Jeapordy!:The Risk Management Business Edition · 2020-04-20 · 3. Learn new ways of thinking,...


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Jeapordy!:The Risk Management Business Edition

Robin Joines, SVP Risk Management, Sedgwick

Kristy Coleman, Senior Manager, Risk Management, Turner Broadcasting System Inc.

Communication and Corporate Politics

Essential Soft Skills Being a Team Player Business Travel Do’s and Don’ts

Travel Risk Management /


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Communication and Appropriate Conversation

1. You’re not going to meet a deadline your boss gave you. How do you handle this?

2. Which of the following is acceptable to discuss in a professional environment? Gossip, Politics, Religion, Personal Matters

3. What is the best answer to give when you are asked a question you don’t know the answer to in a professional environment

4. When is it appropriate to ask questions?

5. When is an appropriate time to interrupt someone?

1. You manage their expectations – ON THE FRONT END

2. None of the above

3. I don’t know the answer right off hand but I can get back to you on that

4. Always, but only ask the question once.

5. Never – it gives the impression that what the other person is saying isn’t important

Essential Soft Skills

1. What are 3 essential soft skills that all risk professionals should have?

2. What are the 5 features of emotional intelligence?

3. Motivation for success is often fed by this inevitable part of life

4. Name one way you could work on improving your soft skills

5. Why are soft skills important to your career and professional future?

1. Work ethic, communication, team player attitude, growth mindset, openness to feedback, adaptability, etc.

2. Self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skill

3. Failure – it’s okay not to be perfect

4. Online course, seek guidance/help from co-workers/friends/mentors

5. Food for thought

Being a Team Player

1. Name 2 characteristics of a good team player

2. In a team setting, what may help motivate others?

3. Why is working as a team beneficial?

4. Is it ever appropriate to say “that’s not my job” when asked for help from a colleague?

5. What do you do if asked to assist with something that you feel is beneath you?

1. Good communication, balanced participation, clear goals, cooperation, positive atmosphere

2. Enthusiasm

3. Learn new ways of thinking, work faster, build trust, develop problem solving skills, foster creativity

4. NO – always be willing to assist. If you don’t know the answer, try to help them find the person who does

5. Do it – and with a pleasant attitude

Business Travel Do’s and Don’ts

1. Crossing your arms, not making eye contact, and propping your head up on your hand are examples of?

2. Name 3 examples of business etiquette

3. When not an active participant in a business meeting, how should you act?

4. List 3 examples of dining etiquette that are especially important at a business dinner

1. Unprofessional body language

2. Arrive on time, dress appropriately (dress for the job you want, not for the job you have), speak kindly, always stand when you’re being introduced to someone, be engaged at all times, etc.

3. Always be present – interested and engaged (or at least faking it!), regardless of how much or how little you contribute to the conversation

4. Don’t chew with your mouth open or talk with your mouth full, don’t drink a lot of alcohol, order things in a similar price range to your companions, wait until everyone has their food to begin eating, etc.

Travel Risk Management

1. What is the Chatham House rule?

2. What is the single most important element of travel risk management?

3. What country in the world produces the most Level 4 Incident reports?

4. What is the difference between threat and risk?

5. What is a significant challenge faced when you have a travel risk management program?

1. When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participants, may be revealed

2. Duty of Care

3. It might surprise you to know that the answer is more like UK or France – not what you’d consider scary places

4. Threats are unavoidable but risks can be mitigated

5. Keeping track of all of your travellers! Inevitably they don’t all book through the systems they’re supposed to…

Try never to be the smartest person in the room.

And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people - or find a different room.

- Michael Dell

It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
