JOHN WINANT PAPERS Box 178 - Marist College · fi!LHEU! RlELOFF , born January 4, 1888, 1n...


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Box 178


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i1 • .. • , •• 10 " ., I ,. tl IAlU.OA'f


11. M . IJaktr Mra. Clatcnc:e M. Ballou Mr.. IL S. Baut'll Wra. St&nl« B.atH

G.acae Balla:my Re•. F11UJip Smtad Bird R••· Ferdinand Q. Blanchard Proftttot He:ru·,- M. Bu1ch M:lu Mildred C~d"f W, C. Connelly D. 8. Cull Rew, A_rth~ar CuUu Prof. J. a. Catle.r OGitn Dabriac:Mu PaulL. Pel .. Mlu .bbtl Perrla Wahtr Plor J Hontlo Pord Mrt , J, W. Freeland Allee O.anMtt ~rA.Hahn J CM l B. H.,.den Waa S. Hayu Mn. J, Pru tOlll lrwl" R. W. JeiiiK William C. Keouah Rev, Mllu Krumblnc Thoma• A. LH'lehan M n . Ht-rman Katun Mrt. W llUam A. McAfee Mrt.. Ma.k-olm McBride S7IWH it-r Mc Mahon Mre. B. P. McQ U:IItt Prof. Jacob ahyer I. R, Morri1 Dr. 0 1ur1'. Ola.on Rn. Harold Phillip~

U. 0 . Rl<h ltlmu Schtuu H. Walta Strwvt Cla)-ton C. ToWDU M r&. H oward Tha7ar Peter W itt UoMIJnor O ldr1c.h Zlamal

The League for Human Righrs 5 10 Ninth Chester Bldg.

Cleveland, Ohio

-· 51)0

Mr. ~lnADt, Vl rector ln ternatl onal Laoor ~~ t tc~ .

7~ Jac~aoD ~l•e• . waobl.ngton D.c.

Dear ~.r . lllnnn t :

..... A\ljl\l It ;,~ , 1940

•.• u, .. o~~t•c.• a wn n u

••c"n••• C••OI..YH U Ohl

I ..., n1tln.. t b11 letter l.n bolullf of my ~ r1en 1 who are l.n unoccuoled f r6Jico . 'l'be:r are nolH1c&l from

oelo~1n6 to the I .::».Z:. vne of' thetD, Re:n6 Bkrtholet tl•o lnt.rnaUoo&l I..bor O~!lco wUb l!r . • bhr ln tbelr llr . Tlxler orom1 .. d. to 1ntoreu )'OU l.n tilelr pH5ht .

trs.p11ed ..,' . lllOica l.n bebelf .

' Rene h rtholet and h1• , J eanne. are l.n llouchatel. Swit•erland. I ~ oendin you an e lmoot comola l e l1• t. o t wlll not o\lN•n yo·• with dotaUo. because all tho can• are l.n lc.o banda

of tue irliD.;ta .:>e"lee and. tr.e Emer,t:ney r>ltcue Co=alttee (Dr.

ll:lngdon) , and tbey orCIII1u4 uo tbelr .... ort.

•• ho >a to be ab l e to orovlda by ~onday t h e requlred char­acter atl l davtts for a v1a1tor1a vtaa tor these ~eonle lho Are in dan er, and,. wUl deliver them to the tm.rgency s .,.cu! .COlll'lllttee.

I ur&e your aun~rt eaoeetall y tor t he Btrtnol&ta, ~lencke.

=gene Alb.-.c:ht, E-ra Lowl.nad and ofilbtb Rhloff .. oro •eey oro:Dtnent tn ant\-~·8&1 l ths in France . eto ... ee1a.ll7 1n the \.rade

union• an4 lOCI of tnem jual croated tne border before they •ere out on trltl ln Jermnny 1n 19J7 when Lboat 19 of our trlondo got 11.fe

aentencea or t en year• tor i llegal act1v1t1~• ·

I board over tho radlo that tho lnternatl~Labor O!!lce hal

1110•ed to Canada and~ f r iend , IUH • t chlor , odltor o r tho Aotl­~ezl :loz!.alhthche now l.n London told- tl:&t a !two! our trtet1de are interned and e•acu.ated 't.o Caoade.. The n.amea cow to me

s re Cap~ l~a, Guatav Heckman. t 1lbelm ~ •1dorn . Er 1eh Irmer. ~ey ara. or eourae . perfectly 1a.t e now, Out 1t would be w ch more lC tboy would be f r ee anC could continuo wlth reaoonable anti- llaoi

worlc. Sl~eroly youro,

'»~r~ ~ria Ralboroto6 t

1!1!: en

12! !! !!!:1 .!!!.!1!

!bla le the eaae btatory of e E~uo ot German antl-Wasi r~••• who -., be ••••4

from lin t llaUAhter, 1t Utq ca.a o'btalG an -.!t14avH ~· The requirecMch

for an atftd-.vB will 'be e~la!Aed

:aenr&l thou.tan4, Auatrla:o , Cuc.botlovaJtlan , Polish , tiorwe.f1.M,

Dnt ch .nd Bel&lan oolltlcll - aot r~lAl - reta.eea faee ~edlate ~•ree~tloa b7

th e );ada. 'alar ehoae t.o eta)' ln t bt former ~rae lu ~•mat~¥ , b eeau ..

t.ba7 cocaltered 1t their 4ot7 to f t.&bt RI1'L!B dtr-ec\ly and carry out ndufl'Ov.n4

relaUona wHb the 1llegal movtaMct 1.D the lllt.d ruled C.O®t.rte~ .

!he7 eooperat.e4 wH.b the de.:~Goratlc leadertblo of their hoet-countrt .. .

lOoce ot the above nu.ed baa beer. a r t-eued • • ac •eoetl\Y a.lle:l• trs !'ranee, lllll"lu:r~ ,

the J"etherland1 an\! Ln!lM4, when tbe war broke O\lot. On \.he eootr NJ", t.ba1 wtre

~~coura~ed to coottnue thelr activltlea. Ke~Wblle Croat Brlt.atn h#• arreate~ •~•

of tbu.

All the ~rsone na=ed here are ~r021neot leader• or t he lllecal mov~at.

In C&6e the¥ !all into ~est ban4a , t~ey will face cert• ta 4teth. :he roun ta 1r6nce

is tlCCO'Wl.t.ed !or in 11MOCU~1e4 Jr~ce.

