Jenna Nastrini Writing Sample: College Essay


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I saw an illustration of the brain. The left side was black, white, and grey, covered in calculations, equations and data. The right side oozed with color, culture, and creativity. My right brain is my world. Creativity takes center stage in every aspect of my life: emotionally, artistically, physically, and academically. No matter the avenue, artistic juices are continuously flowing inside my head. !

I had always taken this special knack for granted, unaware that my outlook on life was different than anyone else's. Growing up in a house with Martha Stewart's minion as my mother, I was exposed to a high level of creative ambition. As I grew older, I mimicked this gift, and soon realized this trait was hereditary. I started to see there was a way to squeeze my individuality into everything I undertook. !

Since the age of three I have been actively involved in the world of dance. Dance is not only a physically demanding sport, it is art in its truest form. When straying away from my friends and familiarities and choosing to attend a Catholic high school, dance was a heavily weighted factor. Making the dance team was the best thing that could have happened to me during this time of transition. This group of girls turned out to be the soil for my blooming creativity. Training day in and day out for eleven years had made me forget the inspirational side of dance. My teammates, and best friends, helped to bring that back. We have created so many memories, continuously feeding off of each other's talent. I captured all of the funny behind the scenes moments from an entire year on video and put them to music, creating an emotional snapshot of our endless season. Their tears and smiles were more than enough of a thank you. Now, as the captain of this incredible team, I have had an abundant amount of chances to give back. ! !

Coming of age throughout high school provided me with the foundation for a brighter future. The duration of freshman year, the phrase, "Let your gifts change the world" was embedded into our minds. Now I truly understand the intended message. I saw that putting my inspirations and colorful mind back into my gift of dance was just the beginning. I realized that I was a movement. Being able to see something I have created strike someone else's heart, that was all I needed. My right brain gave me perspective, it gave me the ability to see the life I want to live and the road I need to get there. !

I see these next four years in my life as a window. I can see straight through to what is on the other side, what I want for my future and what my possible impact I may have on those around me. I will be change. In a world of black and white, I will be the color.