]JJ ,f[ 11I …newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Settle you~coal que~tion. We...


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Gliderslee~e Poulsen Hl~COX Hans-I for tJ-idir pa}mem and the seen·tar) :::lunda) trom a triP to LC\\lstawn 'H'fmber \\ ho left tor a tflp to the d;'lv, state department officials have I Jet • egg :ey:::aSfll!~ St" Han", (QTrand-'-L-mn-bers-olt;- l..o£.st..a-te..4as- ~f'"ed h,s 5'gnatt1re.-o.r:-an~--Hnb:s~n-~~,~heEe sh~ ~1~!,*cIl1C,co~~t_-:?~lrde wlH mect Q.t~on\mcetth~ Gl,'rman 110. prme wmners at the big fair... and== -

_______M.ililllli_~t the m~_ccLA,uJapprolaJ , __ -----.> lItO a da\1gJjle~ and son S-he..,\as:~t:xt Satllfil~\ evening \\~ubmaTlne which sunk the ArabiC ~::d~:~:~nSf~/~~~r~~g sl ]JJ alld---AugQ-St-Z4----Rad--.a-u-d--llp I \¥belli!,! IIi,s \\ ,f[ mealL a s-Ft:-clilL~~~nt_~.!!!~l!t_ , I annH." ~tee e _ = __ ~ was Itself sunk later by a- Brttlsh

_ N0'ffl. The- folJo\\mg -elalffis wer-e IsessIOn of the legislature depends I \frs \V E \\ 1I1ternnger and, Arthur :\orton \\ho sustamea 111- [warship and th:tt no report from lierex:ammed and allo" I'd and "arrant" large!) upon the feehngs of the daughter ~ISS Aona, .... ho had b,een; ,I"le~ 11I a fall from a smokestacl•• commander can be expected GUN CLUB SHOOT.drawn. Imembers of the legislature the go~- 'lslUng \\ayne fflends, left \\ed- .... fllch he "as pamtlng two \Vlthm an hour after the German The Wayne Gun club met yes-

- .. '. Light Fund. ..' .iern~r no~:'?eiII~ fa\'ontble to an ex- ~.--tl-eSda-~ __ ~----WlIl.,':slt. at ,W akefield'1iWe.\:~.5 _a~~_s.ubpnt1~.d-----l~·~·a:·t~t1u:L{--anrhassa-rlor -feft-tlte---!;ta-t'e t~rda ~n gr~unds east of the S~te_:_.·

EI~~~~~~i~~~~i.~~~~~~~~¥!:~~~~~J~J~~~i~"'.'Gust Newman, sahi.-n-· 65.00 !comc the dumping ground of evel)·.; of officers \\lll take place, and alli Mrs. \\. O. Gamble aJld ~Irs. w. RAISES MUCH CASJ['.- be awarded to P!1rtlcl~atlng mem-

. Ed Murrill. salar~ .._...~._......... . ·90.00! other state:--.fO-t-. impure foods, c.tc., imc~bers are u.rged to be prese!.l!," ,j ~" J.ohnson ,,:-erc. hostesses at a .' ber~. Tre next shoot. wtll take placeGeneral Fund: j or to Q!,?\'lde -some ,""ay .ofgettmgl . :MISS. Ruth B-rant· of .Unadllla,! k~e!lSmgtQIl Fnda.~ af~ernoQn at the ON FORGED ~RA.FTS !!<'xt \\ ednesday a-iter:nt?0n. - --~-

=-'J,Jr:_Q!!.~!!y~reight and Ex- 800'! ~~ot~~dp~~t )~~~S O;~Yw;s~~~:.i.~e:';;lI \~~S \~,~;~~~~,p;~r~~~;:::;,s ~:~;ht:~, ~f~~~o~.o\~.~r~~ .Omaha, s;pt.L~Aft~r cashmg MI:SS WOOSLEY: RESIGNS. -press. . I :r'hav=-tCL.start::.::::a:It:~Qn..lJ~~7::-t~-hlH'-hQ..~~.--I-r~L.oi,-G~~..~.a~.~iss l!lO..leu .~~~E.--!Q!g~!Ld!"~fts, R~cketmg $15,000 . \UaleL_W.I?,?s!ey, _wb_o_ has

• W. A. Hiscox _..... 56]5. ag~o-r-fgaiil---rrs---tust--ttge.-:--aut--" ----- - ---- . . .,.. . ,' ... - . ----- . ---- .

