John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


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  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    .' t he chan for the tim e and place ofki{ 'k~ofI U sc Placidus homes as will. an v,eVent chan, G j 1 , l r . ; : the favom .ict: rhe m 110li.8(; a n d the underdog thr; 7 th ..1jWhy?~

    'Becanse It works . '(How do I know which is fa:,i\)uri t e? 'j i f Y { 1 I 1 are interested enoug h [O bI: looking at I:be chan, yOUJ' know ledg e of the

    sport 'W i D oRen t~ U' i.~.f nor, check w irh m . e bookie's. IH e: Io oked reou bled , 'B ur Master, a re beekmaker s r,~Uy such patagons that weean adm it 'them as arbiters am ong the celestial;'S ?>< It would. be n .ce ifMgelic 1 1 . : : 1 r id s we re W Iun fur! a ball ncr a cro ss tile sk y u:Uing

    es whkhteam w as truly fa vo urite, b ur (h ose band.s seem 1'0 he f U l l y occupied on. (lither business, so w e m ust m ake do. The bookles ' odds are tnt: b est m ea su re W ! . Oha:v;e. They are m ually reliab le en,ough,[hough there are CerE3]O cautions.R e Jlle nib er th at the purpose of rhese odds is ro tem pt Joe Punter W place ; ; i , bet, sothey de not ,~dy rellect ,thebookie's opinicnon which tarn is most likely LOw in. S up pose. fo], exam ple, a ream from y(lCJ~ eountry w ere to play II bunch of das-, t u:dIy ilreigmrs.

    'Oh. my hray~ 'boys! I'd back them ee bea r th a: .t dn!

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST



    I .~e:p~l:edrhls, jU$t in e ase, Twice .'Wi: M e d.oVlfi .at the IDouom o f the -:i lstrologi:all f o o d . - c h ; ) , l , i . ~ l b~rt ,; ,; I con tinued .

    ThG: [\e is a hi~rarchy ~'1 asuQIQgkal me [hod, The h ig her the level, th e rna ee 1;1n-d.el 'OUS are the t : e c : h f l i q _ l i . t e s th:,tt :I[eapprQpria[c fo r it.Wi~h horary, m . f examp],'W h i c h is one of th e ]m~r levels, rhe Moon is itnp errant; f i x e d . srs rs are l J - 3 I . 1 < ' ! . l I y not.Byth,e tirae we climb to mundane as~n.,k~gy"he Moq n plays on l y a [ i . n y role, ir,s! \ : w i n : modo .f i b ein g a .1 ~ ro gc ~h er oo f le et in g. to n.ane:r .111fL.u:h t.~l't:[t;.,wb ile SI ; ] r n 510w-m o v rn ,g b e a s ts $~d. ~ W U ' s~dthe ~le 'o :fGE~d Conjurtcdons come to the 1 i o . r e . ~

    At m e mendon o . f : :s[ow-.luQving beasts, Britncy twiKh(j in her sleep, as. if Imight WM'[ s!Om~ming from he r . .I patt:ed. her lf l . [\ ea~sumrnoe~and she soo~ ,'i\euJeclap. ~Here,.we ar e at a levd h~l~w even. houry. 1(s ~ if we were : s ; , t u a . y i n g s o m J ep r j r: n .i : ti v e l if e . .fOrms Il:h~tb~>vehUll few h lG u 'I .d ,e s " r e c: \! 'c a lh l, g thelr p ~ e s e . . . r : l C > l ; ;only 'b y theo~ionru f la sh o f d im . l~gh :t i n. a p i reb-da rk C1V'~.S o it i~wirhrhese chsns, S!n~llJ)'U!:;IS;lU:es; of movem car and certain n~_nm!flypra{:ribed hcuse-placernen ts a [ l e r u lmal t IC o.ncetn us." -

    S u . o h . r u ;? ~

    I i IDlENT: .CHART CHECK.USTFor the f.1liVQurJ:lle. 1Il~l;house and aotb house

    , .F a rm .e undc J ,f" tt.o g:. 7 th hD~e w i ld 4 th , houseCh~:

    howe p]acemento.f:. Lords 1,7. 0 1 - and [0MoenPart of FOl'tlWe. ('by anriscion 'onLy!)

    aspcCtsW ,or from'! .MeG nPart g f . F o : w u n e (bodily ; ) ! n d by antisdon)djspas,i~or gf th e ~

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ned,:iOIT-iple,nOt ..e , e sh ,-

    '" ~ore.; if I~Jedorne

    "F ir st , c heck fo r heuse FIa~mcnt. W e are looking at L o rd s 1,4., 7 an d 10. Is anyofrhe-se dose to the cusp ofan y of dl,cse four hJOl. les?'

    HO'\';r elosei''Very c lose , S i t ting 0n ' m e cusp. at m osr a co up le o f tk:gr'ees, before il "Tucked [usrinsid~ the how e .armosr ; 1 1 . ooupLe of degrec.~ in sid e it.''That's very limiting. Surely this means thatin most c:h~r{sthere w i l l be no res-

    c im on y lik e th i~ ?'(Th~IIsright.:.There is n o p ur po se In accumuladng r e S I ' 3 m onies for rhe s :i l: keof

    ;l!CCIIJmula ring resrirnonies. L et us nm.b: 0 ursd ' i f e s [0, 'IV hat is s ign ifi ca n t, Now ,remem'bel '!


    S o:'" L ord. 1 sitting on me'1th cusp is strong testimony that the' f9'11'ou.ri~e win win.~ Lord Ius t jrnid.e m e 7t'h ho U$.c; is . S ltI'Qn g r es tim ony th .e fa v>o urit.e w ill lo s '.* ' Lord, 7 on the rsc cusp m'Vours th e u nd er do g .'" L o rd 7 JUSt in sid e th e ht house show s the underdog in , t ile &voudte~s pm\lr:t.

    S im ilarly w ith d L e oth er houses u nd er G onsid era do n. F or insta nce :.. L ord 1,0 on 7 th cu sp mvow:s m e fa:v()ud,te;"....ord 10 ~mi~ 7 th. h ouse &vow.s' t he unde rdog.* ' L ord. 7 on 10th. C 1 . ! . 5 p f a , r o ' C ) u t l l l i b e lmdero,og.'" L o rd 7 i n s . i d e lOth. h o u s e f a 'V O u r s th e f.itvolllri[.~.AndSQo :n /~at OOOU[ p lanetl ii on c't in [beir lown house$t"These

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    'Suppoese tne pl~~"I. er .i ser reg rade , Master ! ''Ifir: i s rt:i'tog.w:dr.: and ins1deOlne o f J I ; S e n ~ m y 's houses, rhe l.1l:trogl.rdation I r Y > l k e s

    no differ,ence; .U fs s t i l l inthe p()!w :er of i i t S CIlt:'Lny .. [fie is retro grad e an d sitting on(he cusp of one of it s ene~ny'sl '1QU$e$, th is: is ~ ~ill a PUiS]rive ~c;sdmony, b ur I(;:.~ ~8~rong[h~n if iwere in ' m e same poiiti.Qnand direct.''And those ]jtd~ ~[~allU:'(,;~,M~st!~r- wh,nabour therrt?'

    'Good! Y o ! 5 , my hoy, antlscla are impmtant here. Perhaps m:")1 qU;L~c su com.pd.lln:g in WS1 t lmony aS ' bodily p[aoem,{ ln t~j 'bu r c er ta in Iy we nIl no ring, SQ:

    ...,A nriscion of L ord Ion 7 th. C , l J i S l P fa vo urs th e fa vo urlte .

    .. An fi sd on o f Lord . I i r u . s . i d " ' 7 ' 1 h house f .WQur~ th e u n d e r d o g ..And shni la dy with all th e orthe.r pernsuraeions. ''W1tat~bout O ' t h . e . r hearse pL1.Oemenlts~~,Irrelevant. ''Lord .! beiag in a caden ',In'elevaOlf'A sign ina"or .in the 12I:h?'A h ea rty mwnp w ith my stick fin ally g Ot m y pcinr ac ro ss , 'I rr el e1 l '. an r. Ifrelev,ant

    Ind.(;';V7tllcl EVe']1 if $he:r-eare ]10 orthel!' eestlrnonies in the "char t .~ s til l i rr ei ev -an'd Doyou d:OlU!btcilia( I m'dlll( w .h at 1 saidabOlltdl~1f: c ha .rrs? T ha ~"JIvework ' \AIIh a u ly themost .Hmit~d palerte hue?


