Jeopardy Characteristics Feeding Habits ProtistsFungi Misc Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100...


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Feeding Habits Protists Fungi Misc

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Characteristics

Kingdom Protista and Fungi are ___________, which means they have a nucleus.

$100 Answer from Characteristics


$200 Question from Characteristics

Fungi are ______________; they live in or on dead/dying organic matter

$200 Answer from Characteristics


$300 Question from Characteristics

Most protists live in __________.

$300 Answer from Characteristics

Water (watery environments)

$400 Question from Characteristics

Fungi have cells walls made of ___________

$400 Answer from Characteristics


$500 Question from Characteristics

Name one way in which protists are grouped

$500 Answer from Characteristics

-How they obtain nutrients-How they move

$100 Question from Feeding

Name the threadlike filaments that allow fungus to absorb nutrients efficiently

$100 Answer from Feeding


$200 Question from Feeding

Animal like protists obtain their energy by:

$200 Answer from Feeding

Ingesting other organisms for energy

$300 Question from Feeding

The process which uses pseudopodia to surround and engulf food, thus creating a food vacuole is called _________________

$300 Answer from Feeding


$400 Question from Feeding

Plant like protists are ___________, they produce ______ percent of atmospheric oxygen.


$400 Answer from Feeding

Autotrophic/photosynthetic, 90%

$500 Question from Feeding

_________ ________ live in moist soil, move by pseudopods and are very colorful.

$500 Answer from Feeding

Slime mold

$100 Question from Protists

What structure allows sarcodines to move?

$100 Answer from Protists


$200 Question from Protists

Paramecium is an example of which phylum?

$200 Answer from Protists


$300 Question from H3

___________ are unicellular and have a “shell” made of silica.

$300 Answer from Protists


$400 Question from Protists

Blooms of ____________ can cause red tides.

$400 Answer from Protists

Dinoflagellates, or red algae

$500 Question from Protists

Algae and protozoans together form ____________ which is the food source of most water dwelling organisms.

$500 Answer from Protists


$100 Question from Fungi

The body of a fungus which is packed hyphae and located underground is called the ____________

$100 Answer from Fungi


$200 Question from Fungi

The reproductive structure growing from the mycelium above ground is called the ___________ ___________.

$200 Answer from Fungi

Fruiting body

$300 Question from Fungi

Common bread molds are an example of which phylum of fungi?

$300 Answer from Fungi


$400 Question from Fungi

Sac fungi produce spores in a sac-like structure…Name it!

$400 Answer from Fungi


$500 Question from Fungi

_____________ is the phylum for Imperfect Fungi, such as Penicillium.

$500 Answer from Fungi


$100 Question from Misc

Cross walls that may or may not be found in hyphae are called _______

$100 Answer from Misc


$200 Question from Misc

The largest form of brown algae is known as _________.

$200 Answer from Misc


$300 Question from H5

_________ have an eyespot; an organ that helps them move towards light

$300 Answer from Misc


$400 Question from Misc

Name three ways that spores can be dispersed:

$400 Answer from Misc

Wind, water, other organisms

$500 Question from Misc

Explain sexual reproduction in Fungi

$500 Answer from H5

+/- mating types fuse, nuclei combine, grows and develops into a diploid zygote, which enters into meiosis to form haploid spores

Final Jeopardy

1. Identify the two protists shown in the diagram 2. Is each protist is animal-like, fungus like, or plantlike?3. Identify the structures labeled B in the diagram and describe their function.4. Identify the structure labeled C in the diagram and describe its function.5. Are they heterotrophic, autotrophic or both?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Paramecium-animal like, cilia, heteroEuglena-plant like, flagella, both (auto)
