June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


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  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin




    VOL. 28 NO. 1 MARCH 2007



  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin



    Biouels rom Geothermal .................................. 1Te Editor

    Geothermal Energy Utilization

    in Ethanol Production ........................................ 2

    Andrew Chiasson

    Greenuels o Oregon:

    Geothermal Energy Utilization in

    Biodiesel Production .......................................... 6

    Andrew Chiasson

    Geothermal Power Generation and Biodiesel

    Production in Wabuska, Nevada ........................ 9

    Claude Sapp

    Design o a Geothermal Energy Dryer

    or Beans and Grains Drying in Kamojang

    Geothermal Field, Indonesia............................. 13

    Untung Sumotarto


    GEO-HEA CENEROregon Institute o echnology

    3201 Campus DriveKlamath Falls, OR 97601

    Phone: (541) 885-1750Email: geoheat@oit.edu

    All articles or the Bulletin are solicited. I youwish to contribute a paper, please contact the editorat the above address.


    John W. Lund

    Assistant Editor onya oni Boydypesetting/Layout Debi CarrCover Design SmithBates Printing & Design




    Te bulletin is provided compliments o the Geo-

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    Vol. 28 No. 1 March 2007


    A Quarterly Progress and Development Report on the Direct Utilization of Geothermal Resources

    Cover -Artwork showing a biorenery using geothermal.Used with permission rom the Idaho National Laboratory

    and modied by SmithBates Printing & Design

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    BIOFUELS FROM GEOTHERMALThe production o biouels is a popular issue as it is a do-

    mestic product that reduces our dependency on imported

    ossil uels or the transportation sector o our economy. Two

    types o biouels are produced: ethanol and biodiesel, both o

    which are used as a blend with conventional uels to power

    cars and trucks. The main controversy is the balance be-

    tween energy input and energy output, as some reports con-tend that more energy is needed to produce the uel as is

    produced rom the uel. The issue appears to be how you

    analyze the various energy inputs such as rom ertilizer,

    growing the product, transporting it to market and the ener-

    gy input in the rening process, as well as the benets o the

    byproducts. Many o the steps require the use o ossil uels,

    and thus, this is where geothermal energy can contribute, by

    replacing some o the energy input.

    ETHaNoL ProdUCTIoN

    The Model T in 1908 was designed to either run on gaso-

    line or ethanol; however, due to cheaper gasoline, it wasnt

    until the 1970s oil shock, that ethanol was o interest again.

    But, it wasnt until around 2000 that ethanol emerged as a

    substitute or methyl tertiary butyl either (MTBE), an oxy-

    genate that reduced air pollution, but caused problems when

    it leaked into aquiers.

    Today, corn is the major product used in ethanol produc-

    tion in the United States, with about 20% o the US produc-

    tion or 12 billion bushels o corn used annually. This in-

    creased demand is great or the armers, as it has doubled the

    price o corn in one year to about $4.00 a bushel. This price,

    o course, aects cattle eed and then the cost o meat to

    consumers. To counter the use o corn, cellulosic ethanol is being investigated that comes rom brous materials like

    corn husks and rice hulls, as well as ast-growing reedy crops

    that require little ertilizer or tending, such as switch grass

    and timber industry wastes.

    Ethanol can be blended with gasoline as high as 85% etha-

    nol to 15% gasoline, reerred to as E-85, which is presently

    oered at about 1,000 gas stations in the United States. Only

    about 2.5 percent o the nations cars are fexible uel vehi-

    cles that can handle this mixture. Also, the energy content o

    ethanol is lower than gasoline, thus, it takes about 1.5 gallons

    o ethanol to drive as ar as one gallon o gasoline. Despite

    all o these limitations, ethanol production is widely sup-ported by Congress with ew opponents.

    BIodIEsEL ProdUCTIoN

    The idea o using vegetable oil or uel has been around or

    a long time, as Rudolph Diesel, the inventor o the diesel

    engine, experimented with uels such as peanut oil around

    the 1890s. However, due to the cheap and plentiul availabil-

    ity o petroleum distillates, commercial production o biodie-

    sel in the United States did not being until the 1990s.

    In the United States, the majority o biodiesel is made

    rom soybean or canola oils, but is also made rom waste

    sources such as used cooking oils or animal ats. In Europe,

    biodiesel is mainly produced rom rape seed, which unortu-

    nately, due to the high price has cut demand across the EU.

    More recently, interest has been in producing biodiesel rom

    algae, some o which have over 50% oil content.Since biodiesel is more expensive and has engine compat-

    ibility issues, it is mixed at 2% (B2) to 20% (B20) with con-

    ventional diesel. The use o biodiesel reduces hydrocarbons

    (CO2) and particulate emissions; however increases nitrogen

    oxide emissions. At 100% biodiesel, CO2 emissions are re-

    duce by over 75%. Biodiesel is non-toxic and biodegrades

    our times aster than conventional diesel. Biodiesel does not

    fow as well as petroleum diesel in cold weather causing op-

    erating issues in colder climates. 100% biodiesel also tends

    to reduce uel economy by about 11 percent.

    ENErGy EffICIENCyUnortunately, there are not uniorm opinions on the e-

    ciency and economics o biouels production. A study by

    Cornell and the University o Caliornia Berkeley concluded

    that more energy was required to produce ethanol and biodie-

    sel than was produced in it use. On the other hand, a study by

    NREL in the use o biodiesel with an urban bus concluded

    that biodiesel yields 3.2 units o uel product energy or ev-

    ery unit o ossil energy consumed in its lie cycle. A study

    rom the University o Idaho which analyzed both o these

    reports, concluded that the answer was somewhere in be-

    tween and that the value o the byproducts, such as animal

    eed, needs to be considered. In any event, the use o geo-thermal energy certainly will contribute to the energy bal-

    ance and economics in the production o either uels as de-

    scribed in the accompanying articles.

    The Editor

    rEfErENCEs:Is Ethanol the Answer? by Marianne Lavelle and Bret

    Schulte, U.S. News & World Report, February 12, 2007, pp.


    Biodiesel Energy Balance, by Jon Van Gerpen and Dev

    Shresthat, University o Idaho,

    Lie Cycle Inventory o Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel orUse in an Urban Bus, by John Sheehan, Vince Camobreco,

    James Dueld, Michael, Graboski and Housein Shapouri,

    May 1998, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,


    Cornell Ecologists Study Finds that Producing Ethanol and

    Biodiesel rom Corn and other Crops is not Worth the Energy

    by Susan Lang, Cornell University News Service, http://www.

    news.cornell.edu/stories /July 05/ethanol.toocostly.ssl.html.

