Journal of agrarian change




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Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.J127BE©OoO4lt rxahTu7iAfgciohr1oCiknrne-pdwa0a iA,al3el Uou’5lAsl ft8K rP hCAtoiucogrbl.fre flaJeisroehiau iSnrneg Cac, lhtL ocatrdon.mgepilation © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Nicolas Petit

Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector: A Bitter or Better Future?Coffee, Ethiopia’s largest export crop, is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. The Ethiopian coffee sector is highly dependent on internationalprices and affected by the structure and workings of the world coffee market In this context, this paper seeks to identify what can be done in Ethiopia to improve the performance of the sector so as to yield benefits for the government and the estimated 15 million people dependent on coffee in the country. The paper argues that despite a limited room for manoeuvre, Ethiopia has not yet fully exploited its position as the producer of some of the best coffees in the world. A number of competitive advantages may still be seized if quality and consistency are guaranteed. In order to maximize this potential, and on the basis of a critical analysis of government policies and donor interventions in the sector, a number of recommendations are made. Keywords: coffee, Ethiopia, world market, coffee policiesINTRODUCTIONConcern about the development and poverty implications of dependence on primary, and especially agricultural, commodity exports was dramatized in 2002 when coffee prices collapsed to their lowest point in real terms for 100 years (NRI 2006). Although the ‘coffee crisis’ is hardly visible from cafes like Starbucks in developed countries where the coffee business is booming, this dramatic decline in prices caused immense hardship in countries where coffee is a key source of export earnings and of farmers’ incomes (Osorio 2002).The world coffee market has changed dramatically in the last two decades. Changes in the international policy environment, new arrangements in supply and demand, technological changes and/or the asymmetrical character of power in the ‘coffee value chain’, have increasingly narrowed the opportunities for vulnerable economies to secure the benefits from coffee trade needed for economic development and poverty reduction. This paper seeks to address some Nicolas Petit, 75, Avenue de l’université,

1050 Bruxelles, Belgique. e-mail: This article is based on a dissertation submitted at the School of Oriental and African Studies,

Department of Development Studies, in September 2006. I am grateful to Sergio Giorgi for his support and Surendra Kotecha for his encouragement, insight and

constructive criticism during work on the dissertation. Henry Bernstein gave detailed comments on various drafts of this paper, whichwere extremely helpful in revising it. The usual caveats apply.226Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres. Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263. of the issues by considering Ethiopia, the largest coffee producer and exporter in Africa. The rationale of selecting Ethiopia is threefold. With a share of less than3 per cent of the global market for coffee, the country relies on the crop for a high proportion of its export earnings. Indeed, coffee is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy, contributing 41 per cent of total foreign exchange earnings in 2005 (IMF 2006). Furthermore, the crop plays a central role in sustaining the livelihoods of more than one million coffee growing households and an estimated 15 million people in total (LMC 2000). Secondly, the country presents a number of distinctive features and plays an important role in the world coffee market because of its unique and world-renowned coffees. Thirdly, in-

depth literature on Ethiopia’s coffee sector is very scarce, if not non-existent, except for a few consultancy reports for donor-funded projects.The objective of this paper is to identify what can be done to improve theperformance/competitiveness of Ethiopia’s coffee sector so as to offer a better future (if any) for the national economy and those who depend on coffee for their livelihoods. I suggest that despite an adverse international setting (and the rhetoric of diversification out of coffee), interventions in the coffee sector remain of critical importance, and opportunities still exist at a national level to improve its performance. To exploit this potential effectively, a number of policy recommendations are made.The first part of the article identifies key international constraints presented by the structure and workings of the world coffee market. The second part provides an overview of coffee production, processing and marketing in Ethiopia, and notes some of their distinctive features. The third then considers the impact of the coffee crisis and domestic coffee market reforms in Ethiopia.The last part focuses on Ethiopia’s prospects in an apparently bitter future: what is being done and what could be done? After identifying constraints and opportunities at the national level, I present a critical analysis of current government policies and donor interventions. Finally, some policy recommendations are proposed.THE WORLD COFFEE MARKETCoffee is produced in more than 50 developing countries providing income for approximately 25 million smallholder producers (DFID 2004; Oxfam 2002b), and employing an estimated 100 million people (NRI 2006). World coffee production in 2006/2007 is forecast at 123.6 million bags and world coffee export is forecast at 92.8 million bags (USDA 2006). In 2005/2006, 52 per cent of world production was accounted by the three main coffee producers (Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam), Brazil currently supplying about a third of total production (ICO statistical database). The top five consumers are (in order) the USA, Brazil, Germany, Japan and France, while the Nordic countries have the world’s highest1

According to Oxfam (2002b, 7) ‘Seventy per cent of the world’s coffee is grown on farms of less than 10 hectares, and of this, the vast majority is grown on family plots of between one and five hectares’.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector227© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres. Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263. coffee consumption per capita. World consumption in 2006 is estimated at around 117 million bags (ICO 2006). About 65 per cent of the world supply ofcoffee is Arabica, while Robusta currently makes up around 35 per cent, compared to 25 per cent 20 years ago (Scholer 2004).The ‘Commodity Problem’The ‘commodity problem’ can be seen as a particularly harsh combination of both short-term price instability and declining terms of trade in the long run, exposing producers of primary commodities and governments to the dual problem of low returns and high risks. The impact of such trends in the short and long term is particularly acute for commodity dependent developing countries (DFID 2004). Prices of many agricultural commodities show a high degree of volatility and the behaviour of commodity price cycles can be characterized by periods of low prices endured for a longer time than price rises (DFID 2004). In addition to price volatility in the short-term, secular trends also operate to constrain the economic growth potential of commodity exporting countries. According to Maizels (1987), since the end of the Second World War, there has been a significant downward trend in the prices of primary commodities in relation to those of manufactured goods. Theoretical reasons for deteriorating terms of

trade in the long run were originally advanced in 1950 by Prebisch and Singer and then repeatedly tested and found valid (DFID 2004).3

As a result, structuralists questioned the wisdom of concentrating efforts on the production of primary commodities for export, and import-substitution strategies became a major component of development strategies until the rise of neo-liberalism in the early 1980s.4

The ‘Coffee Crisis’ Concerns about economic development prospects and the poverty implications of dependence on primary commodities for export came to the centre stage, once again, during the recent so-called ‘coffee crisis’. In 2002, Néstor Osorio, ICO’s executive director, observed that coffee prices on world markets that year reached their lowest point in real terms for a century. The fall in prices since 1997 has been dramatic (Figure 1), with prices in some cases insufficient to cover production costs (Osorio 2002).2

According to Baffes (2003), coffee prices are among the most volatile of commodity prices.3

Theoretical reasons include low price and income elasticities of demand for commodities as compared with manufactures; technological superiorities of developed countries; and asymmetrical impact of labour union power in developed countries and labour surplus in developing countries on the division of benefits of increased productivity (Maizels 1987). In a special issue of World Development on commodities, Maizels wrote the following 20 years ago: ‘The severe difficulties caused to the economies of the majority of developing countries by the virtual collapse of a wide range of primary commodities in 1980–82, and their continuous depressed level since, has brought the “commodity problem”once again to the urgent attention of the international community’ (1987, 537, emphasis added).228Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres. Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263. In 2002, Oxfam noted that some farming households dependent on coffee were pulling their children out of school; they could no longer afford basic medicines and were cutting back on food consumption. Some coffee traders were going out of business while many seasonal workers – among the poorestand most vulnerable participants in the coffee chain – lost their jobs. Moreover, government funds in producer countries were being squeezed, putting pressure on health and education provision and forcing governments further into debt (Oxfam 2002b). Since January 2005, prices have recovered in comparison with the crisis years of 2000–2004, reflecting a greater balance between supply and demand. Nonetheless, while conditions for producers, other actors in coffee export and governments of producer countries improve in the short-term, price recovery is likely to be only temporary given the inherently cyclical nature of current coffee markets (Lewin et al. 2004). While the oversupply of coffee was clearly one of the main factors behind this dramatic fall in prices, and although the coffee industry has long experienced boom and bust price cycles, this crisis is unique in that it reflects key structural changes in the global coffee commodity chain in the last 20 years, which I summarize next.The Global Coffee Commodity Chain: Key Shifts Significant structural changes in the global commodity chain are likely to dictate the foreseeable future. For Lewin et al. (2004), these changes could be as important as the cyclical shifts in supply and demand of the past.Figure 1 World coffee prices 1997–2006 Source: Calculated from ICO website (; Accessed in July 2006).Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector229© 2007 The Author.

