JUJ>G,£ rviGnua^ce) - vigilance.kerala.gov.in · No. 8fl Distrii i FIRST INFORMATION (IllfUUo...


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BE~rott£ Tf-I£ Hort'&Ltl- c o c o g r OF E rJ Q u '<•/ C o r*> * )is s io N £ \ fts/j> -Se'/sc//u_ JUJ>G,£ rv iG n u a ^ ce ) / < O T T « y » « ------------- ----------------- -- -------------------. » ---------- V ------- --------

V fl r r Jon• District, . . . . . . * P. .Ike Station...................*'rtu PC fjci IS&Bao'’ no^ac*

.-•Year.Oli nUi

.•Sections,*iadAAO* w

<iii) *Act.................. *Scctions................. (iv)" ’'•’“ ’a* r>,A4ftJ£',*t* 8 *04 <8t0 *7

(i) *A ct.,n»lojiai. w (■*) 'A c t . . . .


FIR N o ..* ..................• D a l e . . . 4 / 0'»^m0.va/u|i. j>$$. rnrrui i^autail............. *80011011$...............

•Oilier Acts and Sections.................................®OOi OllOttlKOTSo tl i}r*

•(a) Occurrence of Offence »Day................*Date from............. 'Dale ............ •Time period........■njoa'iiljjj al'inp. oilavrotl x /siol mlnjinl •1100 myra..

* I nnr from...---- •Time to ... .(b) Information received at Polite Station.............Ixttc^.'!? . .T im e^ ^ ^a ravsi fToanjj. tuao avnejlrru0 om acvToMmlnJ u laio. aic1 .jj .jilcamT tu*® .

(C) S S ^ * 1 Di“J7 Refci.cncc Kntry No.(s>.........Time... .4. Type of Information........•Writtcn/Orallamoitn ruww/l nj.naaAo* a-3c11c.-vjs413n.1J comjii miamir —•*--«- '

F O R M N o . 1KERALA POLICE—CAtog Onjoejlrru0

HRST INFORMATIOaN REPORT—(aJu:/ u la io(Under Section 134 Cr. P. C.) (tAlxImoi msusl o>1-n/x» 134.3* oj.>.i i i u

i f s o i 7He • Inquest Rcport/U. D. Case No. if any..............................................

oi/vJOKu1aJ3.jem o1ovjj ° niiruj3«3TjlA Man* a*s.ou“ mmi* 9**rwi.1<ni.......12. F.I.R. contents (Attach separate sheets if necessary)

rt^AflU./jatrJ. - • — — •----------'rs^ jssxpss im sf^ or' --(seSLrrl. WQCj «_/ j Cn^yffr^Sertjrwrl /O Lf

C f e j o ^ t? ry

Pbco of Occurrence (a) Ejirection and distance from P.S. •'N'®.! rru°icej.: A U J ' TijgUVi jyg(b) Address......................................

'J«1aj 01I01 ..anilovTla nuj«3u. r '»B*jei.| (u:xw uonau

.Beat No................*..

(P a - lo c ^ r d cS crA '^ jcs J jcv lrk ^ ^ c j^ *T n \ s in > ? s t> 'A Apis.? K L -3 IG 1 S Z


(c) In case outside limit of this Police Station, then the name of Police Station. ®o u,-U3£u*tmj° au°eooniisiaJo m»Uj1.«>,393 7.1f&(3m1dH>0 etaifilwili iic>.rn».1 f9j


O .mplainantj idbr (a) NamoS


(d) National i aatnlai/ 3»

(f) Occupation >.vs»o*1 nA

yjuilaKi. 'TioIa’IouI ’athcr’s/IIusband’s Name...........iSWaiuAOuTnSo/«.V3Toionj1«i<lSa »uuu

Jlm° morut

• D eil.it.......

C r i i i .