    They sim ply d on 't w ork in . d1 es~ ch aru . B~ :y on d rh e dght p af am ! !r ,e I~ [ g av e rou~of oom~ l Q.)," 3 degrees before o{aft~r th e eu sp , p ositio n by house weam ruoti11n!g.L 0 1 ! d . Iis net m i M i ll y .afflicted by b e l ng 6 degrees ins i.d.ethe: 7rh" house;. ir is natafRmd at w I . Lord. :J I migh.ltlx: 6d~ inside tb e I i S , [ hou se wh ile Loii 'd7 is nickedaW

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    w m ki d off at 7.30,

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    dt c m n p . L (; { c s its; a m : l , d o ( : k , ,. l' i s e j o urney b ack to th e A.o.cenM.nt:'S o if.....1at I said w as [rille, t h e : favourites would w in an y g ame s ta rt in g at HrOUl1dNew M oon, and. they would . lo se :E ! fl y game st3 rting around FuU M oon. ''Y e s. Tha t d oe sn~E :h appe n. Ifit did, we m.ight b.avc expected foH t w isdom toh ... ..l'. ave .rI.QtU:L'U,.He looked thoughtful. then a ~Iy $mU~ came rnt'Q h . i . s eyes. '1 know M:a:st'Er-

    it's th o's : little an im als a gm_n~isn't it ? You love them Il ttle ani m:;lls.''They a re q u ite : cute]. 1will adm it ..But they ca n give you a n -a st y' nip. My affc:c~

    don for them i s : only boca~'e meywolrk 0 0 ' W ! ! [l : inclmrts ..Yes,you'r e r igh t: , we mustlO(lk ~o th e an tls do n.

    ANT lSC lON OF FORl"UNA"NOT BOD ILY P 'l. ACEMEN l'J!Jthougp.rne Put of FU.flyne oond:tuu;s . i t S statt[y progress reund tbe ,han as th .month unfolds) i tsanascio ll . ]eap5 aboucaIl, wet rh e p , l < t _ c e . It em

    monies in. judging th.~~charts. Pahaps the ~t pO"li~ of aIL''D .~.. ~.L --, ...:;._1' f " ' ! ; ! ' - - ' . g i l - ~L ).. 00I [1Ner8~Ule~watli.on 0 .,n;,.rrum Inm ..[~~; .'Never ! T I lC [ l !: a r e pliofound,er reasons ro r not doing SO' I but also MoO iliatni]at.edirecdy 'oo our converssdon here. O ne is ! that th e p ositio n ,o ffO ,rtu na is a C h arrin gof the MQQ.n:~shase th. .. foughoiu .t the m a.nm ..The Mooo's ph~'d.oes not change ass o o n a s .k g e t , g dsrk, Th( i o t " l l i e ; [ ' 1 ; . ; . f r o m experimre. F o rw n a . l ' : i.m ; , s u c h . a.s,igo.ifi.can[r ol e i n t h'e se cha rr s t h a i c many r im .e sw e j ud ge by it mone. 1 h av e ronsistendy drawnaccurate j udgeme:nt usin,gilie daytime calcu1atcien" whedler by ,day or by flight.'

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ~T :0

    ffee-rr S a -

    ,5 rheh e o ,~:i ~1

    . the:u~.o{~esti~

    c 1 a : t ertins'~as,lcanr7n, 1 1 1.Ifbut

    That gave him thmJght,. sol p:msed befort: continuing; 'W e sh3 :l1now move on [.0aspects.'

    } \h at L o rd Isquares Lord 7: f avou ri re w ins! ''No,my boy, no. Aspects between our main 5ignificators will be : rare, because

    they willconcern us o nly if d lt'/, aredns!O.B,1.u: even if there is such an aspect.remember :that we are paying no heedro accidental dignjtyj essential dig,niry (lr-reception. S o we bye no way ()f deciding which of rht: rw:oa :sp t: c ting p!an t: ts \ . .mcome ofhl1e berrer,'

    'S o I should ignore aspect.~b etw een L o rd s Iand 7?~fYes- with one exception, If we are judging a notary chan fo r a court-case, the

    antagonists' siguificawrs coming into aspect tells us that t h e - r will st.:tde ,out ofcourt. In ;moSI: spans charts such a conclusion is im.possible; if the Yankeesareplaying the R ed. S ox we c an assume that th e pl ~ye.rswi]] not serd e th eir dillerence.s,JIl,:dwilY rhrough rh,e game and adjourn It') th e nearesc bar. If our coon i s fo r: t chess1", we can take a naspec,t ' betw een L ords land 7 as testimony of ad raw ; A ll ,odller te stim o nie s a gre :e jn g, th at is; if one player is in a gre-ddy superiorposi [jtm rhis testimony wil l : probaMy be overruled,'

    S o In a boocing m,~ tch, When [h e c om er tbrows, in the towel?'"I'har is nee a, dear hoy; clUJ is surrender;'Ri.ght, Master. Now, if wt./re not in teres red, in those aspeces .. , 1 know ! Y ou said

    we are concentrating on the rncst ephemera] things. That means the Moon 'saspcc:rs must be irnpenant,''Yes,!.A1tho'ugh h ou se placer en t ca n :b t ; : . decisive, . meaningful house placementsJ ' I : l ' nor ICHXIlr in mos t charts, The Moon ' s aspects p , m o , 2 .b l y decide a greater pro-p crrio ncfthe se c ha rts than any o th e: r te stim .Qny. We a re" , o f course, coucernedonIy wh:h i tpp.l; iug aspects; aspects that have not aJI~ady happened. And. weareconcerned with them ove r ,o a.l )" a lim lte d rnnge, which will v:uy with (he spot!:)includ ing d ifferen ces betw een the d[fferenr codes of football:

    fo orlh aU { SO D , h ;l lu t e ., s : o r nU)l'e): ma.iiro.wn 5 degreesa d.d : 1 d eg~ ee . if extra U1tle i : s : possiblefootball (Iess than 80 mlnutes): ma:ximwn" degreeii ~add. 1degwe if ex tra tim ,e is possible

    crickec (I-dar): mrudmum 13,d.egreescricbt (county Of test): until end O'fMoons:pl!:esentsignWhen judg ing or;h,er sports I've ach ieved . good results by .uiddng t o ehej -deg re el i.m ; r. T ha t in clu de s tennis, where (op-Right matches wilJ usuaUy JUt: ra th er lo ng er

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    dun a icorball march. IfY

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    !'j ,lllnw" vfu(~n

    I~ . I n ao d e g r e e : ,;k ('jfllhen c Kc ep -'t: gamesr: safa

    ow it

    n aln sig --ect over

    q uare toa J speer

    a .!ated

    'And ifit m ade ~,n immediarc conjunction w ith L ord 10 an d du.:11 went on '0( Jp pn~c Lm 'tJ : -- .1 would 19mm: that ollpposido.n. to L,n17?"

    \ Y es, d on'r t::lh ~J,~ l\tlotH~ past a conjunction. T re at th e conjuncticnas if'it wererh e f ln a] a sp ec t.''\mut ahOLl1 rh(lSe lirrle animsls! ''They're very irnportanr, especially if by conjunction Or opposition. Other

    ll~pe(;t~o ~Llq Iisciaarc l es s rel iab le , bue seem ~'O work if th'EfC is nothing else to over-rule them.'