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.The first to note is that with the rise of neo-liberalism from the early 1980s, international trade in coffee has been radically transformed from a managed market, in which governments played an active role, to a free market. In short, the regulation exercised through International Coffee Agreements (ICA) did not escape the Washington Consensus gospel of ‘getting the prices right’ and the now (in)famous dichotomy between the state (inefficient) and the market (efficient). International trade in coffee was regulated through an export quota system which existed under various ICAs between 1962 and 1989 implemented by the International Coffee Organization (ICO). Ponte suggests that ‘although there were problems with this system, most analysts agree that it was successful in raising And stabilizing coffee prices’ (2002, 253; emphasis in the original).However, disagreement between members (in particular opposition from the USA) led to the effective breakdown of the Agreement in 1989. Producer country coffee agencies subsequently lost almost all influence on the international trade market and prices dropped dramatically (Daviron and Ponte 2005). This market liberalization, and its price effects, had a major impact on many smallholder producers, as noted (see also NRI 2006). Second is domestic market liberalization. Many producer countries undertook market reforms during the 1990s as part of the structural adjustment programmes promoted (or imposed) by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank (International Financial Institutions or IFIs).5

The outcome of these reforms continues to be debated, but some common trends noted in the literatureinclude: a higher proportion of the export price paid to farmers; increasing price volatility following the abolition of price stabilization mechanisms; much more constrained access to credit for farmers and traders; more involvement of the private sector and a loss of market share for cooperatives and former parastatals.Finally, coffee market reforms have also often led to deteriorating coffee quality (Ponte 2002). Nonetheless, Ponte suggests that ‘market liberalization may be the best option for some countries, and that highly regulated markets may be the best for others, even within the framework of the same commodity’ (2002, 270).Third, in addition to the changing policy environment, coffee has witnessed structural changes in global supply and demand. One major area of change is the dramatic expansion of Robusta production in Vietnam during the 1990s and Arabica production in Brazil where innovative low-cost production systems have been developed.6

The increase in both the quantity and quality of Brazilian and Vietnamese coffees has resulted in a strengthening of their domination of different market segments, which in turn is increasingly marginalizing other5

According to the World Bank and its hegemonic position within development discourse, inefficient parastatal organizations, rent seeking behaviour and ‘heavy taxation’ of export agriculture necessitated market ‘reform’ (Baffes et al. 2003).6

Production in Vietnam increased from 2 million to 10 million bags during the 1990s, encouraged by low labour costs and government policies. Innovations in Brazil include migration of production northwards to less frost-prone areas, increased density of productive hybrid varieties, irrigation and improved mechanical harvesting combined with proactive industry organizations (Technoserve 2003).230Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263. producers (NRI 2006; Lewin et al. 2004). Changes are also taking place in the nature of demand with the unprecedented growth of branded ‘niche’ products, such as specialty/gourmet, organic, fair trade, eco-friendly (such as shade-grown and bird-friendly), decaffeinated, flavoured coffees and so on. In many cases, coffee

buyers’ requirements are focusing on higher quality and consistency (same quality for repeat delivery); traceability of origin as well as economic, social and environmental ‘transparency’; and capacity for direct long-term partnerships between producer and roaster (NRI 2006).Technological changes in roasting and grinding also have important implications, allowing for more flexibility in blending and greater use of Robusta coffees. Roasters adapted to changes with new roasting technologies such as steaming, and found new ways of reducing the acidity of Robusta coffees. In addition, Scholer (2004) argues that flavoured coffees can use cheaper (lower-grade) beans as well as coffee drinks such as cappuccino or café latte in which coffee is only one of the several ingredients. In his view, ‘market trends and new technologies are in many instances working against producers’ interests’ (2004, 10) with some new technologies clearly driving down quality.Fourth, other analyses of the world coffee market have focused on the shift of power in the global commodity chain, whereby value disproportionately accrues to actors downstream such as traders, roasters and retailers at the expense of coffee producers (NRI 2006). In particular, so-called ‘global value chain’(GVC) analyses of coffee have blossomed in recent years, with an emphasis onchain governance structure and the distribution of power along chains (Ponte 2002; Daviron and Ponte 2005).7

The loss of market power of coffee producing countries, and the loss of market share by some of them, in the reconfigured global coffee value chain is closely related to changes in the policy environment (market ‘reform’). The abolition of marketing boards has further reduced the capacity of farmers to raise their share of value-chain rents (Fitter and Kaplinsky 2001). According to Ponte (2002), the post-ICA regime can be labelled as a ‘roaster-driven’ chain, where producing countries’ governments have lost most of their bargaining power and the roaster and trading segments of the chain are increasingly concentrated.According to Scholer (2004), five international coffee trading houses have captured an increasing share of the coffee trade, covering about 40 per cent of the total volume of green coffee imports worldwide. In a similar fashion, ten roasters account for 60–65 per cent of all sales of processed coffee, most of which is sold under brand names.8

There has also been a dramatic increase of retail coffee shop groups such as Starbucks in recent years.The unequal distribution of total incomes, reflecting this asymmetrical character of power in the coffee value chain, is clear. At the end of the 1980s and part of the 1990s, coffee producing countries received around US$10–12 billion See for example Talbot

(1997), Fitter and Kaplinsky (2001) and Ponte (2002). For a detailed critical discussion of GVC analysis see Bernstein and Campling (2006a, 2006b).

The largest multinational roasting companies include Nestle, Kraft, Sara Lee and Procter & Gamble.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector231© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263. per year for their export. In 2003, however, they received US$5.5 billion, less than half as much. Meanwhile, the coffee industry in consuming countries has been moving in the opposite direction, with a continued growth in the annualvalue of retail sales from around US$30 billion in the 1980s to around US$80 billion at present (Osorio 2004; UNDP 2005).In a recent study, Daviron and Ponte (2005) seek to explain what they call the ‘coffee paradox’: a ‘coffee boom’ in consuming countries and a ‘coffee crisis’ in producing countries.

For them, market power is not simply about controlling market share, but also about the ability to define the ‘identity’ of a coffee or ‘the ability to set the language and the reference values that determine production norms and quality standards’ (2005, xvii). Using a theoretical framework combining ‘historical political economy’, GVC analysis and Convention Theory (CT), they argue that the ‘coffee paradox’ reflects the growing difference between coffee sold on international markets as a ‘commodity’ (that is, defined by its physical characteristics) and coffee sold as a final product to consumers.Farmers and producing countries sell coffee for its ‘material quality’ attributes, while consuming country operators downstream create and appropriate value by selling the ‘symbolic’ and ‘in-person service’ attributes of coffee. Therefore, while producers can improve value added to a certain degree by improving the ‘material’ quality of coffee, they have much less control over other (‘symbolic’ and ‘in-service’) attributes dominated by actors downstream and where most value is added in the chain (NRI 2006).COFFEE IN ETHIOPIAEthiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world.10

About 45 per cent of itspopulation live below the poverty line of US$1 per day. Social indicators such as infant mortality rate, illiteracy rates or school enrolment rates are considered some of the worst in the world (FAO 2006). The causes of poverty include low levels of agricultural technology and rural infrastructure. Recurrent droughts and the degradation of the natural resource base, combined with a highly unstable recent political history, also contribute to the persistence of poverty. In the past three years, Ethiopia’s economy has shown a mixed performance with a negative real GDP growth rate of 3.8 per cent in 2002/2003 as a result of drought, followed by unprecedented growth of 11.3 per cent in 2003/2004 and 8.9 per cent in 2004/2005. In general, the variability of growth is mostly a result of the variability in the performance of the agricultural sector (FAO 2006). Agriculture represents about 42 per cent of GDP, with industry and services respectively 11 per cent and 47 per cent. Agriculture is estimated to employ 85 per cent of the economicallyA ‘paradox within this paradox is that the international coffee market is awash in coffee of “low quality” while there is a dire shortage of “high quality” coffee – and it is the latter that is generating sales growth’ (Daviron and Ponte 2005, xvi).In 2005, Ethiopia ranked 170th out of 177 countries in the Human Development Index (UNDP 2005). With an estimated 75 million people in 2006, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria (FAO 2006).Nicolas Petit

Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres. Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225– population, and continues to be the major source of export earnings and raw materials for industry (OECD 2006).Importance of Coffee in the Ethiopian Economy Ethiopia is probably the oldest exporter of coffee in the world (ITC 2002). In 2005 it was the sixth largest coffee producer after Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia and India, and the seventh largest exporter worldwide. It is the largest coffee producer and exporter in Africa. Exports in 2005 were 2.43 million bags, a share of 2.82 per cent of world trade in coffee beans (ICO statistical database).The bulk of current Ethiopian exports go to Japan, Germany and Saudi Arabia. There is a high degree of dependence on these three markets, which absorbed 63.3 per cent of Ethiopia’s coffee exports in 2003/2004 (FDRE 2006). Moreover, exports to Japan, Germany and Saudi Arabia have risen in the last 20 years, while exports to the USA have declined (FDRE 2006).

The vast majority of coffee is exported in green bean form for roasting in consuming countries. Although the total share of its coffee exports in world trade is small, Ethiopia plays an important role in the ‘global value chain’ because of the fine quality of its coffees (Daviron and Ponte 2005). Historically coffee accounted for over 60 per cent of Ethiopia’s total export revenues (LMC

2000). While this proportion has dipped significantly in recent years with a revival in the prices of major Ethiopian exports in the international market (Figure 2), total coffee export earnings registered substantial growth in 2003/4 and 2004/5 due to increased export volumes (Table 1). Coffee has also long been an important source of tax revenue to the government (Love 2002).Agrisystems (2001) estimates the number of coffee farmers at 1.3 million. With an assumed family size of six to seven people, the numbers of Ethiopians associated with coffee growing can be as large as 7–8 million. Moreover, coffee is labour intensive during harvesting and processing, and provides an importantsource of income from casual labour for many poor rural people. Addingthose employed in transporting coffee and ancillary activities, LMC (2000, 2003)estimates that 15 million people are dependent on coffee for at least a significantpart of their livelihoods.Outline of ProductionTwo coffee species are currently used for commercial purposes:Coffea arabicaandCoffea canephora(also known as Robusta). Ethiopia only produces Arabicacoffee, which is widely believed to have originated there. Arabica coffee stillgrows wild in the forests of the south-western part of the country, whichremains an important source of genetic resources for the world coffee industry(Gole 2003). Coffee farming systems in Ethiopia are conventionally divided into11

The demand from Germany is mainly for washed coffee, while Japan and Saudi Arabia prefersun-dried coffee.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector233© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.four categories: forest coffee, semi-forest coffee, garden coffee and semi-modernplantation. Yields are considered to be very low compared to other countries,with estimates of less than 200 kg per ha for forest coffee and around 450–750 kgper ha for semi-modern coffee plantations (FDRE 2003a). Most coffee farmersdo not use fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides (LMC 2000).An accurate estimate of production is difficult because part of the harvest isgathered from semi-wild and wild forests, and a good proportion of the crop isconsumed on-farm or locally (Agrisystems, 2001). Most recent ICO estimatessuggest that over the past five years annual production has fluctuated between2.8 and 5 million (60 kg) bags (ICO statistical database), while the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture forecasts a harvest of 5.5 million bags in 2006/7(USDA 2006).