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    2 GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    The Geo-Heat Center conducted an evaluation o using

    geothermal energy in ethanol production, unded and com-

    pleted under a grant rom Midwest Research Institute, Na-

    tional Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Task Order

    No. KLDJ-5-55052-01. Presented here is a summary o theresults o that study.

    oVErVIEW of ETHaNoL UsEsaNd ProdUCTIoN

    Ethanol is also reerred to as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol.

    According to BBI International (2003), ethanols primary

    uses in the U.S. are: as an octane extender or gasoline; as a

    clean-air gasoline additive in the orm o an oxygenate; as a

    product to oster rural economic development; and as a do-

    mestic uel source to aid in the reduction o U.S. dependence

    on imported oil. Ethanol blended uels currently represent

    more than 12% o U.S. motor gasoline sales, and ethanolblends o up to 10% are approved under the warranties o all

    the major automobiles sold in the U.S.

    At the time o completion o this report, there are current-

    ly about 100 ethanol plants in the U.S., producing over 4.2

    billion gallons o ethanol annually (www.bbiethanol.com/).

    Over 20 new plants are planned or are under construction,

    with an estimated combined annual production o over 1.1

    billion gallons o ethanol. As o 2003, approximately 95% o

    the U.S. uel ethanol was manuactured rom corn (BBI In-

    ternational, 2003).


    Prior to examining the easibility o utilizing geothermal

    energy in ethanol production, it is necessary to detail the

    process, along with the associated energy and temperature

    requirements at each step. First o all, there are two types o

    processes used to produce ethanol: wet-mill process and

    dry-mill process. In the wet-mill process, corn is soaked or

    steeped and then separated into its component parts, which

    are recovered prior to ermentation, and only the starch rac-

    tion is processed. In the dry milling process, corn is ground

    into four (meal) and processed without separation o com-

    ponent parts. Wet-milling plants have much higher up-rontcosts and operating expenses than dry-milling plants, and

    thus are not as common. Consequently, this study only deals

    with dry-milling process plants.

    There are basically eight steps in the dry-milling ethanol

    production process as summarized below and shown sche-

    matically in Figure 1.

    1. Milling: The corn (or barley or wheat) is rst processed

    through hammer mills, which grind it into a ne powder

    the industry reers to as meal.


    2. Cooking and Liqueaction: The meal is then mixed with

    water and enzymes, which passes through cookers where

    the starch is liqueed. Cooking is generally accomplished

    at temperatures o 150-180F (65-80C). The meal is ex-

    posed to a high temperature stage o 250-300F (120-150C) or a short period o time to reduce bacterial

    growth in the mash.

    3. Saccharication : The process o saccharication in-

    volves transerring the mash rom the cookers where it is

    cooled, and a secondary enzyme (glucoamylase) is added

    to convert the liqueed starch to ermentable sugars


    4. Fermentation: Yeast is then added to the mash to erment

    the sugars to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Using a con-

    tinuous process, the ermenting mash will be allowed to

    fow, or cascade, through several ermenters until themash is ully ermented. In a batch ermentation process,

    the mash stays in one ermenter or about 48 hours beore

    the distillation process is started.

    5. Distillation: The ermented mash, now called beer, at

    this stage contains about 10% alcohol, as well as non-er-

    mentable solids rom the corn and the yeast cells. The

    mash is then pumped to the continuous fow, multi-col-

    umn distillation system where the alcohol is removed

    rom the solids and the water. Ethanol boils at a tempera-

    ture o 173F (78.3C) at sea level pressure, allowing the

    distillation separation o the ethanol rom water, which

    boils at 212F (100C) at sea level. The alcohol will leave

    Figure 1. Process schematic o ethanol production using

    the dry milling process.

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    the top o the nal column at about 95% purity (190

    proo), and the residual mash, called stillage, gets trans-

    erred rom the base o the column to the co-product pro-

    cessing area.

    6. Dehydration: The alcohol rom the top o the column is

    then passed through a dehydration system where the re-

    maining water is removed. At this point, distillation has

    diminishing eect, and the remaining water must be re-

    moved chemically. Most commercial ethanol plants use a

    molecular sieve to capture the remaining water in the

    ethanol. The alcohol product at this stage is called anhy-

    drous ethanol and is approximately 200 proo.

    7. Denaturing: Ethanol to be used or uel is then denatured

    with a small amount (2-5%) o a product (usually gaso-

    line) to make it unt or human consumption.

    8. Co-Products: There are two main co-products created in

    the production o ethanol: carbon dioxide and distillers

    grain. Carbon dioxide is given o in signicant quanti-

    ties during ermentation, and many ethanol plants collect

    this carbon dioxide, clean it o any residual alcohol, com-press it, and sell it or use in carbonated beverages or in

    the fash reezing o meat. Distillers grain is sold in two

    orms: distillers wet grain (DWG) and distillers dried

    grain (DDG). Both are high in protein and other nutri-

    ents, and are a highly valued livestock eed ingredient.

    DWG seems to be preerred by dairy and bee cattle (BBI

    International, 2003), but i a cattle eed lot is not within

    100 miles o the ethanol plant, storage and transportation

    can become problematic. DDG requires a high amount o

    input energy to dry the grain to 10-12% moisture. The

    main advantage o DDG over DWG is better fowabili-

    ty and longer storage lie. Some ethanol plants also cre-ate a syrup that contains some o the letover materials,

    and can be sold as a separate product in addition to the

    distillers grain, or combined with it to orm so-called

    distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS).

    According to BBI International (2003), about 85% o the etha-

    nol plants in the U.S. use natural gas as a source o thermal en-

    ergy. The remainder use propane, uel oil, or coal. In general,

    about 20,000 to 40,000 Btu o energy is required to produce a

    gallon o ethanol and associated co-products. The highest energy

    requirements are needed when dry distillers grain (DDG) is a

    co-product. For comparison, the energy content o ethanol is

    about 85,000 Btu/gal.

    Geothermal utilization opportunities exist in three

    stages o the production process: cooking, distillation,

    and dry ing o the distillers grain. In addition, geothermal

    energy could be used or space heating.

    ECoNoMIC aNaLysIs

    For the economic analysis, an ethanol plant producing 10

    million gallons o ethanol annually was considered. Ac-

    cording to BBI International (2003) a small plant would be

    one producing about ve million gallons per year. The rac-

    tion o the peak load met by geothermal energy was as-

    sumed at 75%, and the remaining 25% was assumed to be

    met by natural gas.

    The peak heating load o the ctitious plant is estimated

    at 26.8 million Btu/hr and the annual heating requirement is

    approximately 3.0x1011 Btu (operating 350 days per year).

    The annual energy cost o a conventional ethanol plant us-

    ing 100% natural gas is estimated at $3.22 million while theannual energy cost o the ctitious ethanol plant using 75%

    geothermal energy is estimated at $1.19 million.

