June 2013 Newsletter




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PROBUS - Tomorrow's Vision for Active Retirees

Probus Newsletter June 2013

Editor: Jeff Cahn 84 Smeaton Close

LARA 3212 0419 822-110

smeaton5@netspace.net.au Club No: 57873

June Guest Speaker

ROSEMARY Hollis will be introducing Neil Thomas who will be speaking to us regarding the Cornish Association of Victoria.

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every second month, commencing in January, at the Uniting Church, Corner Boundary Road & Queenscliff Road, East Geelong at 19:30 to 21:30 and visitors are made welcome.

Activities: The Association is continually involved in family research, and includes traditional functions and customs in the annual agenda, as well

as reports from travellers and historians who have a Cornish tale to tell.

Objectives: • To promote and foster goodwill among Cornish people and people in

Victoria • To stimulate interest in the history, family history, antiquities, traditions

and social conditions of Cornwall. • To endeavour to arrange contact between relatives and friends of Cornish

people in both Victoria and Cornwall and other Cornish Associations. • To further awareness in the Victorian community of the importance of

the Cornish emigration in the development of Australia. • To assist and to encourage , in conjunction with State organisations,

Local Government and the National Trust , the restoration and maintenance of buildings and areas of importance to the Cornish heritage in Australia.

• To be a non-political, non-sectarian cultural organisation.

Combined Probus Club of Lara Inc. (A0041548N)

PO Box 301, LARA, Victoria 3212 Australia home.vicnet.net.au/~laraprobus/

Diary at a Glance Wed 12 June Committee Meeting 09:30

Wed 19 June General Meeting 10:00

Thu 27 June Abbotsford Convent Visit

Wed 10 July Committee Meeting 09:30

Thu 11 July Lunch at Ripples on the Bay

Wed 17 July General Meeting 10:00

Thu 18 July Lara Museum Tour

Wed 31 July Morning Melodies

Mon 2 Sep to Thu 5 Sep 4 Day Tour to Lakes Entrance & Gippsland

Fri 11 Oct Gippsland Snails, Jewellery, Wall Murals & Chocolate Tour

Fri 29 Nov The Big Bouquet

Welcome Carole Burgess

PRESIDENT Brian Harris conducted the induction of Carole Burgess in which both Carmel & Brian Harris are Carole’s sponsors.

May Guest Speaker

HELEN Glare introduced Lynn Waters who was ably assisted by Mike, gave us a glimpse of the many types chicken breeds that are available.

Neil Thomas

Almoner Notice!

MARGARET Allen can be contacted on 5275-2345, if you know of a member who requires a caring call.

Morning Tea Roster

MEMBERS with the surname commencing with K to Y, please bring a small plate.

ROSTER for June Meeting: Doreen Dunsmuir Brenda Hearn

Entertainment Books

IF anyone would like an Entertainment Book, could they please contact Val Tonkin.

June Birthdays

07 Joan Goudge 10 Marlene Grills 11 Jeff Cahn 15 Sid Ingwersen 16 Jon King 18 Marie Keown 18 Adrian Kol 18 Gaeten Limsowton 21 Alice Calvert 29 Doreen Dunsmuir

Combined Probus Club of Lara Page 2

From the President’s Desk!

Dear Probians

Wasn’t last meeting interesting? Lynn and Mike did an outstanding job explaining the intricacies of chicken raising. Thanks to those members who we appointed chicken catchers, thankfully your services were not needed. Thanks to Helen Glare for introducing Lynn and Mike and for standing in for Ralph as ‘Joke Teller’.

Our speaker next meeting will be Neil Thomas from the Cornish Association followed in July by Jack Ayerbe who is a local Vet. Both should be interesting speakers. Jillian told us that our August Speaker will either be Cameron Ling or a Harpist. I tried to think of a connection between the two, but I couldn’t.

Denise has put together a very interesting program of trips and tours. She has told me that bookings for the four day tour to Gippsland are filling up fast. We need 40 participants and we are well on the way to achieving that number. I’m sure that the trip to the Snail Farm in October will be interesting as well.

Our next dine-out at Ripples on the Bay in early July should be a gastronomical treat worth experiencing.

Congratulations to Lindsay Dunsmuir on reaching his 95th birthday. Lindsay, I hope you and Doreen had a lovely family get-together for the occasion.

I hoe that you all are considering (if you haven’t already done so) applying to register for a personally controlled Electronic Health Record. This is also called an eHealth record. People our age tend to travel around more and have more health problems so this scheme has potential benefit for us. A spokesperson from eHealth has been asked to address us at our next meeting or Jillian Arney can discuss this with you.

As you read this newsletter, Carmel and I will be cruising around Alaska and staying with my brother on Vancouver Island. Vice President Jeff Cahn will be chairman for the June meeting. He is a very experienced chairman as he has been President of our local Lions Club and I leave you in his capable hands.

June 13 Newsletter

Committee Contacts!

