a Rick Banaban / 9:00a Sandra Nett / 10:30a Cluett Chamberlain / 12:00p All St. Joseph’s Parishioners / 1:30p Alan Ojeda, and Sp. Int. Sergio Villegas / 5:30p Sp. Int. Tomas Rizo/ 7:30p Hilda West

Page 5 – June 7, 2020


Planning on a church reopening for June 14!

Project Contractor: JHK Construction, Inc.

Thank you for recent donations!


Project Update


By Doug Beamont, DRE

We have seen that it is the pure in heart that will see God (Mt. 5:8) and that purity of heart is to ultimately to will one thing – to choose one thing as the highest good. We discussed how doing this simple thing is so is difficult in this complex world. One way to overcome this challenge is to simplify your life – intentionally reduce the number of things / activities in your life so that you have more energy, money, time, and space for that one thing. Properly choosing what to reduce and what to increase depends on purity of heart. In his writings on Ethics, St. Thomas Aquinas considered numerous things that get in the way of a pure heart. He discusses what human happiness is, and whether it can be obtained in this life. He considers typical things that people seek to attain happiness such as riches, power, fame, honor, health, etc. and finds them all wanting. Most of these things end up being merely means to attain something else (like riches or power) or they are things easily lost (like fame or health). None of these kinds of things can be our ultimate happiness. Rather, says St. Thomas, perfect happiness (“beatitude”) is not possible in this limited life. Only an unlimited good can ultimately make us happy. (Summa Theologiæ II Q.1. A.8) This brings us to God. Being infinite, God cannot be destroyed or lost and he is not simply a means to some higher good. Thus, knowing God - who is unlimited goodness - is the only thing that can truly satisfy our hearts (and, because he is also unlimited truth, our minds). Indeed, Jesus says eternal life itself is knowing (or seeing) God (John 17:3). The requirement for attaining eternal life (infinite happiness) is to make God the one thing we will above all others and ordering our lives accordingly. Those who do so are called the pure of heart – and they shall see God.

Parish School of Religion

Confirmation/Youth Ministry

St. Joseph’s Young Adult Ministry Young Adult Ministry A community of young adults (18-35ish) building fellowship, having fun, and living a Christ-centered life.

Next Gatherings...

More updates coming on future events! Please view FB and Social Media.

Hey Family-in-Christ! Do you have questions

or suggestions?

Text or Email us at YoungAdults@stjmod.com Follow us for event details @STJMODYA

Online faith formation! We are enrolling your child(ren) in an online version of our faith formation programs titled My Catholic Faith Delivered. This program features a streaming lesson with fun activities that will be tracked by the program directors and will be used to complete your child’s catechesis for the 2019-2020 year. We uploaded the names for this program on Friday, April 10th, 2020 – it may be completed by the end of May 2020 for credit. You will be notified of your child’s enrollment in My Catholic faith Delivered via the email you provided when you enrolled at the parish. If you cannot participate or do not receive the email by April 15th, please contact Isela at iwesley@stjmod.com.

Dear Parents and Students, During this time of isolation, we do not want our sacrament preparation to end! To help meet the needs of our 7th and 8th Confirmation students, we are enrolling students in an online version of the curriculum we use in our Youth Ministry faith formation programs. It is a self-guided presentation of the Faith and Life textbooks used by our catechists titled My Catholic Faith Delivered. This program features a streaming lesson with fun activities that will be tracked by the program directors and will be used to complete your child’s catechesis for the 2019-2020 year. We will begin this program on Friday, April 10th, 2020 and let you know what chapters and topics to cover– it may be completed by the end of May 2020 for credit. You will be notified of your child’s enrollment in My Catholic faith Delivered via the email you provided when you enrolled at the parish. If you cannot participate, please contact Gizelle at gworley@stjmod.com before April 10th to discuss alternate plans. More info on our High School Lifeteen and Confirmation program to come.

Prayer & Reflection

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for May:

For deacons Let us pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church.

– • – • – • –

Our Lady of Fatima,

Pray for Us Let us rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home during the month of May. At the end of each Rosary we can ask for our mother Mary’s intercession, that God, the source of all mercies, might free use from this pandemic and life might resume its normal course.

Center for Lay Apostolates

Parish Stewardship — a way of life

ALTAR GUILD MINISTRY As we prepare to return to Mass in-person, consider

becoming active in the Altar Guild Ministry. What: The Altar Guild provides the necessary attention to the details of daily Masses and to the cleanliness and beauty proper to the sanctuary. It provides a liturgical environment proper to Ordinary Time. How: Sets up for all daily Masses. This includes opening the church on weekdays, leading the Divine Office and Rosary. On Monday morning cleans the trash from weekend Masses that is left in the church. Keeps the candleholders clean and the candles trimmed. Cleans and polishes the baptismal font. Maintains church environment during Ordinary Time, sets up for funerals when called by the Parish Office, keeps the sacristy counter clean and obtains, washes, irons, and mends altar linens. Who: Must be a practicing Catholic, in full communion with the Church. Time commitment can be as much or as little as you wish to contribute. Our biggest need is for people to open the church and set up for Daily Mass, lectors for Daily Mass and individuals to lead the Divine Office. Training is done “on the job” and requires no outside time or commitment. Length of commitment is year to year. Must be 18 years or older.

