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J Prosthet Dent 2010;105: 44-50Maj Madhul SinghalMethods of tooth selectionOerr!"s #io$etric ratio $ethodO$a%illar! central incisor &idth to #i'!go$atic &idth ratio is 1:1( O)ru#!te )ooth *ndicator +Dents,l! )ru#!te- .or/- Pa0O*nteralar &idth $easure$entOcus, ti, location of the $a%illar! canines can #e esti$ated #! e%tending ,arallel lines fro$ the ala of the nose onto the la#ial surface of thecontoured occlusion ri$Othis $ethod underesti$ated the intercanine cus, ti, &idth #! a,,ro%i$atel! 1 $$1O*2oclar 3i2adent lue 4ine 5or$ Selector 6 5acial Meter +*2oclar 3i2adent- 7$herst- 8.01 Ma2ros/ou9s 5- :itchie ;M< 8asal &idth and incisi2e ,a,illa as guides for the selection and arrange$ent of $a%illar! anterior teeth< J Prosthet Dent 1=>1;45:5=2-1 2Methods of tooth selectionO?anine-to-canine distance deter$inationODistance #et&een the $ar/s indicating the rela%ed corners of the $outhO$easured along the incisal cur2ature of the contoured occlusion ri$ &ith a @e%i#le rulerOre,resents an a,,ro,riate &idth for the ( $a%illar! anterior teethOAighest correlation &ith the &idth of the natural $a%illar! anterior teeth in ,re2ious studies2-B2 4ie# 8- Sil2er$an S*- ;ar9n/el 4< 7n anal!sis of soft tissue contours of the li,s in relation to the $a%illar! cus,ids< J Prosthet Dent 1=(1;1>:2=22;4>:15-22BO7re there an! s,eci9c $easure$ents $ade on an edentulous cast that could #e useful to clinicians for selection of ,ro,er $a%illar! anterior denture tooth &idthH48ull A!,othesisOI)here &ould #e no s,eci9c cast $easure$ent that &ould #e useful to clinicians to deter$ine denture tooth si'e $$ anterior to the $iddle of the incisi2e ,a,illa< O)he ,osterior regionO 12 $$ in height- fro$ the record #ase at the residual ridge crest in the tu#erosit! area to the occlusal ,lane< O)he occlusion ri$ e%tends ,osteriorl! to a ,oint > $$ fro$ the ,osterior edge of the record #ase- and slo,es anteriorl! to&ard the occlusal at a 45-degree angle $$ anteriorl!; > to 10 $$ ,osteriorl!-Ota,ers to&ard the occlusal ,lane to for$ these &idths1Modi9cation of occlusal ri$sO4a#ial inclination of the ri$ $odi9ed for adeGuate li, su,,ortO:easona#le e%,osure of the li, $argin; OPreser2ation of the la#ial ,hiltru$;O adeGuate su,,ort of the nasola#ial folds;O lac/ of either a strained a,,earance due to o2er su,,ort- or colla,sed a,,earance due to undersu,,ort;OSatisfactor! $o#ilit! of the u,,er li,>4i, 4engthOShort li,Oedge of u,,er li, at the le2el of crest of $a%illar! residual ridgeOE, to 4 $$ 2isi#ilit! of occlusal ri$s6teethO72erage li,Oli, ,rojected 4-5 $$ #elo& the crestO1-2$$ 2isi#ilit!O4ong li,Oedge of the li, &as ($$ or $ore #elo& the crestOOcclusal ri$s short of li,s=OMar/ esti$ated anterior teeth ,osition ,arallel to inter,u,illar! lineOMar/ ,osterior teeth ,osition ,arallel to ala-tragus lineO7djust occlusal ,lane accordingl! and $odif! considering esthetics and $andi#ular occlusal ri$10OMar/ $idlineOMar/ high s$ile lineOindicates the $ini$u$ tooth length for good esthetics for $ediu$ and long li, lengthsOshort li, length -e%,osure of the gingi2a $a! occur &ith just a half-s$ile- or &ith the li, at rest in e%tre$e situations- e2en &ith the longest tooth $old selected11OMar/ lines corres,onding to co$$issures of the li,s at restO:e,resents canine-to-canine distanceOMeasure &ith @e%i#le rulerOEsed as control in the stud!12Measure$ents on Ma%illar! De9niti2e ?astOI)he ( $easure$entsJO10 fro$ the left $id-$a%illar! $ar/ to the right $id-$a%illar! $ar/- indicated #! the res,ecti2e residual ridge crest ,oint adjacent to the canine e$inence- +J0O20 fro$ the incisi2e ,a,illa to the left ha$ular notch $ar/- +*0OB0 fro$ the incisi2e ,a,illa to the right ha$ular notch $ar/- +A0O40 fro$ the left ha$ular notch $ar/ to the right ha$ular notch $ar/- +C0O50 fro$ the incisi2e ,a,illa to the 2i#rating line $ar/< +;01BMandi#ular de9niti2e castO(0 Distance #et&een centers of left and right retro$olar ,ads +4014O7ll ( ,ara$etric $easure$ents $inus canine to canine &idth calculatedOStatistical anal!sis of $easured diMerences15O?lassi9cation of casts according to denture teeth &idthO*2oclar 3i2adent Mold ?hart OS$allOMesiodistal &idth 45
