JCL Profiling Orientation




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Certified Developer - JCL

What is Certified Developer - JCL?


Certified Developer - JCL is an unique capability assurance certification product crafted by Cognizant academy which,

“Certifies associates on their JCL programming skills with an essence of industry practice skills”

Industry Practice Skills for, Requirement Analysis Testing Effectiveness Improve Code quality


Certified Developer - JCL Profiling Model


The Certified Developer - JCL profiling is split into 2 levels

Level 1 – Knowledge profiling (30 Multiple Choice Questions) – 30 mins

Level 2 – Skill Profiling (1 Hands on Question) – 3 hours 30 mins

Level 2 profiling will be done based on the number of test cases that have passed for the solution submitted by the candidate.

Certified Developer - JCL Profiling Model


For the Level 1 – MCQ Questions:

The associate will be tested on the concepts of JCL using multiple choice questions.

For the Level 2 - Hands on Question:

A case study will be given to the associate. The associate needs to understand the business requirement and develop JCLs and Procedures implementing all the specified requirements.


Skeleton JCLs & Syntaxes will be provided to the associate prior to the assessment. Sample case study and skeleton file is attached below.

IBM Personal Communications will be available to the associate to connect to Mainframe.

Sample case study -


Tips for Certified Developer-JCL Assessment


Don'ts for the Certified Developer - JCL Assessment

Do not change the naming conventions

JCL (Job/Proc) Names

Program name

DD names

File names

Do not create load library for COBOL programs referred from JCL. Just provide JOBLIB or STEPLIB for the load library mentioned in the case study

Code JCL steps with Step name as mentioned in the case study and avoid adding steps which are not mentioned in the case study.

Tips for Certified Developer-JCL Assessment


Do’s for the Certified Developer - JCL Assessment

Use the skeleton provided

Ensure that your program works fine for the sample input data provided in the case study requirement document.

Ensure you test your JCLs with various functional, implicit and negative test cases

There is no JEM/JSCAN tools available CTS Mainframe to find the JCL errors. But You can use TYPRUN=SCAN on the Job card and submit your job. Your job will not be run but scanned for errors.


Internet access will not be provided, but the associate will be provided IBM File manager reference, JCL syntaxes and Skeleton

While logging into Mainframe, if you give the incorrect password thrice then the Mainframe ID will get revoked. In that case, reach the proctor to raise GSD to get the password reset.

Certified Developer-JCLTechnical Scope


How to take the assessment?


• Once you enter the Exam Hall, you will be provided with the URL and the password to take up the exam.

• First, you will be presented with MCQ questions. Please ensure that you complete the MCQ questions in 30 mins so that you have enough time for Hands on.

• On clicking Submit after completing the MCQ questions, you will be presented with one JCL case study. In the instructions, a startup job will be provided, it will create the source code with Job/Proc JCLs. (Just minimize the browser, DO NOT close it)

• Once your coding is completed, extract the dataset (from Mainframe) to a notepad(.txt). Use the START 6 command to perform the extraction.

• Note: Refer the procedure given at the end of this presentation

• Once the datasets are extracted, upload the JCL codes zip file using the File Upload option at the end of the case study page.

• During the course of the assessment, DO NOT close the browser window and do not click on HOME button.

Reference for Customize Keyboard

• Click the ‘Remap keyboard functions’ from toolbar

• Customize the key functions

1. Select a key from the keyboard to customize it.

2. Select the function to be assigned to the key

3. Move the function to required Modifier key (Shift/Ctrl/Alt), so that the required function can be invoked by pressing “Modifier key + Selected key”


Reference for Customize Keyboard


Setting Ctrl + C for Copy

Reference for Customize Keyboard


Setting Ctrl + V for Paste

Reference for Keyboard


New Line

Enter Action

Enter Action

• PCOMM Enter Key Action & New Line action

• Mainframe Logon ProcedureMainframe Logon


Getting Job Spool


• The Status panel allows authorized users to display information about jobs, started tasks,

and TSO users on the JES2 queues. Access it with the ST command (SD;ST)

• Initially the ISPF main menu shows the below option to enter into Job Spool.


• In the middle of any operation, if the SDSF menu option not displayed in the ISPF main

menu then logoff the mainframe session properly (From main menu -> X, LOGOFF) and

logging in again will bring the SDSF option

Moodle Instructions


• Launch IBM PCOMM, Start => All Programs => IBM Personal Communications => New Session.

– Session Parameters => Host Name or IP: and Port: 23, Apply & OK.

• Code your JCL and PROCs in the PDS dataset <UserID>.SOURCE.CODE.PDS

Note: Refer next slide to know about the creation of this dataset

• Follow the below naming convention for the members in the above PDS

– For JOBs, the member name should be “JOBFn<yyy>”

– For PROCs, the member name should be “PRCFn<yyy>”

Note: Where n -> 1,2,3 for each requirement and <yyy> denotes the last 3 digits of your user ID.

Ex: For requirement 1 & User ID TCAS046, the Job and Proc names should be JOBF1046 and PRCF1046

• On completion of the assessment, download the JCL modules in text format(.txt) and upload it in Moodle thru ‘Add’

button available at the bottom of case study.

• A COBOL reference and IBM File Manager reference will be made available in the below link

– http://caportal/mainframeca/index.html

Case Study Instructions

1. Submit the job TCASADM.JCL.SKELETON(CREATEDS) and get the source code PDS


Source code PDS: <User ID>.SOURCE.CODE.PDS gets created with its standard

members (Job and Procedure JCLs)

2. JCL Syntaxes are available at TCASADM.JCL.SKELETON(*)

3. Make use of IBM FILE MANAGER for data mapping with respect to COPYBOOK,

Start -> TS -> F -> F

Provide the appropriate file name and COPYBOOK PDS & member name

Option 1. Browse, 2. Edit & 3.3. Copy Utility (VSAM)

IBM File manager reference is made available in the below link

• http://caportal/mainframeca/index.html



Downloading Program

• On completion of the assessment, download the JCLs and PROCs in text format(.txt), zip them into a single file and then upload it in Moodle thru ‘Add’ button which is found towards the end of the case study.

• Naming convention of the zip file: JCL_<<associate id>>

Note : Use the ISPF Command [START 6] and “Receive file from Host” option in the


FTP Procedure

• Please ensure that you verify the below, before leaving the assessment hall

Ensure your JCLs are available in <User ID>.SOURCE.CODE.PDS

Ensure that your JCLs are named in the format ‘JOBFn<yyy>’ & ‘PRCFn<yyy>’ in the

above PDS, where <yyy> denotes the last 3 digits of your user ID, n is requirement no

Ensure that your JCLs zip file is uploaded into Moodle link with the name

JCL_<Associate ID>.txt

Ensure there are no syntax errors in the JCLs which are uploaded


Important Instructions


Thank You!