Jesus’ Teachings Why Everything Hinges on Jesus’ Teachings “If anyone keeps my teaching, he...


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Jesus’ TeachingsWhy Everything Hinges on Jesus’ Teachings

“If anyone keeps my teaching, he will never see death in the age

└to come

┘” Jn 8:51

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Age 8y — taken to church

Age 12y – decision

Age 16y – baptised

Age 19y – calling

Age 21y – medical school

Age 30y – “The Price of Spiritual Power” by Roberts Liardon

1993 Life Overhaul



Money & possessions Judgmental

RacismSex lust & womenSingle vow for 3y Attitude to parents

Process in 1993

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→ Do X

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→ Do X

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→ Do X

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→ Don’t


HS brought area of life to mind

Look up related words in concordance eg sex lust adultery immorality

Copy out those verses & draw conclusions

Pray for ideas how to do this in my case

Go and do it



Money & possessions Judgmental

RacismSex lust & womenSingle vow for 3y Attitude to parents

Found that Jesus’ teachings were:• Most concentrated

• Simplest

• Hardest


When you think of “following Jesus’ teachings”, do you think of:

Reasonably simple, doable steps or near-impossible tasks? Everyday, personal activites or church-related activities? Practical outward actions, or solely internal changes of the heart

and mind? Principles which the Holy Spirit helps us apply specifically, or a list

of rigid and specific rules? A set of “do”s or a set of “don’t”s?


Greek metanoeō = “change of mind” (and behaviour)Hebrew shub1 = “turn back”, “return” (to the Lord and his ways)

What is your concept of “repent”?

Admitting I’m sinful (in general) Feeling remorse, guilt, or shame Confessing specific sins to other people Admitting specific sins to God Change of behaviour (to God’s ways) Other

Baptised in Holy Spirit 3am 12 Oct 1993

Features of the baptism in the Holy Spirit

Tangible physical manifestation (“electric wind”)

Hot line to God, directed by God

Loved & accepted, insulated from negative emotions

Could see into some people’s hearts

More energy & less sleep

Interested in God things (only)

No aches


What do you think of supernatural encounters like this?

Great! Quite normal Outside of my own experience Psychiatric Unbelievable, probably fabricated or exaggerated Probably demonic Other

God is very definitely there

Supernatural realm is accessible

If I do what Jesus said, God notices and responds

My church and pastor didn’t know everything

12 Oct ’93 convinced me that:


Question: Key to the anointing?



Kansas City






2007 World Trip of Spiritual Hot Spots

Conversation on a beach in California

All the blessings of the new covenant are conditional upon

keeping Jesus’ teachings

Major blessings of the new covenant:

1. Eternal life

2. Freedom from sin

3. The Holy Spirit

4. God’s love and presence

5. Answered prayer

1. Eternal Life

“If anyone keeps my teaching, he will never see death in the age [to come].” John 8:51

Peter said to Jesus, “You have the words of eternal life” John 6:68 ESV

“The Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life, so whatever I say is exactly what the Father has told me to say” John 12:49-50

“Keep my teachings…” Never see death

(eternal life)

1. Eternal Life

2. Freedom from Sin

“If you keep my teaching, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:31-32 lit.

“Keep my teachings…” Set free

(from sin)

Know / understand

the truth

2. Freedom from Sin

3. The Holy Spirit

“If you love me, you will keep my commands, and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of Truth” John 14:15-16

“Love me”

“I will ask the Father to

give you the Spirit of truth”

“Keep my commands”

3. The Holy Spirit

4. God’s Love and Presence

“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” John 14:23

Love me

My Father will love him, and we will

come and make our home with him

Obey my teaching

4. God’s Love and Presence

5. Answered Prayer

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you. This brings glory to my Father, that you bear much fruit” John 15:7

Remain in me and my words remain in you

Ask whatever you want and it will be

done for you

5. Answered Prayer

Jesus teachings are…

…for all nations:

“Go and disciple all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to keep everything I have commanded you” Mt 28:19-20

…for all time, until the Judgment:

“Whoever rejects me, and does not accept what I say, has as their judge my words which will judge them on the last day” Jn 12:48

Blessings gained in 1993:

1. Eternal life

2. Freedom from sin

3. The Holy Spirit

4. God’s love and presence

5. Answered prayer



Condition Blessing

1. Eternal life

2. Freedom from sin

3. The Holy Spirit

4. God’s love and presence

5. Answered prayer

“keeps my teachings…” Jn 8:51

“hold to [remain, stay, live in] my teaching…” Jn 8:31

“keep my commands…” Jn 14:15

“obey my teaching” Jn 14:23

“my words/teachings remain [stay, live] in you” Jn 15:7

2008-2009 Queensland 18 months studying 4 gospels

2009-10 Bribie Island Queensland 18mo studying 4 gospels

Change of perspective to 30 AD


Listen to the Holy Spirit

Does the Holy Spirit want to say anything to me?


Questions people have asked:

1. “Jesus’ teachings seem impossible, and if I tried to do them I would surely fail”

2. “Isn’t it possible to hear from God without having to go through a gruelling marathon of 6 years pacing the carpet or 48 hours without sleep?”


Questions people have asked:

1. “Jesus’ teachings seem impossible, and if I tried to do them I would surely fail”

start with small steps, eg “turn the other cheek”, “give to everyone who asks”

God only asks for our best effort, not faultless perfection (Lk 10:25-28)

A few verses are mistranslated and make Jesus’ teachings seem extreme or impossible, eg “do both” (not “be perfect”) in Mt 5:43-48, and “fall away” (not “sin”) in Mt 5:29-30

The Holy Spirit helps, both in terms of guidance and in making it easier than we’d expect


Questions people have asked:

2. “Isn’t it possible to hear from God without having to go through a gruelling marathon of 6 years pacing the carpet or 48 hours without sleep?”

God does speak out of the blue, but it seems to be infrequent and unpredictable. Tends to pick a good time when we can respond positively, or circumstances requires action, or my needs are great.

Seems that God speaks when we are ready to listen and do what he wants; hence when I am willing, determined, or desperate (which may take a long time or extreme circumstances or other changes).


Questions 1:

Did the Holy Spirit say anything to you?

Was there anything new or useful to you in this topic?

Are there any queries or sticking points in your mind?

What are the implications for us of all the blessings of the new covenant being conditional upon keeping Jesus’ teachings?


Questions 2:

What has been your view of Jesus’ teachings up til now?

Do you tend to think of them as possible or impossible to do?

