Journey Healing Centers Brochure



Journey Healing Centers are private drug and alcohol rehab centers that have helped thousands of people to overcome their addictions and gain back the life they thought was lost. Call our confidential helpline today at 1-866-535-8960

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Get The Person You Love ... Back

Private Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

Drug and Alcohol addiction steals one’s life and

the lives of those around them. If left untreated,

addiction is a very destructive place that tears

families apart and can often be fatal. Journey

Healing Centers was founded by a family whose

lives were also being destroyed by addiction.

Now, with years of experience in the field, Journey

has successfully assisted thousands of individuals

in recovering from addiction and reuniting with

their families. We have sought out the best prac-

tices, methods and professionals to create a cus-

tomized healing program for our clients.

We pride ourselves in not only being recognized

as one of the top treatment centers in the United

States but also in the World, with international

clients traveling to our programs to heal with

dignity and respect.

In our fully licensed and qualified healing cen-

ters, our credentialed team specializes in the

treatment of drug and alcohol dependency

while providing our clients and their loved ones

with the tools they deserve to take back control

of their lives.

No one ever expects that they will face the pains of addiction, or at least I did not. I

never thought I would have to make the tough choices that not only saved my

marriage but also saved my husband’s life.

For years I “hoped” he would quit. He would promise to stop and I believed

him. I know that he really wanted to stop, he just did not know how. It was

not until he checked into Rehab and we got the support, tools and boundar-

ies before things really did start to get better.

Now the man I fell in love with is back and we have a wonderful life with our

children. I am personally connected to the incredible work that we do at Jour-

ney Healing Centers. I honor your strength for taking the first steps to getting

your loved ones back.

Journey Healing Centers

Lisa Lannon


Message from the Founders

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 | www.journeycenters.comJourney Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

Over 60,000 people per year

die from their addiction.

1 of every 8 Americans has a

significant problem with

Alcohol or Drugs.

“Journey saved my life and

I am forever greatful”

- Mason

Source: National Vital Statistics Report Vol. 57 No. 14

Dr. Ravi Chandiramani

JHC Medical Director

Integrative Addiction Medicine Expert

JHC Clinical Programs and Facilities have been Awarded The Gold Seal of Accreditation by the Highest Governing Body of Accreditation in the Behavioral Healthcare Field, JCAHO.


Sobering Statistics


95% of the people who start

treatment at JHC, finish treatment!

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

Features Include:

The Retreat is one of our most exclusive healing centers where our

clients experience our World Class Treatment in the comfort of the

highest level of amenities available. By assuring that our clients are

at their desired comfort and service levels, we ensure that the focus

can be where it deserves to be, on repairing their life through heal-

ing from addiction.

Features Include:�� All the Amenities of SUNDANCE Plus�� Private Suites�� Private Business Center�� Private On-site Gym�� 2 On-Site Massages Weekly�� Laptop and Mobile

Phone Friendly�� Nutrient Supplement Program �� And much more ….

¸0\�H[SHULHQFH�DW�7KH�5HWUHDW�ZDV�ßUVW�FODVV���,�was able to focus on my recovery while overseeing

my professional responsibilities”

- Michael

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

�� Holistic Healing Center�� 16 One-on-one Counseling

sessions each month�� Equine Therapy (Horses)�� Dual Diagnosis

Addressing the underlying causes that have led to addiction

�� Weekly Family Therapy�� Spa Amenities Including Massages�� Con!dential Program�� Private Pool�� Private Chef

Preparing Fresh Meals Daily�� Safe Environment�� Naturopathic Doctors�� Fireside Meetings�� Relapse Prevention Program�� Access to Fitness Center

�� Aftercare For Life!�� Art Therapy�� Yoga�� Sport Court�� Putting Green�� Gazebo w/Firepit�� And much more...

The Sundance Center is located in Scottsdale Arizona. High des-

ert provides the ideal healing setting and perfect environment to

overcome addiction with privacy in mind. The Sundance Center’s

Holistic treatment methods heal the body, mind and spirit together.

Features Include:

“You treated me with dignity

and gave me hope that I

could make it back from

a seemingly hopeless

state of mind and body”

- Michelle

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 | Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

�� 16 One-on-one Counseling sessions each month

�� Weekly Family Therapy�� Group Counseling�� Private Rooms Available�� Spa Amenities Including Massages�� Private Chef

Preparing Fresh Meals Daily�� Beautiful Backyard with Tranquil Coy Ponds

for Reflecting

�� Dual Diagnosis Addressing the underlying causes that have led to the addiction

�� Confidential Program�� Safe Environment�� Equine Therpay (Horses)�� Relapse Prevention Program�� Access to Fitness Center�� Aftercare For Life!�� On-site Native American Sweat Lodge�� Financial Healing�� Interventions Available�� Strong Alumni Program�� And much more …..