Eachworeda(district) is classified as a major, medium and minor coffeegrower based on the area covered by coffee trees (FDRE 2003a; see map). Coffeeproduction is concentrated mainly in the Oromiya and the Southern Nations,Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR). Major and medium growingworedascontain an estimated 800,000 coffee farmers with approximately 520,000ha under coffee, of which 63.3 per cent is in Oromiya, 35.9 per cent in SNPPand 0.8 per cent in Gambela. Smallholder producers are responsible for about 95per cent of production, while state-owned plantations account for 4.4 per centand private investor plantations 0.6 per cent (FDRE 2003a). Finally, coffee fromFigure 2 Trends in commodity shares of export values in Ethiopia (1999–2005)Note: Other includes textiles, essence oils, spices, fruit and vegetables, live animals,canned and frozen meat, sugar and molasses.Source: calculated from IMF (2006).234Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Table 1. Ethiopia: value of exports US$ million, 1999–20051999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005Total exports 485.9 462.7 452.4 482.7 600.4 817.7Coffee 262 182 163.2 165.2 223.6 335.4Coffee as percentage of total 53.5 39.3 36.1 34.2 37.2 41.0Source: IMF (2006, 55).Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector235© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.each significant Ethiopian producing region has a particular taste characteristicand a number of these coffee types are internationally well known. Accordingto the International Trade Centre, ‘Ethiopia produces some of the world’s finest“original” coffees such as Yirgacheffe, Limu and Harar’ (ITC 2002, 299).After harvesting, coffee cherries are processed by two widely applied methods,namely dry and wet processing. For unwashed Arabica (or sun-dried coffee), thecherries are dried on mats, concrete, or cement floors immediately after theyhave been picked. After drying to a moisture content of about 11.5 per cent, the

outer layer of the cherries are removed by hulling and the green bean obtainedis ready for marketing. For washed coffee (wet processed coffee), once the cherriesare harvested they are pulped, fermented in tanks and then finally washed inclean water. The wet parchment coffee obtained is then dried in the sun on raisedtables and sorted at 11.5 per cent moisture content (IFPRI 2003).Currently there are more than 1000 coffee cherry processing plants in thecountry, with approximately 492 hulleries and 601 washing stations. The coffeewashing stations are owned by private individuals, farmers’ cooperatives or stateenterprises, and have an estimated total processing of around 80,000 tons ofwashed coffee per annum (FDRE 2003a). Historically, over 90 per cent of Ethiopiancoffee was sun-dried. However, since washed coffee sells at significant premiumsover sun-dried coffee, the government has encouraged cooperatives andtraders to invest in machinery to raise the output of washed coffee (LMC 2003).12

In 1980/1, washed coffee was only 9.1 per cent of total coffee exports; by 2004/5, it amounted to 32.7 per cent (FDRE 2006).Glimpses of DifferentiationLiterature on coffee in Ethiopia – whether from government sources or withinthe coffee industry, or in reports from NGOs like Oxfam or donor agencies likeUNDP – typically gives the impression that Ethiopian coffee ‘smallholders’ area homogeneous group of farmers (who are thus similarly affected by the ‘coffeecrisis’). While there are no systematic studies or data of rural differentiation,some useful glimpses are available from an unlikely source, namely an unusuallyprecise ‘livelihood’ analysis in SNNPR conducted for the United States Agencyfor International Development (USAID 2005). Figure 3 and Table 2 summarizethe results for three ‘livelihood zones’ dependent on coffee. The Gedeo zoneincludes parts of Wenago, Yirgacheffe and Kochereworedas. This is a food securearea that produces some of the highest quality coffee in Ethiopia, and is relativelywealthy, with some poor households earning more cash than better-off householdsin some other parts of SNNPR. The Sidama zone covers parts of Dara,Aleta Wendo, Dale, Shebedino, Awassa, Hulla, Bensa and Aroresaworedas.12

The government is also considering the introduction of hand-operated coffee pulpers at farmlevel to produce semi-washed coffee (‘pulped natural’ coffee), which has a lower level of defects andimproved liquor compared to sun-dried coffee (LMC 2003).236Nicolas Petit

© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Figure 3 Sources of income for three different livelihood zones in SNNPR (adapted fromUSAID 2005)Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector237© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Table 2. Household differentiation in three livelihood zones (adapted from USAID 2005)SIDAMA COFFEE LIVELIHOOD ZONEGEDEO COFFEE LIVELIHOOD ZONE% of thepopulationHouseholdsizeLand areacultivated (ha)Perennial crops Livestock Annual income(ETB)Poor 30 6–8 0.375–0.5 200–700 coffee bushes;50–200 enset stems0–2 cows; 0–3 sheep;1–7 hens2500–3000Middle 52.5 7–9 0.75–1.5 900–2300 coffee bushes;200–600 enset stems1–3 cows; 2–4 sheep;4–6 hens5000–7000Better-off 17.5 9–11 1.5–2.5 1800–3600 coffee bushes;500–1500 enset stems2–6 cows; 3–6 sheep;0–4 goats; 4–8 hens8000–10,000% of thepopulationHouseholdsizeLand areaowned (ha)Cultivated

with coffeeLivestock Annual income(ETB)Very poor 15 5–7 <0.25 Small area mixed crops 0 cattle; 0 shoats; 0 donkey 1000–1600Poor 25 5–7 0.25–0.5 0.125–0.25 0–2 cattle; 0–1 shoat; 0–1 donkey 1300–2000Middle 40 6–8 0.75–1.25 0.5–0.75 2–4 cattle; 0–3 shoats; 0–1 donkey 1500–2500Better-off 20 8–10 1.5–>2 1 4–8 cattle; 0–4 shoats; 1 donkey 3000–4500238Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.WOLAYITA GINGER AND COFFEE LIVELIHOOD ZONE% of thepopulationHouseholdsizeLand areacultivated (ha)Perennial crops Livestock Annual income(ETB)Very poor 17.5 4–6 0.13–0.25 0 mature enset; 10–15 coffee bushes None owned.Yerbee:0–1 milking cow750–850Poor 35 5–7 0.25–0.38 0–8 mature enset; 15–35coffee bushesNone owned.Yerbee: 0–2 cattle;0–2 small stock1000–1300Middle 30 6–8 0.38–0.75 10–15 enset; 25–65 eucalyptus trees;40–60 coffee bushes0.5–1 plow oxen; 2–6 cattle;4–6 small stock1600–2000Better-off 17.5 7–10 0.75–1.5 10–30 enset; 60–120 eucalyptus trees;60–120 coffee bushes1–2 plow oxen; 10–15 cattle;5–7 small stock3000–4000Notes

: Households without livestock gain access to livestock products through a loan arrangement known locally asYerbee.Table 2. Continued.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector239© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Coffee is the main cash crop andensetthe main food crop.13

The Wolayita zonedata presented here cover just oneworeda, namely Boloso Sore, characterized bychronic poverty and food insecurity and where coffee and ginger are the maincash crops.These illustrations clearly show that ‘coffee farmers’ should be seen as differentiatedin various ways. For example, relative wealth is determined primarilyby the area of land owned/cultivated and the number of livestock that householdsown. In the Wolayita coffee and ginger zone, better-off householdscultivate on average six times the area cultivated by very poor households andonly the middle and better-off households own livestock. Accordingly, better-offhouseholds have an average annual income four times that of very poor households(3000–4000 ETB and 750–850 ETB, respectively). Moreover, there arealso critical differences in income sources. While the major source of incomefor middle and better-off groups are crop sales and livestock sales, Figure 3illustrates the central importance of casual labour for very poor and poor households.Casual employment represents around 65 per cent of income for the very13