An American at: 1~•1t, seat tm•edJa t.el7 ~o the ot State ,

i\ashln&too, D.C • . President •• A4•hory Co• ltt .. on Ret\l;.l!:ltl to ¥r . Otorce \,arrto ,

mar ·~·· th~ !rom ~e~ delivered to ~•rm&n~ · Onl7 affl46vtta ro~ thos e tre~oe4 tn

Zr~ce to Mr. ~arrea. !he ~r!o.n !rte~• ~er.tce Committee le tr1 lD& to •••tat

tbtso r t!U-.. ~~tea .

T)le ~en end wreo oamt4 bert wor.c•4 lD close coatact wHb oa1 a::~otber to

j),),rope. Tbe.r are known b7 'Orocatnut Gtnut~ rof\t.tstll ia t.b h countey, n~ •• Pror .. -

aor :r.IV.l.dl Kil'ltASJ.~ , lin · ~ol for OX>clll itu a reb , Jr•• Toric , the !onan Mlalet.r or

Juulce 1.D Pru.uta, rtrd' &.t:ALl'SLD, the tol'lll6r II!Dber of tbe blehttf&, WlLBJIM

so~. and Aliiill'l' :EOJ:STJ~. an4 Prohuor iiCRA.i.D 0Uo1JR.I..oo.a , Dtpart.'llta.t ot llatb~Hol,

i ew York Unherdty. !he.; -probably would an1nr tDqalrlel.


11•• gf thtlt r•~••• art lD Eo4lan~1

k t-1 ~J.C!'T

.. n.aa.t.. L.twil' ( Int.crned u.. e ... w OUa.AV RIC~ (attl~~ll rowl~td, tntern~

.llJ.. UT fU .. d...jtL ... :PUt

1wo tre lA ~ts•rl&GJr

i.&d u..~

.AeJ ca.:a ttUl Cot ,..,.,4.

fwentf•tt~~ o! t • re~••• trt treo•td ln France1

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r . ;n £. St'l1n • ..Z•7 oto •c J.v •

!ff'!lO , • "{.

• tnant . !rooter ot nt4rnat1onal ator :t1e~ ~ Jac' son .lace ashl ton , . c.

•u• r . .l!'o.r.t :


o t~o~ 2 , 1 0 •

··'S frJ,.nd , iss ..alfl.,rlt"l~ , 'iTot• to you on A-U "-lJSt 23 ,4D, ' 'n, 1our oo~iat•nce to aavt a roup ot anti- · ~=1 r~~~ oo

whODC 11v~n aro $nd~n or~d ' .ranoo.

1.11 tllo ~.l01'30na nwnod h'Jl'O w1 th W~101:1 wo per::sonnally lntJMtol :t ooqvo.J.ntod , workol.l proeU.n!)ntl:.r in tho o.nti- tia:l 10VO'rl~nt • .._n caoo tht'"l to.ll 1nto l:a£1 ha.n.te , thoy u111 rnoo • .u1th or llf'l- lon lr·pr1eor'lt"'<lnt •

... \lri.n tl' . ., la:::t · ~Jars th ,,. ohoso to atoy ln tht) !or..aor a oor~aiou a.rounJ. t., or.~~n boN.,r , booauso t~IL'I;t conGi•lorocl

1t ~· ~r to !'1 ht 1tl r d'1'eOtl7 o.nJ e•rr-o; Ottt undor­oun..l r>l:::.tlons .It t • lllo Al t$C"I1 nt !n t'c.o az.L rule•l

o ntrloo .

11 o\lr :-r1'ln.1a ••M activo ~n t~ rajo r.1on :o·:o:lllnt, r:rat ln Gor:::.cJ1l . lat•r ;n ren.c<t and. -.n l&&n&. •t :lJA:1 to !.::;'lo:-t nt ~o ntroa: th.r.t our tr1orw\a tried to co::bat tho

!":'llc: us l""!fluenco or t Ca:::runllta lon before it tbca.­onorall~ ~~co ~~~~ -

:) wou.ld b~ 701"7 t"&to!\11 , sr 70\1 coul'i •••• :o ~ 1n1'luon04 to el • .. ou p.>o la llho .nYC' 10 (I to contrlbuto to 11borcl ~ ou ht and a.o tlo • •

1 ac ottochln olx hrlet t~otor1oa or otaos that hav~ boon 011btlittod to t:J.o -~:' onll .oaaua .o:-v:titt.oo , o.nd whlch will bo for'Jo'a.rdod by tho- 1:1 t~10 I").?Xt ff)\'1 1D.)fl to tho .. rosld':'tnt' a M•11.sor; o:::r.ittoo .

1ncor!!l;J' yonro

;.n a -t01.."1 .


/ fi!LHEU! RlELOFF , born January 4, 1888, 1n i'rank!'urt/ Odor,

Germany. Aryan. Protestant,

For more than ton years I'IILHELI.: RIELOFF wu teacher at a High

School in Hannover and an active member of the Teaobera 0 Union and

tho Paronta-Teachers- Assoc1at i on, After loosing his position i n 19''

ho booame a saleaman for soap and toilet-articles, peddling from

house to house . In doing so he could vi sit unsuspoctodly former

colleagues and friends and distribute illegal leaflets.

He Trorked for sovoral years effoctivoly in the undorground anti­

Nazi movement without being suspected. Then, by a denunciation, ho

became involved in one of tho groat trials for high- treason against

tho Gorman ant1- llaz1s. In a roport of tho trial in the official Nazi­

paper "Voolkischor Beobachter" (on Docember 9 , 1938) RIELOFF is

ono of the defendants . The report roads :

"As the first defendant tho fifty years old boachor Willy Rieloff vraa questioned. , • • The do fondant had participated in the world war from 1911~ to 1918 at the western front , He had received both iron crosses and in 1916 he was promoted officer.

After the armistice he continued to fight in the frontier-battles against Poland, From 1925 to 1930 Rie l off was a member of the Social democratic Party, because he wno in favor of the socialist roformo in tho schools.

His friends called him the "General" . Suppoaingly, he had par­t~cipatod in illegal meetings in Hnnnover and Gifhorn, V~en asked whether he had participated in these meetings , he answered every time with "No".

'Didn ' t you go to see ono Sunday Mrs. Frieda Arnold, who is organizer of the illegal Trade Uhions 1n Bremen, end didn ' t you go to her apartment?•

Dofendant : ' No. o

After lunch recession the testimony of the witmesses proved that the defendant told tho truth, Mrs . Arnold ~ who already has bean sentenced to many years in the psnitsntiarl and three other witnesses wars not able to rocognlzo 1n Rielorf the man who

I ) •

/ •

( VIILHEU! RIELOFF ) continued .

parti cipated in illegal meetings and whom his friends called the "General" . The Jew Pbilippson who Monday got a life sentence, was also confronted with the defendant and he denied any acquaintance with Rieloff and any knowledge of Rieloff being the district loader.

