Joey’s First Jump Written by Ben Illustrated by Chantelle, Catriona, Lisa, Georgina, Kimberley and...


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Joey’s First JumpWritten by Ben

Illustrated by Chantelle, Catriona,

Lisa, Georgina,

Kimberley and Lewis

From St George’s CE Primary School

Once upon a time there was a little kangaroo who couldn’t jump. He was very unhappy. All the other kangaroos could jump high in the air but no matter how hard Joey tried, his feet just stayed on the ground.

Then one day Joey said to his Dad, “I want to jump.”

“You’ll jump soon enough,” said his Dad. Then his Mum appeared. She said, “Go to the north of Australia and there will be a wise wombat.” So Joey set off on his journey.

On his journey he met an elephant. He was called Barney. Joey said, “Hello.” Barney looked unhappy. Joey said, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s my Mum and Dad,” said Barney.

“Why?” said Joey.

“Because I have lost them.”

“How?” said Joey.

“I was playing, then my mum shouted for me, and I am stuck here at this crossroads.”

“If you like I will help you find them,” said Joey.

“OK,” said Barney, “first let’s take this road.”

“OK,” said Joey as they heard a soft voice in the distance.

Then ……… they saw them. Barney and Joey ran to Barney’s parents. Joey said “Hiya.”

Barney said to his Dad, “Joey said something about a wise wombat.”

“Do you know where he is Joey?” asked Barney’s Dad.

“No,” said Joey.

“Well, I could give you a map, “ said Dad, “here you are.”

So Joey set off on his journey. After two whole days he was at the north of Australia. Suddenly, he saw a sign. It said, WISE WOMBAT, so Joey went in. Joey didn’t know that he was magic, but the Wise Wombat put a spell on him.

Then Wise Wombat said, “Run, and you’ll be able to jump.” So Joey did, and he bounced all the way home. His Mum and Dad were very pleased with him. They gave him a medal.