    Capital costs o the ctitious plant using geothermal en-

    ergy included: design and engineering ees, land acquisition

    and construction o roads and services to a possibly remote

    location, exploratory drilling, and nal well construction.

    The capital cost o a comparable conventional ethanol plant

    is estimated at $21.15 million, while the cost o an ethanol

    plant using geothermal energy is estimated at $25.72 mil-

    lion. Thus, the incremental cost o the geothermal ethanol

    scenario above the conventional is approximately $4.57

    million or 21.6%

    Annual costs considered include all costs associated with

    ethanol production. For this easibility study, relative values

    were taken rom BBI International (2003). For both plants,

    the greatest annual cost item is that associated with acquir-

    ing the eedstock (typically corn) and related chemicals and

    enzymes. For the conventional natural gas ethanol plant,

    energy costs account or 22.3% o total annual costs, while

    only 9.6% o the total annual cost is attributed to energy use

    in the 75% geothermal, 25% natural gas ethanol plant sce-

    nario. For the geothermal case, an additional well mainte-

    nance cost was assumed at $15,000, or 0.1% o the annualcosts.

    Annual income was estimated rom relative values rom

    BBI International (2003). Income is generated through sale

    o ethanol, CO2, and some type o distillers grain. As de-

    scribed previously, the distillers grain is sold as animal

    eed and can be wet, dry, or mixed with solubles. For the

    ethanol plant scenario considered here, gross sales o $18.5

    million are realized.

    For the scenarios examined here, the conventional natu-

    ral gas ethanol plant yields an annual prot beore taxes o

    approximately $4.1 million, while the 75% geothermal,

    25% natural gas ethanol plant yields an annual prot beore

    taxes o approximately $6.1 million. This results in a pre-

    tax prot margin o $0.41/gal. or the conventional plant

    and $0.61/gal. or the geothermal scenario.

    Thirty-year lie-cycle economics were compared using

    present value comparison. Given the uncertainty o the cost

    o items, a sensitivity analysis was conducted in order to

    observe the eects o various cost items on the present

    value. The items varied in the sensitivity analysis were:

    natural gas costs, energy required per gallon o ethanol,

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    raction o energy provided by geothermal, geothermal ini-

    tial costs, ethanol market price, eedstock price, and elec-

    tricity costs. Results o the sensitivity analysis are shown

    in Figure 2. Present values are expressed as a ratio o the

    geothermal scenario to the conventional scenario. A dis-

    count rate o 8% was assumed.

    A review o the data presented in Figure 2 shows that, or

    the base case described above, the geothermal case has a

    54% greater present value than the conventional case. The

    most sensitive item to the present values is the ethanol sell-

    ing price. As ethanol selling price is decreased, the ratio o

    the present value o the geothermal case to the convention-

    al case rises dramatically as operating costs become very

    important. As the ethanol selling price is increased by up to

    25%, the present value o the geothermal case relative to

    the conventional case decreases to about 1.2.

    Following the market price or ethanol, the next most

    sensitive item on the project economics is the eedstock

    price. An increase in eedstock price o 10% increases the

    ratio o the present value o the geothermal case to the con-ventional case up to a value o 2.0. A ur ther increase in the

    eedstock price up to 25% results in operating costs ex-

    ceeding prots (and thus resulting in a negative present

    value) or the conventional case, while the geothermal case

    remains protable. Lowering the eedstock price has a sim-

    ilar eect to lowering the natural gas price and the energy

    required per gallon o ethanol, the next most sensitive


    The next most sensitive items to the present value ratio,

    each having a nearly identical impact, are the natural gas

    price and the energy required per gallon o ethanol. Increas-

    ing each by 25% increases the ratio o the present value o

    the geothermal case to the conventional case to about 2.2.

    Decreasing these items by 25% has less o an impact, lower-

    ing the ratio o the present value o the geothermal case to

    the conventional case increases to about 1.25.

    The next most sensitive item to the present value ratio is

    the initial geothermal cost, ollowed closely by the raction

    o energy provided by geothermal. As the initial geother-

    mal cost is decreased by 25% , the ratio o the present value

    o the geothermal case to the conventional case increases to

    about 1.8. Conversely, as the initial geothermal cost is in-

    creased by up to 25%, the ratio o the present value o thegeothermal case to the conventional case decreases to about

    1.25. When the raction o energy provided by geothermal

    is increased by 25% (i.e. up to 93.75%), the ratio o the

    present value o the geothermal case to the conventional

    case increases to about 1.76. When the raction o energy

    provided by geothermal is decreased by 25% (i.e. down to

    56.25%), the ratio o the present value o the geothermal

    case to the conventional case decreases to about 1.35. The

    project economics are relatively insensitive to the electric-

    ity cost.


    Although the economics o utilization o geothermal en-

    ergy can be quite attractive in ethanol production, some bar-

    riers to implementation have been identied. One o these is

    geothermal resource location. I the resource is ar rom

    ethanol markets and byproducts markets and/or remote rom

    transportation inrastructure, economics o an ethanol proj-ect could become prohibitive. Another challenge in the use

    o geothermal energy in ethanol production is in the neces-

    sary plant design modications. The majority o ethanol

    plants use low-temperature steam in their process, but geo-

    thermal fuids may be two-phase or single phase liquid, de-

    pending on the resource temperatures and pressures.

    This will require selection o dierent heat transer equip-

    ment and modications to the plant process design (relative

    to conventional), and will likely incur more design time and

    cost that may become prohibitive.

    Finally, there could be some opportunities in ethanolplants or waste heat recovery that can negatively impact the

    economics o geothermal energy utilization. This might be

    the case where thermal oxidation is the best means o de-

    struction o regulated volatile organic emissions and/or

    odors that could otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

    Thermal oxidation o air pollutants typically requires de-

    struction temperatures over 1,000F, resulting in a signi-

    cant amount o waste heat available or recovery and use in

    the ethanol production process.

    Although some barriers do exist in urther development o

    geothermal utilization in ethanol production, there are someadvancements being made as well, particularly with regard

    to the use o lower temperature resources. New technologies

    in ethanol production are evolving through research that has

    been aimed at low-temperature, low-energy chemical pro-

    cess o extracting ethanol rom many dierent types o or-

    ganic materials.

    CoNCLUdING sUMMary

    A hypothetical ethanol plant using a dry-milling process

    was considered or a easibility study, producing 10 million

    gallons o ethanol on an annual basis. The energy raction

    considered was 75% geothermal and 25% natural gas.

    Some specic results o this study are as ollows:

    According to BBI International (2003), about 85% o the

    ethanol plants in the U.S. use natural gas as a source o

    thermal energy. The remainder use propane, uel oil, or

    coal. In general, about 25,000 Btu o energy is required to

    produce a gallon o ethanol, and the associated dry distill-

    ers grain requires an additional 12,700 Btu.

