Journey To Alaska By Kyle McCowin. Journey to Alaska By Kyle McCowin


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Journey To Alaska By Kyle McCowin Slide 2 Journey to Alaska By Kyle McCowin Slide 3 Slide 4 It all started on a dark and lonely night. All at once I heard a car door slam shut, then footsteps on my front porch and then BAM! There was a loud knock at my door. I was hesitant to open the door, but when I did Slide 5 Slide 6 I was bombarded by my best friend Grace, she had just returned from Korea. She was stationed there for four long years, but now she has come back to Pennsylvania to see me. Grace, you look amazing! She looked amazing because her long blond hair just touched her shoulders, and her blue eyes sparkled like two lost stars. I was bombarded by my best friend Grace, she had just returned from Korea. She was stationed there for four long years, but now she has come back to Pennsylvania to see me. Grace, you look amazing! She looked amazing because her long blond hair just touched her shoulders, and her blue eyes sparkled like two lost stars. Slide 7 Slide 8 I just.. Im speechless I havent seen you in so long and now here youre standing in my house! Well, said Grace, I got more good news. You and I are leaving in the morning! What do you mean? Kyle, we our going to Alaska! It has been our dream since we were kids, and now that I'm home we can begin our long journey!! Slide 9 Slide 10 So without hesitation I made arrangements to sell my house and use the money for the expenses. Grace, we are all set, are you ready? Kyle, I have been ready since we were teenagers! Slide 11 Slide 12 The real struggle came after we got off the plane. The native people didnt like outsiders coming in and taking their jobs. We bought a four acre plot close to the forest and built a house with the little money we had left. Slide 13 Slide 14 It wasnt much, just a two room cabin with a kitchen and living area. The hardest thing to adjust out here was that we had no running water and no technology whatsoever. Slide 15 Slide 16 We spent our days cutting and stacking fire wood. We just lived one day at a time smiling through the bad and the hardship, we were living our dream and loved every minute of it. Slide 17 Slide 18 Grace, we have been talking about this for several years and we are finally here. Just look at what we have accomplished together. I know, Kyle, and look at that water! Its so beautiful, the way the mountain reflects in the crystal clear water. Grace said excitedly. Its just so peaceful out here, and Im glad we can have this experience together. Slide 19 Slide 20 Yes, I wouldnt want it to be with anyone else, my love. That reminds me, Grace. You have been through it all with me. Even when you were overseas we still contacted each other when we could, well Grace, what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me..? Grace looked so surprised, she jumped in my arms and said, Yes!! We lived happily ever after. Slide 21 Slide 22 So see kids, every journey that you think is too long, just remember, it all begins with the first step, even though you dont know what to expect. You have to keep your head up and push for your dreams to become a reality. Maybe one day all your dreams might come true just like mine did. Maybe one day all your dreams might come true just like mine did. Slide 23 Kyle McCowin is a junior at the Lawrence County Career and Technical Center. Kyle is enrolled in the electrical occupations program. Kyle is from the Ellwood Area School District.