    'A nd rhe J\1.oon'$ con jun crion s to an tiscia arefin al too ~''N o. T hat's why 1 said i t . is hodily conjunctions ,that ar e usually final,

    Conjunccions by amiscion usually ar,en't, in l.e:lS 'I;n gam es w here the M oon has,irs usual range of 5 or 6 d (,;g ru cs . 'We ca n take du . :Moon beyond them. Bu t i f woehave In JUOVt' [he M o on fi:1n.her than :5 " er 6 deg 'rees co reach an ant ls ci al conjunc-don, . i . t seems so g lad ro have got there that it gives up and. doesn't go any furrher.This happens mainly i n c ric ke t' matches, where we ca n move the Moon over am.u.l.:hgre: ; i.n:wrange . You could say that lo ng -ran ge antiscia] conjunctions a re f inal,shorr-eange ones aren'r.'

    'Nuw, Masrer, voteare looking: at aspects from [he Moon to the rulers of eur fourk ey h ou se s, But whar jf [he M oon is th e ru le r ef 'cue o f t he~ :c bous "e s? '.'This isa nuisance, T 'l ind sulking an appropriate response, but unfuf1:ll.I.nateiythat doesl:l.'~chang e any thing " The M o on is of'such im portance in these charts that{his co n fu:;ion of roles is most unh, ei pf ul . T ~ygges't::

    + , If M oon. L ~lori:l ] or Lord 7 . keep M oon as the fiow (!f events; we Moon sd isp csiro r a s ru le r 1")1 ' rha t house"If M oon is Lord J rO ,0 ,[ Lord 4, keep M o on a s theA ow of events, m anag ew ithout a ru ler fur tbar house,

    So i f'c -h t. :chart h al! C a n c.e r , ri$ it~ gand m e Moo, .n is in Sro'rpilo,. look at th e . M o o n . 'sasp& tS .leu ing M ars srand in as lord. I.}r gripped m y stick, r -;ttl)' for h is next q uestion. H e asked it anyway: 'But whatif dle M oon w as in S ccrp io an d Ma rs w ere, ~ay , L ord :to?'

    ' 1 ' : ' 0 0 many questions, my bot Are you a VirgQ? Ifd'llat Were the case, we wouldpr iorh ilOt '; make Mars L ordr and man ag e w ith ou t Lord 10.S uc h ad&p tio ns a rc norideal; a s a lway s, we; do ,\Iljha,twe can, I am rarely confidenr in judgement of eaeofth es e c ha rts when Cancer either rises 0,[ sets:, t he dual role of the MOI)n causes C011-. fuS ,j ,CHJ. Bur if som etim es w e bump into our lim kation s, ~ ,~ is no bad thing,_'

    < I s [hat e \te ry ' rh . ing abour aspeccs, Ma:stcT?'

    , I

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST




    ~R S ]~ o ~~'~ _,~ J'R(1 L [ ) G V

    'N o. T hi.! ;_1~'on'5,b~ll'r_;(Sar " \,L.: I:-: , im portant: so are aspects 'to Fortuna. T he:se.irc ,1 i [dL'lllon' cnm p I icaicd. Keep the Part ofPonune still, o f course sh(;;doesn'rI1WVC; l h ings come to il :: iP~ 't her .

    .MQr"m to conjunct. [ri ne 01. sex tile F ortun a Of i t s . antiscion EWGlw; the.:fa,,

    ~ M ncw to sq uare or oppose Fortuna or its autiscicn fav ou rs [h e underdog,Keep within lhc SfmLt: L~l:.nges,s before.Bur, most irnpcrrantly:



    S o If rhe ....!oon m oves I dl:gr

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    J be~elo~n'~ J .th e ,, ~: lg. \

    , ., I , '1lOth.ef I~.\$ ,. 'r".


    ,~"\"', 'l

    .'e this~.f

    styou ~

    I l i L a r l y"tuna,. .ie,

    TTl r CHA RT Fort >r'lI 11EVENT 89"I'li ('M: Jn n\ se ein srron ~ I.: iH) IIgil rn d ~ > C ' ide a co n tes t D[1 j he ~r ow n, If you havemixed I:.:;~'Iruuu iC$, ','I u can throw rhcu: i Il iT~S llpport one side 01' rhc o 'th r Fo~~

    h J w i n g e h c same p r i . a l c l p l c s ns \ , , " ' L r 1 1 Lords ~ a n d =, Otherwise i g n o r e rhem.''Let's gel ehissrra ighr, JVra~B:r . \X I! l~ l1 w e ere looking sr house placement we

    co 11cern flll rsclvcs onl V ',vi rh the annscion (lr Fortuna, ignoring l LS h od ily p lace-m ent. W hL ::n ~'Vt: ~ !rl' ][] ok i n g a t Il.Sp~CC5, W~ a re c once rn ed wirh borh irs bedy andi ts an t is ei ou , r

    "I 'h , :i l'S dg:hL \Yfemust also take notice of the dispositor of'Fortuna.'[Y ou m ea n Ill' ruler of the sign rh e P an of Fonunc is in~'' 'Y e s .. . I r - : . di~~Hlsitor applying 1:0conjunct Fortuna t.wours rhe favourites.+ Irs d isp ositc r a pp Jy in g [0DPPO$~ F or tu na fa vo urs t he und. (, :t dog s.'H e was o pe nillg : hi s mouth) burI answ ered before: lie could fram e his question:'If r he c ii spos i, to r o fForH ll ': t& is also L w d Io or Lord 4, give priority tn irs releas dis-

    pus;to I'uf Porruna. lf ir is also Lord 1, Lard 7, or the Moen, forget its roleas dis-posiro r of E crruna ..'

    He " beginning to look as if the p;lS~,ab'1.:of information through. his ears wascausing Enigur.:'. 'Don'tworry; m y boy;' I reassured him, 'we're almost done. 'On]y:I . few mjscellaneous points now, 1 told yOIJ '00 disregard accident a 1 clignities anddebilities. There arc; a couple of exceptionstn [hat rule:.. North N(Jd g oo d; S o urh N o de bad..C ombcsrio n is d es tl'Ut:,I. ;VL,:!.

    The house placement of [he' Nodes doesn't seen).' :;ig:nihcant; so for instance theN(nrh Node on the .~c,eodam doesn'r favoll.r the f 4 1 : v , o , u r , i t e 5 . But signj6c~,:rorsfall in s OJ,) th e Nud es w ill be helped. Of harmed, Th is is a powerful r es dmony . I nth isCOIl 're.xt~ Fortuna ean be 'ElI.ken as belonging to' rh e ,filI.vol:1rit,e~Porruna on th e NorthNode helps tb e fu vourit;e: 011th e SOUdl Node i t , hdps th e underdog. Conjunc.ti.onscn]y, within a couple of degrees ar most, .

    ~ nd i:h (.; .l'v fo on ?'That doesn't belcng roekhc1" side, so its falling on DI:lC' uf the Nodes has noeffi:ct.''W"b"'t about cazimi?Tb.

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    mad. 1 ; \ n k itl~ , . : ; . 1 1 1 reach d ow n W ra ise on e C)~ ~bem up. Corubusricn m ust be kt:p!: ' ~u.:h tigh rcr rll .in usual. \V ~ can " ;'> " [ ha r ~1rly ,~ign~11L;:n(H'wi rhin z d~g rc.:c~o f tln,Sill l~h.:.l.niH::J.