In tho case of Rieloff the verdict roads that the witnesses who first accused him, could not verify their statements. Therefore the court a cquits him, because he is innocent . •

The Nazis underestimated \'TILHEIJ.! RIELOFF • After his acquittal

he escaped to France where he continued to fight HITI.e.R.

He i s nov1 staying in Montauban (Tarn et Garonnel , France , and

is 1n great danger Ulx.hllX.I!Wt.b:o:dx%Jw00!1Xf4u.t.lqll~ of being turned

over to the Gestapo.

o>l<NII Li:.11CKE , born Jul;y 25, 1696, in l:a~dobur ,

G•l"'::l.n:Y• AJ7an . l'roteotant .

•eaohor at a H!gb School in Hannover, .;R!IA bL.tJICIQ. waa aotive

in the 'l'oaohera 1 Union loctur1n~ about oduoetionlll topico in di!'roront

oit1oo or Oormon;y , and bad thoreroro nationwide oonneotiono to

teaohero and otudonto •

... trAMol;{ onough , ahe die! not looeo her position 1n 19~~ and

so had tho poaeibil1ty to work in a cautious and aubtle wa;y against

tho <ian ·oroua intluonco or tho 11uh anons the children, and could

ivo ~oral oupport to toachora who wore trrins to roaiat tho temptat­

ion to join tho llazi - part;y in order to l<oop their pooition .

lt required courogo to ohov1 t•ooiotnnco against thio tom. tat1on

and oeainat tho open and veiled monaoeo or fascist oolloaeuoa .

_1lliA 1 L..liCIG; onoourngod whole groupo or anti- llazi toaohors to

continue to tiGht in this uneven otruggle. Sho ran the risk to visit

and =aot with them, to axchanso oxporlenoes and to 41eouae tactics .

Sh& orsanlzec1 ant1- t;az1 work among teachers .

Arter loooinl' her poa1t1on .,;.IliA BL.i!ICKE continued nevertheless

this work . nnolly she had to oeoapo to Franco , r~hon solllO or her croup

wore i~pr~oonod and a similar toto thraatoned hor •

.;be 1o n01't a ta;yins; i n : ontauban (Tarn o t GeroMe) , l"ranoe , and

in dan-or to be turned ovor to tho Oo otapo.


!::RNA L<AYER , maid~n-nwno LIROS , born Do comber 25, 1906,

in Hamburg, Germany. Aryan. Protestant .

She married 1937 an Austrian citizen, but

in o.ooordanco to American law eho is a Corman.

was trained ae Kindorearten- toachor. She worked also

as stenogro.phor and fino.lly hold a position as o.aaistont manager of

a vegetarian restaurant in Hamburg.

'l'his restaurant ~ave her the opportunity to meet ant1- fo.so1st

friends and to sather news of Nazi actions for an anti-llo.zi period­

ical which was publ1ehed in Paris , 1· rnnce. deoo.use .... RNA L!AThH 1e

extremely responsible o.nd rolioble , she becnme ono of the leading

ore;anizers of the anti - llezi movement of her section.

I n 19;6 some of hor f riends wero imprisoned. She ouooeeded in to Ar.-.sterdam, The llothorlanda . Shortly before the occupation

of t ho Netherlands she roached South- Prance .

!:>he is now stayine in J.lontouban ( Tarn et Uoronne) , France , o.nd

in danger to be delivered to tho Nazis , by tho ~~onch authorities.

BlUCT" LL.""Wit:SJcr , born January l , 1899, in t.auel,

t.iet'lnllny . Jo.,.loh. o.nd h11 w1to

Jt 'rHA L..:.rll'Sitl , born Ootobor 9, 1897 , 1n Grobenatoln ,

'l<lnt&llJ', n'• vo.~•G. Jowio!l .

~ •• ICt Lh l l1wY.l waa 1awyor 1n T.a1aol . u..1n 1ntoreat Wl l

theat.r ln4 :::Uilc , but bo boccme core &nd more connected with tho

political lito or l.aaael by detendln n~oroua antt- naz1e .

Ao o.n ant.1-taao1ut lawyer and A Jow he waa a target of lja&1

.cttaoka end thoretoro had to floe tram Uonnany , AI soon a a tho

•• a~1a oamo into powor .

De worked at tlrot ae • walter 1n a reataurant 1n Parle , .~&nco ,

G.nd beca."lO later ita owner . .. .o tun"td .01t or tho ot th1e

roetc.urc.nt ovo:"' to tlna.neo ant1- •. az1 pubUcat1cn.a .

1a wlto who want with h1:.. to :t·arla , wa1 an oxcollont ooolc and

thor-etoro could cooperate wlth hl.m 1n tho canof"OtOOnt ot th'J reataurant.

l'l'Hty &f'G now ataylng: ln J:ontet.ubo.n ( l'arn et Gnronno) , a·~anoe , ontl

ore in danr.or to tall into tho hu.nde or tho Lloatopo • .Latoat no•• troa

tho= t y a cablo on Augu4t 2~, 1940.


RENE BM<THOU:.T , born April 29 , 1907 , in Genova ,

Switzerland ; AI1ilan• Protestant.

studied in Germany economy and sociology. He

was secretary of the Office l.orkors Union 1n Berlin. Y1bon HITL.t;N

came into power, he offered himself as courrier botTteen Uermany and

France for anti- Nazi work.

After one year of transporting illegal material acroes the

!· ranch- German border he was caught by the Gestapo with a lot of

leaflets . He was imprisoned for two and a hal£ years in Berlin.

After his release he went to io'rance Ythere he resumed his anti­

l!azt work. I n 19~7 he published his experiences in a lla.z1 pril!lon .

ln Paris he was a reporter of a 'l'rade Union pepper •

Latest news from him on Au(;Ust 12 , 1940, from Geneva, Switzerl and.

• ' Joru.m~ m:r.'l'UOtET ~ n~o ·nusT , born Jo.nucu7 24., 1901,

1n hannovor # 0QrDGnY• Aryan . Prote~tant .

•1nco 19~6 m&rrJ.ocl to Ht<l!E Bl..l<'l'UOIEI'

but 1n occol'ldanco to tho Amorloan law

aM talla under tho Oo1'm01l quota.

