July 2016 The Tradition Continues - Clearwater...


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July 2016

See page 5 for more Youth Activities photos

The Tradition Continues...Fr. BoB inducts a new class of Intrepid Sailors while Brad Kendell and his Sonar team go on to represent CYC and the US at the upcoming 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

See page 4 for more Homecoming photos

July Compass2

Commodore’s Corner

CommodoreJohnny Cardosi

2016 Officers, DirectOrs,AppOintments & trustees

CYC OfficersJohnny Cardosi Commodore

Ed Proefke Jr. Vice CommodoreCollin Heimensen Rear CommodoreDebora Wilder TreasurerCurtis Wold Fleet CaptainDorothy Connor SecretaryRowland Milam Immediate Past CommodoreBoard of DirectorsJim Coats Richard LibonateLinda Humphers Thomas Meyer Mike Jansen Tim Walsh Board of TrusteesP/C David Billing Wayne HunekeP/C Dick Boblenz Harry JamiesonJames Eaton P/C Gary StrohauerAppointmentsFr. Bob Wagenseil Fleet ChaplainDr. Don Collins Fleet SurgeonPeggy Powell FCYC DirectorJoe Slavin FCYC Alternate Director

CYC Board HighlightsAt the Board of Directors meeting on June 16, the

following topics were discussed:l Long and short term repair plans for the club

marina docksl New memberships approved l Crown molding to be installed in foyerl Plans for permitting by the City for work needed on

kitchen south walll Club YTD net income exceeds 2016 budgetSet date of the next Board of Directors meeting for

July 21.

If you enjoy:l Sailingl Imbibingl Dining l Telling sea storiesl Cruising in company with other sailboatsWe’re gathering in the Grill on the 4th Wednesday of each

month 6:30 p.m. for drinks and blather, 7 p.m. for dinner.Next Sailors’ Table will be Wed., July 27.

The monTh oF July brings us some interesting history. On July 4, 1776, members of the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Inde-pendence, proclaiming our sov-ereignty. We celebrate this great day with a fun-filled Bar BQ at CYC, but let’s not forget the true meaning of the holiday.

Some other interesting July events from years gone by: the US State Department issued the first pass-port in 1796; the US postage stamp went on sale for the first time in 1847; taxes began to be withheld from our paychecks in 1943; and zip codes went into use by the post office in 1963.

Other July events that have changed our lives: the radio was patented in1898; the air conditioner was invented in 1902 (thank goodness); Disney-land opened in California in 1955; Chevrolet started offering a V8 engine in 1955; the Medicare bill was signed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965; and, if you are old enough to remember, Lawrence Welk premiered on television in 1955.

But now I want to call your attention to a few events going on this July at CYC: the 4th of July blast on the dock; the July 9th fundraiser party for Brad Kendell and his team representing CYC at the Rio Paralympics; the wine tasting party July 14th for wine lovers or wannabe wine lovers (sign up now, seats are limited); and the July 22/23 FCA (Florida Commodores Association) annual meet-ing at CYC. The FCA event is open to all mem-bers and will feature our GREAT seafood buffet that Saturday night. Make reservations now.

Please reach out to the many new faces you see at the club. Membership has reached its highest point in many years. We had 22 net new members join in May. Current membership is at 437 – let me repeat that – 437! We have 17 new Summer members, so when you see someone new, walk up, say hello and welcome them. It would be awe-some to have all the summer members convert to full time members!

Summer is here. It’s going to be HOT! Nothing beats sipping a cool drink while enjoying the chilled CYC pool.

See you at the Tiki Hut.

July Compass 3

As I sAId in the June edition, we are now in hurricane season (1 June—30 November), and we defi-nitely got to see a strong early start to the season for Tampa Bay dur-ing Tropical Storm Colin, with a storm surge at a new moon high tide that brought water over the finger piers and to the base of the main docks. Thanks to all members who came down prior to the storm to check that their boats were secure. Slip holders, please ensure a current copy of your insurance is on file with Michelle in the office.

At the Waterside meeting in April, we discussed CYC boat maintenance, dock maintenance, and progress

WatersideBy Curtis WoldFleet Captain

By Tim Walshyachting Chairman


hoT And sIZZlInG! But that is ONLY at the dock!! The COOLEST place to be during the summer months is OUT ON THE WATER.