    S ( ) F ortu n ,1 ,.;\) m busris g~)ml n ews fo r (he underdogs: (he 1 '1 ,110011 combes.means nfl{h i n _ , ; (

    ' Y e s , , ''A re P I,me cs w.: ;\ke n t: d by b e~ng reuog", ., d 1 1 l ? '., n ~hcse ClL:H(~, it ~~'ems 110L Though relfogr:aJatioJ.1 W~U, of course, ~fr~ct

    \",1:1 ic h a~p\:C[i they ; 1 1 " 1 = able ro m ak e. $0 It can no t b e to t~ H ;: ig no red .'' \ X ' l l < 1 . l ab ou r 6 ,,,;:ed stars, Masl;er?'"Thls level of d .~ m d o g y ,s, :~m~bL;ne~nll. IIH:m, Even Reg.uius, lhe SHUm05[ 1 ; ] . ; [ " 1 : .

    fU L;;onfl:TViCI'I,JrY, h a s no app.a.n::meffe,~ here, But the outer planers are vtonh. ,nO[ln,g.H e r a i s ed an ~ ) ' e b fOW, eviden t1 y wom:.l~ri 11g if [ h e r a r t : 1 1e d ;4~r ~. ri1I S :;II titude .i~d

    1Ifeclc:d m}' 1 h I nkin g ,. '1 . dld tell yo u we ~ re at the be reom of rh e . ' 1 . 5 t I ' J : ) k l g i c C I , l food-chain here' Pluto has ~po.:verfil~ d~.$trnc:d\T effect if pbced di.recrl.y nn ll. p t . : l e c v \ ' l mcu.~p. J f CtlnjUI1L! ul< cpposing Fortuna, 'Or the antiscion crthe dispositcr ofForruna, this favours eh e ~LrJ:doerdCig,In fan, Pluto seems ro ho~d some. kind ofgrudgr

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST




  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    92 . SF 0 ,RT!i ,ASTltQ L,QC; vsaid: Combi t fe dis")' i i '#01'l 1 'Id, . / 1 ' 1 . " : ' 1 1 To ilL:t i t anothei W:IY: 1 1 1 . - < 1 1 ' ir, miud'the n:alzrvi ~o/dJe' situauon. );bu:;l!r~'n,l, 11bYLng,'\il'~gujf~lr: !n U10H f o O l h'lli m :H d L t ' S , the l o S J J I ,gsid e w ill nm s co remor e Lh:w nU'L: ~o;d. In 1tlC,.l~~ marches th e w i r ' l 1 . 1 I : ! L " S will ,~bn[(: o.nh'~ "am: or LW'Q goal,:;;moire than th e lo se rs, Be r L(:I U1wmk wirhin these parameters :lndg et I th in gs right. at t h e ; i s k of missing t h ~ ' ccasional 5 0 . 1t.HLLl.l:n h i r . rhan to g ncha si ng t he spectacular, Th:11 lIOL.:~nflnftt:n happen: char's why ir s spectacular. '

    ' : A n d draws r "'On the same principk- ~f t~$rimonies look balanced, \ . . . - e can predicr dH ' draw,

    T he. num ber 'of testim onies w ill allow lL a cautious ~hm ; ;1.( the num ber of g oals.\V e 'lJ ta ke a lc ok itt a typi ca l goa ll es s- d raw chart lacer. They have a g r i . J h J L k c . " t i appear-anee, with .n,othing w hatevee happen ~11g. r h a c you wi H 800 n com e to fl;;;cogn is e. 'Br now We had reached Lbt: caVl:, Su !er hirnro work while I spent rime r!.::bat~:lacing my inner eq uilibrium . H e w oke m e for lunch, alltl :IS we; are he asked,checking. "This m ethod w orks to r al l SPQm ma tc he s, M a ste r? ''N o .. Itw orks w h:h any spon on w hiLh ,I '''t' tried i t - an d rhat is , n lo r 'Qfs:pi,)[l.~.But it i~not suited to the run-of -the-mi ll , Consider lh e srarr of;:l snockerrouma-mem, for instancetwe might havea dozen games taking place \.vil'i.ira dl'.; sameroom" all beginuingar the same time ..~O rhey all have the same c han . P erh ap s intheory it might bepossible to pick the as rrol c~g ic:3 .1 e IlG..~ our 0 f char lo t , bur l haveooid~a how we might go aboue do in g so _ B IJt w air rill the fin al , aud t h L S mer h odwill give y()U t he winne r, ''S o it:only \\Vor. b fu r f ina ls ? '"N o. But that is wht:reir w fJrks besr, For prediering the resu lt of finals - (he'Super B i jW [~the A i : . 1 S 5 i e Open. th e Chan1 .p i~n s' League final. or the 6n.aI o f Y OU Jpub" s dan s 'E oum am en[ - ir perfonns , excd Ien .d)'- from thar p eak o f ex ce llen ce

    there is a falling aw ay J.S ma'tches b ecome m ore comm on pla ce. At 3 u',duck on aSaturdayafeernooe there will be Torry Or more professional fo crb all m atc he ski,clcin'gof.f~n E n . g h m c i . E ng land is bigger thanthat snonker hall, but not much so,Manyohbese games will havt= dl:;Jtf.~ rhar a re indiadnguishable by anyone w ho isnota Virgo. This method i s qu i te useless then.'

    ~ 'W h at abou t o ne-off leag ue g am es? ''On a Sund.

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ) , t l ihyI",';ing; : n , l y.. nd


    ~ka\'.g ds.~ar-!

    - e b a . l -~ked,

    .1rna-samepsinha~'t )d

    - theyourf''',cei I acheshw .he is

    ;, ~I-Inor'hen,

    it ,~'orh ra'thccr berrer, still no r ;t!'; \\ , . . : l 1 :I! ' . 'i n ;1 I rue srand-ulom-, lib.' a [-in: t 1 .But on S a.w rdays the TV schedules lJc~ u in si. ~1 on 1 )l1 :. !g~llnckick,i ng 1 1 1 - " ( arou nJnoon! anerhe- at. 5.t'}. I[ seem s not to wn rk to]" th ~M. I [ i s ah llu_~r as .if these l;:un l'~someh ow o ug ht 00 be kicking ofF :u , o'clock, .~n [he)' si Ilk inn J the gcm.:ra! morasx.'

    'Maybe it't work sewell wit! I these g,Hlle" because l.hl;Y can c-nJ Lli :Ld J ' _ t \ v ?T hey 're not like" final, w someone has ro w in. I r w earilv hi! h im wi t il rn v..stic.k.'Q raw s are a nuisance yes, BUL vou'l] find exacdy th e S:;I me happens in (en.u is

    and other sperts w here there are 0.0 draws, S e co nd . ro un d a t \\T jmb h~ do n: fnrgn ir,Final: it w'Orks welt;

    'But :mrelYl Master, if there is anyrhingin d1 .IS method ir should work at ;)11levels. C an tbel!;( be aClLlt-off point b~'n(;a[h which ,;:ml"oloBY ~ 'DpS '~'orking?'It w : as r ime f ur a d eln on scm tio rll. I 'went , i uto dle cave :m,drerurnedwirh an axe,

    H anding 11 :~O r u m , I ask ed h im . to walk to rhe spinney to chop dD'iV.1! 0 ; : , tree lo hesta:ckecl fOl" nreiovood.l let him g(1 some ' ovay bdore 'Nh,istiing t o a rr ra cr his arten-tion. You'.re going to carry ,tbe \ ood hack on !'OIJIi ~holJldt:r:_..?~J,called.. '1:~k~'BFiUi.~y with you} She muttered somerhing under her breath ,bmb",red reluc-tandy eo her feel: and ser off co jrniil him.The S un W " 3 . .S serting by the tim e lw returned, gmbby w.ith W{,Jt, r o l l o \ v c : : d bv

    B rir ne y, 'Who was paed h ig h. w ith w oo d an J gmmblin!; illgutter Once hehad. unb urdened he:!:,I w id him co si r down and r,;xmi.d his right hand" 'Thac nailneedscuning,' lsa_id., piclcing uprhe axe and preparing ' to . sw]n~ if. He looked arme ; [ 1 horror. I GouJd s ee h is ~ be dj eric l; ! a s 2 p up il w resrl in gw ith h is d esire for5elf~p reserv aticn, 'D o y ou lmdel"Startd nQw.~ I :lsb.;'d, plt~Li l1lg down th e axe. 'Thatsom eching is < I I . good , too l [-o,rone purpo~e doe s not mah:~ ]t a . :g ood teo] for everypurpose, The.r,-e is tin t a c rll::~ o( ffpoinr at wh i ch ~l,"trQlogy Ht"lpS working: tht:'[[ is ~CLtH'Jff po,int at which 'this particular method H'OPS being usefui. i u s ~ as we willnot ' j u.dge [h e e ve nrs O o f an .individual's life by :' ,mdying th e Jupiter/S atm n con-Juncrdons that are so w eft:din Judg ing the lives of naeicns.'.Yt~~Mauer.'