13. Actio* taken lincc the above report reveal. commiMian of offence (.) U;» a. mentioned at ,1cm No. 2icgistried the case and took up the iuvcstigation/dircctcd*................... Rank....................... lo ujj,. upthe investigation'refused investigation,hransferred to Police Suit ion............................ . . . . .o n point of

.(c) Datc/Ycur of Birth.. n1<t> -jil; sola -uVvu.

i o n ^ ^ ^

(c) Passport N o................1 VVHiioauuaiU3i»51' a i 11 2 dF

jurisdiction.item nilnjrl.y n lo y i* ,! rlmlnnj. o.mr. gpmraln) n.o.ml^itnlnnj.^n.an^ju,

rrM unoa. „nm n“ ,Mtlm l”nnrJ m iam ionnn.ranam i.ou.m. n^.mjnjo.,1.......................... nan/l..............................._______________________m1mu34jilMnu,1.,.3 tr ,.l Vrml ajoltnenljj.................... onjo&j1onu mjueo.rmim1oR)no0 a,ano. a.F.I.R read over t,. the complainant,'Informant, admitted to be correctly recorded and n copy given to the complaiiuuu/iuformant free o f cost.w oo . nt-liir, nloojoti,- aj JM.'Umoncm/^ln," a »o3 njoarla^ O.I.O.JJ13JJ. mmlntoc n,la)»..cn.ajjnjcmlmmocmn.v . , . ,1 ^ tdoyodglcnj, «,j oja.dy” oJ>Snin.,,m“|«.1-!„.<sr$«i1a>0 aoo»oriiX3t»1 tprrtAl.


aioid>,1 (Wtia> inMom.

Ik tails of known/suspectcd/unkuuwu accused with full particulars m».il<nwaiirm/ao,if»<n/ldKi3nniTiY,si>ol3ro\> js3tro .0,40001331^.0 d mj.iuioi^ojl ^ oj1c»an1oj vkSuo.

r>4*njm’'uw sosl an.jdK.4c>.)

Ksasom lor dclav in reporting by the Complainam/Inbrmain..............n!!?-,i <TT, ^ S * o*ijeJlnu“ iouaoo/>Mo,i i /rs .lm l^aitiiA a.aaiifiOflsau

ojid410m l(sjrn l^^^ assaniw tc

Particulars of properties stolen/mvolved (Attached separate * uxoasi b1<aojjja/A4ooA4m4«Bi1«* aocoXj-, m / i » * ^ i , i aMlOOJM* flh»oi4*njm°uixooni1 OAiAdKm)

sheet if necess, Olloj 9# »y) • • •.......

014,0^ 9 4.131-

• Total value of properties stolen/mvolved......................................0X3iM''di1d>> v g' ,4®oA4i(n(ywTOlf9» £©»<ni| « T V p i 3non 1 u >

Siguature/Thumb Impression of tlic ( !oiuplaiiunt/InfoiTitaiit u.oomldiwoiciriJo/iTOVla molc»,1cn>

Date & Time o l ^ g p . u , ^ -J 0 / 7

to the Courtc.Aosm1 aai1 acjaK.u tiuas j j II fh 1

au« 01/014.

Signature of tlic Ollker-m-i liargc of Police Station«».U3» j1<TV" (TU4'a(V>raso»l,jl U3'5n0 OJiOl*»t«««430> IU''LCC10>0 d».<y®)>k]u

w ''^ "c 2 1 Supe f . o y P* L ijk l k v f f e e r, if any

uaojl *iarrTnMT»ia1 oi

No. 8fl Distrii i

FIRST INFORMATION (IllfUUoPolice Station a\Joe/lm>* <Tv“aoo«»oi 'V . A. • C. 0

23/329/2006. 10,000 x 100.

4 * . f , .»O I7 c a S a j^ j | » 3 « ) « o «J r .9 .S )Q t o ia - 4cz^]cr-» C^S2>*iSfio (^ ? 0 0 / f.^ ? 0 l7 ) *=? f) m &cn-ry]&Q

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r^EH5^^--rv3» ^ziT ls^ fgglro i, a aa », . P-O.tsdje&L o e o j j StpjijJr*© oramn -gi'=uua=.

K^£S2- lo2? S . a—iroo<7S?l.

gvojor) a i n r '^ H j r c ^ g i ^ yJ & r .o .


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