For more information, call the Center for Lay Apostolates at

209.551.4973, ext. 202

¡Boletín Parroquial en Español! DE LA COMPUTADORA DEL PÁRROCO Padre Sam West,

Este domingo celebramos con alegría la solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad. Se nos ha dado la gran bendición de que Dios se revele a nosotros, de saber quién es Él. Al hacerlo, Dios nos invita a compartir íntimamente en la Vida Divina del Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Debido a que la Iglesia es guiada por Dios, "quien no puede engañar ni ser engañado", afirmamos con confianza el dogma central de la fe católica: Dios es UN Dios en tres personas divinas. Las tres personas son completamente Dios, co-iguales y co-eternas. Esta revelación es verdaderamente una señal del amor de Dios por nosotros, Sus hijos, porque la única forma en que podríamos haber conocido que Dios es Trino y Uno es si Él nos lo haya revelado. Jesús mismo es la plenitud de la revelación de Dios a la raza humana, y habló sobre el misterio de la naturaleza de Dios como Trinidad. En la Iglesia primitiva, había cristianos, incluidos sacerdotes y obispos, que no estaban de acuerdo con la enseñanza de Cristo sobre la Trinidad, una enseñanza que siempre ha sido parte de la Sagrada Tradición transmitida por los Apóstoles. Estos, practicaron su creencia errónea y enseñaron a otros a hacer lo mismo. En respuesta a las enseñanzas erróneas sobre la Trinidad, la Iglesia, bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo, aclaró y explicó la verdadera enseñanza de Jesús en los primeros credos de la Iglesia. Nuestro Señor afirmó que el Espíritu Santo permanecería con la Iglesia para guiarla siempre por "toda la verdad" y "recordarles" todo lo que Él reveló. La explicación de estos misterios Divinamente revelados articulados en el Depósito de la Fe (el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica), el cual es una bendición tener, fue el fruto de mucha oración, discusión y debate entre los Papas y los Obispos durante los Concilios de la Iglesia primitiva. Hoy, la mayoría, si no es que todos los católicos parecen aceptar las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la Santísima Trinidad. Sin embargo, hay muchos católicos que rechazan y menosprecian, incluso públicamente, las enseñanzas morales de la Iglesia, especialmente la enseñanza sobre la maldad del aborto, la anticoncepción y la eutanasia (suicidio asistido por un médico). También hay católicos que apoyan y respaldan el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en total contradicción con la clara enseñanza de Cristo sobre el don del matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer. Al igual que algunos miembros de la Iglesia primitiva, que se autodenominaban cristianos y rechazaron la verdad sobre la naturaleza de la Trinidad, hay cristianos en nuestros días que rechazan la verdadera enseñanza dada por Cristo a su Iglesia sobre cuestiones morales. En su encíclica Amoris Laetitia, el Papa Francisco reafirma las antiguas enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre estos llamados temas "controvertidos". Al igual que la enseñanza errónea en los primeros siglos de la Iglesia que propuso que Jesús no era divino o que las tres personas de la Trinidad no eran un solo Dios, las enseñanzas erróneas y falsas de hoy, particularmente el rechazo de la enseñanza de la Iglesia sobre la moralidad, no prevalecerán ni se mantendrán a largo plazo. Confiamos en que la luz de la verdad que Cristo enseñó siempre resplandecerá en la Iglesia para iluminar nuestro mundo que se encuentra desesperadamente confundido y caótico. Sin embargo, cada uno de nosotros, como miembros del Cuerpo místico de la Iglesia, somos responsables, en nuestra vocación particular, de garantizar que la verdad de nuestra fe católica se transmita en su totalidad y sin errores. La verdad solo puede ser conocida y vista por el mundo si nosotros permanecemos fieles a nuestro Señor Jesús, y solo permaneceremos fieles a Él si permanecemos fieles a todo lo que Su Iglesia enseña en materia de Fe y Moral. Pedimos la intercesión de la Santísima Virgen María, y de nuestro Santo Patrono, San José, para que nos enseñen a apreciar más profundamente el don de nuestra Fe. Le pedimos al Espíritu Santo la gracia de entender los misterios de Dios; para comprender mejor la revelación sobre la Trinidad: un Dios en tres Personas Divinas, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo.

ENCOURAGE (Alentar): Disponible en español "EnCourage" o alentar es una comunidad de apoyo católica para padres, clérigos, familias y amigos que desean comunicarse con la Verdad y Compasión con los seres queridos que experimentan atracciones del mismo sexo. Para información sobre las reuniones locales de EnCourage o alentar, llame a Leticia y Jose Padilla al (209) 425-1679.


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