

8. Best Kept Village / Grant : Still looking for Volunteers to water the tubs and the flower beds around the Hall and the entrance to the Village. Monimail Community Council Minutes of meeting, 11 th June 2007 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting : minutes of the meeting 09/04/07 were accepted although pointed out that there was the section regarding Jimmy Stewart Memorial from the previous meeting still on the minutes! 2. Apologies : H. Grant; H. Laidlaw; A. MacGilchrist C. Gilbert (Fife Council)

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Monimail Community CouncilMinutes of meeting, 11 th June 2007

1. Present : A. Arbuckle; D. Dallas; W. Fenton; B. Forrest; J. Gordon; M. Grossert; D. Hamilton; C. Jones; P. Jones; P. Laidlaw; G. Mossman; N. Mossman; T. Nesbitt; D. Smiles; G. Smith; J. VaughanC. Gilbert (Fife Council)

2. Apologies : H. Grant; H. Laidlaw; A. MacGilchrist

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting : minutes of the meeting 09/04/07 were accepted although pointed out that there was the section regarding Jimmy Stewart Memorial from the previous meeting still on the minutes!

4. Matters Arising :- Play Park : Football Pitch/Goals are now in place so Colin Gilbert was thanked for his part in making

this happen. The shelter is in a very poor state and still gives cause for concern - Twinning : A Football team of primary 6 boys (Cupar Soccer Sevens) went to France and had a very

successful trip. Cupar Rotary Club are now looking at doing a Twin link and talks are currently ongoing with Yvonne Gray Dance and Elmwood College to establish links.

- Bow of Fife Speed : the presence of a double cable across the main road at the moment suggests a survey is in progress

- Bow of Fife - Bus Stop on Bow Rd : a new stop is to be put in place to replace the one that used to be thereRecycling Centre: The Hall have now to decide whether they are willing to have the Recycling point in it’s current position as it is now over 6 months since the trial started.

- Toll Junction (BEAR) : A further letter has been received from BEAR in which they have re-iterated the intention to create a staggered junction in the long-term even though such an arrangement is not supported by the Community and the Community Council. A response has been drafted about this matter and it will also point out that there are now flashing “slow down” signs at a number of other junctions on the road up to Dundee. Request to be made to have similar at the Toll Junction to highlight the motorists speed etc? Letter will also state that overtaking through the junction is a serious worry as is the issue of parking in the lay-by at the cottages on the main road– Suggested that a representative from BEAR come out to a meeting in the near future to discuss the whole junction with us.

5. Treasurer’s Report : The account balance stands at just over £1275 which now includes the annual £500 Floral Enhancement Grant. Work on the flower beds at the front of the Hall has just begun so hopefully this area will show an improvement over the next few weeks.

6. Planning :TPO’s (Tree Preservation) : A response has been received by Cllr Arbuckle regarding his enquiry about TPO’s. All trees within the village are covered as they are within a Conservation Area however he will respond requesting the large tree at the start of the Bow Road (outwith the Conservation Area) is covered by a TPO.Letham Farm/Paddock Area (across from Letham Lands) : current status for this application is at the “Pending Consideration” stage. The Community Council are to write pointing out that the original application was granted upon the condition that it was a traditional single storey dwelling for this area. There are also two trees within the garden of the Farmhouse that are subject to a request for their removal. After discussion it was agreed that the CC write stating their objection to the removal of such large, well-established trees that are not even on the land under application. These trees are within the Conservation Area and as such are surely protected.

7. Jimmy Stewart Memorial : A seat has been viewed at an Antique Fair and a photo was shown to those

present. It was agreed that the seat should be purchased, the cost being around £265. It would require slight modifications and a platform around the tree. We should have the seat around the middle of July. A small plaque will be produced to go beside the seat.The flower beds in the area also require attention as a number of the shrubs there are getting a bit over-grown. There are concerns over sight-lines for cars using the area for turning and also those coming down School Brae.

8. Best Kept Village / Grant : Still looking for Volunteers to water the tubs and the flower beds around the Hall and the entrance to the Village.

9. Village Hall ReportA group of very willing helpers all turned up at the Hall one Sunday recently and the whole outside of the building was given a good coating of paint. A letter of thanks has been received thanking The Hall Committee, Community Council and Village Residents involved for showing a truly community spirited effort. The Hall Committee would also like to thank everyone who helped. The Hall now looks so much smarter and special thanks were offered to Willie & Barry for tackling the highest areas!The Doors at the front are still due a final coating of gloss paint and the “kitchen” door has been varnished.There is to be a Family Picnic/Car Treasure Hunt on Sunday 1st July

10. Questions for Cllr Arbuckle1. Mouncastle Quarry – this application cannot move forward as a group of Red Squirrels has been

discovered in the area and no provision has been made for this in the application2. 20mph Zone – no progress on this. Concerns are that we DO NOT want to have speed bumps up

The Row, however it was previously stated that the village would be consulted before any measures were put in place.

11. Any Other BusinessStagecoach Buses : The bottom of The Row apparently used to be the usual collection point, however there was recently a rather unsavoury incident. The bus recently stopped and informed the person standing at the bottom of The Row on as it was not a recognised Bus-Stop and they would no longer be able to be collected there in the future. Also, on a return trip the driver was extremely rude to the same person (witnessed by another resident of the Village). When the person in question phoned Stagecoach to complain she was told that the driver had no right stopping for her in the first place as it was not a bus-stop and there is another stop in the Village.A major issue was the attitude of the Bus Driver. Buses are “supposed” to stop if flagged down outwith village boundaries. We understand this is customary practice, however if this is not happening then Cllr Arbuckle or Colin Gilbert should be informed.Oil Seed rape : A resident has voiced concern that every field around the village currently is planted with Oil Seed Rape crop. There is no legislation to prevent this crop being planted in such large areas so close to housing etc.

12. Date of Next Meeting : Monday 13th August 2007, Letham Village Hall, 7.30pm
