Java - Malay Culture




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Common overseas influences from India, Middle East, Far East and EuropeDirect interaction between Java and Malay Peninsula and Javanese diasporaDynamic cultural relations between the island of Java and Malay peninsulaThe manuscript of Hikayat Seri Rama, and Indian origin epic story written in Arabic scripst.Pre-Islamic Relations:Syailendra Dynasty

Earlier Relations between Java and Malay Peninsula primarily occurred during the era of Syailendra Dynasty well-known from the contruction of major Buddhist monuments in Java including the temples of Borobudur, Sewu, Plaosan and Kalasan.

The most clear source mentioning this relations was Leiden copper plate inscription dated from 1006 CE mentions that the King Culamanivarman of Kataha (Kedah) was born in the ailendra family, was the lord of the rviaya (country), and was conducting the rule of Kaha.

Pre-Islamic Relations:Majapahit Kingdom

Pahang; Langkasuka; Saimwang; Kelantan; Terengganu; Johor; Tumasik, sekarang menjadi negara SingapuraKelang, (Selangor); Kedah