Ensetor ‘false banana’ is unique to Ethiopia and one of the most characteristic products ofSNNPR. The starchy base of the plant is fermented and eaten in various forms as bread, pancakesor porridge.240Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.poor in Sidama and 60 per cent of income for the very poor in Wolayita. Casuallabour usually includes agricultural work for better-off coffee farmers and daily

labour in the pulping stations during the coffee harvest season. Finally, theresponse strategies to hazards also vary depending on wealth groups. The mainhazards affecting these zones are shortage of rain and drought, hail and frost,coffee berry disease and coffee wilt disease, livestock diseases, fluctuating internationalcoffee prices or increased staple food prices. In bad years, livestock salesexpand for wealthier households, while very poor and poor households do morelocal casual work and petty trade (with daily wages lower in bad years) ormigrate outside the livelihood zone in search of employment (USAID 2005). Inshort, differentiation means that farmers are affected differently and deploy differentcoping strategies in response to falling coffee incomes, whether occasioned bydeclining international prices or other factors. Evidently this has implications forthe consideration of policies such as upgrading, typically conceived as applicableto a notional ‘average’ small farmer household.The Contemporary Domestic Marketing Chain: From Growers to ExportFigure 4 illustrates the present domestic coffee marketing chain from farmgate to export. Market participants are numerous and include smallholdercoffee farmers or state farms, primary collectors (‘sebsabies’), suppliers (‘akrabies’),processors, service cooperatives, unions, exporters and various governmentinstitutions (see Table 3 for details). Many participants are required to havespecific licences for their respective functions; for example,sebsabieshave to selltoakrabies,akrabiesdeliver their coffee to the auction but are not permitted toexport it, and exporters are only permitted to buy coffee from the auction (LMC2003). Normally, all Ethiopian coffee should pass through auction centres.However, since 2001, cooperatives and to a lesser extent private investors havebeen granted permission to by-pass coffee auctions, opening the way for directexport sales (Dempsey 2006).On arrival in the Addis Ababa or Dire Dawa auction centres, all beans aretaken to the auction compound where their provenance and quality is tested ona sample basis by the Coffee and Tea Quality Control and Liquoring Unit(CLU). Grading standards are set according to the number of defects and the

type of processing. The main export grades are grade 2 for washed coffee andgrade 4 and 5 for unwashed coffee (LMC 2003). For example, washed coffeesupplies are usually dominated by Sidamo 2, Limu 2 or Yirgacheffe 2, while themost common unwashed coffees are Jima 5, Sidamo 4 or Harar 5. At the auctions,there is an emphasis on keeping consignments from different regions separate inorder to maintain the distinctive flavour of the different regions (LMC 2003).1414

Moreover, compared to most other producing countries that have a grading and classificationsystem by bean size, Ethiopia follows a system of cup taste profile according to regional flavours(Surendra Kotecha, personal communication).Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector241© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Deliveries which do not meet export standards are rejected and redirected forthe domestic market. Ethiopia, along with Brazil, is one of the only producingcountries with a strong coffee-drinking culture. A large proportion of coffeeconsumption in Ethiopia occurs on-farm, which makes levels of consumptiondifficult to assess (LMC 2003). The ICO estimate for local consumption in 2005was 1.83 million (60 kg) bags, i.e. more than 40 per cent of production (ICOstatistical database).Figure 4 Ethiopian domestic coffee marketing chain in 2006Source: adapted and updated from LMC (2000) and IFPRI (2003).242Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Table 3. Key actors and institutions in the Ethiopian coffee sectorKey actors and institutions Main functions and responsibilitiesMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development(MoARD) (Federal Level)Established in January 2004 by proclamation No. 380/2004 (A Proclamationto Amend the Reorganization of the Executive Organs of the FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia, Federal Negarit Gazeta of the FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia, 13 January 2004). Now responsible for thefull agricultural value chain (includes the formerly independent FederalCooperatives Commission and some functions previously managed by theMinistry of Trade and Industry).Coffee, Tea Spices and Cotton Marketing Department(CTSCMD) & Coffee, Tea, Spices DevelopmentDepartment (CTSDD)

These two departments of the MoARD took over the functions of the ex-Coffee and Tea Authority (CTA) in March 2004. They supervise the sectorwith responsibilities for coffee research, quality control, marketing, etc. Theyhandle policy matters and provide technical services such as extension, training,processing and marketing to coffee growers and other market participants.MoARD at regional, zonal and woreda levels Regions principally concerned are Oromiya and SNNP regions. Responsiblefor implementing extension services and other on-farm aspects relating tocoffee.Coffee and tea quality control and liquoring unit (CLU) This is a government agency with an essential role in maintaining the qualityof coffee in Ethiopia. Responsible for liquoring (classifying by taste andappearance) washed and unwashed coffee as it arrives at the auction. Also givesclearance to exporters prior to export.Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)/Jimma Research Centre (JRC)The Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO) was renamed theEthiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) in October 2005.Important role to play in Ethiopia’s coffee sector, primarily in selectingdisease-resistant varieties, establishing national coffee collection and protectingthe genetic resource base of the crop. It has several research stations in variousagro-ecological zones of the country like the Jimma Research Centre (JRC),responsible for the national coffee research programme.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 243© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Ministry of Finance and Economic Development(MoFED)Oversees the planning of national strategic development initiatives. Focalpoint for some coffee donor-funded projects.National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) Responsible for managing the country’s foreign exchange flows, includingthose generated by coffee.Coffee plantation and development enterprises Government institution responsible for the state coffee plantations withapproximately 8000 permanent employees and responsible for around 50,000casual jobs annually.Small-scale coffee producers Responsible for 95 per cent of coffee production, and estimated at 1.3 million.Most are men, as coffee cultivation is considered the responsibility of the headof household. A differentiated category of farmers with poor, middle orbetter-off farmers depending on size of holding and sources of cash income.Coffee labourers/workers Coffee generates a considerable number of jobs on-farm, in the processingplants (washing stations, hulleries) or in the transport sector. In Ethiopia,coffee constitutes a very important source of casual employment for manypoor people. Most agro-processing employees are women.Primary coffee collectors (‘sebsabies’) Locally licensed coffee traders purchasing coffee from individual farmers.Essential role to bring coffee from very remote areas to the market. They have

no warehouses of their own and therefore transfer the coffee to ‘akrabies’immediately. There are currently 2291 legal collectors in Ethiopia.Suppliers/Wholesalers (‘akrabies’) Suppliers acquire red coffee cherries from collectors or producers (before 1999,they could not buy coffee directly from producers), they then have to processtheir coffee before bringing it to auction. They are not allowed to export ontheir own account. Some have storage facilities as well as their own hullers orpulperies. Currently there are 1068 akrabies in the country.Service Cooperatives (primary societies) Made up of different local peasant associations. Important role in organizingfarmers. Many cooperatives own washing stations and warehouses.Key actors and institutions Main functions and responsibilitiesTable 3. Continued.244 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Cooperative unions Association of primary cooperatives societies, with an increasing role in thelast five years with support from government and funding from overseasdonors. Currently, there are four cooperatives unions (Oromia, Yirgacheffe,Sidama and Kaffa Coffee Farmers Cooperative Unions). From 2001, theyobtained a concession to bypass the auction and export coffee directly tooverseas buyers. Their main functions are to assist in developing producer/buyer linkages (by facilitating organic and fair trade certification for example),to export members’ coffee directly, provide warehouse and transport services,promote high-quality coffee production, and provide saving and creditservices as well as training and education programmes for members.Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative union (OCFCU)First union founded in June 1999. Includes 34 cooperatives representing 22,734farmers producing around 16,000 t of coffee. Infrastructure includes 32pulperies, 3 hulleries, warehouse capacity of 9550 tons.Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (SCFCU)Founded in July 2001, comprises 39 primary cooperatives representing 82,275farmers producing around 35,000 t of coffee (60 per cent washed). Owns 89pulperies, one hullery and has a warehouse capacity of 5000 tons.Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU)Founded in July 2002 by 21 primary cooperative members representing 42,065coffee farmers. 46 pulperies, 4 coffee hullers and warehouse space for 4600 t.Kaffa Forest Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (KFCFCU)Founded in March 2004 by 26 primary cooperative members representing6032 coffee farmers.Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA) –private organizationImportant role as one of the main contacts with the world market. Theprincipal objective of ECEA is to promote coffee exports. It provides coffeetrade information, lobbies on policies, and supplies technical support to its

members, of whom there are currently 65.Sources: FDRE (2003a), IFPRI (2003), Agrisystems Ltd (2001), and author’s interviews.Key actors and institutions Main functions and responsibilitiesTable 3. Continued.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 245© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.SummaryThe Ethiopian coffee sector is characterized by a number of distinctive featuresof which the most important include the following.Firstly, Ethiopian coffee is an important source of coffee genetic resources asthe country is the centre of origin and diversification of Arabica coffee. Wildcoffee still grows in different areas of Ethiopia and forest or semi-forest coffeesconstitute an important part of the country’s production. Secondly, domesticconsumption represents more than 40 per cent of coffee production. There is along and strong tradition of coffee drinking, and the famous coffee ceremony is anintegral part of the Ethiopian culture. Thirdly, a variety of distinctively flavouredbeans produced in different regions (coffee types such as Harar, Limu or Yirgacheffe)are recognized internationally and marketed in blend or as 100 per centEthiopian products at high premiums. Fourthly, smallholders represent 95 per centof total production in a low input–low output system making Ethiopian coffeeproduction naturally ‘organic’. Finally, coffee should be considered as a very‘political crop’ because of its tremendous importance in the Ethiopian economy.What Ethiopia shares with other producer countries, of course, is that it ishighly dependent on international prices and affected by the structure and workingsof the world coffee market. According to the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP), ‘what happens in international coffee markets has aprofound bearing on Ethiopia’s prospects for achieving the Millennium DevelopmentGoals’ (2005, 140). I turn next to consider domestic coffee marketingreform, and export performance in the context of changes in the global coffeemarket outlined earlier.THE COFFEE CRISIS, MARKET REFORM AND PERFORMANCEAccording to the latest Human Development Report, Ethiopia is one of thecountries most affected by the crisis in world coffee prices. Exports earningshave fallen dramatically and the price shocks absorbed by coffee producers inEthiopia have been enormous. Using household-level data, UNDP estimatesthat the loss of income in 2003 amounted to about US$200 per household, whilefor every $2 in aid received by Ethiopia in 2003, $1 was lost through lowercoffee prices (UNDP 2005). In its report on the impact of the coffee crisis onfarmers in Kafa province, Oxfam International reveals a similar picture.15 It

