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Submitted by:-II sem. Section C


Submitted to:-Ar. Gaurav Agrawal


Jawahar Kala Kendra is an arts and crafts centre located in the city of Jaipur. The centre is important not because of the nomenclature but its close association with the city of Jaipur itself. The centre was built in the year 1986 and the construction completed in 1991.

The place has an amazing interplay of light , shadow and colors, evoking emotions in the user and invite him to move further.

The high walls with no fenestration in the  façade makes the building enclosed and it does not open up to the city.


The centre is an analogue of the original city pIan of Jaipur drawn up by the Maharaja.

Correa's plan for the Kendra invokes directly the original navagraha or nine house Randal. One of the squares is pivoted to recall the original city plan and also to create the entrance.

The plan of Jaipur city based on the nine square Yantra in which one square is displaced and two central squares combined. the squares is defined by 8m high wall, symbolic of the fortification wall along the Jaipur old city



The first planets enters is MANGAL whichCorresponds to jupiter.Since this symbol Symbolizes power it was decided to house theDirector and administrative offices here.This planet becomes the entry point to whole Complex – so along the walls of mangalMahal is an explanation of navgraha and on theCeiling is painted a jain cosmograph depictingAll the rivers, mountains, animals and vegetationOf manifest world around us.

The external walls of the building are clad in red Agra sandstone, topped by a coping of beige dholpur sandstone.

On these external surfaces, the presence of each of the planets is expressed by its traditional symbol inlaid in white marble with polished black granite and mica slate recalling the surfaces of astronomical instruments at jantar mantar.

The building program has been "disaggregated" into eight separate  groupings corresponding to the myths represented by that particular planet:

for instance, the library is located ill the square of the planet Mercury which traditionally represents knowledge,

the theatres are in the house of Venus, representing the arts.

 The central square, as specified in the Vedic Shastras, is avoid: representing the Nothing which is Everything.  The flooring pattern in this square is a diagram of the lotus representing the sun. City Palace, Jaipur.

The astrological symbol of each planet is directly expressed in a cut-out opening dong its external wall.