If you have a sailboat and want to race, check out the West Florida PHRF Gulf Race calendar:

Dunedin Boat Club Dunedin Cup Sept. 24, 2016

CYC Clearwater Challenge Oct. 29-30, 2016

DBC/SPYC Pass-A-Grille Run March 25, 2017

SPYC Crown Cars Regatta March 11-12, 2017

SPYC Sun Coast Race Week April 06-09, 2017

And if that is not enough EXCITEMENT, I’m working on posting the regatta calendar for all the yacht clubs in our area for 2016-2017 on our web site so you will be able to check out all of the races from Tarpon Springs to Marco Island!!

We would like to see everyone enjoying the SUN and FUN that this area has to offer. So, Sail Boaters and Power Boaters come out and BE a part of the EXCITEMENT!!

As always, the CYC Yachting Committee thanks you for your support of all club sponsored events.

on getting estimates for a dock capital expenditure proposal to repair/refurbish our docks in the near term and begin planning for dock replacement in the longer term. We discussed efforts to maximize opportunities for transient boats and review of the active yacht policy prior to future enforcement. The next Waterside meet-ing will take place on Wednesday, July 27th at 6pm. All who wish to discuss ideas and provide support to main-tain and improve our marina are welcome!

Nautical Trivia of the Month—what is the traditional maritime saying to indicate that it is time for a morning drink? I’ll buy a drink at the Tiki Bar for the fifth mem-ber to e-mail or text me the correct answer, regardless what time I receive the answer!

The answer to last month’s nautical trivia question was “Beaufort,” as in Beaufort Scale, named after British Rear Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort. I received four cor-rect answers by the deadline for this article, but never got to the fifth correct answer—remember, you must play to win!

As usual, I can be reached at cwold@tampabay.rr.com or on my cell phone at 727-641-8633.

Be sure to check out our regatta schedule for the upcom-ing season:

If you’re looking for more EXCITEMENT on the water, Tish Wold has put together a full schedule of Beer Can Races to keep us busy through the summer. The following races will be held in July:

Saturday, July 9th 1:30 pm startSunday, July 24th 2:30 pm start

Contact Tish Wold if you would like to participate with your boat or as crew.

Power Boaters and sail Boaters unITe!!WE NEED YOUR HELP… both on the water and on land during the regattas! So, I would like to encourage everyone to attend the Yachting Committee meetings. The Yachting Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month, but always the Tuesday before the Board meeting. So, come and be a part of the EXCITEMENT!

I look forward to seeing you at the club and on the water!

Clearwater Challenge Oct. 29Carlisle Classic Nov. 12 - 13Ted Irwin Memorial Sailathon Dec. 03Clearwater Championship ( Clark Mills) Jan. 14 – 16Laser MidWinters East Feb. 22 – 26, 2017Snipe Midwinters March 28 – 30, 2017

July Compass4

PlAn To Come ouT to the club on Saturday, July 9th (6 pm) to support 2016 Sonar World Champion and Paralympic Sailor Brad Kendell! CYC will host this fundraiser for Brad Kendell, and it is open to the public so invite your friends that would like to meet a world champion sailor!

Brad Kendell learned to sail in the youth sailing program at Clearwater Yacht Club at the encouragement of his father, world caliber sailor Bruce Kendell. Brad returned to sailing following years of recovery and therapy after a 2003 aircraft accident that sadly resulted in Bruce’s death and Brad losing both of his legs above the knee.

Brad has been actively campaigning, with his skip-per Rick Doerr and bowman Hugh Freund, aboard Sonar Team USA1, to represent the United States in the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. This journey began not long after their team narrowly missed competing in the 2012 Games. To compete at this level, Brad and his team must participate in large international regattas.

Unlike a track athlete, who needs not much more than uniforms and shoes to compete in international events, sail-ors, in addition to getting themselves and their coach to an international regatta, need to ship the boat overseas as well! If you have ever sent a package overseas, you can imagine the cost of shipping a 23’ boat weighing over a ton!