    As o 2003, approximately 95% o U.S. uel ethanol was

    manuactured rom corn.

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    Geothermal utilization opportunities exist in three stages

    o the production process: cooking, distillation, and drying

    o the distillers grain. In addition, geothermal energy could

    be used or space heating.

    Cooking is generally accomplished at temperatures o 150-

    180F (65-80C). The meal is exposed to a high tempera-

    ture stage o 250-300F (120-150C) or a short period o

    time to reduce bacterial growth in the mash.

    Distillation occurs at temperatures between the boilingpoint o ethanol (173F (78.3C) at sea level pressure) and

    the boiling point o water (212F (100C) at sea level).

    Grain drying occurs at temperatures exceeding the boiling

    point o water

    For the base case examined here, the incremental cost o

    the 75% geothermal plant above the conventional is ap-

    proximately $4.57 million or 21.6%.

    The estimated annual energy savings with the 75% geo-

    thermal plant is $2.03 million or 63.2%. Energy costs ac-

    count or 22.3% o total annual costs or the conventional

    plant, while only 9.6% o the total annual cost is att ributed

    to energy use in the 75% geothermal plant.

    The conventional ethanol plant yields an annual prot be-

    ore taxes o approximately $4.1 million, while the 75%

    geothermal plant yields an annual prot beore taxes o ap-

    proximately $6.1 million. This results in a pre-tax prot

    margin o $0.41/gal. or the conventional plant and $0.61/

    gal. or the geothermal scenario.

    The present value o a 30-year lie-cycle o the 75% geo-

    thermal plant is 1.54 times greater than the conventional


    A sensitivity analysis o cost items on the present value,

    shows that project economics are most sensitive to: ethanol

    selling price, eedstock price, natural gas price, energy re-

    quired per gallon o ethanol, initial geothermal cost, and

    raction o energy provided by geothermal. Project eco-

    nomics are relatively insensitive to electricity cost.

    Some barriers to urther development o geothermal ener-

    gy utilization in ethanol production include: distance o the

    geothermal resource rom markets and/or inrastructure;

    plant design modications to account or two-phase or sin-

    gle-phase liquid geothermal fuids; and other waste heat

    recovery opportunities at an ethanol plant.

    New technologies in ethanol production are emerging that

    require lower temperature and lower energy per gallon, ex-

    panding possibilities or low-temperature geothermal en-

    ergy utilization.

    Figure 2. Sensitivity analysis o various cost items on the present value o a geothermal ethanol plant relative to a

    conventional natural gas ethanol plant.

    rEfErENCEsBBI International, 2003. Ethanol Plant Development Hand-

    book, 4th Ed. BBI International. Cotopaxi, CO.

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007


    Greenuels o Oregon is undertaking a new venture in the

    Klamath Basin to produce biodiesel using geothermal ener-

    gy. The acility is currently under construction, but the pro-

    duction process is set up to make use o geothermal energy

    in the biodiesel process.


    The Greenuels o Oregon biodiesel production acility is

    located on the Liskey Ranch (Figure 1), a Known Geother-

    mal Resource Area (KGRA) that has seen a long history ogeothermal energy usage since the 1970s. Current uses o

    geothermal energy on the Liskey Ranch include space heat-

    ing, greenhouse heating, aquaculture pond heating, and now

    biodiesel production.

    The geothermal resource has been described by Laskin

    (1978) and Lund (1994). The area is located near the north-

    west edge o the Basin and Range geological province, and

    thus the occurrence o geothermal water is controlled by

    geologic aults along the ront o the Klamath Hills. These

    aults allow groundwater which has circulated to great

    depths to rise upward into shallower aquiers where it can be

    tapped by water wells. Groundwater temperatures availableor utilization are on the order o 190 to 210F, and wells on

    the property can produce geothermal water at several hun-

    dreds o gallons per minute.


    Greenuels o Oregon makes extensive use o their geo-

    thermal resource or many heating purposes. Uses o geo-

    thermal energy include radiant foor space heating o the

    biodiesel production building, in addition to use in the pro-


    duction o biodiesel itsel. From the biodiesel acility, the

    geothermal water is cascaded to greenhouses when various

    organic vegetables are grown, and to an aquaculture opera-


    WHaT Is BIodIEsEL?

    The Alternative Fuels Data Center o the U.S. Department

    o Energy denes biodiesel as a domestically produced, re-

    newable uel that can be manuactured rom vegetable oils,

    animal ats, or recycled restaurant greases. Biodiesel is sae,

    biodegradable, and reduces air pollutants such as particu-

    lates, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and air toxins. Blendso 20% biodiesel with 80% petroleum diesel (B20) can gen-

    erally be used in unmodied diesel engines; however, users

    should consult their OEM (Original Equipment Manuac-

    turer) and engine warranty statement. Biodiesel can also be

    used in its pure orm (B100), but it may require certain en-

    gine modications to avoid maintenance and perormance

    problems and may not be suitable or wintertime use.

    THE BIodIEsEL ProdUCTIoN ProCEss

    The general ormula or making biodiesel is:

    alcohol + vegetable oil or at + heat + lye catalyst


    The production process to be used by Greenuels o Ore-

    gon is shown schematically in Figure 2. The process starts

    with some type o eedstock or the organic oil. Greenuels

    o Oregon is currently set up or processing canola or soy

    beans with equipment shown in Figure 3 and 4.

    The next stage o the process is to mix the organic vegeta-

    ble oil with methanol and a sodium monoxide catalyst in the

    reactor, which is a 600-gallon tank. Heat is also added to the

    reactor through geothermal water at approximately 180F

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    7GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    Figure 1. Location map o Liskey Ranch.

    Figure 2. Schematic drawing o the biodiesel production process at Greenuels o Oregon.

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    There is on-going controversy in scientic literature about

    the energy balance o biodiesel production. In other words,

    there is a recurring question o whether it takes more energy

    to produce biodiesel than the energy that the biodiesel uelproduces. The Greenuels o Oregon project in the Klamath

    Basin certainly requires a urther examination o this ques-

    tion, and this will be the subject o uture bulletin articles.


    The Geo-Heat Center wishes to thank Rick Walsh or pro-

    viding the inormation or this article, and Katja Winkler or

    providing the photographs o the equipment.

    This process is ormally called transesterication and oc-

    curs or approximately 30 minutes.

    The mixture is then pumped to the decanter where geo-

    thermal water is used to wash and separate the nished

    biodiesel product rom other materials. Distilled water and

    alcohol are recovered by vacuum pumping the decanter and

    then recondensing the vapors.

    Geothermal gray-water is routed to settling ponds andthen used in the greenhouses. Crude glycerol is a byproduct

    o the process. A photograph o the biodiesel production

    equipment is shown in Figure 5.

