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What PixelsKnow

Marisa Porter Meg Delagrangeweb architect creative director

@virtuallymarisa @coloringspirit

First, let us take a group selfie.


Stand up and put your hands in the air

The Extent of Mobile Use

A Case StudyOr Two

Power up With Design

64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind, up from 35% in the spring of 2011. For many, these devices are a key entry point to the online world. /The Pew Report

64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind, up from 35% in the spring of 2011. For many, these devices are a key entry point to the online world. /The Pew Report

67% use their phone to share pictures, videos, or commentary about events happening in their community, with 35% doing so frequently. /The Pew Report

70% of mobile searches lead to action on websites within one hour. That’s assuming that the website is mobile-friendly, otherwise 40% will choose another result. /TechCrunch Report

72% of web page views are on smartphones.

People searching online using a smartphone will increase from 800 million to 1.9 billion users in 2015. /Business2Community Report


A Few Mobile Search Statistics

75% of Gmail users access their accounts on mobile devices. Gmail now has 900 million users. /Google Report

91% of consumers check their email at least once per day on their smartphone, making it the most used functionality. /ExactTarget “Mobile Behavior Report

If an email does not display correctly, 71.2% will delete it immediately.




A Few Responsive Email Statistics

You have 3-5 seconds on mobile to get a user’s attention.

55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on your website.

Every second counts.

48% of users say that if they arrive on an organization’s site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as an indication of the organization simply not caring./MarginMedia


Customers are five times more likely to visit a competitor after having a frustrating mobile experience.



Mobile Giving is Growing

Among 343 nonprofits studied, an average of 9.5 percent of donations came via mobile devices.

For the top one-fourth of nonprofits with the highest mobile-to-desktop giving ratio, that average climbed to 17.8 percent.

47% of donors give up because the online journey

is too cumbersome and complicated.

“If you’ve created an urgency for your donors to act,

don’t let a conversion slip away because your website is not

optimized for mobile.” /npENGAGE

Let’s talk about design.

First impressions are 94% design-related.


Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.

This allows viewers to make their own decisions without feeling pressure from your organizations.

Visuals show your mission without telling people about it.

This breaks through the overwhelming clutter

of online content.

Good design expresses ideas quickly

- in a snapshot.

Building thoughtful websites with

clear intentions shows that you care,

makes choices more comfortable,

and leads to a better overall experience.

It’s been found that 68% of users

who give up did so because

they think you don’t care about them.

(Which we know isn’t true!)

People engage with attractive, newsworthy content. 53% of what people share on social media are news articles and blog posts.

60% of people are more likely to click on an organization whose images appear in search results.

Posts with visuals receive 94% more page visits and engagement than those without.




An anynomous third party case study showed how one organization’s re-design of only 3 key elements on their homepage

saw a conversion increase of 106%.

1 0 6 %




They swapped a vague headline with a clear headline and sub-headline that clearly answered “Who, What, Where, and Why”.

They placed a clear call-to-action button above the fold, Something as simple as changing a call-to-action button from “See Plans and Pricing” to “Get Started Today” increased their conversions by 252%.

They combined information to create beautiful white space for the eye to rest and added quality images and graphics that clearly communicated their message.




They swapped a vague headline with a clear headline and sub-headline that clearly answered “Who, What, Where, and Why”.

They placed a clear call-to-action button above the fold, Something as simple as changing a call-to-action button from “See Plans and Pricing” to “Get Started Today” increased their conversions by 252%.

They combined information to create beautiful white space for the eye to rest and added quality images and graphics that clearly communicated their message.




They swapped a vague headline with a clear headline and sub-headline that clearly answered “Who, What, Where, and Why”.

They placed a clear call-to-action button above the fold, Something as simple as changing a call-to-action button from “See Plans and Pricing” to “Get Started Today” increased their conversions by 252%.

They combined information to create beautiful white space for the eye to rest and added quality images and graphics that clearly communicated their message.

“You never get a second chance

to make a first impression.”

—Oscar Wilde

Email Case Study


Email Case Study


The number of

people who clicked

through links on

the CiviCRM email

increased by 40%

after the mobile

responsive design.

/CIVI Newsletter Stats


Website Case Study


Website Case Study


Wanna ask questions?

Marisa Porter Meg Delagrangeweb architect creative director

@virtuallymarisa @coloringspirit