5282-2425 Brian Harris President 5282-2110 Jeff Cahn Vice President 5282-3936 Marilyn Joyce Secretary 5282-3574 Doug Arney Treasurer 5282-3278 Pam Christou Activities 5275-2345 Margaret Allen Almoner 5282-3680 Annette Wendleman Assistant Secretary 5282-8140 Theresia Klaassens Membership 5282-1245 Barbara Ingwersen Dine-Out 5282-2110 Jeff Cahn Communications 5282-3574 Jillian Arney Guest Speakers 5282-2465 Denise Sparks Trips & Tours 5282-1976 Dorothy McSorley Birthdays 5282-3663 Val Tonkin Immediate Past President


TWO items need to be raised for members to consider, one being the committee’s request for apologies to be given if you are unable to attend an activity to enable Tours and Out & About people to have accurate numbers and enable those on waiting lists to attend.

Secondly, can members please notify the relevant activity chairman of their requirements for transport prior to the event to enable transport to be arranged.

4 Day Tour: Wow, look at this!

4 Day Lakes Entrance & Gippsland Tour Mon 2 Sep to Thu 5 Sep, $420 per person (Twin share), Single supplement add $90 to fare.

Day 1: Depart 07:30 travel via Korumburra, Leongatha, Foster, Port Albert, visit the Port Albert Maritime Museum. Lunch at Yarram (at own cost). We then travel via Sale, Stratford on Avon, Bairnsdale, Kalimna, stopping to admire the spectacular vies of Lake Victoria and The Entrance. Next stop our home for the next 3 nights being The Esplanade Motel in Lakes Entrance.

Day 2: Travel to Orbost, passing the Railway Trestle Bridge Creek on the way to the Snowy Mountains Visitors Centre. Morning tea at one of the Bakeries or Cafés in Orbost, then continuing on to Conron Coastal Park, Cabbage Tree Creek, Nowa Nowa, then afternoon tea at Mingling Waters.

Day 3: After breakfast you have time to wander along the river front or enjoy shopping or just relax till midmorning when we depart Lakes Entrance on our Luncheon Cruise to the fishing resort of Metung.

Day 4: Farewell the Gippsland Lakes. An exciting day awaits us as we make our way to the historic mountain town of Walhalla. Hear of the Long Tunnel Extended Mine and the historic Walhalla Goldfields Railway. After our most enjoyable four days together we make our way homeward arriving late afternoon.


Ripples by the Bay, Thu 11 July Noon to 12:30, 42 Bell Parade, Ripple Side Park

"Our aim at Ripples is to provide you with the most pleasant relaxing atmosphere possible and to make your dining experience with us a memorable one." Contact Barbara.

Out & About

Morning Melodies: Christmas in July Sphinx Hotel, Wed 31 July 9:20am

Morning Tea Show 2 Course Lunch $18:00 all inclusive. Tribute to 20th Century Blonds!

With Thanks

THANK you to the Hon John Eren MLA and staff for permitting us to utilise his office for the printing of this newsletter on a monthly basis.

Trips & Tours

Abbotsford Convent: Thu 27 June, $49 pp Depart from Lara Pool at 09:00, return 15:30

COACH travel to Abbotsford, morning tea, self guided tour and lunch at the Convent.

The Abbotsford Convent is located in Abbotsford, Victoria, an inner city suburb

of Melbourne, Australia. The Convent is on a bend of the Yarra River west of Yarra Bend Park, with the Collingwood Children’s Farm to its north and east, the river and parklands to its south and housing to its west.

During the 19th and part of the 20th century the 6.8 hectare site was occupied by one of the largest convents in Victoria. Today the site and its buildings are used as an arts, educational and cultural hub, the grounds, historic buildings and gardens are occupied by and host artisans; community and cultural events and cultural institutions, a community classical music radio station (3MBS), a Steiner School (Sophia Mundi), live music performances, a gallery, theatre, markets, bakery, bar, cafe and an organic pay-as-you-feel restaurant.

There are 11 buildings on the site; the Convent, Convent Annexe, St Euphrasia, Providence, Rosina, St Mary's, Mercator, Magdalen Laundries, Sacred Heart, Industrial School and St Anne's.

Contact Denise now and advise her of your attendance and payment must be made at the June General Meeting.

Trips & Tours

Gippsland Snails, Jewellery, Wall Murals & Chocolate Tour: Fri 11 October, $66 per person

INCLUDES coach travel to Gippsland, two course roast lunch, local tour guide visiting Dalliance Chocolaterie & Provodore, Snail Farm and Magnetic Jewellery Workshop.

Trips & Tours

The Big Bouquet: Fri 29 November, $45 pp

INCLUDES coach travel to Healesville, morning tea, guided tour and light lunch at the Big Bouquest Gerbera Farm.

Theatre (Sold Out)

Princess Theatre, Wed 25 September, 13:00, $69:90pp, 10:42 VLine Train

WE shall have some fun by enjoying a ‘food court’ style lunch prior to the commencement of the show.

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Friendship - Fellowship - Fun