Bo.fore lllTLBn camo into powor JOliAlntE &UTHOU"T YIAa o. prlvatG

oeoroto.ry to tho editor of a por1od1cal and a daily newap.apor whi.oh

:~inoo 1926 vehemently HITL~n ' a thoorioa ana mothoda . 3-ho had

to loavo Oormnny 1n 19~~ ~d wont to Pnrio •

.t 1rot aha \'/Or)tod oa a vrg.itroae in a 1-oato.urc.nt . After tho staff

of" tho romor p.cpor got Gotabl1ohod 1n Paris , she 0.541n aorvod .o.a

private tocret t ary to tho oditor and holpod to odlt a wookly anti·

1!az1 JUlCU1no . She a.lao workoc! !'or tho Publ1ahir1Jl House " .... d1t1ond

t:ouvollos Intorno.tionaloa" which among others published :

"PJ•ou.saen, dlo Cotdlr ~'\lropaa . " (Prueeia, tho danaor o£ .c.urope . ) b7 AliliA Slb11Sh1l •

"Hymnon Wld Ptu:lphleto . " (Jlymrlo and Pa.mphloto . ) by t, IL~Ltt m;.RZOG .

"liouoo Dout:~chtum . 1' (l'bo Other Oormo,ny. ) 0y 0'1"l'O LEl:il!Atnl* hUSSBU_.LDT .

"uo.a auob . " A litorttry r.~eo.z1ne ''hioh rov1onod tho contomporocy ~orman literAture in exile .

"Die Hoollo s1oht 1>1oh an . 11 ( Doll Haunt• You. ) '•ho Cuo HIJlS LI'i', '.1rltton by hie bi.Othor , xm:oAriD LI'r rz.'ll .

Ono day bei'or o Pet•is was seitod by tho Hat1a , JOHANllb B.;.:.:,'UIOW:.'?

tledi t'roo Pari a end suoo.oodod 1n eaoapJ.Jv; to tho unoccupied aoc tlon

of South- Franoe l to t.:ontaubcm ( 'i'Arn et .,o.ronne) .

LLtoat no~a rrom her on Auguat 12 , 1940·





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:*0\l.tM)f ~ ''r• , lfll'~t •


lb-. Jolul o. 111mont Concord, New n.mpahi~e. . 18., 1940

You will recall I .rote to you earlier about QY hope that tho Dop~nt or Justice would extend rq permit to ata.y 1n the Urtitod States . Thi• h,. ~ppened, but tho o:rtendon allowed h to Ooto'Mr 31, 1940 • • ....-.. ~ <A· c - c... t:-<'~e4« -~ ~ .,...#?7C.. ..__..__ The only possible place for my tamily now aeoaa to be British Honduraa, un­less thru your tood offices a further extension of my visitor' a pats can be worked out . British Honduras la not a 'oo4 plaoo to so bocauao of~ w1te ' • health. She a.annot s tand tho boat and tho .Uarh. thoro. W. eTOn ht.d to &O away to the mountains f'roa the haat of tlow York th11 awnmor. She •• proa­tratod ldth tho boat last year at the World ' • Fair and had to be away by an ambulanotto

We havo boon workin.t. thru the International lii&ration Sorrtoe, with Kro Geor&• 'i.Ytrren, 'flho Ms handled our caao. Kr. Warren h doal.ias with ltr. Hatard in the Department of Justice, who in turn paa3ea inatruotiona to ur. Byron H. Uhl of tho district or Vow York headquarters at Sllia leland. 1 tool tbat Mr. ~rren ta in a rather difficult position with the authorities at l';ton, and I oa.nnot preaa him too far 1D behalf or m;yselt and f!1Y fe.m.Uy. 1 theretore need an intereat 1n ay cue taken by aomeon o 111ho can deal wtth hi~her authorities.

Nr. Gress. or the National Youns Men' a Chritt'lan Anooiation, a triond ot long atandlns 'lllho baa been in "Y homo th.ia aUJCOr M.d. knoWI our d tuation it .riting a letter to the Department of Juttioo 1n our behalf.

It it h dedrabh to han a atatOfl'lellt rrom the doctor in b-.hal.r o!' Jt1Y ' wife, 1 beliovo 1 o~ turntah this.

Your .. orott.ry wrote tht.t you were on • TOyase to Portu,sal. I hope that you han r eturned happily and. &tter a tuoc .. at\1.1 trip. ky lfito a.nd 1 .. ro very glad indeed t.o hoar dlrootly trom Mr3· 'ltlnt.nt, and W& ahdl hope th.t.t we han the opportunity or •••~ you -.hon you aro in Jew York. Our now address 1• 259 fteet 72 Street, Now York City. With kindott rogarde to lli.nant, youraolt, and tho ohUdron, we ro=-in

Your• • ory t lnceroly,

P. S. ~ nu.bor is 9945&/945 ,-/"'' "..& ~........_..;

.-Go•• ......... . ..... _ .. ~·~·-

/ 11!11

J. .... .. / . --. ..... . C.:o.-& .. t\.--· I ..... ·--~., ___ ...... , .. ...... .., ... . ·--·--·- ..... . . ... ~..---

•o•• • ........ . ............... -TilE ~. XfiO\ \1. COI:\1'.11. OF TII I:Ylli'XG ~IE\\ CIIIU\ Il\\ .\~SO(.I \fiO~S

Ill 1111 I'~IIHl \T,\TI .~ Ill' .\)I IIIII.\ c __ ., ,.._ .. ,

·-··- •••-•u• ............ ...._ ........ ·-

Kr. John Wtaent, coneord , Nt• H•pahtre.

111 4oo.r llr. lrlnant:

Througb 0\lJ" nutuel trlend, Jualdeeo AhMed, I reel e e tr 1 bad elree4J been lnt.roduced to 70U end your too4 ta=tly. I want to belp ln arty we, I ctn ln ectablieb1np t.he rtph.\ ot Wr. Ahamed 8Ild hie wife and children to r«neln t n the United St et-eo durlnp thtt period of the w"r.

I ~hould bt slftd to write a letter l ike tbe enclosed or bave eom.e ot OW' l atlu..ntlal 1~ IS)OftiiOra ot t)'oe Y.M. C. A. write tn beb~t ot Wr . Ahaaed tr you think aueb lettere 8Jld apon.orahtp ere ettec\h'e. I hope you wUl co.=and •• and our organiaetloa on 8D1 aepec~ ot Deen• a caae •here you thl:lk • alph.t be etttc"U •• ·

I eppr.c1a\e rreetlJ ~ete•er etrorta you aer be putt1~ 1n on hlo beh.Uf on4 ..,w.4 onJoy prootl7 ouoetotl"" rq­aelr wlt.h JOU &\. en.y place where 1 CM be belpfU.l.

eopy tor Yr. l lDM \

e.,••••• 19, 19l.O

Mr. H•JT B. Hn.erd, DepeMaM' Of 1u1Uoe, Wuhlna t oa , D. C.