Here is a sampling of the regattas in which Brad and his teammates have participated to get to this point: 2013 IFDS Disabled Sailing World Championships in Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland ISAF World Cup, Miami, January 2015 – won the silver medal C. Thomas Clagget Memorial, Newport, RI, June 2015 – earned another silver medal ISAF World Cup, Miami, January 2016 – earned the gold medal ISAF World Cup, Hyeres, France, April 2016 – won the bronze medal

Para World Championships in Medemblik, Netherlands, May 2016 – won the gold medal

With all this cost involved, you would think there would be a lot of monetary support from US Sailing, right? Wrong! When they qualified to represent the US in the 2016 Paralympics (at the ISAF World Cup in Hyeres, France) each athlete was given a $5000 stipend. Even with three athletes, that doesn’t go far when the cost from January – September 2016 exceeds $75,000 for the team!

We hope that you will plan to attend the fundraiser to support Brad and Sonar Team USA1 in their efforts to bring home the gold at the Paralympics in Rio in September 2016.

If you are unable to attend, you can still help! Tax deductible donations can be made by check payable to: Windmark Sailing Foundation – you can drop that by the club office – attention PC Tish Wold. Donations may be made online, although not tax deductible, at http://teamusaone.com/support.

If you can attend, please RSVP by calling the office at 727-447-6000.

Welcome Home Brad Kendell

July Compass 5

By Fr. Bob Wagenseil, Jr Activities

our InTrePId sAIlors Are BACk! Yes…Summer Sailing Camp 2016 has begun and, as al-

ways, our first two days are devoted to ensuring that all our kids have an opportunity to learn the basic skills of knot tying, boat terminology, and safety.

Once those areas have been covered, we move from study and theory to “on the water practice” that will lead to a lifetime of learning and enjoyment on the water.

Youth Sailing programs are an integral part of what Clear-water Yacht Club has been about for more than 100 years, and 2016 promises to be a continuation of that tradition.

We, therefore, encourage CYC members to visit with our campers and their families this summer, and most especially to attend graduation ceremonies after each session. Here is our schedule for summer camp: session 1: June 13 – 24Two weeks Mon – Fri half-day or full-day classes(Graduation Day 24 June 11AM – no PM class)Morning class 9am-noon Afternoon class 1pm – 4pm (except 24 June) session 2: July 11 – 22Two weeks Mon – Fri half-day or full-day classes(Graduation Day 22 July 11AM – no PM class)Morning class 9am – noonAfternoon class 1pm – 4pm (except 22 July) session 3: July 25 – August 5Two weeks – full-day 9am – 4pm(Graduation 11am) Location – Clearwater Yacht Club

Wishing you “fair winds” and many blessings,Father Bob Wagenseil(727) 510-6153 frbob.wagenseil@gmail.com

July Compass6

By Collin heimensen, rear Commodore

June WAs AnoTher great month at the club, packed with great activities! As always, we had live music every Friday night with dancing. On the 12th the Cruis-ers hosted a fish-fry and we had live music; a great time was had by all.

July will be a blast – we have live music every Friday night, Bingo, Trivia and more! We will have live music at the Tiki Bar on Sunday the 10th and the 24th. The Membership Committee is hosting a wine tasting event on July 14th that will surely be a delightful evening.

Most importantly, we would love your suggestions and involvement in the Entertainment Committee. Please join us at our next scheduled meeting on July 5th at 6:30pm in the Dry Dock.

By Tommy meyer, Cruising Chair

We hAve douBle the fun to report on this month. Let’s start with the May cruise…

What a trip it was! Pink Shell Resort at Ft. Myers was our first stop, and since Connie and Gordie Maynard were the hosts, we knew that eating out at restaurants would be top priority since Connie never gets to do that. Beautiful beaches, two pools, tiki bar and games made for a wonderful stay. Since Cliff Wyatt was always taking naps, he missed all the fun.

Tween Waters Resort on Captiva Island was our next stop and was hosted by Judy and Paul Pennock. Beer-soaked Wisconsin bratwurst, baked beans, and potato salad were out of this world. Unknown to me was a surprise birthday cake for my birthday. Thank you so much. Beautiful beach-es, great restaurant and bar. (Cliff was napping.)

South Seas Resort was next, hosted by Donna and Cliff Wyatt. (Cliff was napping.) They took us to a place called The Mucky Duck on the beach. I highly recommend it if you’ve never been. You don’t leave that place hungry. We’ll call this stop our watering hole. Our boat had a drain leak, Darryl and Lynn had a kitchen sink leak, and Connie and Merle almost sank. All repaired, ready for next stop.