    The biodiesel production target or Greenuels o Oregon

    is about 1,500 gallons per day, but the actual production will

    depend upon eedstock availability. Most o the biodiesel is

    planned to be sold locally.

    CoNCLUdING sUMMary

    Greenuels o Oregon is undertaking a new use o geo-

    thermal energy in the Klamath Basin: production o biodie-

    sel. In addition, geothermal energy will also be used or

    space heating o the building, and the geothermal water will

    be cascaded or use in greenhouse and aquaculture pond


    Figure 3. Feedstock grain storage silos.

    Figure 4. Photograph o equipment or eedstock grinding.

    Figure 5. Photograph o the biodiesel production


    rEfErENCEsLaskin, S., 1978. Klamath Greenhouses. Geo-Heat UtilizationCenter Quarterly Bulletin, July 1978, Oregon Institute o

    Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

    Lund, J., 1994. Agriculture & Aquaculture Cascading the

    Geothermal Way. Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin, No-

    vember 1994, Oregon Institute o Technology, Klamath Falls,


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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007


    Wabuska (wuh-BUHS-kuh) is a very small unincorporat-

    ed village in Lyon County, Nevada. The population is 150. It

    is in the Walker River Basin, on the north end o the Mason

    Valley, 10 miles north o Yerington, the Lyon County seat.

    The elevation is 4300 eet. The town is on Highway 95A, and

    a Union Pacic rail line crosses the highway at Wabuska.

    The history o Wabuska (the Washoe Indian term or white

    grass) started in the 1870s when the settlement served as a

    coach and reight stop or travelers and shipments o sup-

    plies going to the booming mining towns o Nevada, includ-

    ing Aurora, Goldeld, and Bodie, Caliornia. By 1881 the

    town was a stop on the newly constructed Carson and Colo-

    rado railroad. Southern Pacic Rail purchased the rail line

    around 1900, and soon ater copper was discovered in theMason Valley, increasing reight and passenger trac

    through Wabuska until the decline o mining throughout Ne-

    vada in the 1920s.

    While Nevada mining operations drove the development

    o Wabuska in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Wa-

    buska today is in a predominantly agricultural area. Current

    local industry includes hay and alala, cattle and sheep, and

    dairy. The only notable current non-agricultural business

    and industry in Wabuska includes a plastics abricator (AES


    Industries), Lindas Old Wabuska Bar, Homestretch Geo-

    thermal and Inniuel Biodiesel.

    There are hot springs in and near Wabuska, and the 20thcentury saw a ew businesses that sought to utilize the hot

    water. Probably in response to the oil shock o the 70s, in

    1981 TADs Enterprises built a 400,000 gallons per year

    ethanol plant in Wabuska, hoping to rail in corn as the eed-

    stock. The plant was operational or a ew years, and had an

    old geothermal well that supplied heat or the ethanol pro-

    cess. The owners commissioned a easibility study per-

    ormed by the Geo-Heat Center (GHC), to assess the nan-

    cial impact o expanded use o the geothermal resource,

    looking or improvements that would lead to cost savings,

    including electrical power generation.

    Subsequent to the GHC study, Wabuska became home to

    the rst geothermal power production unit in Nevada. In

    1984, Wabuska I went online, an Ormat binary power pro-

    duction unit. This was ollowed by Wabuska II in 1987, an-

    other Ormat unit. While the ethanol plant was decommis-

    sioned by the mid 1980s and then mothballed or decades,

    geothermal power production continues today, and has been

    operational in Wabuska almost continuously since going on-

    line. Homestretch Geothermal currently operates the geo-

    thermal acility.

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    0 GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    GEoLoGy aNd HydroLoGy

    The Wabuska geothermal area is located at the margin o Ma-

    son Valley, where both the valley margin and the thermal springs

    coincide with a northeast-striking zone o aults reerred to asthe Wabuska lineament (Stewart, 1988). Some aults are associ-

    ated with the lineament cut Pleistocene units (Sawyer and Saw-

    yer, 1999). Production is apparently rom Quaternary gravels

    and sands; geothermal fuid may circulate along aults related to

    the Wabuska lineament as well as an unconormity above Meso-

    zoic metasedimentary rocks possibly present at depth (Nevada

    Bureau o Mines and Geology, 2006).

    Table 1. Water Chemistry

    mg/L mg/L

    Al 0.08 K 19.83

    As 0.05 Na 300.67

    B 0.02 Cl 63.40

    Ba 1.09 F 9.47

    Ca 42.17 SO4 447.00

    Cu 0.02 pH 7.39

    Fe 0.02 TDS 1107.67

    Mg 0.28 Hardness 106.33

    Constituents with concentrations in excess o water quality

    criteria are arsenic (As), boron (B), copper (Cu), fuoride

    (F), sulate (SO4) and TDS (Nevada Division o Environ-

    mental Protection Fact Sheet 2003 2005).LoCaTIoN aNd dEsCrIPTIoN

    Homestretch Geothermal operates the acility at 15 Julian

    Lane in Wabuska, NV (39 09' 40" N, 119 11' 00" W, T15N

    R25E S15SW and S16SE).

    Homestretch Geothermal owns 500 acres ee simple along

    with the geothermal rights and 8500 acre eet o water rights.

    The majority o the land is undeveloped, but expansion plans

    include the development and sale o an industrial park served

    by geothermal utilities on the property.


    The resource consists o two wells reerred to as Produc-

    tion Well #1 (PW#1) and Production Well #2 (PW#2), each

    less than 500 eet deep. PW#1 was dr illed in 1959 and was

    rst used as the water and heat supply or a large hydro-

    ponic vegetable business. In 1984, Tads Enterprises who

    then owned the property and resource built the rst geo-

    thermal power plant to ever sell power in Nevada. Theyutilized the fow rom PW#1 or the brine to power the bi-

    nary Rankine cycle generator and then used the discharge

    brine to provide the cooling water.

    The original temperature o the resource was 220F. The

    fow rate o the well was 750 gpm. The original well is still

    producing 750 gpm at 218F 48 years later, and the well has

    produced water continuously at least 97% o the entire past

    20 years. Flow has not diminished at all. The water level in

    the well while pumping is regularly monitored and only

    fuctuates minimally rom season to season but remains

    constant year to year. In May 2003, Homestretch Geother-

    mal had the well televised while it was down or a pump

    change-out. The televising revealed that the original casing

    is still in excellent condition even though it is 48 years


    Production Well #2 was drilled in 1986 by TADs Enter-

    prises and a second power generation unit was built and put

    on line that year. PW#2 also started with a temperature o

    220F. It also, 20 years later, continues to produce water at

    218F. It originally was set up to pump 800 gpm. In May o

    2003 Homestretch Geothermal also had PW#2 televised

    and the casing was in perect condition. Every aspect o the

    well design showed to be excellent. Another fow test wasconducted by Homestretch Geothermal and the well pro-

    duced 2,200 gpm or 48 hours with very little draw down

    on the well and no apparent aect on PW#1. The well cur-

    rently produces 2,800 gpm with virtually no change in

    temperature, fow or draw down.