I wwnt to br1D8 to JOV oertaln lofo~atiou ebou\ t he •••• ot Mr. z .. aldeeo Ah .. ed , blt -tr-, Odet t e , end ehlld~~ . r~t1•• ·~~ 1 .. a1. 1 bne 'Cotl8 Mr. J.b•.-4 tor yee.n tbrouch hh lr:tUntt ta 'r . M. C. A • .alit .tlUt be ••• h . O•n•• t:wt.tzerlu.d , acae or .-y t r l f'Ddt hue lalo• or hh l rMohUe; bed&: t o bta J'"OUDfl'er r anhood t n I et~bv.l .

Bt b aa bHD a pa:r\lolput LD 0\lT WJrk wttNYt r bt b u btf'n ADd h to• p~lctpatlot ta lt Wblle lD Me• Tort.

llr. ~-td h u oearl)'" • 11110rld eltlMG • • ao.-t peo~le ettl• "• aad h t beretore ..,.., t-btt aoa t dealf""ble P-"Jll.• tlboa U'l• ODlt.O $ 1Uea ooul.d aSU t o lta _,..o~e. lU • w1 t e lt a •elT a tD:ll.-r ,.,..oo t .od li@r ,,~,..

ot aarrled lth w'ltb llr. Ab.•ecl he•• brouebt her La. ccataot • 1V' a ~raet • .., repr.e .. tatl••• of t be aaQT na tloae who ba•• ~~r1t cl~tPd lo &be Leecu• tn Cto•• • and hae de•~loped to t•r th~ .... \J~ or f lee atti t ude &ad world oltlleQtblp ~tch ao char.otert&e btr bu~band .

Re C.Oillll tl'O!I • f•ll¥ or J • • el•ra 11bo for pen~raUODt bn• bH C U\O'Q~ the l•tdhl~ ·- •oroh.ate or tb~ tJOrld. Bl ,. \ }Hitl"efore p•rt.ctlt a.pebh or euppo~tnc hta••lf &n4 ln4eed mlaht do an t etont ehtn, ly rood ~uatn~•• dtreet tro. C-rlon, ber• ln th~ Unl t ad S t nt Pa lf b~ could b• pere1ttt1 to r•alD.

Hll wt fttt h t&l.tb h 1 \.ICb t ba \ lht IINit lht in II\Odt r att Olh'ltUI tl Re ctaoo\ btu en~ .. or el\b ~J~r ., ... , or ool4. Ebt- t a.t 'o•~ \IDd~r dootor• • orde:ra all wlattr u d a.atr. 1 h••• obeerYtcl bn· eu,.tt.tllY u~roUJJb~\ t bla period acd ~a1'P felt t bat •~• needed t o be ••~ ••~et~lf ,utd~ trca 1.b t potat of . ... ot tltr bealt b . llr • .Abu.ed •&DU1 Of tt, \ )'!at bh r.u,. ahaU aot. be .abJtoh4 t.o U:e .-e.r cha::.,.•ra or to ll '' wder t he lnnuNee or a dl et etor.

1D l1,bt or t bt , , ,, \btt ~ ~ oblldr~ ...,. beln, &llow.e t o .attr, la 'thtr. aot eo.•.., Wbtr.b1 t bie t~ly could aleo •• •l•.e • • let tor• a ~tch would en M4 tor tl'le 4u:retlou or t bt ••rt I • eenatD n"1:

- 2-

Wr. B11nry B. Razero s~pt~ber l S , 19~0

we could ~et t he beckinr and aponsorabi p of whet~Tor n~,ber or reapontible

ei t1 zen a ere neottasary t o enabll eb t he pood chareet tor and intent or

Xr. Ahaed and hie t'a.ily 1t you ean ,oint ua t o 11 w11y wherrby s uch

apon~rl!hip 'IIOuld be eft'oct lve ln winning tor hilll end b111 t'mily an n­

tPnded residence in t he United St ates .

Sincerely youre,

Abel J . Cre«g



OJfo· """'~--"' Deo .. b ... 3. 1940

lhlinra1t7 <4 Jov a.poh1re 1a • ory INCh 1n fnar of hh rotenUoa.

7or th1 a reaaon, I u t ra.olodQ& a cow ot hla attllliJmenta , aD4 hope

t hat ao """ 1nter .. to4 111 the aqiculturo of 'low ~ohlro, ;rou wHl

ouccur~ thio opportua1t7 of oocuriDC hl.JI ao " ch-ht.

Kr . John II. Wl11111 t 274 Ple-t Stroot CoDCor cl, liow Ho.plhlro

S!ncoro4' ;rouro,



•••••o• •w•'-•u•• COHCOIIO. H . ..

Dllo t 1 10 lMO

Dr. B. u . .. ..,.., 1 ••

""-'Ool~ ,...,, •s•'·· n_. r. Dear s.r. • ar ot=•

T-~ a.ddne ... to ... Jola 0. 'IIS8nt nlat:tw to Dr • ...,.

w.. li"ftadP"*",bu bee -hl•4

n t.b1.o otnae. •· ~ So - Sa hn, bat upclll bSa retNn1 to tiiS. ._..

r'T. the la'tw ,.n el tMo ~ .,... lnter wU1 ,. ~ to bSe nt.rtS.C..

Veq ~~,_...