argues that farmers cannot cover their basic production costs and are operatingat a loss, while some primary cooperative societies have gone bankrupt and manytraders and exporters were forced to stop operating (Oxfam 2002a). However, as15 This report was commissioned as a background paper for Oxfam ‘Make Trade Fair’ campaignand the ‘Mugged: Poverty in your Coffee Cup’ report (Oxfam 2002b). As part of this global campaign,Oxfam launched also the ‘Big Noise’ petition to put pressure on governments and coffeecompanies to come up with a lasting solution to the coffee crisis. As of today, this petition has beensigned by more than 3 million Ethiopians, including the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi; see for more details.246 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.noted earlier, the differentiation of coffee farmers means that not all of themsuffered to the same extent from the crisis in prices.The government estimates that Ethiopia lost about US$814 million in revenuefrom coffee exports between 1998 and 2003. Moreover, in 2002, one of the maingovernment responses to the crisis was to cut the 6.5 per cent export tax oncoffee leading to a further decrease in government revenue (see further below),and contributing to an increase in the debt burden (FDRE 2003b).Domestic Coffee Market Reforms and Their ImpactThe end of the Derg military regime and the arrival in government of theEthiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) in 1991 led to anumber of political and economic reforms, mostly in line with the neo-liberalprescriptions of the IMF and World Bank. These reforms have had effects for allsectors of the economy, including the coffee chain. Coffee market reforms beganin 1992 primarily as a means to increase prices received by farmers in order topromote production and reduce the incidence of coffee smuggling to neighbouringcountries (LMC 2000). Some of the most significant changes in terms of marketing,pricing, taxation, regulation and quality control are presented in Table 4.From this table, several observations can be made. Firstly, the coffee marketreforms in Ethiopia have been a gradual process of change carried out in phases.Secondly, the process of liberalization has been only partial. Although manychanges have loosened government involvement in the sector (such as theremoval of the former state monopoly and the increasing involvement of theprivate sector, the ending of price controls or the abolition of the quota system),strict government controls remain in several areas. In addition to maintaining theauction, the level of vertical integration is limited through licensing rules andonly coffee deemed unsuitable for export can be sold for domestic consumption.Moreover, Ethiopia does not allow multinational companies (MNCs) to registeras exporters. Daviron and Ponte suggest that ‘as a result of the absence of MNC

competition at the auction level, the industry is much more locally controlledthan elsewhere in Africa’ (2005, 108).Regarding the impact of these reforms, the different studies available (LMC2000, 2003; Alemayehu 1999; IFPRI 2003) show the following trends: (i) anincreased participation of the private sector at different levels of the marketingchain; (ii) an increased proportion of the export price received by growers (albeitwith increased volatility), with the devaluation of the Ethiopian Birr from 1992further increasing grower prices in local currency terms; and (iii) a positivesupply response and improved coffee export performance. According to ourown calculations in Figures 5 and 6, based on unpublished data of the Coffee,Tea, Spices and Cotton Marketing Department of MoARD (FDRE 2006), therewas indeed an increase in coffee arrival at auctions as well as improved exportperformance for both washed and unwashed coffees in the post-reform period.Moreover, liberalization does not seem to have had a negative impact onquality in Ethiopia as strict government quality controls have been maintainedEthiopia’s Coffee Sector 247© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Table 4. Main features of the coffee sector liberalization in EthiopiaPre-liberalization (before 1991) Post-liberalization (after 1991)Marketing channelsDomestic coffee trade mostly under the control of cooperativesand state-owned companies. The Ethiopian Coffee MarketingCorporation (ECMC) is responsible for most of the internal andexternal marketing of coffee, controlling more than 80 per cent ofthe entire coffee trade.ECMC split into two public companies in 1992: the EthiopianCoffee Purchase and Sales Enterprise (ECPSE), which purchasescoffee and delivers it to auction, and the Ethiopian Coffee ExportEnterprise (ECEE), which purchases coffee at auction for export.Both companies were later closed down and all coffee is nowexported by private companies.RegulationLicensing rules: sebsabies, akrabies and exporters all licensedseparately and their activities prescribed and limited (as above).While the number of restrictions on private traders reduced, licencesare still required for every function in the marketing chain.Very expensive licence fees reduced the number of marketparticipants (for example, 25,000 ETB for an export licence).Only service cooperatives and the ECMC to market washedcoffee, from which private traders excluded.Licence fees were reduced in 1993 to encourage more market

participants. Fees for the issue and renewal of licence are 200 ETBfor exporters and 150 ETB for sebsabies and akrabies. Since 1999akrabies can also buy directly from farmers. Private traders can nowalso participate in trade in washed coffee.All coffee must go through auction. Auction maintained, but since 2001 direct export sales bycooperatives unions and, to a lesser extend, by private investors arepermitted.Coffee rejected at auction as below export standard redirectedto domestic market.Restriction continues: coffee can be sold on the domestic marketonly after inspection at auction and certification that it is unsuitablefor export.Traders issued with quotas. Private exporters not allowedto compete for coffee until the ECMC’s quota met.Quota system abolished.248 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Distribution of inputs/creditInputs provided by the Agricultural Inputs Supply Corporation, atsubsidized prices for chemical inputs. However, most coffeefarmers did not use fertilizer, pesticides or herbicides (except statefarms), due to limited access to credit among other factors.Input distribution liberalized in 1993 and entry of privatecompanies. Input subsidies abolished in 1997. Still few creditopportunities available to farmers. Bank lending for investment inprocessing equipment is available but difficult to access.PricingExport prices: Floor price for exports set by the National Bank ofEthiopia (NBE).Coffee Price Differential Setting Committee established followingliberalization, chaired by the NBE and comprising members of theexporters association, the ECEE and the Coffee and Tea Authority(CTA); sets daily minimum prices for different grades of washedand unwashed export coffees. Exporters obliged to register at leastthis minimum price at the NBE when they make a sale. Because ofproblems in adjusting prices to international prices, the NBEabandoned this procedure, hence ending to export price control, inNovember 2002.Grower prices: Fixed price set by the Ministry of Coffee and TeaDevelopment (MCTD). The difference between the grower priceand the export (f.o.b.) price taken as tax by the government.Payment to farmers now determined by market prices. However,

farm-gate floor prices maintained until 1996/97 for red cherries andmore recently for dry cherry. (Cooperatives usually a seconddividend payment to members as a proportion of profits on sale oftheir coffee, thus raising the total price to farmers).TaxationFour kinds of coffee export taxes: (i) export duty of 150 ETB/ton;(ii) cess of 50 ETB/ton; (iii) transaction tax of 2 per cent of f.o.b.value; (iv) surtax in proportion to export price. In addition, somemunicipality taxes levied on the domestic transport of coffee.‘Heavy taxation’ encouraged large-scale smuggling of coffeethrough Djibouti, Kenya and Sudan.In 1998, various taxes and duties consolidated into a single tax set at6.5 per cent of the f.o.b. price (NB: All export duties and taxesexcept those on coffee abolished). In June 2002, the export coffee taxsuspended in response to persistently low international prices; willbe re-imposed if prices rise again. Reduced incidence of smuggling.Pre-liberalization (before 1991) Post-liberalization (after 1991)Table 4. Continued.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 249© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.Quality controlBoth washed and unwashed coffees subject to a number ofinspections and quality controls throughout the marketing system.Stringent quality controls for washed coffees at different levelsfrom first inspection when the cherry delivered to the washingstation (only ripe and newly harvested cherries purchased, othersrejected and marketed as unwashed coffee). A second inspectionafter processing; coffee that failed this second test sold on thedomestic market. Unwashed coffee subject to less stringent qualitycontrol. Moisture content strictly checked before the auction forboth types of coffee. Further quality assessment before auction andbefore export. Only washed coffee cup tasted by CLU prior toauction. Price premium for washed coffee but no direct priceincentive on quality.Government quality controls maintained at both local level andauction. Moisture levels still strictly checked. As of 1999, the coffeeliquoring unit (CLU) also cup tastes all unwashed coffee prior toauction and export, providing exporters with better informationabout quality. However, exporters are not allowed to cup tastecoffee before buying it at auction. Considerable emphasis onkeeping consignments from different regions separate in order tomaintain their distinctive flavours. Coffee still bought at one price

irrespective of quality, with higher price cherry that is wetprocessed.Source: Compiled from Alemayehu (1999), LMC (2000, 2003), Love (2002), IFPRI (2003), and Daviron and Ponte (2005).Pre-liberalization (before 1991) Post-liberalization (after 1991)Table 4. Continued.250 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.(Daviron and Ponte 2005).16 Finally, Alemayehu argues that liberalization hasalso resulted in a dramatic reduction of government revenues (following taxreforms), with detrimental effects on the government’s ability to provide necessaryservices to the public. While in the pre-reform period, coffee exports contributedaround 8 per cent of total government revenue, this dropped to an average of16 Even though strict government controls have been maintained at federal level by the coffee qualitycontrol and liquoring unit (CLU), this is not necessarily the case in the producing regions. For example,Kotecha (2002) suggests that after liberalization many new akrabies started supplying coffees mixedfrom different regions, hence of mixed qualities, ignoring the longer term consequences of this practice.Figure 5 Coffee arrival at auctionsFigure 6 Ethiopia’s coffee export performanceEthiopia’s Coffee Sector 251© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.1 per cent following liberalization (Alemayehu 1999). However, Love (2002)suggests that this does not mean that coffee is less significant as a fiscal resource,since the government increased its capacity to extract a share of the value addedat other stages in the production and distribution of the crop at the same time(such as direct taxes on income, land or profits).For Daviron and Ponte (2005), although liberalization has taken place in mostcoffee producing countries, there is no single or uniform path of liberalization/deregulation. Ethiopia is an interesting case, with a partial liberalization wheresome strict government controls remain. It appears here that it is essential to gobeyond the dichotomy of market and state that permeates the discourses ofneoliberal ‘reform’. For example, the role of state regulation remains fundamentalin maintaining quality performance and the uniqueness of Ethiopian coffees (atleast in part, at federal level) at the same time as market reforms have beenaccompanied by an improved export performance. Last but not least, whilesome regulations appear as a response to the requirements of the internationalmarket (such as quality standards), regulations also serve a political purpose forthe present regime in ensuring the centralized collection of foreign currencynecessary to keep the ruling party in power (Love 2002).

