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  • 7/25/2019 jkning.txt


    What is desire? I am trying to figure it out while writing this down.Is desire amovement of pleasure? Is pleasure a movement away from pain?Is the pleasure a movement of thought trying to get out of boredom?Is pain a feeling becoz of comparison,lack of security, fear?Do We begin with fear,escape from it by pursuing pleasure,Or face the fear,get rid of fear, enjoy the victory,seek more pleasure hence more victories hence seeking more fear?Is boredom responsible for the desire (?) of ' craving for experience?' Is desire 'Craving for experience?' Reading

    'K' thought felt there is a STATE in which this cycle of pleasure and pain is broken.There is a STATE from which when IT operates IT is used only to the necessary extent, do not go overboard i.e.,SEEKING MORE which is its natural way of working ,there is a STATE from which IT works yet be Happy. Reading 'K' IT understood that STATE is not reserved for anybody,not becoz of evolution