Boca Grande Marina was next, hosted by Connie and Merle Steele. Huge cook-out, salads and dessert made for a great stay. Dinner and drinks at the marina restau-rant were super. Lies and laughs made for a wonderful

time. Cliff should really be hungry by now. You guessed it, he was napping.

Sarasota Yacht Club was our final stop, hosted by Gloria and Richard Griffith. Beautiful club and swimming pool helped ward off the heat, and adult beverages didn’t hurt either. Dined in St. Armands at the Crab and Fin. Great food with lionfish on the menu. For those that dared, they said it was wonderful. Alas, it was time to head home after such a great trip. Fortunately for Donna, Cliff finally woke up.

Thank you all for such an enjoyable time, with laughs, lies, and sunshine.

In June, the cruise-in, fishing tournament, and fish fry was without a doubt a resounding success. Over 500 fish were caught and everyone had a wonderful time. Of course, cleaning the fish was four hours of hard labor, but well worth the effort. Sunday’s fish fry and raffle coupled with the music drew a tremendous standing-room-only crowd. We raffled off Yeti tumblers, coolers, beach chairs, numerous gift certificates (valued from $35 to $100), a CYC cutting board, a cookbook of the best beach restau-rants and some items I just can’t recall.

We fed over 200 people all-you-can-eat fish, hush puppies, slaw, and potato salad for $15 per person. In case we do this again, you don’t want to miss it! I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize the fish counters: Kathy Milam, Gloria Patterson, and Rick Burkel. The fish cleaners: Steve Ingram, Darryl Hebert, Rick Burkel, Roland Milam and a club member that I can’t recall his name. (Please let me know who you are.)

Side note: Cliff Wyatt conveniently fractured his shoulder playing racket ball and was unable to fish, count fish, clean fish, or do anything else except eat. Do you see a pattern?

July Compass 7

on July 22 And 23, Clearwater Yacht Club will host the summer meeting of the Florida Commodores Association (FCA). FCA’s mission is to establish a community of Past Commodores who are members of recognized Florida yacht clubs, promoting Florida and international yachting customs and tradi-tions through awareness, educational, charitable and social programs.

The members of the Florida Commodores Association cordially invite you to participate in any of the following events:

Friday, July 22nd at 5:45 pm the FCA will present a Sundown Ceremony at the flag pole on the tiki deck.

Saturday, July 23rd 9:00 am State Senator Jack Latvala will speak on is-

sues that are important to our waterways, including environmental and tourism issues. This event is open to the public, and we have invited representatives from our community with ties to the waterways. This will be preceded by a continental breakfast jointly sponsored by MarineMax and the Tom George Yacht Group. Please arrive by 8:15 am to register and enjoy the breakfast

prior to Senator Latvala’s speech, which will take place on the tiki deck.

10:00 am – the FCA meetings will be held in the Main Dining Room.

12:15 pm – lunch consisting of a taco bar, tortilla soup and flan (member charge).

1:15 pm – afternoon speaker Captain Curtis A. Wold, USN (Retired), currently serving as the Branch Chief of the Joint Reconnaissance Branch, US Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB (as well as the CYC Fleet Captain!), will provide a US Special Operations Command update, with an emphasis on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

7:00 pm – seafood buffet dinner, with live music in the main dining room (member charge).

We hope that you will take the opportunity to attend one or more of these events.

For meals, please RSVP to the office at 447-6000. For the meetings or speakers, please RSVP to PC Tish Wold at 727-641-8634 or tishwold@tampabay.rr.com. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tish at 727-641-8634.

Florida Commodores Association Meeting at CYC

July Compass8

Gulls TracksBy lynne shackelford,

Gulls President

lAsT monTh I issued a challenge for summer travel pictures. While I’m waiting for your response, I thought I’d tell you the story of the Gulls’ Nest.

Way back when (or at least before my time at the club)

the Gulls met in the upstairs. Downstairs was mostly an open area where little boats were stored. As the club expanded and needed more room, it was decided the current Gulls’ Nest would be constructed. A group of husbands donated their time, ability and muscles to help build the Nest. The Jonathan CYC Gull Award was presented to Tom Cooper, Bill Donovan, George Hardy, Larry Krampert, Andre Medvedeff, Frank Serio and Vic Spoto. Next time you’re in the Nest please take note of the plaque hanging on the wall honoring these dedicated husbands.

