Jeopardy pp


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JeopardyBy Ritha

Greetings Family Classroom Object

Body Parts

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This is what people say when they leave home in the morning

0Good bye!

0This is what you say to someone when greeting them after 12:00 pm


0This is what people usually say when they arrive at a place after 6:00 pm

0Good evening

0What do you say to a person when you see them from the first time?

0Nice to meet you!

0Who is my mother sister?

0My aunt !

0Who is my grandfather aunt?

0My grand aunt!

0Who is the father of my uncle?

0My grand father!

0Who is the only son or daughter from my father that is not my brother or sister?


0What do you use to write during class?


0What do you open when you come in to the classroom?

0The door

0What item do I use when I need to cut figurines?

0The scissors!

0When the Teacher needs to stick things on the wall she uses?

0 Masking Tape

0Which part of your head is not made of bone?

0My Ears!

0Which part of my face moves when I talk?

0My mouth

0What is the body biggest organ?

0The skin

0What is the name of the long pipe that shifts food from the back of your throat down to your stomach?

0The Esophagus