SummaryThe ‘commodity problem’ of declining terms of trade and increased price volatility,combined with shifts in the structure of world markets and ‘governance’ ofthe global commodity chain, in the past 20 years mean that many farmers andgovernments receive poorer returns from coffee exports. A greater proportionof value added is captured outside the producing countries; technical changesmean that some farmers and some producing countries are no longer competitive;and long term prospects on the world coffee market are poor.So far, I have argued that many coffee farmers, other actors in coffee commoditychains in producer countries and national economies dependent on coffeeexports face an increasingly bitter future. Ethiopia is no exception, despite someimmediate gains in supply response and associated export performance. Whatkinds of opportunities (and under which national constraints) are there to providea better future (if any) to the government and the estimated 15 million peoplein Ethiopia whose livelihoods, at least in substantial measure, depend on coffee?What solutions have been proposed so far by the government or developmentagencies? I turn to these questions next.PROSPECTS FOR ETHIOPIA: WHAT CAN BE DONE AND WHAT ISBEING DONE?What Can Be Done? The General FrameworkVarious solutions at the national and international levels have been proposed tooffer a better future to coffee farmers and coffee producing countries. Here I252 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.shall consider only solutions available at the national level.17 Identifying the bestways to maximize Ethiopia’s export earnings or the prices received by coffeefarmers is not an easy task, and policy makers are faced by a number of dilemmaswith different routes available.Options available ‘outside’ or ‘within’ coffee are not mutually exclusive, sincecoffee growers can combine increased competitiveness within coffee alongsideother, sometimes new, activities, for example, diversification into other ‘traditional’crops or other high-value commodities (like horticultural commodities)or options beyond agriculture (NRI 2006). Even though it is important to recognizethat diversifying into other activities (in particular, into new areas ofeconomic activity such as manufactures and services) is probably the best way toreduce dependence on agricultural activity, employment and income, in the longrun (DFID 2004), diversification out of coffee cultivation in the short runpresents a number of challenges. There are severe constraints in many coffee

growing areas which inhibit the development of alternatives, including agroecologicalconstraints, limited access to markets for other commodities, the perennialnature of coffee plants (and the investment they represent), strong culturalattachment to coffee or ‘adding-up’ problems (if different countries diversify intothe same products). Moreover, alternative crops may not be more attractive interms of price and returns to labour (Gibbon 2003; Daviron and Ponte 2005).Regarding the options ‘within coffee’, benefits could be obtained, in theory, ina number of ways, such as increasing the quantity of national productionthrough extensification (new plantings) and/or intensification (higher productivity),improving quality, increasing the proportion of coffees selling at significantpremiums (such as washed coffee, semi-washed coffee or differentiated coffees),18

or raising demand for Ethiopian coffee through promotion. The options thatmay be taken up will depend on international conditions, but also on constraintsand opportunities at a national level.Constraints and Opportunities at a National LevelThe Ethiopian coffee commodity chain faces its own complex set of problems,including various constraints on production, processing and marketing. Theconstraints most commonly referred to include the high incidence of CoffeeBerry Disease (CBD), with an estimated 50–60 per cent of production potentiallyat risk; the shortage of improved cultivars adapted to different localities;17 Discussion of solutions proposed at the international level – including the renewed interest inpromoting supply management, efforts of the now defunct Association of Coffee Producing Countries,the ICO’s Coffee Quality Improvement Programme (International Coffee Council Resolution407 recently replaced by Resolution 420), and financial compensation schemes (such as the EUSTABEX/FLEX) – can be found in Daviron and Ponte (2005).18 The main differentiated strategies includes gourmet and specialty coffees (single origin coffeesand blended coffees with features enabling them to be marketed at price premiums), indications ofgeographical origin (IGO) and finally sustainable coffees certified under a range of schemes that aimto promote the economic, social and/or environmental well being of coffee producers (organic, fairtrade, eco-friendly or shade-grown coffee, Utz Kapeh) (NRI 2006).Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 253© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.poor harvest and post-harvest practices reducing coffee quality; and weak linkagesbetween research, extension services and producers. Moreover, the lack ofaccurate and topical data considerably reduces the scope for informed analysis,the diverse taste profiles of Ethiopian coffees are not fully reflected in the currentnational classification system, and there are various shortcomings in the marketingsystem and in the organizational structure at government level (FDRE 2003a;Westlake 1998; Scanagri 2005).19 Not least, environmental degradation is aserious concern, with rates of deforestation estimated at 10,000 ha/year in the

coffee growing areas of the South Western parts of Ethiopia, threatening itscoffee genetic resources (Gole 2003). High levels of river pollution are also amajor problem near coffee pulping and washing stations (Agrisystems 2001).With these constraints in mind, what opportunities are available?With regards to the potential for product differentiation, Scanagri argues that‘given its wealth of genetic resources and large areas with exceptionally goodgrowing conditions, Ethiopia has the potential to produce large amounts ofdifferentiated high-quality green coffee’ (2005, 49). For example, as noted above,in specialty/gourmet segments of the international coffee market, Ethiopiaoccupies a unique place with an impressive selection of distinctive coffee profiles.For Westlake (1998), there is considerable potential to increase the proportion ofspecialty coffee exports (used in premium blends or sold as single origins) ifquality and consistency are guaranteed.20 Increasing the quantity of washed coffeehas also been proposed by many analysts as it sells at significant premiums overunwashed coffee (FDRE 2003a). More recently, it has been found that Ethiopiansemi-washed coffees and good quality unwashed coffees also present significantpotential on world markets.21 Some specialty coffees are starting to be sold toconsumers with specific indication of geographical origin (IGO), similar towines. For Daviron and Ponte (2005), even though IGO systems are imperfect,they can be designed to benefit coffee producers by allowing them a share inmarketing symbolic quality attributes normally controlled by actors downstreamin the global commodity chain.The potential of sustainable coffees in Ethiopia also deserves particular attentionbecause of their increasing popularity. For example, Ethiopia has a naturaladvantage in markets for organic coffee as more than 90 per cent of productionis de facto organic (Mekuria et al. 2004). Furthermore, it is the only countrythat produces natural forest Arabica coffee, providing scope for the sale ofshade-grown coffees, for example, through the Rainforest Alliance certification19 For example, the various restructurings of the government agencies responsible for the coffeesector are seen as a major impediment to the development of appropriate policies (FDRE 2003a).20 According to ICO (2000), consistency is essential as traders or roasters have no interest in a coffeethat may be seen only once.21 The search in the last few years for different specialty single origin coffees has found ‘goldmines’in Ethiopia with ‘pulped natural’ (semi-washed coffees) and sun dried coffee of only ripe fruit(separating the unripe and overripe cherries), which are found to have fuller taste profiles and oftenfetch higher prices than washed coffees. Moreover, the pulped natural post-harvest process uses littlewater compared to washed coffees and is more ecologically friendly (Kotecha, personal communication).254 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.system.22 However, sustainable coffees present a number of limitations. Firstly,

the markets for these products remain small, accounting for a tiny proportion ofthe global coffee market.23 Secondly, although they tend to offer higher pricesto producers, this is not always the case. Except where covered by fair tradeschemes, premiums are not guaranteed but are a function of market demand.Moreover, if premiums are offered they are likely to diminish as more farmersand buyers get involved (NRI 2006). Entering such markets is also a significantchallenge for most producers. For example, fair trade certification is only availableto small farmer groups, organizations and cooperatives which generally consistof better-off farmers, who are more likely to benefit (Daviron and Ponte 2005).Finally, entry into the sustainable coffee market requires careful assessment, as theprice premium obtainable may not cover the additional marketing, certificationor inspection costs (NRI 2006). Nonetheless, Lewin et al. (2004) argue that thesemarkets are important because of their current growth rates and their potentialto provide better social, economic or environmental benefits for farmers.Organic, fair trade or shade-grown initiatives present a number of positive externalitiesin the field such as organizational development, better natural resourcemanagement, biodiversity conservation and so on (Lewin et al. 2004). Finally,although there are opportunities for product differentiation, Daviron and Ponte(2005) also argue that certification and labels do not necessarily promote differenttrading relations from those in mainstream trade, as such schemes can providethe means for larger specialty roasters and retailers to outsource troubleshooting(‘low-cost conscience cleansing’) while not necessarily leading to better conditionsfor farmers.In short, while some of the options outlined present opportunities that maybe taken up by different actors along the chain (or by governments in producercountries), they also present limitations. Diversification out of coffee is difficult,differentiated coffees are not an answer for all farmers, and only a partial answerat best in considering the near future. Other answers are needed (Lewin et al.2004). Westlake (1998) argues that even though there is potential for sellingcoffee as ‘forest’, ‘organic’ and expanding sales through the specialty market, themajority of exports in the near future will comprise non-differentiated coffees,and this is probably where the greatest benefits could be obtained. According toLewin et al. (2004), industry surveys indicate that quality and consistency areamong the most important factors to be competitive in today’s markets. Kotecha(1999) further argues that there is no deficit in demand for the best qualities ofEthiopian coffee even in times of global surplus. The primary need, therefore,is to raise the quality (of both differentiated and non-differentiated coffees) rather22 According to the Rainforest Alliance website (, since April2006 Ethiopia represents their first coffee partnership outside Latin America as 678 family farms fromMana woredas (Jima Zone, Oromiya Region) received certification from Rainforest Alliance with