    Currently, PW#1 is o-line, and has not been pumped or

    two years. PW#2 is fowing 2,800gpm at 218F, and is run-

    ning the two original power production units, and a third

    unit that was added by Homestretch Geothermal. Plans or

    expanded production include drilling a third well in 2007

    and putting our more power production units online.

    One unique act about Wabuska is that geothermal water

    is not reinjected ater passing through power generation. It

    is the only geothermal site in Nevada that is not required by

    the State to reinject, so the water simply passes through

    ponds to cool o. Water exits the geothermal units at 180F,

    and is pumped to two 400 x 125 cooling ponds. Each pond

    has 110 spray nozzles three eet above the pond surace that

    the hot water sprays through to air cool and settle in the

    pond. Water exits the ponds, and then drains onto property

    to leech back into the soil.

    Figure 1. 2MW geothermal power plant that provides

    electricity or the biodiesel plant.

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    Figure 2. Spray pond.

    PoWEr ProdUCTIoN & oPEraTIoNs

    Homestretch Geothermal purchased the two power pro-

    duction units TADs installed in the 1980s, and in 2002

    added a third power production unit that is producing powertoday. There are our more power production units staged on

    property that are ofine. Once drilling o the third well on

    property is complete, these last our units will be brought

    online. Each o the seven units is rated at 800kW.

    Current total power production rom the three units aver-

    ages 1.2MW, throughout the year. Peak production in the

    winter is about 1.4MW, and in the warmer summer months

    electrical generation dips to about 1.1MW. The plant service

    requirement is 290kW, so a net o approximately 910kW is

    sold back to Sierra Pacic Power Company and put back on

    the grid, connected via a 24.9kV line. The current electricity

    is purchased under the terms o a 30 year power purchase

    agreement (PPA) that was entered into with Sierra Pacic in

    1985, with purchase rates in the range o $0.06/kWh. An-

    other PPA is being negotiated or the planned capacity in-

    crease and additional electrical generation expected to come

    online this year.

    Operation and maintenance is perormed by a sta o two

    persons. The units operate mostly unattended and automati-

    cally, with an estimated 98% runtime. Should the units ail

    or shutdown, the service panel identies the problem to be

    xed, and an emergency diesel generator provides startup

    power or the acility ater problems have been xed. Rou-tine maintenance costs average approximately $60,000 per

    year excluding salary. In 2006, routine and emergency main-

    tenance included replacing a well pump, cleaning condens-

    ers, cleaning out heat exchanger tubing, rebuilding the tur-

    bine in unit #1, and replacing two iso-pentane pumps. The

    only extended downtime the plant has ever experienced was

    between 1996 and 1998. The plant was shutdown in 1996 due

    to the unavailability o Freon 114, the working fuid in the

    power units. The units were converted to iso-pentane in

    1998, and resumed regular operations.


    In 2006, Homestretch Geothermal and Inniuel Biodie-

    sel entered into an agreement to orm Inniuel Wabuska, a

    company that would retrot the decommissioned ethanol

    plant on property in order to produce biodiesel. The goal was

    to produce a liquid renewable uel using renewable energy

    or the heat and electricity used in biodiesel production, and

    in so doing, build the worlds rst geothermal biodiesel


    The biodiesel acility is a 3,600 sq. t. building housing

    two reactor processors (7,000 and 4,000 gallons), and eight

    7,600 gallon wash tanks in two banks o our. Though cur-

    rent production is under 1.0 million gpy, capacity o the plant

    is between 4-5 million gpy o biodiesel. Additional storage

    tanks are outside, the whole system is stainless steel, and all

    is connected by stainless steel piping and approximately 200

    connected HP o motors and pumps.

    The raw material needed or biodiesel is vegetable oil and

    alcohol. Current production is rom used vegetable oil col-

    lected rom local restaurants, with additional oil comingrom a grease collector in Caliornia. The alcohol used is

    methanol, and this is the only petroleum product directly

    used in the process. In order to be more green Inniuel

    has entered into discussion with a company that recycles

    medical waste, their byproduct being methanol. I this meth-

    anol rom a recycled product is used in Wabuska, Inniuel

    may run the only liquid uel plant in the world that does not

    use petroleum products. To urther eciency, Inniuel is

    planning to use the two distillation towers rom the old etha-

    nol acility to recover unused methanol rom the biodiesel

    production process. Distillation is an energy intensive pro-

    cess, but geothermal makes it much more economic to pur-


    Inniuel has also partnered with the University o Ne-

    vada Reno (UNR) and Desert Research Institute (DRI) to

    investigate the easibility o growing oil crops in Nevada as

    an alternative to the predominant dirt crops, hay and alala.

    Figure 3. Grain silo, methanol recovery towers, tank arm.

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    2 GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    Nevada armers have been receptive to the idea, accepting

    crops like crambe, fax, and sunfower as rotation crops that

    improve the soil and use less water than hay or alala. As

    Wabuska is in a ripe agricultural valley and there is muchland proximate to the geothermal and biodiesel plants to cul-

    tivate, Inniuel can experiment with oil crops in partner-

    ship with UNR and DRI.

    Algae is also being investigated as an oil crop. In the

    1980s the Department o Energys Renewable Fuels Lab did

    research on algae to determine i it was easible to extract oil

    rom algae to produce biodiesel. Their ndings generally

    supported the concept. One point to consider was that they

    were proposing to grow algae in the western deserts where

    land and sunlight are abundant, but where temperatures

    could drop at night providing a less than ideal environment

    or algae to grow. The lack o a system to regulate tempera-ture was considered a hurdle, but the geothermal at Wabuska

    gives Inniuel, UNR, and DRI the means to keep a constant

    and ideal temperature or algae research and production. The

    researchers at UNR are perecting an oil extraction process

    or the algae that is based on heating the oil out o the algae,

    eliminating the need or mechanical or chemical extraction.

    The extraction process is ecient at 200F, a perect tem-

    perature or the resource at Wabuska. While there is also a

    grain storage silo and a hammer mill at the Wabuska acility

    or mechanical oil extraction, the oil extraction process us-

    ing heat alone is an example o how we are searching or

    every way to make use o the geothermal resource onsite.


    Though Wabuska is a sleepy little village where there are

    more sheep than persons, exciting things are being done

    there with geothermal water. It has a long history o direct

    and indirect geothermal use, and is notable as being the site

    o the rst geothermal electricity production in the State o

    Nevada. In the past, geothermal was used in numerous busi-

    nesses in Wabuska, rom growing hot house tomatoes to dis-

    tilling ethanol. Recently we have added to the history, pro-

    ducing biodiesel using geothermal or the heat and electricity

    needed in the biodiesel plant. The uture looks promising.