... ,, ..... tr or 1\·. A:ndmicr• Stn ouienalc1 . l b"'f to .. .::pl'Or t hia r.f'l'licr• •an r.o brln,. in 111& v1lf1 and child . t.ld ~o t·ka out f"\T·ffl"' '\ \ .D a t:!. t:\tO"') hv "l.d,1Ut "'i nr 6!..1 \\1"<t•'"mt .,.l !ll.tol"1b viar'" to •!' t ""'1"'• ~ ... .,t 1 1 ~"~-

.Dr . !J•,. .. r..-~'\•nr':!, ..,.. • " ~ "" fit. o'/ ~"• r.•~:- ~,ll.v "" JJ>J t yetu" , rJlt.i "'"~ t.WQt 1f.•"r;.""'+.q,'h l,., t o ._t.~~~ ~ ·~,m1.t~ . Vur iJnntt.l:.1tMI ~ij. or L'a:/t>t.olor.r . ?1..1~ 1r:' , rw., 'Ul t o; .. ,_,_1tt-1"7 , r•t'trd h1.• }1'\\~nt!. '"1c 1'\t*"'\\n.. Anf': s ~''~"Y high 'J". :!4,\• ~_, ~- \t f'O"S t10'n 'it t ho 1Jn1 Y,.r!Ji b" o.f .lf.iv 1!-u.t:tah. !r 4 ""Tl" 7~::, t~"' " h" r nn ~ ... Ml')f'\1:: of fY.tV\.~ ~ -nett~ ~ll ";h"' 1\.-;:":.Clltural r e oouro .. co! the U111tvd Stat~• • chtt ha &Ia ol>toU.ue4 11 poo \ t 1on !n "'~tt ~1.eolt1 .. t)r .v,T"J ... ,-,,....,_t'",, " ... ! !t"tr• to~h\ch is 't1ftioue • d vill n.ot r"" lace """o"" ol u.

ln the d&plomblo a1tu,.t 1on o! t ha llrll$t unl.varo! ~Y tnt"ll.U~• of "" •.dj'lWtiiClt o! thl.o !dnd vouU be 110ot ftoc...,tnble to our lmndreda ot thou08llcia o i lo;nu cit iseno 1'1' PoH m birth "'"" look v!.th &rl.of :>.t thft d .. oi thtoir eoun!ty'o culture.

t-:. :;. Mt"'Jer,·c·.:m Pr~oident


I wae born l n KrAkOw, (Oraoo") Poland, on UCL.:ooh 20, 1'398, ftOn ot phyol cit"' .

I om Roaan C&thol1o, Polleh cl !lten.

I married 1n 192? ~lee L~rya PeeeynekR una h4ve ono dAughter XryetynA, born l DSO.

I grad \II\ ted frOID o. public ·~nooluta' In lral<i,. (hl@b ochool) nth

cUplO!'IIA, 1916. The 1netruot1on 'rll! 1n tho Polish lanp:ua~-e. C-emon,

Lat1n, und Gr eek lun~1nee were nmong the subJeot~ .

In 191&~ I bepn IIJ" coll:_ege atu:41ee at the J&MellonlM Untve:-a1t 7

ln XNkd1f l n ohe=letry, "physloa, o.nd na:heoa ·!ca. ~ ,.-;udtee .,.,

interrupted by mill tnry eervt ce: (1) in the Auetrll~n A.."'121Y trom

FebrUD.ry 1917 ; (2 ) In the Pol1oh Arcy f rol'! Hov ,..bor 1918 to Febl'W\ry,

1921. I let~ t he A.m y "l th the rank or Af't1ll ery Second Lieutenant

1n Reserve.

I continued my etul" 1ea no" ln Aprlcul~re At the eat:~e Untverdty an4

graduo t ed 1923 'Tlth a d1plooa. In 1 927 I f<l'tlduntod Do9 t or or

Ph1loeophy In A(l'l'lculture (Ag::-onomy and Soil Ch"'lotry oo mtlln

eubJeo t , and Botan7 •• eeoond eubjec:. )

I ""' colllbor& tor or ehe Pllyol otVaphl oal Ca.:r l e ol on of the Polllh

Aca4e~y ot SCience and Arto in Kr4k6tt alnoo 1925.

In 1924 1 ..-as appolnte4 Sen.lor Aeat at..."U\: a~ t.he D•r2lent or A#.;!"onomy

(aol l oultl •a•ton, cropei gener~l Agri cul t ure) at Jag1ellon1nn On!­verA1 ty, KrakdP, and 1n 92? ae Chter Re~earch Al1latan t (Chef dee

Travnux "Ad Junk t • ) ,.,1 th tho anmo O&pnrtmcn t .

In 1932 I was appo1nte1! b7 -;be U1n1a~r ot Education &I Ae&oc1at e

Proteeeor (•docen ~•) ot Aaronc.y ot tho Aarl cul:uMl. Facul•y,

Jaglellonlan Unlvo~alty, krako~ (contlnuln~ at ;he s4Me ttme ae

Ch1 et Reo . Ae.-1 e ~...nnt ) .

My dutlea at he Oep&r!Dent ot 4fVC)nOQY were both teecb1ng Md rele~trch.

I uaed to leo~e on lOCI apeclnl perta ot ~onaa,o; bu.~ •• 2e prot.

at A(p'Onollly and Di..r'ec -:or of 7he Deparm~nt, :he lAt e 0:-. J•U'\ ? t odek,

wno of,. on til , I acted r epentedlY ne proteafl.or b, ::h ln leo :l.l. ... lng ''"4

lending : he De pur ~oent 1 ~ lAbor(' to1·y , 80 t or n.l.rofli-; A yen.r 1n 19.:5? / 3e . 'the lectures 9Mre conoe"'ne4 ff1 t h Rll theJloa~ 1coor~n: br-mcbes ot

Agrcn..,.: Soil Tilla~te nnd Soil K-on~•n• !n general; Oene...U

Agronl)llly; Cropa . Exerclaea 'lfere ln aeeda a : ':he laborAtcr7, and

prao~lol\1 axoroleeo and c.tcnonetrl\t1ona at the lfnlverfli:y Fl\m ttn4

excuratona to o thor tnrma oa well. I wtLII nlco ~ member ot l:he

EX&mlnalion Co=aleaton tor the Ill• an4 tV. (ttnnl) exnDlnn~~ns.

- 2-

Repeo::och ...ork at< ~he ART'onomy Department wne rro1nr aoatly, "lthouRtt not exolualvely, on the linea ot Soil Chea1a~ry nnd Plnnt Blo­cheml~try. Invea : lgR:i ona ot ~oil ter t1lity and lta 1ntlu~noo on the plant behAvior ond oocpoal tl~n (oropa nnrt oul~lvn~ed and nnturol ~noalnn4a) . &tuden t o ap~lyinu tor ~he D1plooa hn4 to 4o oooe ex­perl.oentnl reeeo.roh work. SQ!!:Ietl~nea the De})Ar:ntent hnd A S Mnny aa 20 etudente worklnf' pr.notloally on dltteren-; pro1)le:na each . It wo" my duty to auperv11e all the la'bora torr work, ndap~ au1tnble aetho4e tor eve~y kln4 or reaeArch, oheok t~e re•ul~• ~t laboratory ~nveatl­ga~l~ns, tln4 an ettlolent outlay of !1814 expert.~nta nnd a~ply ~ thee p::-oper ~~ttatt,. ·toal aetboda, etc.