Speaking of the Gulls’ Nest, we decided maybe it was time to do a little spring cleaning. Since the Gulls are not as involved as we once were in crafts, we decided to clean out the cupboards. We were pleased to be able to donate 5 large boxes of craft materials to the Girl Scouts.

Although we don’t have any formal Gulls functions

currently scheduled, Gulls have been seen flying around the club. A group helped get the Compass in the mail and enjoyed a great lunch. A few have been seen at water aerobics and then enjoying lunch afterwards. Gulls attended the Cruisers fishing tournament and fish fry and were reported to have eaten there also. Do you see a common thread? If you enjoy eating, please feel free to come join the Gulls any or every Wednesday. We meet in the Nest at 10:30 (or 11) and then go upstairs for lunch at noon.

The Book Club meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Board Room.

All members and their guests are welcome to join the meeting. After our book discussion, many of us stay for dinner. We’d love for you to join us. Please call Virginia at 447-6000 for reservations if staying for dinner.

You do not have to read the book to participate and listen. Our discussions are stimulating and fun. If you enjoy reading, this is the place to be!

All books are predetermined by the members prior to discussion. Our upcoming meetings will feature the following selection (take note CYC Sailors: the July selection is about sailing!):

July 19Before the WindBy Jim lynch

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Lunch following

on the patio for those who wish to stay. No fees.

Contact Sandie at sandie@ramsden.com

to be on our distribution list for updates.

We started early this year as our leaders agreed they

would show up. And last year we kept going through December

because it stayed so warm.

Water Aerobics

July Compass 9

Summers are HOT at Clearwater Yacht Club!

Heated and chilled Pool

Annual ARC Fun Day!

Warm friendly people

Monthly parties

Outdoor dining and bar

Annual Dinghy Poker Run

Clearwater yacht Club is pleased to offer a summer 2016 mem-bership program, with details as follows:

Effective from May 1 – Sept 30, 2016

No initiation fee (Summer member must provide a credit card to be on file. It will not be charged, so long as the summer member pays their invoices.)Dues of $100/month

No monthly minimum

No reciprocity

No OVERNIGHT dockage at CYC

At the close of the sum-mer membership, the summer member in good standing may be offered membership in a class of their choice (Full, Social, or Junior) at the then current offer rates for dues and initiation. (not eligible to join under refer a friend program)

Prospective members can only take advantage of one such Summer membership program.

Call or email the office for more details!

447-6000 or office@clwyc.org

By ed Proefke Jr., vice Commodore

Fr. BoB GrAduATed our first group of youth sailing summer camp-ers on Friday June 24th. The second session is underway and, as always, please take the opportunity to come by on a weekday morning and see lessons the youth sailors are learning and offer encouragement to the kids.

Tom and his crew have cleared out the boaters’ hallway leading to the dry dock bathrooms from the pool area. The area was getting cluttered but it is now more accessible and looks better also. Thanks Tom and crew.

I would like to thank the members who fill out com-ment cards in the dining rooms. We do review the cards at the House & Grounds meetings and the comments are very helpful to us in our quest to provide top qual-ity food and food service at Clearwater Yacht Club. So far this year, approximately 98% of the cards offer very good comments on our staff and restaurant operations. Our team members appreciate the compliments as well.

Please continue to fill out the cards and be honest. It is a valuable tool that helps us continually improve our service.

If you have not been to the club in a while, come in for dinner and meet some of our great new members. Show them that they have joined the friendliest yacht club in Florida.

See you around the club!

CAn you sAy “knock it out of the park?” Well, with all of your help, that’s exactly what happened in May with a total of 27 new members. There were 4 full members, one junior member, and 22 summer mem-bers. A very special thanks to Bob and Becky Griffin for placing an advertisement in their beach paper at no cost. You guys rock! Our club now has a total member-ship of 437.

I am inspired by the assistance from Steve Ingram, who, by the way, is the impetus for the wine tasting coming up in July and hopefully every month thereafter. I would encourage anyone that has the will and time to join us at the Membership meetings to bring your ideas for the continued growth of our club.