    'It'! ;, t he same w ith l 1 . n y techniq ue of prediction, 1 ['does, w hat h : d oes. Don't askjt to' d o w h,llt il: eannoe do, W e m ust cornero A srrolog y as hum ble supplicants: Hi~not for us to o rd er h er ab eu r. And alw ays rem em ber: w e dOl1 ' t have rn predictevetything~, That w e can p redier .lnrthin~at aU is a ma rve l. '

    Worn ou t by h is a fi-emo oJ'i o f labour, rhe la d could scarcely keep aw ake. 'G ofeed the antiscia, then sh:ep; my boy. Bright and early rornorrow 'ove'll start workO'I~ some charts,'

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    94 SVO~,:fS ASTROLOGYBrigh l ;lind early th e n ext m orn ing YrC did j 1J5~ I i t : 1 to ' I u v e n tlj,' W'.:i ( .' lln~ t:1VOl,1 ritesto '1vi'i m e Champions' League f il "ta l. Informl ;:d opinion rhClLlt;ht t i l L : oni:,' lmn'rta inry w as che H um ber of goals by w hich rhev would k~ll f~nrllssi,\ D'li r rnund,N C lIW , I_ :~kc a look) m y boy, \Xt}m.; l;do you see?'

    H e IOQ k~ da r the c ha rt. th en < 1 : my f ac e , t hen at my stick, as ,if to s pe ak .

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    H ~ studied his checklist carefu lly . ' l lrc N orth N ode i s rif.h l pl~ l ;1(," , \ h..;, hH~y ou said ~l'lJJm O t s .tgr. I. ficant, ArId M . H r : ' applies [0 th e Mel!::: ..I:tr~do::.m'! .,{l'm(0have a role in. this C'h~).r. '

    tQ u ite f igh I.. Mil,fS iS n~'L L lJe ofuu r ..~ign H i cate rs . j'The S un is in the 7 t~ and the Sun is d is po siro r o f Li.l.t ' P.ln p C h~m w l h : u

    m ig h ~ fav cm r the underdogs. ''WeU spetred, But it's a. inog w : ; r y (n Hnth c .cusp .. 1'00 ~-arIO be e f . im Porta nee. ''M aster, I'm pu:uJed . L ord Iis JIJP~ti::r ; lord. 7 is Mercluy, But L ord !D W f l i . . .It

    is a ls o f( ~r th e f';lVourit~" is M~n:;llry and Lord 4 J!!.ipi~e[',Whlu do I do;'"k;' so often, the chart js uot what we nl!.~Jl[desire.." I X ' t : U1U~~m:lh' do .. tlriorir:y

    m ust: be g ive n to L ords lan d 7 j w hich areour m al]'), sign ifica tors, 5 o here w e h < l , V 1 Oto"manage wi thou tLo'n.:t~ IQ and 4. ''Thank y~'u.~M aster. N ow I must check what dle: Mool1 is d Q L ng . The only

    aspecl;" I can see . is a sexrile te the anri scio n of fonuna, which is a t 4 T a u rus, ,'Y~. A sex ti le by anrisci 00 is : not SWJ 1 1 g , bl~tit is wo rt h. m n i n g . II I G t r 'J .gu.~deun) 'attem pf w e m ight m ake to predict: the score', and. if w ehsve 1W DI:II.,;:.- I t:sl i m'[1JlY i. tcO ldd ev en sw ay m e resulr . .~~~ L'"I9l~rhJuk ~[J see 'w h at ourmai [I ~ Jgn. if a.n: do i '!g.. 0 h\ look! Jup~e r,Lord 1, applies to ()ppo~eFortuna!'~G {:lod. S o w e have tw o pow erfu leeseim oeies in :fuvo 'ur o f the underdog s, one

    n~ilJ!,)rtestimony for tl1lefavourites. To rhe astonishment t1f t~H,:. ' \ o ~ ( ; : j I l . k : d t;l'l'CTi~,Dor tmund wan 3-1. Tha r s ex rile was ev id en d:v en :o u,g h. to give thefavourites onegOfll.~.'

    ~C an w e do anothtI:;, M as[,e:r? ''Of C O L Ir::>c~.]n. t i l i~m:.ud~Sooi13,f1d were exp6ctc:dt'D bear \ ~ 1 l ~ o e s . Wna( do y o u

    m:~kl~o r this f'ILo,r,dr s ta .nt ts fot .$C()lJ;ltud, l l i t is in ~bureeh h.OILlS{;. bar [ qQ~ Jr from . rhe eu~p rN

    mis :ro be s ig nific an t" ,"{G ood, m y boy.''It is clnse te the No fin Node ..That must be. good. fer the f u v ou rire s, ''Maybe . 1 ' ( [ th.~n.ktlDh too far off E ' C l be of major importance,''Lord 7 applies to sq uare lo:rd I~ bu r you . said [hat isn't im po rranr B d ; . H ' t : . rh.::!:!.I i: trin es lo rd 4, bu r I d oth 8uppo\Se '[har. is im pcn an t ei r her f'Quire right, W'h,

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    "T hen 'to trine VCrllL:>,. L erd 7, w hich. faWim thl.: u nd erdo gs, Irs fin al ",..sp ecfis th elConjuncricn to J u.pit~r~Lord 4 1 . I can ~1Cee ~ny th ing else) Master . \ ' rn nSEwin. '

    ' : A J l d so tb~y dlid..N o t:esdm.o ny fu r th e fav om i!ll! :s. T he importantrhing is rh ei!"f' ,. C 1 . "'''''7 I .~~YlOO!JSmal ;asp~,r. w,a~~".liWOO 1-0.

    "Look srrhis one, It is rhe g;oaUessrdr;aw ch arr I sp ok e -ab ou.t. I{'l t ) " p l c 0 1 J of theb eases, T eill m e w har yOU~G~.'\Vii ili a :E ;reatd .eal o f h uffin g, h ummin g, b id ng , Q i f hfsmumb an d scratching 'o fb .~ e-ar he worked, through his ch.ecklist of testimonies, '1 can't see,Mast:I;:t".h r ; ~lflast a!l~o:un,coo. 'Not hI' plaoemellt; no r by :lIs'peer.T h e r e 's : ! I b ! i i o .i u e l ynaming happening here,''): :Oll see Wh1llT T mean~ TMswalS nO it 0 lI ,mere !D..uless dlraw~hUT rhe g o a l l e - s s drnwof goa.Ue.ssdniw.~- :l:, candidate: .for the mo~t borblg faotbaH rnarch ever p ~ , : ; J J y e d .M arsem .~ and. R ed S tar Belg rade had. w on '~hrou.g ih to thefinal ef die European

    Cu]f ine,1 1 . ;IT'.,d u Derr



  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    r is th e. '~".lr..

    , ine of-0, .rig,s ~Iydraw

    _ l l : i y e d .t:Op~a.n

    T r! ;: ; CHART FOR TH,]! :EVE.NT 97

    C~lPp lay ing t h riL ling a tt ack ing rool:bjjlU. A fid ,o na do s lo ok ed f -Q, rv tudto a gamef ined wi th s kJ il a nd specta cl e, Ullfonun_Jtely~ rh e e oa eh o f t h e underdcgs, R ed S tar,hltd decided , "W e could no t beat M arseille unless they m ade am istake, soI toldm y pfay to be patient and wait' for penalties". They duly slifl,edihe gam e. BurduU tho, ug h, it, w as.som ecne had, ItO win . Go back to the chan, bay. W ho won:? '

    '0 K,Master . . I know it w as a g oalles-sd r3 .w . S o i! : m ust have gone TO ex rra rim eor pel li lr ies . I ean al1o.w the Moon to m ove a bit fun-her than usual. '

    ~d w hat do, y ou se e? '"M -' , ~ d "laster, U ;O pp Oilie:Srortu na in 7 ' egrees:'Ye s. The favourites must' lose . R ed Star's shameful policy p -a id o ff . 7 dcgrr;:cs is

    rhe abso lure lim it of motion w e can afford . th.'.; Moon in a football march, sovictory mustcome on penalties. And so it proved.''YoY.p redic ted ID. .s , Master?'