I wae of oourae oollAbo!"Atlng w1 th ltrotea•or 'J'l'odek 1n all th11 reaeorch -ork, al,.o, the results or ~loh we::-e publ!~hed b7 him1elt alone; aome of th1t reee&reh being exten"lve ft~d!ee on chlorophJll 1n J')lante, arw.l111e or wo:er from 'l'otrA tttreMI Md la.kee . ::uoh ot my own r eee3roh remftined a:l l l unpubl 11htd: 1~~~vS2ent ot toboooo tr&nt"!!ent , n ew !)hoaphotl o t ertll l zerp, eto. I &n thoroughly no­quo.l nted 1'11 th ohemloAl and meoha.nioal •nal.Yill!l of li!Ol le, analyde ot tert111 tera, and or gnnlc manurea, ot ~l~n! mnterl a l t or MinerAl and oreunlo oompon~nte, a nalyelR ot wQter. I ~orke4 1n chem1041 laborotorlee troll ~he lat year ot my colltRt etuc.Uep, and lo. :er on the lnbora~ry ffOrk remained my mnln oocuMt ion .. I had AlliiO some tral nlng 1n bao ·er1olog1cal work .

I pu1>Uohl4 :ho tollO"f1ng ~"''""" (in Polioh, 1t no~ o:hot-Tbo ota~l4):

A KtJ tor 4tttt"''l1n1n.g ;he apeclea ot era"" aeed.e -t our edi t.1ona .

rhe Fer~1l1dng v~lue of Rat"J Rook PhoapMtee from illezw1 tdta (s. E. Polttnd) Enl'l'lltJh ReP.uoe. Y.o,~oe, Lwei", 1!>26.

The !11 :,..,r.en f~nd Potn.nsl\11!1 untake by the youner potC\to plttnt, rr oCJ 1jl:le aoe<l ' ubor ao 1ntluonol4 by eoil 4ot1o1ency (Engl1ah Reau~e) · Poll•h Agr1oul~urdl and ForeetAl Ann~le . Potnarl, 19J2.

A Popular p!Wphlet abou~ BUf)f)rphOf'pha:e t\nd 1~1 atc"lcultural ap~ll~ tlon, being a~ ~~ snoe tloe an lntroduc~lon into tht prlnc lplet ot PlJ\n' Nutr!..tlen tor llt'lft.ll tn.~-,:-e (tPJO tdltlont-­abou• 100, 000 c01)1es) . Tonm, 1~7.

A cocpar~ ·:t •e e:ud,J ln su,e.rpho~pMtt and Bftt'lc Slaf! &p!Jl1oa .. 1on . GAo>:rA liOLNIC~ 1928. ~area,..

About 1& ehort-.r articles in vn.rlout profeu l onal ar.1oult:U:"'tll perlcdlc.o.ll , ID(')I~ly on phoRphoru.,, n1 trosen and boron rer­t1l1z&t1on .

Togeth~r "1 th Prot~oAor J . 11ortek.

Soil Reao: l on (PH) an4 Plant Ae~oolniltne 1n ~he Chocho~eka Volley, ta.tra 1!oun~ln8, Polnnd. In Otmtln . Bulletin 4t l 1 AoA4&n1e Pol. t ee 'o1. e : de ~etrea

. '

Krnko\,, 1924, in Polish. Po. Ajn-1cu . and For. Ann.

Poznan, 1920 . I~ w6s one ot t he t1rnt 1nve~tif'to ti one

kind, ct. Braun~Blanquet 0 & halldbookl Plant Soo1oloyy ot this

An investi gation on Tyroeine-Trrooinaee reaction in potlltoee,

no i nfluenced by potneeium defioienoy in eoil. Pol . Agric. and For . Ann . 1929 (7)

Te tra Uountaine .

From : he t ime ot QY college atud1ee and un til I lett Poland, 1938, I

waa ouperv1 oing the ndl:l!nis~ra t1cn ot a 2~ ••ore tal'll, e1 tua ~od 40

miles trcm Kro.kolt and being the proper~y or my tt1m1ly and mine. The

furm had nbou ~ 170 acres of forest nnd about 70 norea or arable

land (dlliry, vege tt<blu, stra .. berr iea, apple orchard, .. are the

l!l(lin r>roduoee , beftide forage for oetue, und rood for t he tam wor kera,

whi ch were mostly gro.n on the fnl'lll) .

I know the follo.•1ng langungee: Polleh, D>gl1eb, Franch 1 Sl)llnieh,

German , Italian.

I waa on acholarehip studying a: the ltel1an Ine ti ~ute or Coloni al

Agricul ;ure in Florence 1n the Sr>ring of 1938. Again on eobolareh1p

I wae otudy1ng t ropical agricultur e at the Imperi al College or

T'ropioul Agricul ~re a ; st. AU(IUBt ine, Tri nidad, IJ. 'II.I. froa January

0 to July 7, 19J9.

July and Au~at 1939 I woe in¥esti rat1ng conditions for agricultural

ee~tlenen t 1n Vene~uela eoting on order or ~he Pol1•h Government .

Surpriood by the out break of wnr in Vener.uelu1 I tried t o return 1m­

mediately to Poland and I ~eaohed Hew Yo-k on Se~~eaber 1J1 1939.

I wuo unable , ho~ever, t c proceed further. I~ in the Un1ted Bta~••

on a trnnsi t visa: the permit has been prolonged to Oo~ober 1940.

Ky mo•her, "1re nnd dn~hter nre in Polnnd.

o. o. Coneula te General of Polnnd 101 Ene t 67 th Gtreet New York Cit y Dr . Ka&imierz str•~1eneki


\ )-


rrDZIAL ROLNICZT 1 Ulll .. ray'te~ll .Tol!lallooal<hco l rakow. 41. Mloktewloaa Rl llrakew Polud , oeto~er U,ltlle

llr 17~0/38

tll l ft 1• '·o aP-t1f.Y , t.h•" Dr . <=•r l atr Ctt"Z•1 o.t;• k1. ~rn

!.r.x.b .. on 1.f'lroh Stl, lr.~6, t.•• ~r.t~IUlted t.n th1e Univel"&l \ J ob-\ &tabac

,.b :."i~ .. ~ ' '••• f'~ .n . t!••t.rM w i\~'in \he trn1-wc..ra1\ y &ad d.\lr1D.(S 'tbe aoa­

d t: .. :.t1 o ]')..•J \ )a /~ ~;tt,_, ot~tu~ <or i.ur o ot. \• l l 'Of f'l#tOT l.D A&J"io\U