“Journey saved me from losing my family and my

OLIH���7KDQN�\RX¶- Marianne

Nestled in Utah’s beautiful Wasatch mountain range, Journey’s unique healing

center was carefully chosen to provide a serene and emotionally supportive en-

vironment. The experience here is one of peace and discovery with maximum

emphasis on the recovery process. Journey is renowned for our strong family

programs, 4 one-on-one individual sessions per week, and continued support

long after one completes our programs.

Features Include: Features Include:

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

“Journey helped give me the tools and

build a foundation to live a sober


�� All the amenities of JOURNEY plus�� Private Suites�� Weekly Family Therapy

Journey’s Creekside program is located near the main healing center. Creek-

side is designed for clients that are looking for long term residential care.

�� Dual Diagnosis�� Safe Environment�� And much more ....

Features Include:

JHC Alumni

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

�� Sober Living �� Private & Semi-Private Rooms�� Day Treatment / Outpatient Available�� On-site Support Meetings�� Clinical Support from our Fully

Licensed Treatment Center�� Short and Long Term Living�� Safe Environment�� Private Courtyard for Sober Fun and BBQs�� Case Management

Assuring a treatment plan is followed after treatment

�� Many Treatment Centers Refer Clients to our Sober Living

�� And much more …..

Sober Living is a community program that has a successful history of providing a safe,

supportive and structured environment. With short and long-term affordable programs,

Sober Living is an ideal setting for those individuals who are making the transition from

treatment back into a productive, sober lifestyle. Sober Living provides a safe living envi-

ronment to strengthen one’s sobriety before returning home.

“I learned I could have

fun again without Drugs

and Alcohol in life at

Sober Living”

Features Include:

JHC Alumni

Day Treatment and Outpatient is a vital piece in long-term sobriety. All of our healing centers of-

fer this continued support. Day Treatment and Outpatient have the highest success rates after one

completes a Residential program. However, if these services are desired without Residential treat-

ment, our clinical team can assist your needs and lifestyle requirements for the appropriate level of


�� Outpatient Treatment�� One-on-One Counseling�� Group Counseling Available�� Nutrient Supplements�� Life Skills

�� Support from our Licensed Treatment Facilities

�� Equine Therapy (AZ)�� Relapse Prevention�� And much more …..

Features Include:

Day Treatment / Outpatient

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

“The last 3 years I was in complete

despair wondering if I would ever

be sober, thanks to Sundance,

,�DP�WRGD\�¶- Les

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

When your loved one’s life is out of control, interventions can provide the solutions to get them back

even when they say “leave me alone” or “it’s my life”. We witness the deadly destruction of addiction

and need to step in before it’s too late.

Our professional interventionist team works with you hand-in-hand to provide the support, guidelines

and expertise to prepare and conduct a successful interven-

tion. We will be there with you every step of the way.

If your loved one could stop, they truly would. It happens to

the best of people and families. Taking action and calling in

a professional team to help your loved one stop their drug

and/or alcohol addiction is one of the most loving, caring

things you can do for them.

To learn more about an intervention, please call us at anytime. Interventions are often the first step

to getting your loved one back. No matter how hopeless and difficult your situation may be. Our

intervention specialists know how to get your loved one into the treatment that they need.

The journey to healing can begin with just one phone call. With years of experience in the field, our

team of professionals know exactly how destructive addiction can be. We are standing by 24 hours

a day to provide the answers you deserve.

For additional information about our programs, interventions, to check room

availability or if you just need to talk, please call.

“If it weren’t for my

mom setting up the intervention I

would never have gotten sober”

- Kevin


�� We Come To You �� Transportation�� Detox available�� As Seen on TV

�� Experienced Interventionist�� Heals the Family�� 90% Success Rate�� In & Out of United States

JHC Alumni

Journey Healing Centers | 24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960 |

Our commitment to you is not only to provide the best treatment to overcome addiction but to also

provide ongoing support to our clients and their loved ones FOR LIFE! All clients that complete our

program receive Free Aftercare for Life. This allows our clients to attend a minimum of 3 groups per

week at no additional cost. Any family member or loved one who is in support of sobriety can at-

tend our weekly Family Program free of charge. Family members learn about addiction, boundaries,

enablement and how to overcome addiction in the home.

In addition to our Aftercare For Life commitment, we offer coaching programs, telecounseling, annual

retreats and barbeques to all alumni. You are a part of the Journey Healing Centers family and we

are here for you.


24 Hour Helpline 1-866-535-8960

The Person I Love is Back!

Saving Lives, Healing Families, Through Licensed Caring Professionals

A member of the Elements Behavioral Health family