~~I:~~':::~Y will sp.end a m~nth ~il~- :~~:y ~f:~:; :::e~e.~:~u~~~t~~~]:, NoruPR1)a'ily New~ All ov~r-~ ~r: and,Mrs._B._]J\fCDonala-Wbri-~~~S~illl}_~p{~it!J_:f Am;r:;;:ri>-yj%'_~=~n~:r~~h ~~~~:::s f~~V:uJ'~~had Deen visiti.t.tg, !hc.ir __ daugbter,~ de -at e. IP~fi_ orne_ n _ay. _ _courses, bu~ines~ ~~tiopls -have -be~n-Mrs. Earl' l,ewls; In WaY~~i- re;.. 0-- Ourhusin-esS-U'S'eVeraHhonsands- riiiimRit a out as USDa miislClffiPlturned M0':ld~r---.:!?' ~heir ._"-pme. at:of doll!'"rs.greater this__y~r _th~. i~ ..bavebeen studyingmus'li:: and private.

M~. ':;-illkrL-ihO had ~n vis,: !.ume -- that. is th_~ '-[ea!~n.; l.b~, :~:~~at~~::in;~~~e~~S :~r~, k~~~ :~'sited'- in_-Wak~~eld ~~er Sunda~ stgry~' CaTh~rt's_ H~_rdware. SZtlad. scho~;se h~~:t::-b~::I):I:;S~~'dt·~'.~'~th~,~~el1:=========:~~ ·an.d _left Mond~.'_fDr __!'I.N ~Dnie. at Mrl!. G. D. Soutnwick and-daugh~ or: four niont!ts.~. gre:~t .al\d, costly.: Java; ,S.-_D.-. ~. ~ - . _--:--o~~ .t~~---:~:M!S!. E~!J~n. ° " r. on~.", o:i:;-uC?- to0a.. p an1r1r9:~llet!l· ly.'!,1.~-'M:s<'-N.: Sfob~rt'-~ho :had been ,·ha~ ,been ~'~Jng -at the_ Georgell1nprodu~tlVe, .t~e. c~:mtmuous. pro~;

.~.-:.v. ;,.Iung her. p~re..n....ts•..•!d.r.- and h.''''.·I.He!1~YhOme m W.'ayn...',.. I'.." ..I<on.day_.,;_.greSS of, instruction mte.rru,Pt~.d .n..d

.~ 'A.·-G. 'AlLdersoD ,nortb 'of·-Wayne: for· Harti~-rdati:vesd.mimons..oLchildrenJeft,ln.::eomp~

Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Cotton DressGoods, Notions, Ribbons, Linens, etc.,are here and on the way'.

U yoUr children's 'shoes need repair-~Tng befeire" schoOIOpens,"~end-hi~th~~ -.-.-shoes and they will be lixed with the .ud-'


---IF- YOUR FAUCE-T-.'-AC'l'ED --LIK~;·_·c.­



----AND~Av:E::HIM'.FIX IT.

__ Whc.n__~t jltQl;I;l.!I,.th_-~L~~_ ~O:;;;--~

plains -and makes you take" a day off,

...". why~otiera chiropractor take aJook...at

your spine "an.d see if som~g iSn't

___t~rL~g_~th__the flow _~f_~et'!e pOwer- - --to' tliatpamcwaf organr---n-ere::;_~·~b<=-_C;-/=I~t=:!ci;;;

To Gef a Choice -Farm

-_. -1. _


- Home" Office, Norfolk; Nebras1al ...