support from the EFICO foundation in Belgium.23 In 2003, the sustainable coffee market (Utz Kapeh, organic, fair trade and shade-grown certifiedcoffees) accounted for approximately 1 per cent of global coffee exports; shade-grown coffees, forexample, have international sales of only 9100 (60 kg) bags in 2000 (Daviron and Ponte 2005).Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 255© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.than quantity, as higher quality levels fetch significant premiums. Moreover, it isessential to ensure that their investment in higher quality benefits producers,requiring farm gate payments that incorporate incentives for quality.What Is Being Done? Government Policies I: PRSPIn July 2002, the government of Ethiopia finalized its first Poverty ReductionStrategy Paper (PRSP), known as the Sustainable Development and PovertyReduction Program (SDPRP), for the period 2000–2005. In December 2005, itpresented a draft of the second generation PRSP, called the Plan for Acceleratedand Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP), for the period 2006–2010. One of the building blocks of both SDPRP and the PASDEP is thelong-term strategy of ‘Agriculture Development Led Industrialization’ (ADLI)pursued by the government since 1991, whereby the development of agricultureis to support industrialization by providing a market and a source of raw materialsand capital accumulation. In particular, the ADLI strategy underlines the potentialscope of the domestic market and the important role it could play for growth ofboth agriculture and industry. It also gives recognition to the critical role ofexports in terms of growth of both income and foreign exchange (FDRE 2000).However, despite the importance of coffee for economic development (withthese interlinkages in mind) and for poverty reduction, there are hardly anydiscussions of coffee in either document except for some references to the declinein coffee prices and the rhetoric of diversification.24 In order to reduce thedependence on export earnings from coffee, the SDPRP policy matrix for 2002–2005 proposes encouraging diversification of exports of products and industrieswith high potential foreign exchange earnings and savings (FDRE 2002). ThePASDEP is very similar in its recommendations, with an even greater focus onpromoting export diversification (FDRE 2005). Both documents emphasizediversification into horticulture (including cut-flowers), oilseeds, pulses, vegetablesand fruits, as well as tourism, textiles and garments or leather products. Variousdifficulties associated with diversification by coffee farmers have already beenindicated, and PASDEP acknowledges that ‘despite its volatility, coffee willprobably continue to be the country’s major export commodity during themedium term’ (FDRE 2005, 114). However, there are no policy measuresproposed to improve returns to coffee.

One explanation for the lack of attention to coffee in the different PRSPs,hence their lack of investment plans, might be the common tensions betweendonors and governments in drafting PRSPs which, while promoted as exemplifying‘country ownership’ of development policy, have to adhere to the neoliberalstrictures of the international financial institutions.25 According to Gibbon(2003), since the late 1990s, (‘traditional’) agricultural commodity exports have24 For example, in the PASDEP, coffee is mentioned five times in a 133 page report.25 See, for example, the analyses of Craig and Porter (2003) and Cammack (2004) of the contradictionsand weaknesses of the PRSP process.256 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.occupied an increasingly residual role in the concerns of development agencies,which now emphasize diversification into ‘non-traditional’, high-value agriculturaland fishery export commodities (yet another example of the ‘one size fitsall’ thinking of aid agencies evident in a wide range of fields?). This is illustratedin two recent donor reports used for the preparation of the PASDEP: a WorldBank report on opportunities and challenges for developing high-value agriculturalexports in Ethiopia (World Bank 2004) and the Diagnostic Trade IntegrationStudy of the Integrated Framework Program (IF 2004).26

Government Policies II: The Coffee Development and Marketing PlanIn accordance with the ADLI strategy, a series of ‘comprehensive’ developmentand marketing plans were prepared for different crops under the supervision ofthe MoARD in 2003–2004. These plans aim at transforming household farmingfrom ‘subsistence’ to ‘market-oriented’ (commodity) production, stimulatingproductivity, growth and international competitiveness (FDRE 2003b).27 Thecoffee development and marketing plan is to be implemented over a period offive to six years in the major and medium coffee growing woredas. The plan callsfor increased production and productivity, and improvement in coffee qualityand processing, and envisages a major shift to washed coffee to realize significantpremiums prices in the world market. Plans are also proposed to improve theefficiency of the current marketing system together with activities to enhanceinternational promotion of Ethiopian coffees (FDRE 2003a). The ambitioustargets – new coffee plantings on 463,021 ha, and average annual production of70,000 tons of organic coffee, 200,000 tons of sun-dried coffee and 150,000 tonsof washed coffee – contrast with the rhetoric of diversification found in thedifferent PRSPs in what seems like a recipe for incoherence and confusion.Although the plan displays a good understanding of constraints and opportunities,it is wishful thinking to believe that all the activities proposed could beimplemented given pressures on scarce financial resources currently available for

coffee development in Ethiopia. According to Scanagri, ‘what is needed is acoffee sector policy which seeks to narrow down the large set of activities listedin the plan to the set which, using the available resources, is likely to be mostcost-effective in raising earnings from the export of coffee and improving thelivelihood of coffee farmers’ (2005, 36; emphasis in original). In short, the planclearly lacks prioritization. Moreover, increasing volume and selling higher quantitieswithout first properly investigating and addressing quality and marketingopportunities is inherently mistaken. Finally, implementing the coffee plan is26 The Integrated Framework (IF) was inaugurated in 1997 by six multilateral institutions (IMF,ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, WB and the WTO). It has two objectives: (i) to mainstream international tradein national development plans such as the PRSPs of least-developed countries, and (ii) to assist in thecoordinated delivery of trade-related technical assistance; see The plans prepared include cotton, pulse crops, spices, oil seed, dairy, poultry, apiculture, sericulture,fisheries, and hides and skins, as well as coffee.Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 257© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.also constrained by major organizational problems in the MoARD. In additionto the various restructurings of recent years, there is virtually no link betweenthe coffee development department (CTSDD) and the coffee marketing department(CTSCMD), which is essential. At present, it is not known if funding has beenmade available for the different activities proposed in the plan, nor what has beenachieved so far.Donor InterventionsDifferent donors currently fund coffee development in Ethiopia, in relation tosuch activities and objectives as agronomic and post-harvest efficiency, organizationof farmers in cooperatives, improved marketing institutions, as well asproduct differentiation strategies to gain premiums for producers. Together withthe dominance of narratives about diversification in the PRSP (above), donors’thinking about, and assistance to, coffee are closely related to the prevailingglobal orthodoxy of economic liberalization: a minimal economic role for thestate, an enhanced role for the market, increased space for the private sector asthe new engine of modernization, and so on. In this framework, previousinterventions such as supply management schemes have been replaced by newinitiatives like market-based ‘price risk management’ (PRM) instruments pushedby World Bank economists, together with a ‘post-Washington consensus’ focuson Private Sector Development (PSD) and Private Public Partnership (PPP)initiatives (Gibbon 2003). Doubtless to say, the current portfolio of coffee-relatedprojects in Ethiopia reflects this; for example, the IFAD Agricultural MarketingImprovement Programme is closely related to PRM initiatives, proposing a

warehouse receipt system for grain marketing and the forward coffee auctionto reduce the risks faced by marketing intermediaries (IFAD 2004). In similarfashion, the German GTZ has recently established various PPP projects inEthiopia, including a scheme for sustainable coffee production and marketing inthe Bonga Forest that brings together giant agro-food corporations like KraftFoods and the Amber Corporation with two coffee unions as local ‘partners’.While it is too soon to assess the impact of such projects in Ethiopia, we can noteGibbon’s observation that ‘limitations associated with the use of PRM inrelation to developing country agro-commodities have been widely notedwithout this having dampened enthusiasm for them to any noticeable degree’(2003, 10).Secondly (and closely related to our first argument), most donor reports onthe weaknesses of the current coffee marketing structure are based on ‘NewInstitutional Economics’ (NIE) analyses in which a certain conception ofeconomic efficiency provides the benchmark (IFPRI 2003, for example). Whilethere is clearly much scope to improve the current coffee marketing structure forthe benefit of farmers, other factors need to be taken into account. According toLove (2001, 2002), understanding the contemporary marketing structure ofcoffee in Ethiopia entails sensitivity to political and historical antecedents. Thecurrent marketing structure and its institutions are better explained by a political258 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.economy approach in which power and control are the markers, and which canbetter identify constraints on reform. Bates similarly stresses the failure of NIEto take into account ‘the allocation of political power in society and the impact ofthe political system on the structure and performance of economic institutions’(Bates 1995, 44). For example, he shows how different political environmentsare essential to explain the difference in performance of the Kenyan (efficient)and Tanzanian (inefficient) Coffee Marketing Boards in the immediate postindependenceperiod. In Kenya, the coffee industry was closely linked to theKenyatta regime with its political base in coffee growing areas where top politicalfigures owned plantations and employed their powers to promote the efficientoperations of the coffee industry. In Tanzania, by contrast, coffee producingareas in the highlands were considered sources of political opposition, hencethere were no political incentives to promote their interests.Thirdly, some projects currently under implementation deserve particularattention for their potential benefits. For example, the Coffee ImprovementProgramme IV funded by the European Commission (EC) and its landrace