By Tommy meyer, membership Chair

July Compass10

Club dining hoursTuesday-Thursday 11:30 am - 9:00 pmFriday & Saturday 11:30 am - 9:30 pmSunday Breakfast 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tiki hut hoursTuesday-Thursday 6:00 -10:00 pmFriday 2:00 pm - closingSaturday & Sunday 11:00 am - closing

save These dates

July events

sunday 3rd

Water Slide Arrives on Patiomonday 4th

Independence Day Barbeques & Pool Games 12-3:00 BBQ & 5-8:30 OR bothTuesday 5th

Club closed for lunch open at 5:00House & Grounds 6:30Wednesday 6th

Gulls Social 10:30, Membership 6:30saturday 9th

Beer Can Racing 1:30Brad Kendell fundraiser 6:00sunday 10th

New Member Orientation 10:30Floyd Lewis playing at the Tiki 1:00-4:00monday 11th – Friday 22nd

Youth Sailing Session II Tuesday 12th

Entertainment 6:30Wednesday 13th

Gulls Social 10:30, Cruisers 6:30Thursday 14th

Finance 6:00CYC Wine Tasting Event MDR 6:00Friday 15th – sunday 17th

Cruisers to SPYCsaturday 16th

Private Event MDRTuesday 19th

Book Club 6:00, Yachting 7:00Wednesday 20th

Celebration of Yachting 6:00Thursday 21st

Board of Directors 6:00Trivia Night games begin 7:30saturday 23rd

FCA Meeting and Dinner MDRPrivate Event DDsunday 24th

Floyd Lewis playing at the Tiki 1:00-4:00Beer Can Racing 2:30monday 25th – Friday 5th

Youth Sailing Session III Tuesday 26th

Trustees 5:30Wednesday 27th

Gulls Social 10:30, Waterside 6:00Sailors Table 7:00

Thursday 28th

Bingo Night games begin 7:30saturday 30th

Private Event MDR

August events

Tuesday 2nd

House & Grounds 6:30Wednesday 3rd

Gulls Social 10:30, Membership 6:30Friday 5th – sunday 7th

Cruisers to Bradenton YCsaturday 6th

Splash Bashsunday 7th

New Member Orientation 10:30Beer Can Racing 2:30Tuesday 9th

Entertainment 6:30Wednesday 10th

Gulls Social 10:30, Cruising 6:30Thursday 11th

Finance 6:00Trivia Night games begin 7:30saturday 13th

Wine TastingTuesday 16th

Book Club 6:00Yachting 7:00Wednesday 17th

Gulls Social 10:30Thursday 18th

Board of Directors 6:00saturday 20th

White Party on the Patiosunday 21st

Employee Turnabout PartyTuesday 23rd

Trustees 5:30Wednesday 24th

Gulls Social 10:30Thursday 25th

Bingo Night games begin 7:30Friday 26th

Dinghy Poker Run Hat Contest saturday 27th

Dinghy Poker RunWednesday 31st

Gulls Social 10:30Waterside 6:00Sailors Table 7:00

CYC New MembersAt the June 16, 2016 Board of Directors meeting, the following new memberships were approved:

David & Linda DiSesaPaul & Cindy HanlonJohn & Linda HarrisonGuy & Cindy KrepsPhil & Debra LivingstonDeborah MattsonArthur & Kelly ObszynskiIris Kraft & Chris Rodgers

In addition, the following Summer Memberships have been approved:

Michael & Dee Bauer Ted & Helene SimonRobin & Pam RillingNeal & Karen MorrisWilliam Batykefer & Carol PriceAl & Karen CrewsMaria BrownTonya BrasholtDave & Wendy GattisDavid & Denise RueGordon & Diane SnyderYolanda RoefaroKaren Stevens & Ryan BronkowskiLaura ScottHeather HilesTodd & Debbie ChristoffersonJim & Kiki KelaitaTim & Nicole DoernerAnthony & Kristi Gabriel

If you see the pineapple flag on their tables, please introduce yourself and give them a warm CYC welcome!