Re~WrianJncle- Sam Says Ao()ufNoillieasrem~raska Laha~- ~-- -._.;;: ---In a bulletin issued by the- 'census bureau of the United States Govemmen1..en~itled, ,,'Agriculture: Nebraska," thcfollQw!Pgauthoritative statement as to quality of North-

a--a f'&----QR~T.b-e~m_pottio!! flf Nebraska constjtnting.~MissQwiriver lies within the glaciated portion of the GreatPlains,a~dthesoilsare nv- -Pnnclp y-' . - . _" "n." TbeLOESSsoil.formationis__foundm-tlieUiiif~oi'dyin-


, ~.- -- ~ ~ ----- --._---~

-best Lan--Alr~theButterfield Farms··W-ilt~-Be-~~~~=====F=====::::::::=~~~

- - -- .c_ fuiuiiii .c~-ot a~ t~ifetime fiT Get crFarm--of -ttitftl:=¥

[Acres ·oLMore .' jnThis-~. Sll,-e;CF~Z~on-)~Easy Terms; Only Twenty-five Per Cent Need Be Paid,i,

ne·...-,~... -.......


_ riaccounf5Fflie failing=health of VI. =H.- ButterlielQ~ ancwnordeTlobereheved of t~e burdensome. tive]y operating almost twenty.ftve5eparate-fanTIS;" -our-entire--grOOfTof improved·farmsi~~- ilJUU5.e1:~£Qunlies.-ljl-:-_

-".-' =Neb., (llearWausa and Osmond),the cream of Northeastern Nebraska's wonderfully productive and far-famed_soil-~ __.wm be sold at once.. .These are the .very finest of farm lands. Every acre of this soil was carefully selected by--W:H:,~ ~ u e e ,w oiJegarr baying the choicest tracts in Pief€e and Knox countieS as·kmg::1@i/~ 6. There are nQ~, ~ntIs--indhis-gl'Ol1Bf_ Ther~oo--fCJtrl weeds on thesefarms: .Every foot of tbisgrQl.mdhasbeenkept in the '_. - 'ble c.Q.niIition-=f>y-consIaTIf aITtFsys!ematie f-ert.ilizatfen.=-- Tl1ousamls:.o-f.catl:-le have beenfed on: this-Iandjcon"':, .stantly increasinlCtnefertifiWofffie~sOit.-'~aIesult;-aH-6f--these--lands--PfOduce..bigger. crollS ~C!ch ,succeeding year.-- =TlliS1am:t1s-a-dBe-P, rich, chocolate-brown soil with a yellow clay subsoil. There is no better land in 'all-OtNOI:fileas=-~'~'-

.em Nebraska than that which is now offered to you in smalI_()r large -tracts cat low prices and ti12QI:Lunusuallyeasyc=c ~I'IllS.---W.e..will.cuLan r.aILoUhe..s..e 19nd.s into farI!l.s..<>L~.t2X size .!£~}ti1! y~lU;-from<a quinfer section up... You~~--: ~can e - _~_ __ ..._fI, me

dl1e:lteferred.paymentsearing 6 per cenflriterest yOU ever ope 0 ave a arm o you ,--=H--==f'm-lJortunity~ -·NlAAll'-befor.e-inthe~astern Nebraska-has such' a chance as this .been .presented;-prob-::',

- hanc~ will never come-a ain. If youare-jn-businessandwant·to--inveSfyoor~:m=~-=mo~'..e raska land,lana-:-tmrtIiaS never-J(nownacroj:i ai lie, ISIS ~oppo um yo" . 'an ullU$Uate

bargain in gilt-edge farm land that has proved iti; value. tJI All of the big fortunes of the middle west have been'made-mim1estments in good land. The man who succeeds in a big way is the man who takes advantage ofullliSllillop-.portunities, such as are presented in this instance. (j!We will gladly show you any of these lands~ The earlier you'look the bigger will be the selection for you to choose from. At such prices as we. have put UpM! these farms,prices;

--purposely made low in order to quickly dispose of the ent1re-propert)'j--~sales-aoo sure, sQdon'Lde~c~. -_~~~

Fall Sui

c ~~L,~~I-~;:~Y:~;-~;;:~ r~------~~--H-anSefl-~- --

~ ·rv·

Miss Emma Abbott 0]'::' Wa-,-ae,:

FLEECED LINED FLAN­NELS, 2 nice lot of patterna.per yard, 12 1·2 c.

ces that will be a saving to- YOu. ~retowre we nave 'solil

outings for 12 1-2 c~ts a yard

i~i.s y,:ar they ar~n",·,,,,<d'c-"'''co.--Jr--~


,-We are here to serve you. To do this, we_­have one of the BEST STOCKS of fallgoods we have evershown.-In-lhis waywe feel that we will be better able to

-serve you, hy not only ssving money for- , c-bv-tivIJlt:~t--tlIUlfIl·ty-__ereha1I1-+-~dise. '

ilig ii;'youth. is- -fm,itiiigIds tl~pclll1ent old' agt.