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ' ( ) 1 1 . , J ' lOl199I? That W~t::i km g before 1 developed (hi.~ n'' l(:I 'hod. A~ es i, th at itWllJ k.,i~ rhat w e can projccc it bad.; iIH~l th e pa~;:1 u~ing if o n g l'l.m e.s ~ik c t his . I I cr e's '.murIl~'r,l}.;Um~ what you see.'

    "The pl. lIct ;:m~l '] t$ c lose too ,me angles catch my C Y , " " .Master, Lord -4 is Ju st [m id .e~h~with hCUSe. ''M . ~,J ~

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    : I " ;: ~ '"

    1_ d1 ( . . : : i i 'iuch,1 fullofa

    L\ l..i:;~!.:1 :\:q r!1 ,1{ \:'::~'I" ,~~l I rhu [1 1 ped hirn .. :>IFFcctiona[eivaw~md the:: ~1t::{(1 w ith my"-. i ."~~kk. H~'~~)Ldd~-,:~,l l , 1 L J wa_~pleased with .~rrrl..

    'Nnw t ru us r lo ol: ; ; ' L [ ~he .ivfuor!l'~movemeut,' he: continued. 'Ir sexriles Lord 7;lr(~!J ,k;g:rl' t: '~, I 'h;:11 iI sextiles l.ord 4 bavi ng moved juSt aver } d(:gfl'C~, \ ~ ? < l , Sextra[ime pmsil ~It"ii! !h is g.~lmd'

    'Yi;:5,''0 K. So J j uJgr ;: th at th e uudt:rdogs won in extra time, wjrh ~hem,V'o,1"lrites

    sC~Jf.ig a~~r..::.l~lll~'goal. en rhe basis efthat Lord " i I . placement.''A nd so it proved, Jny boy . S w in& onl a small club [roUl rh e th ird tier Q f Englishfonrb~ j:,. hum bled ehe m ig ht)' Arsena~., winniFig 3-1 afrer extra, rime, ,I I e locked slLi t:,tbly pl. ::as ,rd \ .. .irh himself but ~fU:Cf.;:!!ew mom ents of.self~conm.

    g pn .d a rio n and rn u ch < i.ff~ do n a te stJ;loking of S e dna he as ked, 'M aw .:.r) I fear that 'Lr eve L ' I an'! m t t'ach ~hese : 1 ' 1 , )e rhods to s t u d e n t s of my O W l .' 1 ! , I m O l Y have to ven turc

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST



    an] nilg the " 1 1 ~;J~k \ \' lm~ 'w1 , ln:":u e he ld in thrall, to tha~ dark idol, G ridiron. C ould" ' V I . : : louk < ll sume A mer ic an foo tb :).1 I. c h ar ts " p le as e? '. _ )j ' CQl1rSc, You must h t; w ell jm ;p :m ;::d fo r that eventuality, This chan Is of I.he

    lou7 SlIpt'r ~~nw l. lm :ll;mapn lis C o lts were favourl't'cs to beat the Chicago Bear s . .Lou], ~a }'uur worksheet and 'tell m~what you [hinl

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    " 'It'

    non,. dl

    . any,r rhe, 10


    linle; ~ h eI 7 [\Qrpor-di".lfi


    nn-2 9

    those [runl lords ~ a nd , 7, Think ~ ~g ,:tin, though, The S u.n. has another rele ht:f{;;,b es id es b ein g Lmd 4-'

    He til t )ugh r agai n. !j,ntil h e rea lise d, . It's t he d is po si to r of f,on:u~ S o the d ispos-I e o r of Fo rrun a g oes to o pp ose FO rlU n :l b y a nr is cio n , Th :l. t f.rV01iJ,t'$! the underdogs . '

    I Y e s . Remember V l l , h a . t r l!old you: if th e dir.;po,sjror o f Fortw'l,a is a l s o Lord Iocrlord 4, 'we rnusr giv,e priority eo its role as dispositor uf Fortuna.'

    < is th.1IJ Masrer?""There's more. L ook ax the Moon. ''Y es! T he a n ( i.~ ciC in o .f ehe Moon is ~ l 13,24 S:a:gi.nardus, just in sid e '[h e 7 th hou s,t: -,

    The underdogs have. con rrol of rh e g aome, ''And sa it proved. P itrsburg hw on, A norher? ''Yr:.s,please Master,''L et's go back in to ' h i sto ry . \ x , : ' l l : i i J : do }"oC Jmake o r [his one?'

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    'There's no obvious ~,e5tLrn: :my hy h _ t . . ; u s e placement. T he Moon goes 00 n i n elord 1-but as the M oon i:sLM d 7 r don't think I L':;:;lf] 'Hh~[:as sjgn.ii.cant,'

    'T ha~ t\s cm re ct. \:Ve c an 't k ee p the M ccn as ehe R o w o f ev en ts h ere, ill,in g irs d is-positor as Lord 7. because in ; dhpos['~or is Lord T. \'.(!e'restymied:'I 'd b etrer c he ck these Huh.: a nim a ls a ga in . L o ok , Masterl Lord 4 makes anlmmediarc conjuncrion with rhe anriscicn of Fortuna, NOd:hil1g else happening,The f 'avourkes musr lose.'

    'A nd so rhey did , T his i,~rhe 1 1m game of rh e Jl919 W6dd S eries. T he famous....B lack S o x" scan dal, w here th e eh i C < i g o W hi re Sox w ere b d bo t ; . ; . d r o throw the s e r i e s[0th e Cincinnati R ~ds, Y ou m ust have heard Lht; phrase 'Say it ain[ so, Joe", saidto h:wc been a smaH bor's plea ro h~~ tarn ished hero, S!iodcss Joe Jackson, 'W~wouldn't usually lookany further [han the n : _ , L l h , but rhe position .o f Lord z, thef : , !Voudtesl mone I i s imere.' i' [ il lg here. Riglu on [he Iehy a nr is cio n, p oin tin g it s

    ,R c t

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    LOI.Lncd.~L III \\ iJ h L L'L' ut Id":lduF,S' ~ll~ l:~'~.~. l.1.n~~'tTIOII.):!.lI rn NCflH 1I.lL' H1 ~~I~~~'q ,(~mC-rhil\~ It~h\' ~~~in~ \ )1 1 t lh J nil lh!.' li~~~.lur , ' \ \ . ;1Lbt;n~"That's i.hl' kif:hlc,>[ star inL I_ I ~Ithe l'onqdLu ion ~}I:c~I~.t::I'. ,-\~ such l~ i s . is -oc i need wi ~h ":plllH1 nc:o i ~~ uesires -finane[:1i mll'\ III ~hl~ c;,~v ,m~i i.~,h

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    evidence -- L~I, II I i n~~ rhar a rc j umpLng i1] 1 and down in the c ] 1:1rt shouri It!', ,ILookat me' L ook ott nw !"' Bur "~'Cm ~~_~~or be con rcnr w i rh rh e sc al(Hw . W e m usrcheck fm IL'l's obvious thing s, lew, Id H"~ knuw IJON much riote i. ~ is w onhspending On dl~~r: chn rrs: [ think but! illk: .. 1-)11r dw ;' do a!"\\'a:'i~ dem:w(_{ murethan a.glance.'

