jay read is jilted royalty



jay read jilted royalty

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Untitled-1 30/6/09 09:41:00

Beautifully Violent





I am a Birmingham based designer and I have lived here all my life although I spend 90% of my time in other cities / countries. My life has been a roller-coaster from a very young age, for good and bad reasons, I soon realized that I was unlike any one that I knew at the time and still to this day I find it rare that i meet anybody that has the same realness and upfront character that I see my self to have with unquestionable loyalty, intolerance and fearless to life! I have been though a lot in my years and I have sculpted my self on all the good traits I saw in others while growing up and also learned from all the bad that I have experienced/witnessed. I am no angel and I have done terrible things in my life showing no remorse for 99% of them because in life you have to stick to the rules and you knew the risks when you took the job! the difference in my life is that, THERE ARE NO RULES!Basically everything that I have done good or bad has had a reason behind it, a reason that I believed in and a reason which to me condoned my actions and still does, and will till the day that my box goes in to the hole. I have been in to fashion all of my life but I have started to make 1offs for my self about 4 years ago. It wasn’t until I meet a women who is an amazing artist and now a close friend of mine around 2 years ago that a creative side of me was brought out and I have never looked back since with it now turning into my full time job.I love art and I am in ore of inspiring photographers / photography but my real passions are MMA and my bikes even thought in the past couple of years I have rarely had time to do any of these things due to traveling and other commitments. I live hard and fast with no regrets, life’s to short to worry and ponder on things, just do it, and if it don’t work then do it again and again until it does work. never let anything or anybody stand in the way of you getting what you want out of life, you are entitled to as much as anybody else is so fuck “em! you cannot lose what you never had to begin with so you win either way, go for it!

In growing up with the mind set that I have had and the care free personality that I have developed it has enabled me to do whatever I want whenever I want including changing my name and appearance etc. I have been since a child looking up too and idolizing my dad and always knew that I would follow in his footsteps and becoming heavily tattooed, I never really thought that it would go this far but I live my life with NO LIMITS and I act first and think later, so when I look in the mirror I am not at all surprised at what I see and also know that my image will never be the same for more than a few months at a time, wheather it be through my constantly changing clothing styles or adding / removing tattoos etc. I am constantly evolving never pretending and I am totally comfortable in my own skin!

I live with multiple personality disorder and have done for as long as I can remember, it is a fucking nightmare sometimes and has destroyed many good things / people that have been in my life and my uncontrollable behaviour has landed me in the shit more than a few times, but it also gives me the versatility to mix comfortably in completely different circles wherever in the world I might be and if wasn’t for this condition I doubt I would have got to where I am in life today and also if it wasn’t for how my life has turned out I wouldn’t be writing this little story to you now :-)

Jay Read.



Life inside a Broken



Streetwear’s not a style ....... IT’S A LIFESTYLE!.



Jilted Royalty

Jilted RoyaltyBegan around 4 years ago when I first started making one off clothes for myself. I used to see things that people where wearing and could visually break it down into sections and know I could make it myself but to my own exact taste.

Everything I used to make was cut and sew and a long process, my images were made from graffiti stencils that I drew and cut myself but instead of graphing with them I use them too draw onto and cut the designs out from material which were always between 2 to 5 layers and where all hand seam stitched. It was at a time when casual/funky clothes where in and everybody was looking for something different.

I had a couple of years off to travel and then a year ago after spending alot of time with an amazing artist/person I was inspired to go for it again and so I did.

Now I am a part of the street wear scene so my designs are based on things I am surrounded by at the moment and I am constantly inspired by everything I see and people I meet. many of my designs have meanings close to me and are a statement that I want to make but turn into the form of an image/garment. All my ideas and drawings for my designs are drawn by myself and everything is hand printed and produced in house with friends in Birmingham.

My clothes making has turned into this label because I have sculpted it this way. The background behind my designs is simply that I just go with whatever feeling I am having at any particular time and whatever is inspiring me,I just start drawing and see where it takes me!

The name Jilted Royalty is basically this-

JILTED as in - the twisted or altered reality that i live in.

ROYALTY - Is because we are all royalty in our own sense, no body is higher than anybody else in this world and you can climb as high as people will let you,from then you have to push hard to achieve what you want and only those with the strongest minds and determination to succeed will rise above the rest and stand out!. JAY READ.




A week



off cei
