Job Rank


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JobRank Project

Assume a computer engineer in real life has 5 fields to work in, after graduation and suppose each field needs 10 skills to be perfect in this field “given that there are skills common between these fields”. Every user will choose skills he is good at and choose a number from 1 to 5 to show how good he is in this skill.

The features supported by this website is :

1. Tell the user their rate in each field .2. Tell you the best field for you .3. sort users according to their rate “ tells you where you are according to your friends” .4. recommend you some skills you have to gain to improve your self in each field .5. recommend you some courses you have to gain also .6. Tell you a list of users who will take this skill at the same time with youso you make a group on the website and make discussion , help each other . 7. Tell you a list of users already have this skill so you can ask them or getsome guide lines .8. you can click on any user to compare yourself with him .