    R ig ht, l\.1.a ste r. D own towork: This, of course, occasioned H deal. ot gnmungand scrarchin;i; co dcrnonsrraee that I:hUlI~bF processes were takj[l~ place. 'Tilt:'M oon. goe~ w sex tile L ,u rd L. Fhar's good for die l S l V O H r L f e s _ Then to cunjunctPluto, \X ihar does rhat mean, Jvh~lert

    'Nmhlng much. If it were a n immediate conjunction of L ord r to PLlIW, thatmight be bad new~ 1 1 1 f rhe favourires, but 1 \1 ;:'11[H noriced any signin,t:mce in aM oon conjunction. Then wlHr if

    ':Aftel" exactly degrees it oppcses Forru na. Ihae's a srrcng tesumonv for theunderdog,''SQwhowins]"'YO'!.1told m ethat i[ rl' awflLI t t to ourv ..ehdl ;j pO\vcr uJ testimony hy

    house placem ent. Tucked 50 closely LIiSidc [he iorh house, t hi s p l:u: ;emem o f LN a7 is ve.ry p(JWedLI.I_ And ) degrees is probably rn~) r~r for rhe M oon t o travel inAm rican football. The fuvouritcs muse win.'

    i\nd so rhey did, my bOoY.And so they did. Now compare t hi s dn ;l .n ,~vh ich isanother S uper Bow l. The N ew England Patriots w ere l :avou~ed ro beat theC~r!;;.lin

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    o k-LStn

    hal.rI a

    D ro mI. in

    7 ~'c ofricI

    29,607 2 .2 -:l.l..8:

    So tiscion of S~Wrn at 7 '.2 .2 C : UI C t: .r falls lit :2.:2" .3g Gem ini, ' Y es . S o ?'es,lV1ascet. The M oon ~sat u,.;u Gemini S o ir is already st:p

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    'S o rhe cnly irnpcrtant testin OilY 1\ 1.01 i 1l.J on Ik' IQ\h ~U~f)' F,l\'UL II,CL'~witl,'~d. 10'0it p roved, re}" h oy . I!I.'I'(,S ,1n.,illL.'I.'---~--

    'On, Master ; mei',e;:is lots ofp lacem ents here! ForfU nil is on ih e MC, eh oug h y ou'd .Jb ~'L b d'l I '. .t:I' ,,' . .,.Sw.l:f ..artne .il_l y placement 01 OITLl.naisnr nnport.un.~G ood. Y ou . m u s'[ check whe re .i ts antiscicn fa 1 15"hough, ''F ortlila a is at .~p.2Th.JUruS:i S,Qoits an riscio n is at 25.4,S Leo. Flnatin~ around ti l

    me: m iddle cfthefirst hou se.:: no ~ignificance in that. B ut . i t ' . ' ) opposed b y Uranus.I s . this close enough co mac te r? ''~ deg rre and .. J! h al f a vr ay : th ar 's s rre tc hiu g thing.:> a ]iulc, bur it may fav ou r theu nd er do gs ..'Then we have Lord Ijust inside the 7th house, Tlrur's : : I ) clear teseimcny for the


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    .nd inL I .H.

    o r the

    " degrees inside .he house, so we're do~;~(,) Ih,~'J i ~II,~Ilf' w , ~,I! i. WI 'I rh ni ~llIiS'Em I think we can mark this one L iP:"Then there's the 1\,1000so close .in:"id,' ,1C- ph ";11~1\ TII:II 111ll~( fa\,illil tin'

    lU ld erd og s" ''Yes~.,\'cty5~i"Ong fad.mony. Is there anyLi~iil~ L'I.~l' -,111 .ispccr:pl:dl'II)"~'H e scou red th e c ha rt b efOn .: announcing, Ye.~:ilu- , \,11,1("11 g 1":.~ro coniumi ilu-

    an ti~c i( ll l o f Venus, Lordto, ax ro .o f SL{npin, '1'b:~t':-:ne ((:I' rIIt' I~t\o1 Iri (CS,'But the ovetw bdm lH g verdict i s fo r th e um ln dn ! ~, vspecially with tfi:H pow-

    erful Moon placem ent The N e" ... Eng land P..mi. r s b~: L [Ilw \r LCiU [S Rams i n OLl~'of the biggeu sU!:pIlses in the history of the Sllpn Bowl.'

    'M aster) I know nothxug about A merican fODd!:IJI. ls .JUt .~problems I~I~'t :1 .k imw L ed gc o f th e sp o,n h elp fu l? ''B,ey,ond an awareness of the most b asic pOln [S, :-OL ichas whether ,1 , draw is

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST



    (T"lv: ..


    L rh a v e

    M uSat

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    'H ere 's a. t enn i~chart. i 't~5 th e ; l fH::n 's final eU the French Open. Ilw I.i~~~.;jprobkm w ith predicting tennis, or fOJ: dlat m~mt;r boxing, is k[~o'.\i:l~",,llcl :11,C:JJlte,~[will stan. W"eu~iJ .anydun'r know th at u ntil ir has a ct ua ll y :\i:1I'[.:d, ~~')tl:-...,. 'whv w e need a quick, simcle svsrem!'rI I 1. 7 r

    'Ri .ght , Master. I see:McrclJryvery prominent, dose i ru id e: t he roth house" EmMercury d(Il.:':;:~]tseem to have a role lnthis chart, se I can ignore . 1 1 : . '

    "Good._ Don' t feel l obliged eo drag It in just because it's there.''The Moon makesan immediare conjunction. to Lord 7"ihen goes un to trine

    Lord 4.That's a : strong ; testim ony for the t :md .e rd .og . I c-an't seeanything dst: '" Thefavouri.t oo IQS 'es: .

    " Th at's a st m u g te srirn oriy ; y es. C c nju nc tio ns are LlsUally a cu t-o fr pni nt in [heMoen's aspects, so ' weneedn'trake it beyond that. 'W e can ignore j ts aspect 10Saturn. \"'(/ccan also ig no re its f ir~1 :aspect . w hich is the sexrile to the Sun. The S un

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    no SPURTS A5T:ROI..O~is th e di;.;pos[[,Of' ofForrunn. -o it's possible this sex cile is a m in er tesri ~\11';~~' 1 '1 1 1 ' I ih 'r J . v , o l l ( i t e , hut l wouldn't p i . t L ' t : much value on ir . BUI: look again. Y O L I" " ; 1 1 1i:',~ll1gscmerhing imporsant.'

    'Lm:d !is conjunct ,FO[1"I111J., BUI {hal :" s epa ra ti ng . so c b : ; ( t ' ~ not 1'L'tel',I,llL H elapsed into silence.

    ' Look at Lord 7 . A nd rem em ber dIOse l it tl e an ima l s. '~A.hlT he anrisclcn ofM .:us is at 1O.}1Vlrgn" righ~ on the South Node . Th ;Il'~ ;t na m i cr ion , i'Y t: s, And as 1 ro ld YlHl, Il'S a s er ious amir':lion. Q uite pow erful enoug h 10 1\''1;)"-

    whelm the e vid en ce o fl:h e Muml;s"MpeCt .. \V1dl ehc ul1derci,()',g so dt. h i li :: a~ed . t in :f~.v{Jurj(emusrwin, and so ir proved: R~dBdNada l beatRoger Federer, '

    '~1:!1. about I:he m ovem enr he re ? 1 5 [h e an ri sc ion applying to th ,{_ 'om h N m kor rhe S ou th Node applying to it? In thar m asterful w ork The Hotm T e n b O { ) A 'we're wId nor ' C O l try ~.1O'\ling aneiscia a t r .i sk .o f causing lasti.n g d am ag e to , o urbl"aim.'2~:

    'Q uite rig ht. DO[I'[ move a ntis cia :llld d o,n :'t m o ve th e Nodes . We\e not con-(erl~!,;dwieh movement here. The S outh N ode is the centre of ~tsmall area of ]):1"r in e ss . .B t :i ng in rhae area is ~ufficie.l1 't; t, d o;;:sd ,t m a tte rw h ere th e p la ne t i~oing.S im ilad y; th e: Nonh Node i~ e centr-e of a smallarea of niceness,'

    M ore, please, M as rc r;'How p le asin g was this enthusiasm! 'Try this o ne . It's fo r a cricket r c sr ma t ch. ''Again. dH~l,e-il>C~11ob v.ieus placement: the S un on the roth cusp. But I can'r se e

    dial: the S un has a role h ere.'

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    , ih~.,!II[1~

    , ' ,all

    "ode,, & o o k

    {t'~ our

    .1 nas.going,

    l:l h.'an r see

    J eor-rcriced


    TlI 11 (: H RT FOR THE l!.VENT 11,

    ( he v is ta s ofigll.ol:moe that I ~lI , .m.:y.I use d to have 11friend once. H ew as very (alLyet his head carne now here .lle::U th e s . k y . '

    I rhoughr about thumping him K1 r hi s i rnperr inence , but d~di.l twant towakethe yak. Ie woald wait. FnJm his .h]ciing-p!aGt he mntinued. 'BYfdaoeme .l lt . t he re~ snerh iag else thatI can see- The Moon is too far from [he 4th. cusp for rhar 'tocount.'