    As our academic research partners are looking or ways to

    expand renewable energy production in Nevada, Wabuskamay turn into an important eld research center. Hopeully,

    others may benet rom our experience as well.

    Figure 4. Biodiesel processors and wash tanks are in the

    building to the let.

    rEfErENCEsSawyer, J.E., and Sawyer, T.L., compilers, 1999, Fault number

    1665, Unnamed aults west o Desert Mountains, in Quater-

    nary ault and old database o the United States: U.S. Geo-

    logical Survey website, http://earthquakes.usgs.gov/regional/

    qaults, accessed 2/27/07.

    Stewart, J.H., 1988, Tectonics o the Walker Lane belt, west-

    ern Great Basin: Mesozoic and Cenozoic deormation in a

    zone o shear, in Ernst, W.G., Metamorphism and crustal evo-

    lution o the western United States, Rubey volume VII: Pren-

    tice Hall, Englewood Clis, N.J., p. 683-713.

    Nevada Bureau o Mines and Geology (NBMG), 2006, Wa-

    buska Hot Springs (TADs Enterprises): Nevada Bureau o

    Mines and Geology website http://www.nbmg.unr.edu/geo-

    thermal/site.php?sid=Wabuska Hot Springs, accessed


    Figure 5. Algae research ponds.

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007



    Indonesia is a country rich in geothermal energy. O ap-

    proximately 20,000 MWe energy potential, only about 850

    MW has been utilized or electricity purposes. There are notmany direct utilization activities or various purposes that

    have been implemented. This paper discusses a design o a

    geothermal dryer or beans and grains drying that will be

    implemented in Kamojang geothermal eld, West Java, In-

    donesia. Geothermal fuid waste rom a Kamojang well o

    approximately 160C will be used to supply the equipment.

    The heat will be extracted to produce a room drying tem-

    perature, or which coee bean will be used as an experi-

    mental grain to be dried. A tube-bank heat exchanger has

    been designed, consisting o 1-meter-staggered pipes o 2-

    inches (50.1-mm) outer diameter. An air blower rom one

    side produces air fow o varying velocities to fow heated airinto a drying room on the other side. With a geothermal fuid

    fow containing a heat transer rate o 1000 W and various

    air fow velocities o 4 to 9 m/s, the HE design could produce

    an output drying temperature o 45.48 to 40.64C and drying

    energy (heat) produced in the drying room o about 41.0 to

    68.0 kW/m length o the heat exchanger. Depending on the

    beans humidity, the drying time has to be set accordingly.


    Indonesia is a country having many volcanoes and rich in

    geothermal energy. There are at least 177 volcanic centers

    that are spread over volcanic belts o 7000 km along the In-donesian islands. From that many centers, there is at least

    20,000 MWe-equivalent rom geothermal energy resources

    contained in the volcanic areas. Islands in which geothermal

    energy can be ound are Sumatera, Java, Nusa Tenggara, Su-

    lawesi, and Maluku.

    By now, only about 850 MW o that much energy potency

    has been utilized or electricity power generation. The rest

    has not been utilized optimally. Among the elds that have

    been developed are Kamojang, Darajat, Gunung Salak,

    Patuha, Wayang Windu, Dieng, Lahendong, and Sibayak.

    Electricity has been produced rom those major elds. Un-

    ortunately, there is only limited direct utilization o geo-

    thermal energy in those elds as well as in other undevel-

    oped ones.

    Meanwhile, in the geothermal elds that have been devel-

    oped and utilized such as Kamojang, Dieng, Darajat, Gu-

    nung Salak, etc, there have been production geothermal

    wells that already have depleted pressure, temperature, and

    production rate thus unable to supply the existing electric

    power plants. Such wells have been modied to re-injection

    or monitoring wells. There are also waste geothermal fuids

    rom electric power plants that are usually re-injected into

    the reservoir to maintain the lie o the geothermal reservoir.

    The heat contained in the fuids can still be extracted to sup-

    ply equipment or engines or producing resh water steam, tosupply heating or drying equipment or sterilization o grow-

    ing media, drying agricultural and husbandry products and

    other direct utilizations.

    The existence o geothermal energy resources that is com-

    monly ound in mountainous and inland regions has its own

    benet. In Indonesian mountainous and inland regions there

    are ound agricultural, plantation, and orestry areas in

    which their products require processes such as drying, pres-

    ervation, heating, sterilization, pasteurization, etc. The agri-

    cultural and plantation product processing requiring heat are

    or examples: rice, coee, and tea drying, potato seeding,

    mushroom cultivation, milk pasteurization, etc.

    To initiate direct utilization o geothermal energy, the

    Agency or the Assessment and Applied Technology (BPPT),

    has been doing research in that eld since 1999-2000. The

    rst eort was a research in geothermal energy utilization

    or sterilization o mushroom growing media in Kamojang

    geothermal eld. The research was a success and is now

    planned to continue to commercial scale. The research pres-

    ently continues to design a geothermal dryer or beans and

    grains. This paper discusses such design to see the technical

    easibility i the equipment will be built (Sumotarto et al.,

    2000)(Sumotarto, 2001).


    Traditionally, grains and beans drying in Indonesia have

    been done by heating the products under sunshine (solar

    drying). The products will be infuenced by seasonal and

    weather changes, thus making the drying process un-con-

    tinuous. This will result in cracking, racturing, and imper-

    ect drying products.

    To improve the process, drying has to be done continu-

    ously, requiring continuous heat supply. This can be reached

    by using continuous energy resource supply such as geother-mal fuid fows.

    EquipmEnt DEsign

    The dryer used in this research will be made o a fuid-air

    heat exchanger to produce hot air that will be blown into a

    drying room lled with trays o grains or beans. Figures 1

    4 show the design o the equipment. The waste geothermal

    fuid is fowed into a bank o steel pipes, and air is blown

    outside the pipes to extract heat rom geothermal fuids in-

    side the tubes or the drying process.

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    The equipment does not use a drying belt to save energy

    or moving the belt. Instead, the beans and grains are placed

    on trays in the drying room. The only moving part is an air

    blower that can be designed to move by geothermal energy

    (pressure), while its heat content is used or the heat ex-

    changer. The air blower is placed on one side o the heat ex-

    changer while the drying room is on the other side.

    The drying duration depends on the original humidity o

    the products. By doing several drying experiments, an ideal

    drying time can be ound or which the product is perectly

    dried. The dryer is designed as simple to assist the technical

    easibility o geothermal energy direct utilization. I the dry-

    ing is proven to be easible, then the technology and design

    can be improved while the scale can be increased to meet a

    commercial project.

