Jefferson and the Growth of Nationalism



APUSHChapter 7 Outline

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Jefferson and the Growth of Nationalism

I. The Election of 1800

A. The election was a bitter contest between two parties.

1. The Federalists accused Jefferson of many things.

2. Adams had a split in his own party because he did not go to war with France.

3. The election ended with a tie between Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

a. The House of Representatives chose Jefferson over Burr.

b. The 12th Amendment would prevent a similar incident.

B. Jefferson’s Revolution of 1800 marked a relatively peaceful transition of power between

a similar incident.

II. The Jefferson Administration

A. Jefferson left many of the Federalist programs alone.

1. The B.U.S. and funding the national debt was left intact.

2. The excise tax on whiskey was repealed, however.

3. The Democratic Republicans also passed laws that reduced the prices for the

Northwest Territory land.

B. Establishing Judicial Power

1. John Marshall strengthened the power of the Federal government.

2. The Judiciary Act of 1801 created 16 new judge positions which Adams filled with


a. The Democratic Republicans believed that the Federalists were trying to keep

control of the judiciary branch.

b. The Marbury v Madison case was a result.


Plaintiff = The person who is suing.

Their name is first.

Seth Adler, 10/24/14,
Negative campaign
Seth Adler, 10/29/14,
Underline court cases
Seth Adler, 10/29/14,
The president and vice president would go together
Seth Adler, 10/24/14,
Hamilton helped
Seth Adler, 10/24/14,
Robbing a widow and children of trust fundsBeing an atheist (he was a Deist)Fathering children with slaves (true)

1. Marshall dismissed the case.

2. One section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was ruled unconstitutional.

This established judicial review.

3. Other cases established important ideas

a. McCulloch v Maryland

1. States could not tax Federal institutions

2. “The power to tax is the power to destroy”

b. Gibbons v Ogden

1. Only the national government could control interstate trade.

c. Fletcher v Peck

1. States could not pass laws that violated contracts.

d. Dartmouth College v Woodward

1. A state could not alter a contract of a private corporation.

e. Cohens v Virginia

1. The Supreme Court had the right to review state court’s ruling if it involved

the power of the federal government.

C. Jefferson’s Foreign Policy

1. He sent the navy and marines to deal with the Barbary Pirates.

a. The military was used after Jefferson refused to pay random.

b. Later, he worked out a lower tribute to them.

2. His greatest accomplishment was the Louisiana Purchase

a. Jefferson sent representatives to France to offer $10 million for New Orleans

and West Florida because he feared Napoleon was building an empire in North


b. Napoleon had lost Haiti and offered the entire Louisiana territory for $15


c. Jefferson believed the purchase was unconstitutional, but because it was a great

bargain, he revised his views on the constitution.

d. The purchase caused some New England Federalists to plot to secede from the


e. The Lewis and Clark expedition explored the region. Its main goals were to

bring back scientific data on plants and animals.

3. More problems with France and Britain

a. Frace seized American ships and British used impressment on American sailors.

b. Congress passed the Embargo Act, which prevented American ships from sailing

to foreign ports. This hurt the American economy.

III. James Madison is president from 1809 to 1817

A. The War of 1812

1. Causes of the War

a. The British searched and seized American ships

b. The British impressed US sailors

c. Americans desired Western land and Canada

d. Americans believed that the British were helping the Indians.

1. Tecumseh and the Prophet tried to unite all the Indian tribes

2. Tecumseh’s dream collapsed at the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) by William

Henry Harrison.

Henry Clay – Kentucky, Speaker of the

house, Leader of Western States

John C Calhoun – South Carolina, Vice

president, Leader of Southern States

Daniel Webster – Massachusetts,

Federalist, Spoke against war

Seth Adler, 10/29/14,
This gave America claim to the Oregon Territory (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and West Montana).
Seth Adler, 10/29/14,
Napoleon controlled Spanish Florida

2. The War Hawks in Congress supported war

3. Overall support for war came from the inland and Western states

4. War Events

a. The army failed to capture Canada

b. William Henry Harrison won a key battle at the Thames

c. Oliver Perry won the naval battle on Lake Erie

d. But the British burned Washington D.C.

e. Andrew Jackson won a crushing victory at New Orleans, which built national


5. The Hartford Convention

a. The Federalist party opposed the War of 1812 from the beginning

b. The Federalist met at Hartford and proposed that the constitution be amended

to prevent similar wars

B. The Treaty of Ghent ended the war and restored the prewar borders

IV. Growth of American Nationalism

A. The Era of Good Feelings got its name because of apparent political harmony

1. The Democratic-Republicans became the only political party

a. The Federalists were soundly beaten in the 1818 election

b. Eventually, the national republicans adopted many Federalist policies

c. The era was a misnomer because the Democratic-Republicans would split into

two factions: Jeffersonian and the National.

2. Madison’s domestic policy included chartering a second national bank

B. James Monroe’s Administration (1817-1825)

1. Domestic Policy

a. The American System

1. Henry Clay promoted the idea but it is Monroe who said it

2. It included creating a protective tariff (Tariff of 1816)

3. Create a Second National Bank

4. It supported internal improvements, such as roads and canals, but Monroe

opposed this because he thought it was up to the states

b. The Missouri Compromise (1820)

1. Missouri would be admitted as a slave state

2. To balance that, Maine would come in as a free state

3. The Louisiana Territory would be divided at 36O30’

2. Foreign Policy

a. The Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817) – Disarmed the Great Lakes

b. Treaty of 1818 – The British and Americans agreed to jointly occupy the Oregon


c. The Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) – Spain ceded Florida to the US for $5 million

d. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)

1. Closed the Western hemisphere to further European colonization

2. Enforced by British navy