    'Yes) SO fu r as placement i ;. concerned, .it'swhere the planet_ i s d l < l ' 1 t matters, notw h , e n . ; i C : s going to,'

    'rc an 'r se c 3 ! J i y relevant :t:.;peC1;S, Mas ' tt :r . 'X! 'i th the: Moon $0 larein ]~ sig n thereisdr much chance of rhat dolng : .myt'hing:

    'Remember what I rold :;'N1.~this is the chartIor a cdcke[[es~ match, So youcan take the Moon into j L ~ next sign. And remember those...''Little animals, Yes, Masrer, I remember rhcm. Let me s .e, Theenriscion of

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ,I :1'1I r h l ~.ttl~UJ the'~ 11(.'"L lo rearly !own~ ' P rthoseecrs,'1 at


    ] .rc. way

    ers at': ~c. ,erses,.,in:r~ III,I


    , I

    . - : ' "

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    If+ 'i I'~)H r ,s . ; ; : rH()LO~;Y

    I. J III r11.::>tI'Pll~, T rhe (~'~j im(~IWrhe less like.l)' it is lh:H this will happen. This docs,wll ",\L! ,'~i.~".:ll win'"bu ( \w Innsr look. a round eh e Cb:lH TO se e ifl IL

    'l 'l l d v. :, :k Ih. ,1Sp

    rnuch.''GooJ"'jA nd. then norhing . The M oon is m uch too far from the end cf it s s ig n t oc ar ry

    inl!j the next sign, Ithink this chan comes down ro rhe placem ent of Lord I ..Thefavouriu.:s must win, I

    'A nd so if proved. Even had (here not been that slnmg teSrirfmny fo r Australia,Wt : . 1 1 1 1 .1 : :; [O l . h \ ' a r , < ; remember {he dr. :f :~u lropt. ion , Wha .r happens if nothm.g happens?THE FAVO{}J1rTESWILL \m: If THERE r s NO EVIDENf::;E TO TH E C ON TR r1 .R Y

    T hat's w hv rh cv 'ee fa v ou rite s, YOl.!. must use your common sense here. If one sl,dein rh i:i g a~e 'is ' o nly s H . g h . d y favolm.:d) i l l ; w ould n't need much evid ence to judg ethl,;l11 losing. IfManchester Unitedwere playing ' }'o'U[ !ocal pub rearu, w e w ouldneed something v:e;l~rpersuasive in the c h.a rt, b efo re we w ould judg e ag ainst them ,[ 1 1 1 say i'~again:

    C OM 13[N E D IS CR ETION 'W ITH A RT.Have you gor dUf?'

    'Yes. 011 Master,'< New let'~ have ;I. look at C l rugby chaff. Bath were horfavourires to bear:


    , T ,

    rc h 0 1 .Tll~

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    , ,

    , ~ t h ecler-


    .:..tJ l'y, .~her J t i 0 1 . ,p ~ : i t n s ?

    ; sid eu d , g ecvld

    I~ 1 " 1 . .


    Till' U".!AHT POR TH F: EVENT US

    'By pJ:.!lt:HH, T M,;~ lorct ~o close to the ICILh t:.usp. B u r irs not So' dose, a n d ir'.,retro g r;~tdiIlg away. '

    Yes this is testimony for tflt: iavouri~es, bur not such a,strong one.'.Oh, MaH,er~Those Un le anim als' The: !1I1 t I . \ i C g on of Fortuna is ar l4 -,~8Tilurus,

    righ 'r on the 7th ClI,Sp:lJig resrimony in favour of the l .Hulerd.ogs.~' Y e S I O ne of rhe m ost pow erful possible, Good!~'Then I ill1.1SI: check (he aspects, The Moon rrines Mercury) which is Lord IQ,

    Then it goes to squfue jupiter, LQrd.;. That is it s last aspect over e he 5 -d eg re erange. Lord + is for the underdogs: Bath .lnUSI lose.'' And so ir proved, my b oy . Yo u're getting the .ha.n,g of this, Compare rheserwocha rr s, \'{ 'e 'r e bad, with footb:,lU tHJW: Ih!C English and the Scottish C up F inals.They kicked offatthe same time, one in L ondon, rhe other in Glasg:( )w, '

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    '. isedfor r



    g o O I';'' (

    d Ith e Jmor

    i, ~t':XPlId 'ImaneVISt.

    \'Iv-:;(1:0 s,

    '1timesign;1.'[ e't' :Y{.rUnfttglvnresur

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    ' : h: .~-on.. r . . : , , : ri:ti II' ,It H'r~I'.,j1n i I:!I ell:1 ri.~, ,\ i.l~H:,r:'As w~'\\"\ndd ~'xpe~'L. i:.I\lHILlJl aiu l {;!,I~~nw ,U\':I1( ~Q f;u .~piln. \'\/lLil

  • 8/6/2019 John Frawley Sports Astrology EVENT GIST


    1 '1" J '. J '1:'1 !Ill ",'-Hlti'; : .1' ,HHII ~~',Vn!";'II'l'l H':l'In~ glll.'_I~~ ~"OLI."I'] l' [ . ii' ':11 -::I\In,l:- I~I.' :,'ni: n,:p~'ri m~' lil{n ~om(.;WUJ " .:,J,lH~T,i "I.I.t.;n~:d h.~ck i11.i~[On I~hmen I, li'i I'P i I';'; over n III nL'~;Suut-u t'lL;! H 'd leg an d

    bl1t . l i l1~ w,iL l I ~nml.' h~$:: (,I" dicuuv hind nil 1'1(" gI'OII[I,j, A itlT(:'~ gl.lilCt" :[( Sedna,,;Ll 11i~l' I~' ' I L ' ! ~I''t'~~ I,i~L'l~'I:I'iI~\'.Tlw i ; t . i \ , ,~ , I i ; . ' ; ! t I, He h,tJ xru r~lhled \~ pnn the

    ~";-I.' ret ~d' :-'l('t'~'t~; the r\ [ :1 iOF' A rcau.u I h Di J't"C I Road to A:'l,"!l' ,nlich ~~I\men L. 'Y(',~, i. k~ tr Lw '. vm I ar e rill h t. l 01iar e glJj [w r p fMve to du , so-n'll". _ . J .J i ' : " i " - C I -"\vo rk, I CH1[10 ( tell y tl ll e vc rv .inswer. Nor rhn t [ an . . I lmvil li l lg_ : Irn stl'iving h.~l!'eio ~ i ;; " h .: h ; , ,}II all J c a n . 13u: Ie:Kh i n g i s n o l :1pncking of LIw b rain w ith ill F o r m a J -,iorl. I can g iv e Y OIl I he raw l11'L[t:.1I~IIi.~, bu r they n lLL~1 :be n-am{t~l irued, On!y e{-fGrtnn YOLII p~lrr will rwdw.x t],~ ne r . . : r . : alclremy char turns what ~.ell youinrn some-Ih in g: o J y ou r UWI1,'

    He lonktd from S~dllli tn BritlH:r and h.Kk again as .(hoping rhac om: ofrhen,would in te rc ed wieh m e, or would offer 00 e xe rt r he n ec es sa ry t:l1urt on his behali.B rim {'Y , despite m r LLlr: lb l in.g over h{:r I.:g , \ ' as: slil.~ ,;;oundir s leep ing , Sedo. ,re tu rn ed h i,~ p le ad in g ga.'l.t coldly, Do not '11\' 1"0 our-stare a raven: you will no rsucceed,

    He was disappointed, devastated ~ J m o s c , The m;Ag ic wandwa s not quire whath~ l 'l ad t :xpecL : ,e d ,bu r W:; I" co nrain ed on ly w ithin hirnsel r . r had nor accepted theboyas my ,~~LB,,1C[U'V;ri[hoLlt S~t:i!lg a certain pnrenrial in hem, howe v-e r. I knew heh:id rh e eharacrer w ould m ake .a1 .1he eH"or~that W{ uld be req uired. H e pulledhimself wg~ther, resolving, 'f w ill do that w ork, M aster, if Ihac alen e is '\V h~ lw iUle