development programme could bring enormous benefit to the coffee sector ifsuccessful.28 Another interesting example is the Agricultural Cooperatives inEthiopia (ACE) project funded by USAID and considered one of the ‘successstories’ of donor interventions in the Ethiopian coffee industry.29 The projecthas benefited close to 180,000 small-scale coffee producers from 154 primarycooperatives federated into the four coffee unions of Ethiopia. Most recentestimates show that, following the government decision to allow cooperativesto bypass the auction, direct exports of differentiated coffee by the unionsincreased from US$0.27 million in 2001 to US$31.9 million in 2005. Moreover,in 2004, the unions paid out US$1.63 million in dividends above initial buyingprices to cooperative members, and the trend is strongly upward (Dempsey2006). In addition, in the case of fair trade in the Oromiya Region, Grundy(2005) found that besides second payments to farmers, there are considerableadditional benefits which contribute in different ways to improving coffee farmers’livelihoods. These include the provision of savings and credit services, directinvestment in local services (schools, water and sanitation, health clinics) andsupport to cooperatives.This shows that despite the limitations of the sustainable coffee markets,opportunities remain to assist some coffee producers in Ethiopia. According tothe UK Department for International Development (DFID 2004), strengthenedproducer organizations are essential to a stronger bargaining position for farmerswithin the supply chain. In their summary of proposals for an alternative agendato resolve the ‘coffee paradox’, Daviron and Ponte (2005) similarly propose the28 Scanagri (2005) argues that one of the main factors currently reducing Ethiopia’s coffee potentialis the significant proportion of Ethiopian coffee that has lost some of its distinctive area-specific tastecharacteristics due to the planting of extraneous CBD resistant varieties in the past. Therefore, theEC project is trying to develop CBD resistant trees that are both adapted to local growing conditionsand maintain the typical cup quality of each specific area.29 See USAID website:’s Coffee Sector 259© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.strengthening of producer organizations. There is also an initiative concerningtrademarks and licensing activities to enable poor growers to secure a greatershare of the retail price of coffee, although its impact in Ethiopia is not yetknown.Finally, a major flaw in donor interventions is illustrated by lack of coordinationbetween them, leading to problems of duplication of activities or incoherentinterventions in the same areas. Most aid organizations have a very limitedknowledge (if any) of interventions in the coffee sector other than their own

programmes and projects. This is potentially detrimental, as many projectsconcern the same type of activities. For example, many donors involved invarious product differentiation strategies (in particular, organic or fair tradecoffees) are increasingly working with the popular coffee unions with very similaractivities.30

CONCLUSION: WAYS FORWARDDespite the rhetoric of diversification, coffee will probably remain Ethiopia’smost valuable export for some time. Therefore interventions in the coffee sectorin the short and medium term remain of critical importance for both producersand the government. Ethiopian coffees occupy a special place in the world coffeeindustry and different analysts agree that there is no deficit in demand providedthat quality and consistency are guaranteed (Westlake 1998; Scanagri 2005;Kotecha 1999). The path to ‘success’ lies in exploiting the unique aspects ofEthiopian coffee which, combined with improvements in harvest and postharvest practices, for example, can supply consistently high quality coffee andmaintain or increase its competitiveness on the world market. How might thisbe achieved?First, and fundamentally, a more adequate analytical framework is required,with consideration of some key methodological issues. Even though some mayappear simplistic or self-evident, they are often neglected in current analysis. Forexample, a detailed understanding of the structure and workings of the worldcoffee market is essential to identify constraints (‘coffee crisis’, asymmetricalcharacter of power in the ‘global coffee value chain’) and opportunities (‘whatthe market wants’ rather than what Ethiopia wants to sell). Again, if the povertyreduction impact of any strategy is a central concern, which coffee farmers areinterventions designed to support? Farmers are not homogeneous, but differentiatedby inter alia landholding/farm size, sources of income, and differentresponses to hazards, as illustrated earlier. Of key importance is that wageemployment is often the principal source of income for the poorest coffee farmers.The effects of coffee development interventions for rural labour markets are thusa key consideration for poverty reduction. A final instance is that the importanceof systematically linking the coffee sector with broader economic development30 It is interesting to note that until recently cooperatives had a bad reputation with donors due totheir political use during the Derg regime (Dempsey 2006).260 Nicolas Petit© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.issues should not be overlooked. In particular, the role of agriculture, andagricultural commodity exports, in economic development remains subject todebate, with competing views on the role of the state in facilitating needed

structural changes (UNCTAD 1998).Responding to various constraints may also require an enhanced role for thestate in contrast to the neo-liberal mantra of deregulatory and market-basedapproaches. We noted the importance of regulation with regard to maintaining– and improving – coffee quality, and regulation for environmental protection isalso urgently needed. State support is similarly required to improve infrastructure,extension services, access to finance and credit, and research, all of which areurgently needed. At the same time, the government needs to prioritize activitiesin accordance with the scarce resources available and identify a cost-effectivecoffee sector ‘policy’ based on ‘what the (export) market wants’. This suggestsa clear focus on quality rather than quantity as the priority. A coherent (anddurable) government structure for regulating and promoting the coffee sectorwould be beneficial. In particular, such a coherent structure would connect andalign much more effectively the activities of the coffee development and marketingdepartments of the MoARD.Donors would do well to shed their typically ‘one size fits all’ approach,especially as it is informed by the standard simplistic dichotomy of (efficient)market/(inefficient) state. Donors need to plan and coordinate their projects witheach other and with the government, and might consider funding an EthiopianCoffee Network led by government and with the participation of representatives offarmers, cooperative unions, traders, exporters, NGOs, donors and universities.This could provide a cheap and effective way to exchange information and ideas,research findings and so on.31

Finally, further research is needed on a number of initiatives. A closer examinationis required of sustainable coffees (especially organic and shade-growncoffee), and of cooperatives/unions and their role in raising the prices receivedby farmers. Are such initiatives available only for a minority? Who benefits:poor or better-off farmers? Is there a role for a national certification agency?What kinds of positive externalities might be created or exploited? And so on.Daviron and Ponte (2005) propose establishing IGO systems in coffee producingcountries; in Ethiopia, IGO systems are still in their infancy and it is not yetknown if they could provide producers with higher prices for their productsand/or wider developmental impacts. Last but not least, more research is neededon the domestic market and the promotion of domestic consumption, as Ethiopiais one of the few producing countries with a strong domestic coffee culture tobuild upon.31 Subgroups might be later created in accordance with the main issues of concern, for example,conservation of coffee genetic resources, sustainable coffees or quality improvement initiatives. TheEthiopian Coffee Network could be linked to a website and/or regular newsletters to serve as ameans of promoting the uniqueness of Ethiopian coffees internationally, as well as disseminatinginformation to participants in the country’s coffee industry.

Ethiopia’s Coffee Sector 261© 2007 The Author.Journal compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Henry Bernstein and Terence J. Byres.Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 7 No. 2, April 2007, pp. 225–263.There are, of course, other issues that these broad suggestions do not address.This by no means implies that they are not important. In particular, real alternativesshould also be sought at the international level in support of coffeedependent developing countries and millions of people dependent on coffee fortheir livelihood.REFERENCESAgrisystems Ltd, 2001. Coffee Support Project, Ethiopia. Revised Draft Formulation Reportfor the European Commission. April 2001.Alemayehu, G., 1999. Trade Liberalization and the Coffee Sub-Sector: Some Implications for theFood Sub-Sector. Study prepared for Action Aid, November 1999. Addis Ababa: Ethiopia.Baffes, J., 2003. ‘Tanzania’s Coffee Sector: Constraints and Challenges in a GlobalEnvironment’. Africa Region Working Paper Series 56. Washington: World Bank.Baffes, J., B. Lewin and P. Varangis, 2003. ‘Coffee: Market Setting and Policies’. InGlobal Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries, eds M.A. Aksoy and J.C. Beghin,297–309. Washington: World Bank.Bates, R.H., 1995. ‘Social Dilemmas and Rational Individuals: An Assessment of theNew Institutionalism’. In The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development,eds J. Harris, J. Hunter and C. Lewis, 27–48. London: Routledge.Bernstein, H. and L. Campling, 2006a. ‘Commodity Studies and Commodity FetishismI: Trading Down’. Journal of Agrarian Change, 6 (2): 239–64.Bernstein, H. and L. Campling, 2006b. ‘Commodity Studies and Commodity FetishismII: Profits with Principles?’ Journal of Agrarian Change, 6 (3): 414–47.Cammack, P., 2004. ‘What the World Bank Means by Poverty Reduction, and Why itMatters’. New Political Economy, 9 (2): 189–211.Craig, D. and D. Porter, 2003. ‘Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: A New Convergence’.World Development, 31 (1): 53–69.Daviron, B. and S. Ponte, 2005. The Coffee Paradox: Global Markets, Commodity Tradeand the Elusive Promise of Development. London: Zed Books in association with theTechnical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).Dempsey, J., 2006. A Case Study of Institution Building & Value Chain Strengthening to LinkEthiopian Cooperative Coffee Producers to International Markets. Addis Ababa: ACDI/VOCA.DFID, 2004. Rethinking Tropical Agricultural Commodities. London: Department for InternationalDevelopment.FAO, 2006. FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to Ethiopia. Rome: Foodand Agricultural Organization.FDRE, 2000. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. Addis Ababa: Federal DemocraticRepublic of Ethiopia.FDRE, 2002. Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program. Addis Ababa: FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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