'.:.....:.~ . _. ·NUMBER EI.GH'l'EEt'l'


Settle you~ coal que~tion. We cafTY the- following high grades:of-.coa1: ScI1lntQn Haro-.Co~ ~ threesizes; Roc:ksprings Lump and N\lt;"Colorado Maufet Coal, Zetgler.the very best of the IlhnOts coa~Hocking Valley, the coal that everyone knows. Place .your orders with us. We carry the stock.

PHONE--148. _

and Mrs. P. A. Peterson, Wednes-day; Atlgu~t 25. hav~ returned ·to their home' at Cal-

e, rs 0 _t e wee at teo)'bogs to Sioux City Mottaay, ljeming h6:me near B~lden•.. - I

-Mrs. M. McC?rkindal~'isin Mar~ EI!iberry and Lambing}u~ished

5balltown,-.Io., -visitjng.~her:-motber. music-for a Woodman circle dance~is.s Gert.rud!; .G!~y!ell of Pend~r, in Randolph Thursday e_vening::-­

spent Sunday'night with Miss Grace Miss Edith Fritzson and John~(____ __ . . efs...~p:~~~-':t§~.Y-Mr-:i

25c Can Pineapple.__....._l~_::.c ommo yrnp._."'-.,.._ 9¢'2Sc Bottle C:atsup..._ -19C

7,5_",-Can- Raker's Coeoa. 19l¢25.:: Can K. c.:~Powder ·l9t-

c-€ .

_' Mrs.~t~a Roush .'?-~e...:.l!P_f!~tm_~~~~_~e_~~_'fr."basbeenBlair. ·Saturday to visit her· !Ion, C. ho1dinj ·forth in town tms. w~k;:.ut

J<oum.and-Wii<._ ~,--' 'oei\__..~..-.-,.,.b6tS:::I1--'J,<...,o4::1\1<o,:'::I-<...·;..}..cR;·_.....j~------;lnH---ID-· "feW -'fair

called'_to St:aritOD. 10., -M~da,. by ~pwdI';" ~ ';'-,-• '. e: 'ROliiiiMftP:.uomu..rn....il"c-c-

:::_.1", _ :..Advo Groee,y- . :_fr:~·_o:::~D.~~~~~:;~ ~:'~~~~s~V~~~gre?a:e:~r;:~~- 'PHONE'24 . GET~~~VOlf1IBI~ .rat~7un:i~;::~:tia:-~~~o;k~' .~~~ :J:~5 i::~:;:;rea:=:t~~aba.


- -- ~~---

were sened The guests "ere and having a SOCIal goo time :Jmg t } t e evs e mger anllimontb ana daughter of Sholes Lawrence' - --------:-- -~Mrs Frank FranCIS. ~1rs JAR G Rohrke was a MeadoVl Berg The followmg Vlere In at Th!..mamage of ?-!.l.S~ Katherme Rasmussen...uL1lmaha ~nd HenrY Mn._W_-Jt. ~tow .!penJ: !~e~lones, Mrs ::\Iatt Jones Mrs Gomer Grove passenger \Vednesda) tendau:e The Rev Messsrs Brae- CaqH~nte.r ~~d Mr~lvm Bayne. was Helderman and Ralph--Ra-sffi-UBs~n first of the week WIth h~r daughter, -

