June 14, 2015 Bulletin



Bulletin for June 14, 2015

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  • Grace Christian Reformed Church 255 Tweedsmuir Ave. W., Chatham, ON, N7M 5K4, 519-436-1558 Telephone Worship Services: 519-436-0041 (dial 5 min before the service) Fax: 519-436-1241 E-mail: grace@ciaccess.com Web: www.chathamgrace.com

    Congregational Assistance Plan (CAP) 866 347-0041

    WELCOME: We welcome you to Grace CRC!


    TODAY: We gather together for a time of worship led by Pastor William and we celebrate Grade 5 Sunday School Graduation.

    NEXT SUNDAY: Our time of praise and worship is led by Pastor William and we celebrate Lord Supper together.

    6:30 PM COMBINED EVENING SERVICE AT FIRST CRC: (First CRC Dial In: 519-351-8880) TONIGHT: Grace leads our Combined Evening Service tonight. SR. PASTOR: Pastor William Koopmans (519-360-1072) gracep@ciaccess.com YOUTH PASTOR: Pastor Jake Snieder (226-626-2393) graceyp@ciaccess.com PASTOR OF VISITATION: Pastor Fred Heslinga (519-676-3310) fred_heslinga@sympatico.ca CLERK: Ron Middel (519) 358-6248 themiddels@sympatico.ca TREASURER: Hank Batterink (519-351-4800) batterink@kent.net ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Kathy DeKoter (519-436-1558) grace@ciaccess.com WORSHIP COORDINATOR: Cheryl-Lynn DeGraaf graceworship@ciaccess.com

    Who We Are We are called Christian because we confess, belong to, and follow

    Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

    We are called Reformed because our history is rooted in the 16th

    century Protestant Reformation. We continue to affirm the

    Reformation teachings of salvation by faith in Christ alone, and the

    Bible as the only rule of faith and conduct.

    We are called Church because we are part of the universal family of

    God, through which our relationships to God, to each other, and the

    world are nurtured.

    June 14, 2015

  • VERSE OF THE WEEK: For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him. Genesis 18:19 TODAYS SERVANT ROSTER:

    ELDERS: Jack Koopman, Keith Groen DEACONS: Aneta Zondervan, Myrna Panjer COFFEE SOCIAL: Joe & Hilda Wiersma, Frank & Metty Beute, Jonathan Brinkman NURSERY: Andrea Postma, Rita Taffeiren, Kimboih Khai, Margaret VanDaalen, Bryce Koomans USHERS: Gerda Damm, Jim Hoekstra, Elco Medenblik


    Sunday, June 14, 2015: Joint Refugee Sponsorship Committee

    Sunday, June 21, 2015: Back to God Ministries International


    There is a worship service on SUNDAY, JUNE 14 at Copper Terrace at 2:30 pm.


    Tues: 7:30 pm, SC4C Prayer Night and Volunteer Training Wed: 7:30 pm, Council

    8 pm, Young Adults

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Pastor Jake will be on holidays for the week of June 15- 19. We wish him and his family a relaxing and refreshing break during this time.

    LORDS SUPPER: As a congregation, we are invited to celebrate Lords Supper monthly, alternating between Morning Worship Services and Combined Evening Worship Services. Lords Supper typically occurs on the 3rd Sunday of the month. This sacrament is scheduled for our morning worship service next week.

    bulletin password: grace

    Please have all bulletin items in by Thursday 7pm. Office Hours: Mon. Fri., 9 am - noon


    LIBRARY NEWS: Lisa Samsons book A Thing of Beauty has Fiona deserting the movie biz after she left rehab. She bought a dilapidated old mansion with the dreams of restoring it into a masterpiece. Ten years later, Fionas huge house is filled with junk purchased at thrift stores for an art project that she never finished. Fionas money has run out, so she rents out the maids quarters to a local blacksmith. He is everything Fiona isnt. Pick up this book and find out what happens.

    TO ALL COMMITTEES: The BOT would like to give you lots of time to set next years budget. Please take some time now to discuss next years expenses so that you are not in rush and caught off guard in September. The BOT requests that committees try for a ZERO percent increase or less. Your budget for next year is due October 1st. Thanks.

    FELLOWSHIP CLUB BBQ4U will be held at the home of Gary Heyink on Friday, June 19th at 6:30 p.m. BYOM. Call Gary at 519-351-6229 or Ed at 519-354-3794 to confirm that you are coming.

    BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG: Thanks to all those financially supporting the Baby Bottle Boomerang for REFUGE the counselling and support group for Moms and their babies in Chatham-Kent. Please return your bottles next Sunday, on Fathers Day, June 21. Thanks to everyone for your prayers for this life saving and supporting organization.

    PRAYER PARTNERS needed for New Jersey Youth Mission Trip: If you would like to commit to prayer for one of the young people or leaders going to New Jersey this summer please talk to Pastor Jake. Prayer partners will also write a few notes of encouragement and prayer for the students and leaders. These notes will brought along and open while they are on the mission trip.

    SYNOD 2015 NEWS: As a church community, we are invited to stay informed as to what is happening at Synod 2015, which meets June 12-18 at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Before and during synod, subscribe to Synod News and the CRC News weekly email (crcna.org/news-and-views/crcnews). Or follow the CRCNA on Facebook or on Twitter (#crcsynod).

    LOST and FOUND: The Lost and Found box is overflowing! Please take a moment to look over the items on the table in the narthex and claim what is yours. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Bibles for Missions on Monday, June 22.