Jessica Huang Fall 2015 Portfolio




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JESSICA HUANGFall 2015 | First Year Portfolio| Studio Miller

Table of Contents

Cube City

Case-Study of Esherick House

Primordial Pavilion


I. Cube City

II. Case Study

III. Primordial Pavilion


These exercises explored the concepts of tectonic and stereotomic (or “atectonic”) space-making as introduced by Frampton’s “Studies in Tectonic Culture,” first as solely tectonic and stereotomic, then moving into a merging of the two.

CASE STUDY: Esherick House, Louis Kahn, 1961

The diagraming and analyzing of the Esherick House, first by program, then hierarchy of spaces, then by formal structure and alignments.

PROJECTIVE MODELS:Esherick House, Louis Kahn, 1961

The creation of several projective models came about by taking the main concepts of the Esherick House: alternating program, ad-jacent strips of space, and height changes.

(Above)Projective model #2, which keeps constant the adjacent strips of space and varying heights drawn from the original Esherick house, while changing the programatic organiza-tion

(Below)Projective Model #1, which keeps constant the alternating program and adjacent strips of space drawn from the original Esherick house, while removing the height differences.

(Above)Projective model #3, which keeps constant the alternating program and varying heights drawn from the original Esh-erick house, while changing the adjacent spatial set-up.


The primordial pavilion is a freestanding object and a synthesis of the fundamental concepts of tectonic/stereotomic space-making, figure-ground compositions, and precedent analysis.