JENNIFER COLE PHOTOGRAPHY STYLE GUIDEchoosing outfits for your session, try to choose colors that...


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WELL, HELLO THERE!I am SO excited about your upcoming photo session with Jennifer Cole Photography and that

you will officially be a member of the #JenniferColePhotography family! ! Below, I have included some information about hair and makeup, outfit choices, what you can expect at your session and more. Please read it thoroughly! Neglecting to read this guide can result in a less than ideal portrait experience. Most frequently asked questions are answered right here in this

guide, but if you have any additional questions, please reach out!

Your session will be at a pre-determined location based on information we have discussed previously. We will meet at that location at our designated time and begin shooting about 15

minutes after you arrive, so that we have time to finish any last minute styling or outfit choices. Please do your best to arrive on time, if not a few minutes early.

As a natural light photographer, your session is based around the time of the sun setting. Once the sun sets, we can no longer shoot that day. Therefore, if you arrive even 10-15 minutes late,

it will impact the amount of time that we can shoot and the photos we can get during your session! If you are more than 30 minutes late, we will have to reschedule your session for my

earliest available date (which is usually 2-3 months out).

OUTFIT TIPSNot sure what to wear? I’m here to help! Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks to help you

guide your outfit choices!

Choosing what you will wear for a photo shoot is a huge decision that can make or break your portrait session! I know that sounds dramatic, but if you accidentally wear something that isn’t

flattering on camera or something that you do not feel confident in, it can ruin the experience for you! So, here are some of the best ways to choose what to wear.

To begin with, be comfortable.

If you do not like fitted clothing that is super tight or fit awkwardly, don’t wear it! Personally, I steer clear of items that fit too tight in the midsection area, just because I am self conscious and I am constantly wondering if it looks bad at different angles. So, if there are pieces in our closet that make you feel the same way - self conscious or uncomfortable- don’t include them in your

wardrobe choices. Additionally, there will be different poses throughout the shoot, including sitting down and walking, which could be difficult if your clothing is uncomfortable.

Color ChoicesOn camera, solid black and white can make skin tones look washed out and unflattering. When choosing outfits for your session, try to choose colors that compliment your skin, hair and eyes.

Primary colors photograph well (think blue, red, yellow) and well as pinks, yellows, oranges, neutrals and bright purples.

I recommend avoiding patterns and clothing choices that take the focus off of you. Solid colors tend to work best. Stripes can create different patterns and possibly create an unflattering look

on different body types, so keep that in mind.

Typically, darker colors will cause you to appear thinner, while lighter colors will make you appear larger. Dark pants or jeans with dark shoes give texture and visually anchor a portrait. When choosing color schemes, consider not only what looks best on you, but also what colors

will look best on wall portraits and complement your home’s décor. Also consider the environment and your backdrop – what works on a beach will not work in a city and vice versa.


If you normally wear accessories, this is the time to showcase that! Bangles, necklaces, cute scarves, bright shoes, and other statement pieces can create a gorgeous detail item in the


However, if you don’t normally accessorize your outfits, I wouldn't recommend starting today. You are more likely to play with the accessories and fidget with the items on your wrist if you are

not used to wearing them.

FootwearAvoid old, worn out running shoes, white socks, and heavy footwear. Also, consider

fashionable boots, sandals or bare feet for casual photos (beach, etc). Your footwear WILL be in the photos.

Add Variety!I ask that you bring 2 outfits for your photo session. If you want to bring more because you are unsure of an outfit, that is fine. We can always test an outfit out and if you don’t like it, we can

switch. However, I can only guarantee time for 2 outfits during our shoot.

Don’t be afraid to go “casual”A lot of people like to do 2 different looks : dressy and casual. That is usually perfect. Do not hesitate to wear (appropriate and clean) jeans and a casual sweater or shirt that you think

represents your style.

Styling childrenChildren often photograph best when they are comfortable. Do not hesitate to let them wear

jeans or a comfortable outfit that they are used to. This will likely result in better photos because they will not be fidgeting with their clothing and they will not be uncomfortable.

If you would like a dressier look for the children, try a collared shirt or a nice top and pair it with a clean pair of jeans. This still adds to the look of a dressier shot, but allows them to be

comfortable when they are walking around.

For toddlers and children younger than 3, I recommend their usual clothing. As most moms know, dressing up a baby or a toddler can be a fight. They are most natural and most

photogenic when they are dressed normal. Psychologically, it helps them feel that nothing out of the ordinary is going on, so it helps lessen their stress level on these days.

HAIR AND MAKEUPWe highly recommend hair and makeup be done professionally. If it is in your budget, it will

make a drastic difference in the quality of the photos. Your investment in your photos is already a big investment, so make the photos the best they can possibly be! If it is not in your budget,

keep reading - we have some tips and tricks for professional makeup and hair for a steal!

Why do we recommend professional hair and makeup?

They have the professional experience and tools

On the day-to-day, I like to think I am pretty good at doing my makeup. I mean, no one has yet run screaming at the sight of me, so it must be alright. But for photos, even me (a seasoned

photographer) heads to a professional to get hair and makeup done.

The makeup gurus at your local stores have the tools and knowledge to get you ready for photos. The type of makeup, quantity and style will differ from what you usually wear to work or out for a nice evening. The camera is sensitive - that same ‘brightness’ and ‘sharpness’ that you

love about my images is also the same thing that makes blemishes appear stronger and makeup appear toned down or flat. Don’t take the risk - go to a pro and let them know you are

getting photos done.

Enjoy the experienceAn hour or two of downtime in a chair before your photo session might be exactly what you

need to find some inner quiet and calm before your big evening. Especially moms with children - invest in these few hours in yourself!! Doll yourself up and really treat yourself to the fresh makeup and gorgeous hair. Don’t sit at home in your bathroom worrying about applying too few or too many coats of mascara, trying to figure out what the heck primer does anyway, and burning yourself on your curling iron. Hand the responsibility over to someone else and enjoy

the moment.

What if a pro is not in my budget?GREAT question. And to be honest, they aren’t in mine either. So, here are some nifty little “life

hacks” to get you the same results for substantially less cost.

Consultations and makeup sessionsUse stores like Sephora, Ulta or Mac Makeup to get a free makeup session or consultation.

The cost is usually minimal, and can usually be offset with a purchase. For example, Sephora is a $50 fee or a purchase of $50 - which DOES include gift cards. So even if you don't need

anything at the moment, you can buy a gift card and spend it later, or use as a gift!

A cosmetology schoolSo, this can be hit or miss. Local beauty schools often offer extreme discounts when you use

their students for makeup and hair. These are trained students and they are under the watchful eye of professional instructors. At the end of your session, your hair and makeup is usually

checked by a professional to make sure it was done correctly and to your satisfaction.

YouTube itThis is my last resort, but sometimes it has to happen. Sometimes a pro is not in the budget, or there is no location around, or the timing doesn't work for you and the stylist. So, you wing it yourself! I recommend Youtube. Practice in the weeks and days leading up to your session.

There are some great tutorials by many wonderful students and teachers that can walk you step by step through makeup application. Recommendation: go heavy on makeup. An extra layer

will not hurt when it comes to photos.

Be EXCITED! A smile will always be in fashion.

These recommendations are made based on years of photo shoots. I have seen things go wrong, I have seen things go great! But the best photos, regardless of your hair, makeup or

outfit are the ones you are excited to participate in. I cannot wait to see you at our photo shoot and if you have any questions between now and then, please reach out! I will happily provide

any guidance that I can!

All the best,Jennifer