/ r'rt v._ .. ,.. ~C\"''""' / hnt beotl t-cmft':t-rof ~o J>()ut o r 3~rz...u.ed.elcJ by a

e pe<-1'\l " r"1•r ( t 'tn ' of l'uol ic JtJAt.rvotSnn ..

t)eot.•.,r ,it:r:;tnt-.Jeld hol" o \t ... pt'et ; t "' t;t•r r~o:~~ a~rab At:a l•tu\ /"'hrr ·n t rel•e ru/ ll'\ t,ul r'h. 1r of' P'L• r \1 r'l)'f"t,ftl. t ." ad. Pro4uo'Uoq o t t he £l'lC'IU1 t ur l 1'•nuJ t y tn t!l(l ~tegU.l lOJl1l"~ tfn1vt r O" \t7 ot ( 1"elc6w,

~'• e"~.,tt1oa te la 1a~u•t 1n \~~ o~~ 1 ua un 'he T•~ueet ot

rtnot<t~ 1 t r2.rt +~t1•n•dc1 ..... r t b ~ u. "' o r t.b D1·tt11tl autbor1't1ea ..

(!Svel or ' ••

Uu 1 wo•r:. Hy)

la~n o r \1:1-.J 7 f'oulty ot A&r iaul,

1u ~b• la&iellon1cn Unl••r•1~y.

(a1goortl T. ~ronl•vok1

/ Proraaaor T. worohlowakl, Ph.D. /

fb .i& 4oowtfJD\. ,.~• aVJ plt.,. t,y .,, ,,. t:M••JJ o f t b.• PCioW.\7 o r .ar 1o\.ll t.u• a t t!10 J'•at•llont•n \tr.i vtu~ .. u.y •t Grnao• ' o t he Secre\ary, l:aperl ol C<.~ l.l "'", Qt Tl"Cp1eal uftrie\&l t wJ•e, l.oru:ozt , 4-llG 1a eo• ro\ urDed ' o Dr. S tr<aMl..,ak1 ,

(•!~~~ u. ' · PaulkDor f rlnolpalj 18par1ol Col• •&• or

Trap oal A&1"1c\ll t \U'• 88/9/59


oor r

Tl Jlol.i' 1 .. ot. or (rr~or-sourata~ \. •

or ,. ,.,

I( f

I J.!, ~ U Ukl. t~ rter,

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Otb ep , 9sber 1039 .

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tln• 111 " nt-.••lf "'~''" t'l ~•" d~ a • • eyo:se .. -~ or T~•l!)&o.,l

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o\0: u Jl{ • r 1.11111 .P"l. ( "roroca.or <>t' .jSr1o,.l '"r")

• 'ttr 1.toon.


'to 'ilhoa It liar Conoern:

.IUubnb R. 'l'belbu1 D .. ll111& Vuau Oolle1e Pouebk .. P•1e, R. r .

ienaki latter 11111.

It baa been ., priYtlage to haYe known Dr, s trs .. -for a aon:~i and it liYea .. sreat plaaaura to wr1ta tbla 1n Ilia be t 1n the bopa tbat it aaT ba of aaat*anoa to

Ot Dr , Stra .. 1anak1'• profaaa1onal qualifloat i ona •1 own tralnins, that ot a protaaaor ot !nsliab , doea not qualif1 me to Judsa , but tba extant to wblob Ilia prot aaalonal work ia a deep par1 of bie l i te 1a aoon apparent t o ona wbo ooaaa to know 111m. onoa one seta paat or, Strs..tanak1'a raaerYe, he wi ll tin4 bla a o1rtllaa4 I!I"DU- with a dell&IIUul aenae of buaour and a paraonal1ty ot rera obara, Dr. Stra .. l anaki baa a aore than adaquato o~4 ot Engl1ab and la a tina oonTaraat1onali at Whose raaaa ot lnt eraata 1a wide . In ., opini on be would ba an aaaat to any eoad .. 1o o081un1 ty, and I ainoardy bop a that aoaa­wbara ln our traa ool l as iata world there will ba a plaoa t or Dr. Strz•iaoaki,

wruun et Oernatt ATaAua Nor1b falmouth, Maaa e 8 July, 111.0.

( Ugna4) Rio bard Brooke

Aaa1atant Protaaaor of Hngllab Vuaar Collage POUI!Ihkaepaia, R. Y.

D!l . ltA<-1111..,._ Sl'llZtMIDISil


Dr, S , orJ~o, Coaaul Oaaorol ot Pol&A4, 101 lao\., l t . , Woo Tork Oi\7, Dr. L. l.rarunon kl, 1111 .~~en 69 s t., 11 .. Yor k c ur.

Prot . I . ~buAokl , ~13 Coatral •••·• ~aoaoo Cit7, Mo ,

Dr. T. Raoa, , 168 f latbrop Rood, Drookliao , uaoo • . Dr. S, Sai .. ako, Dop• t 8ootorlo1os7, UnlYor oi \7 or kolno , oroao, koiao,

Dr . 11. llaroblo .. kl , lli .nloUr ot Poland to ' n• l.luioaa OoYera ont, Colle Loadroo, llexioo D. P o

llr. O. T, 7oulkaor , Pr laoipo1, t.porlol ~olloso ot Troploal Agrioul\~ro , S t. AU,Uotiao, Tr i nidad, B. 1 . I .

Prot. 11..

Prot .

llarr laon I CbMo-n

Dql . Coll•c• ~ploal ~rioul~ro, Trinidad.

Prot . Hlobard Brooke , v .. eor coll• &•, POIICI!koopole, II • Y.

Prot. Ruth ~. Ooaklin, Obolraan (1940-41) Voooor Coll•&• coac~ittoe on D1opleood !loboloro, Vauor Colloll•• Po..p~< .. poio ,H

Prot . CbOrloo c . Cri ttla , v .. oor Collll• • Poqbi<Mpoh, • .T.

llloo 1\bodo lllnaklo7, Ch.-tnon (1VS- 0) PO\ICbkoopoio C- 1\\oo ot Roopi telit7 , ~ Di ll , Pou&hkoopoio, 11. T.

Sir lohA 1 , Ruoeol, Dirootor Rot b ... t .. d ~por . St ot ioa , ~Deland. Dr. L. Dudlo7 nup, Loadoa llolloal or z.oaoat .. , El:l&loa4.

Dr . Stoaietew lot, 111nioter without Porttollo , Po11ob Oo•. lD £aeland. Dr . lealal era Wo4a1ok1, Ula1oter lot• • otrioe, Pol1ob Oo•. 1a Jac1and.