~o~p;-c--nrrsten--sen;-'M Mr: and- Mrs-M-;-K---ibbtet: retum l-llff-Witt ;\lartm. ~l',---\\--ag ~z-e-d ~gh--ngot1 =-- - M.rs Dean HanJl.2!!..Qf~o~_~_• Dan Dans, Mrs. Vaugnan \Vdhams Fnda) from Lelgh where they at- ner Zaremba ~Ia)erhoff, Korn da\ Rev :\kCartln offlclatmg. MIss +............... H W Munson., teacher of elocu· -~ Mr~ Frank Hughes ~ :\frs Vollil t;nded ,the fureral set'Vlces of Mr Pres~ Berg Brenner, Pauepe!.!!! I Clara Carpenter \,a!~~and L..NORTHWEST OF TOws.. ~ t~!!._!I!........!bLF!:!m.on.!.E.0~a"~is _ =

--Jon~5 1ITs Alex Launto and ~!r~ K,bbler-srtlorher Hardenmg of the Aron Motzkees HennCks~n'I'-a~h La,\rence Ba)ne- b - ••••.--. spendll1.g se'lcrat"days-a~GChaTle~ B <\Ihert Lea ilhnn arlenes \\a5 the cause of the death Fettmger \lonhardt, Hermann,1 Ba\l1e actmg a~ f1ng bearer An ~_ - ~Randol home

___ -=-._ -_- R G_~ohrkerdur~edFnda) e~e- Markshausen, and prOfessor~seleborate \\eddmg breakfast was Se\eral trom thIS vlclmt) are at-I The Frank Mellick. A E HaIla:-- - a tist Church of Carroll Inll1g trom a ten days trtp to Mlehl- 'Quandt~_ \\mter, Hoims. and ~ef\ed to the relatl\~ and fnends -tendm the ConCOT(i-fa!-f----t-O~J-.--W-s..-.Ym..mg,Rny Halts-day

P p P ga:n ViheTe lle represented Hoskms ::\femke Delegates- F B-ra-sc \\'1io:wirn~er-emony After M g CI W h II d Ia d R C pu st famlhes and Mi6s(Re\ M 0 Keller astor) Iat the N-atlOual Synod meetmg of Jarchow, Po;z-ehl, H~mcke, Sc:hVilch Ia short Vicddmg tnp Mr and Mrs the ~~ek.~~th A~s;s \v IsSsp~:u~ng C~ara \V;scho~ spent S~ndaY 6$h-

Slnda, school at 10. les~on'lthe German Lutheran church, at tenberg, Zander. ?>;euJahr, S}dow, ~a,ne Will go to housekeeping on AI G d B g PI r -• Eh] and the Prophets of Baal,' Sagmaw • Doehlmg, Buerger and Mr. G. Mar_j the groom's farm near Coleridge lSS ertru e ueto','; IS enjoyIng mg near I ge >

1 Km 18 16,40. Mrs R G Rohrke and famIly re- otz~ representmg Trll1lty congrega-Sermon at Il, subject. 'The 'rIme turned Fflday eveOll1g from an elght tlon Hoskms Over $2OO~as col- •• + + • + • -

- -\Vhf:n ~len witl nut---Endure Sound I weeks' VISit m Cahfomla. They V1S- leeted to be assigned to the mISSIon • SHOLES • '- ,Dcx:trme," II TIm, -{ 3 ~ ilted relat.fVes In Los Angeles, and fund~ - Melle 0 e- BaPliSt"YOungpeoJ?.1e'sUnton.atlnsltedthe.expos~tl_onsatSan Diego. ,.' ..-' , .' --- line"" penH:IIg

-7; t&fl:ic, "Throw .Yourself Into and San ~rancisco;-~. -- WAKZFIELD. ,--i-Ieriry Si;;:;inson was a Randolph • 1 nlyour '1'ask~~ R.om. 12:11. .Leader, ~r. and Mr. Cat! Tietz of B~n. :. ~~~·S~:~L'~lI"G;~~·~,:''is;.oB.la~~:~~:e:~·anEmerson

• Editor, of l~e Wakefield _d.e~ +, visitor the last of the week.I .partment and authorized teP~ ~ ': Mrs'. Frank .Elsberry. was on the• sentative. of .the. Herald. New. ~ck list several days last week.• subsc.riptio!ls :and.~newatl may • ; '11isses. Anna Closson and Louise.. be paig to her. • • ermann returned from institute at"'.L+'*-~ ~'''.,-'-~-~-c-~-tt--=cJ

W. I. Lambing and family-spent


FOR SALE-A·few-40icc youngbulls. Scotch and Scotch-ToJJPCd,b:~ OtlftO"'fWO ~ars old. Roans,reds and whites. --.-.-.-.