    HEaT & ENErGy EQUaTIoNs

    The energy balance equations governing the heat exchang-

    er can be modeled in two parts. The rst part is heat transer

    rom the geothermal fuids inside the tubes to the outer side

    o the tubes, and the second part govern the heat transer

    process outside the tubes into the drying room. Figure 3

    shows the rst part o energy (heat) transer and, gure 4

    shows the second part.

    Calculation o energy transer in this part is perormed

    when the equipment is in operation with steady state energy

    Figure 1. 3D view o the geothermal dryer design or drying grains and beans.

    Figure 2. Longitudinal cross section o the geothermal dryer

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    Figure 3. Heat transer across the heat exchanger pipes.

    transer (heat fow). The calculation is based on phenomena

    where energy (heat) fows across a cylindrical pipe (Figure

    3). Outside the heat exchanger the air is assumed to fow

    convectional into the drying room. There is assumed no oth-

    er mode o heat fows i.e. radiation, because o the high speed

    o convection air current.

    part i:

    For simple calculation, this part can be modeled as one-

    dimensional radial heat fow. I there is no energy generation

    in the equipment, heat transer equation governing the sys-

    tem is

    According to Fouriers Law, energy (heat) fow rate by

    conduction through solid cylindrical surace can be ex-

    pressed as

    where A=2rL= area o the surace normal to the direction

    o heat transer. The heat transer rate qr , not heat transer

    fux qr, is a constant value in radial direction.

    Equation (1) can be integrated twice to nd a general solu-


    With boundary conditions: T(r1) = Ts,1 and T(r2) = Ts,2

    (Figure 4), C1 and C2 can be ound as

    Substituting C1 and C2 back to Equation (1) results in a

    general equation o temperature or the system as ollows

    Note: Temperature distribution or a system associated

    with radial conduction heat fow through a cylindrical sur-

    ace is in the orm o logarithmic, not linear such as on a fat

    wall o similar condition.

    Further, substitution o Equation (4) into Equation (2) re-

    sults in a general equation o heat rate as ollows


    The heat fow rom the center o the tube to the inside wall

    o the tube and rom the outer side o the tube into the open

    air is a convection fow. For the whole system rom T,1 -> Ts,1

    -> Ts,2 -> T,2, the heat fow rate equation (5) can be ormu-

    lated as

    which can also be expressed in heat rate equations or each

    portion o the entire fow as

    Those three equations (6.a, 6.b, and 6.c) can be used to

    calculate Ts,1 andTs,2 because qr= qr,1 = qr,2 = qr,3 .

    part ii:

    As heat leaves the outer side o the pipes the governing

    equations can be modeled as an air convection fow through

    a bank o tubes (Figure 4). The tube rows in this heat ex-

    changer are staggered in the direction ofuid velocity (V).

    The conguration is characterized by the tube diameter (D)

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    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007

    and by the transverse pitch (ST) andlongitudinal pitch (SL)

    measured between tube centers. Flow conditions within the

    bank are dominated by boundary layer separation eects

    and by wake interactions, which in turn infuence convec-

    tion heat transer. Incropera et.al (1985), describes such phe-

    nomena with the ollowing equations.

    The average convection heat transer coecient (h) can

    be calculated using the ollowing equation

    The heated air temperature produced rom the heat ex-changer can be calculated using a log-mean temperature di-


    where TiandToare temperatures o the fuid as it enters (Ti)

    and leaves (To) the bank, respectively andTs is the tempera-

    ture o the tube outside surace. The outlet temperature To,

    which is needed to determine Tlm may be estimated rom

    Finally, the heat transer rate per unit length o the tubes

    may be computed rom

    sIMULaTIoN aNd rEsULTs

    Using the equations described in the above section, it can be

    determined the relation between the air fow velocity (V) pro-

    duced by the air blower and the drying temperature (To). De-

    pending on the drying temperatures that are specic to each

    product, the air fow velocity (V) can be adjusted accordingly.

    The calculation and simulation are conducted as ollows:

    1. Write a computer program or the calculation according

    to the equations described in previous sections.

    2. Prepare parameters and constants needed in the calcula-

    tion such as geothermal fuid temperature inside the tube,

    drying temperature required, heat transer coecients,

    etc. Table 1 shows parameter and constants needed or

    the calculation.

    Figure 4. Heat exchanger pipes lay-out.

    The amount o heat transer can be calculated by, rst cal-

    culating the air-side Nusselt number as:

    C and m are constants that depend on tube conguration

    (tabulated in table 1 (Howell and Buckius, 1987)).

    TheReynolds number (Re D,max) or the oregoing correla-

    tions is based on the maximum fuid velocity (Vmax) occurring

    within the tube bank. For the staggered conguration, the

    maximum velocity may occur at either the transverse plane

    or the diagonal plane. I the rows are placed such that

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GHC BULLETIN, MarCH 2007 17

    3. Usingtheproperdataandcalculationprocedure,itcan



    4. Tablesandguresshowingvariousrelationscanbemade









    lated various parameters needed or the drying process.

    From thecalculation andsimulationperormedin this re-


    Table 1. Parameters used in the simulation and calculation

    o the geothermal drying equipment or grains and beans.

    Table 2. Relationship between geothermal heat fow rate

    (qr[W]) inside the HE tubes and inside and outside pipe

    surace temperature (Ts1,T

    s2[C]) and air temperature (T


    or a constant geothermal fuid temperature (T1

    [C]) o 160




    latedvarious heat transer rate anddrying temperatureat






    heat transer rate (qr)obetween1000to6000W,theoutside



    theabovevariousheattranserrate,theoutput temperature








    othergoverningparametersi.e.air fow rate (V)romthe


    Further,bypickingaxedheat transer rateo 1000W,



    Table 3. Output (drying) temperature (To[C]) and heattranser rate per length o HE (q

    rate[kW/m]) at various

    outside surace temperature o the HE (Ts2


    Table 4. Output (drying) temperature (To[C]) and heat

    transer rate per length o the HE (qrate

    [kW/m]) at various

    air fow rate (V[m/s]) rom the air blower or a constant

    geothermal heat fow rate (qr[W]) o 1000 [W] and a constant

    surace temperature o the HE pipes (Ts[C]) o 159.93 [C].

  • 8/8/2019 June 2007 Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin


    GEO-HEAT CENTEROregon Institute of Technology

    Klamath Falls, OR 97601-8801















    blower. In this experiment, calculation is perormed to




    Calculationo the experiment using a xed geothermal



    temperature o 45.48 to 40.64 C, a temperature range

    enough or drying purposes, with drying energy (heat)









    Thisresearchhas tobeollowedupwithmoredetailex-





    Incropera,F.P.&DeWitt,D.P.:Fundamentals oHeat and