July Compass 11

CyC committees and organizationsCommITTeesentertainment, Collin HeimensenFinance, Richard Libonatehouse & Grounds, Ed Proefke Jr.Junior Activities, Fr. Bob Wagenseilmembership, Tommy Meyernominating Committee, Rowland MilamPolicy, Johnny CardosiWaterside, Curtis Woldyachting, Tim Walsh

CyC orGAnIZATIonsBow Chasers, Theresa Havercamp & Mitzie France Cruising, Tommy MeyerGulls, Lynne Shackelfordship’s store, Cindy Page


Co-editors Tina Fitzgerald, Linda Humphers

Photo Credits: Linda Humphers, Lynne Shackelford, Fr. Bob Wagenseil, Tish Wold

The deadline for all copy, ads and pho-tos is the Friday following the Board of Directors’ meeting each month.

General Manager’s LetterBy Tom Brusini, General manager

July Is here! If you’ve not been to this party at your club, rest assured we throw a big party for everyone, young and not-so-young alike. We’ll have the waterslide in the pool area Sunday the 3rd as well as all day Monday, July 4th! During the day we’ll have a fun cookout from noon to 3 p.m., with the games starting around 2 p.m. If you haven’t had a chance to watch these, you’re in for a treat! Everyone enjoys watching the egg toss, t-shirt races in the pool, water balloon toss, pie eating contest (no hands al-lowed!), and the coin toss in the pool. For the first time in 13 years, I will not be here for the festivities and games…Austin Taylor, one of our great crew members, will head up the games for

the kids, with help from any crew member and club member that wants to get involved!

The second cookout, our “Great

American Buffet,” will be served from 5-8 p.m. Once it’s dark, mem-bers will go out on the docks and watch the city fireworks – the City of Clearwater always puts on an amaz-ing display, and you’ll have front row seating for the show!

Clearwater Yacht Club member

Brad Kendell is going to the 2016 Paralympic Games to represent the USA with his three-man Sonar team! On Saturday, July 9th, we’ll have a fundraiser to help his team get to Rio de Janeiro. Details to follow; please save the date and plan on coming out and supporting their team!

Something NEW! On Thursday,

July 14th, we’re hosting a Wine Tasting & Food Pairing for our great members. Again, details to follow…but I promise you won’t want to miss this – mark your calendars!

The Annual Dinghy Poker Run (DPR) will be held this year on Saturday, AUGUST 27th! If you haven’t partici-pated before, you really should make plans to spend the day with us – it’s a blast! If you don’t have a dinghy, you can still get on the water aboard one of the support boats. You’ll travel by water to five different destina-tions, collecting a poker card at each location. Once we return to the club, we’ll post the cards and see who won! We’ll have raffle prizes galore – from hotel stays to restaurant gift certifi-cates to spa treatments to boat rides! The entry fee includes a fabulous dockside cookout as well.

If you’re interested, please email

Terry Williams at wllmsterry@aol.com to get signed up for the Dinghy Poker Run. And plan on bringing your best water pistols so you won’t be defense-less! Lastly, we’ll have more dock parties over the summer months, so keep an eye out for all the fun we have planned – your attendance is what makes this fine ship navigate! Check the calendar, read your emails, and plan on spending your summer here!

At your service, I remain, Tom Brusini

Sponsoring recycling at CYC for the month of July will be Leslie & Pat Dowling

Thank you, Leslie and Pat!

Help CYC turn Green

Clearwater Yacht Club has gone blue to turn GREEN! Check out the blue recycle bins on the dock and at the Tiki Bar for all your throw-

aways in plastic, glass, paper and steel.If you’d like to sponsor a month of recycling at CYC – it’s just $35 – contact

Michelle in accounting and she’ll get you signed up.

July Compass12

Clearwater Yacht Club830 S. Bayway Blvd.Clearwater, FL 33767Phone: 727 447 6000

Email: office@clwyc.orgWebsite: www.clwyc.org

CYC StaffTom Brusini General ManagerJohn Yingling Executive ChefVirginia Vollenweider Office ManagerMichelle Geis Accounting ManagerDan Geis Maintenance SupervisorLinda Carter Dockmaster

Save the DateSaturdayJuly 9th6:00pm

Fundraiser for

Sonar Team USA1with Brad KendellTrimmer and tac�cian

at ClearwaterYacht Club

© US Sailing Team Sperry / Photo: Will Ricketson