Also. a few choice' Duroc·Jersey~ of-se:rvicea;bte aee.


_____________ . o' ·ve some itisi t into the' Fair. Sh'eltered walks connect allSAVE HuMANLIi& ---=-- :b'Ie~~~b .ot Il\nim:::C9f."er&. . _~ lh~~ ._"__~_- -=-. _:.. 0 ~

In order to conserve tbe lives of ~ubJect usually 1ql.own as fa~ cred·' ~ars bave been spent in ~niproving,

- tllepeople ortb.fSiat~iia"Ptevent ~ ,'.. '. d..sanita..ti2n•.._....:~ _the. spread -of. disease, prominent..off~r any.,s~olutlon. for which the -,-' . .:doctors will lecture· each day itl.·tb~ _~rm~ts wi!l_onl!.be pr~at'ed aft~r...!~ET BACK FROM COAST.ledure room of Agriculture-Horti~ -pro~cr~stUcfr:a~..mare..l!t~ ----O~-VogN-of-,Norfolculture ball 'at the State F9ir, Sep- .t'xpene~~ some of It probablY UD- recently returned from the P~c"ember 6-10. Cancer,' Tuberc.utosts pleasant.. '" coast, wu visiting in W.a.yn!e )4on-:and---Gthet-dis.~i1lbedisc.ussed..;·.~.:'-". c:.': .. '. . .. daY.>Speaking'of.his..trip,S;;;";;'~dJ1~~_ - ~-~_~~"~:ubH~The IcctufU are 'uQder tbe auspices (lETTlt'iG. ~TTLE ON FEED. :NorfollFDai~this-to say' .• H::-C~JI>~ld~G~M.-.4!'ll~~--- --~of the State !.~edical society. Walla~es' Farmer: There-is. "Qtt:9 A. V~get,is b~ck from a ~ree-,J"'''''''''---'''''-;;;;;''''''-------",,---'':';;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;';'--


:;-~~Tb~ ~orking Men Wanted. Steri,. Work--Balance. of SeaIOD. ­iL . 82t2."


GREAT TEMPERANCE DRA"MA'>+ ".',+" +.+ •• + + .........,1 knovm' Terry banner, that of lheCOMING SOON. _ :+ . BRENNA. . - +J old temperance drama, "Ten .Xlghts

.. ' •..H.~ij~~"cID; ;Wayne;~ebraska.- --, ~.':,:.-:.,"'-'"t-";"-\",;,,,t'2"-''''c.~ "F"'-=-",,=:.c ~~77~"C:""=',"~

, _ , _, llirector. - Ion exhlhn. ! te~:her In. Bre~na. Ce~te.~ sch?ol health., while others j ...el disirigushe? i.;..,,:;~<. FR:\:\K ERXLEBE~. Director.!- .-- -. -l·house.- .Th1S:,vlll be.like I;ommg, hecausctheyhm·etltfdergoneopera.~l COMPLETE SCENIC PRODUCTION

•.'._:;.•.'.....•...•.•.•............•..SO.b~c.ribe.d. and ~ '.'. ".Tn to bef~rili..sEPT~MB~-.R. 6..'.. 7'_."'-.9!..~ ~I!.1~.; ~ck .h..om..C~,,;to;;M';,_,,;;,..,;W~O:;;lf;.• ;.a.;'.;,h;;;•.+""io"',.,"-,."'an."'.d--',"',_.,~f~.'_a~H=..~"-_~._..~'c.--_41~= ==7:',.,..",-=:='-='":"'='"====,..,,=-...,==~lhis2Zth dOl" nl .\u"'ust 1'9b. Remember the dates of Nebraska 51 taugb.t fOUleten consecutive .v.e --- - ~--POst-"rI.vEL-¥-LARaES't----WA'£E~~--=--·-=~'-- - ~.---::-(Sea~";-F~----:\s'i~h;~· 'Higg-est-~ BestSl.ate-rili.~rBrenna--eerner;-te~~--he: A so t answer may sometImes::'~2.~':'~ . ' ~otarY Public. are September 6, 7,--8,9,10 and 11. Itake charge of the ~mslde pnmary tu.m away wrath. 'but tb~e i are THpE£~Fp:CN~~~~i~_~F~W~EO-'>:.:\~:~~- -- - - ----- -------.- ----~. depaltUleli~ about eight yurngo. - ~~h~:c::~n; :e~~~n4s:::d~:-~ PULLMANO~C::;EO~~~PANY-

......'+ +-+ .... .- .'. t't:.-. lJ~fi as' t~"the wli~kt'-al1~.the' corti 'ubt:lin' '~:<;ch'ln~l' wi;h which 10 srt~ creditors of the said' decc~a5ed wil;"-• THE EAR-LY'DAYS IN, '!' ·~rup. \~·c .ar~ inchnc.«- t.o I~.eb~'i.·e '110: :-\fllnic<ln accoul1b. . - meet the -exec\lto'rs of said t~lall:.

. il,t------t--R<!1-I"--4.'-M~....4H__w_h~~and. ~_L:-olJ_----I\'calhcr ...b.a.;.____l.":au."c.l.cUllS.lc4 fr.nll'.._County ]udg-e_oL \\'.'I)i,!.J.l.'.; _'._ mlt.s I'" vt:ry ~lt:ar y COl-l·Ct. 'u- lIr as ..,ra' (' cOllee 1 ;IS 10 trop". 1111·1 e coun y, ('1.. .

. '. - , .

~\b'Iirel :Jlr:i~ --Wh~<tf,,:.;'~~ell(S;, .. ~t~l-Ould.be.'lotiwi;h:ll th~ COll-. l1H' <kpi\ci'~l~t o~~!~~~ of 1:11':'.:__ -~!:~IN THE DISTRICT' COURT OF l-earn,' 25 cents; 0.1[5_ 25 eems; pnl;t~, <lntolts ar~ .csl1nrale<l as hlg"h 10 the "\\~O\l!" Ill'.a plt-asure to luaiK _.lli~fV'AYNE COUNTY NEBRASKA. ~IOCS:-\3B. C('l1t,.; butter, lU ceN,;"I,stalcs whICh .010 not J!-T<JI\ milch I,.htf('f~-ncc III favor of lilt' 01,1 re~une-\-In the m.. ttcr of the ilpplic<lllOn of'j

~~~~~~!~ff~~:~~f~fDl~l+~~;i~!~~~;;:J:~e~(J[~~t?f)~;~~(j~~;ii~~~1;;~'~?~i1~lj~t~i~;'~1~~:,~':::!~~;,·;..----~.•~-....---.;...--------....~. ~~¥·hTe.l Wtffi=::nl~-- -- '--~~~~~~;P~~~~'"u.Ftio"'~"'..-~

'nes-hal U"edncsda'

--. :;.:~h)~;~:~li~g ~:; ,~~-~~.::~ Ileal' Pilger, I~i~:Z\:~~n~~~l~~h 'S~~~~l a~o~'~ ~'i~h 1,-\. a\~".e is ~~~~. well and that th;y! ,YilI Tho~as went to Siou~_ Ci~y i~~~,;~~~~~~~~~~8 in f~~of the-~~~~g~.~.~~:·f~~~;t:~'~~~~:i2·-get-':-F~~ =~

nie Stamm. \Vednesdav... ~Irs. \\". n. :'.IcClu-sky returnedi are always glad to s.ce one. \Vell.,-"he Star Shs~IQn=--tiIfld-wHJ=·me.eEi - --'--Miss :!\finni.e.-Ca -, 10 her home in Sioux City Saturday. Ithey have many. friends here who i in the basement oi the ch~lrch next

:::=:=nel In e" I tel the' ast week~ :l\'wg ee . . -

...::_~:,:'~ .. -:-:_ " seventeen gu6t$ rw '?in.!tei old .set1IJ~ld ~~i( tlers~ .day .a.nd eighteett' ..f~r:-I>tqlpe.r~

