Japan & The Koreas Issues Today: page 72. We have a ton to do today!! Get ready to start class...


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Japan & The Koreas

Issues Today: page 72

We have a ton to do today!!

Get ready to start class immediately. You will need your notebook and a

textbook. Begin by finishing your chart from yesterday.


Japan’s Agriculture•Many Japanese still follow TRADITIONAL ways of life•11% of the land is ARABLE•Farmers supply over 70% of Japan’s food•Over half the farmland is used to grow RICE•Government issues SUBSIDIES = financial support given to farmers to keep foreign competition away

Japan’s Industry & International

Economy•Japanese employ a strong WORK ETHIC = a belief that work itself has moral value (long workdays and 6-day workweeks)•KEIRETSU system = banking, business, and government work as one to grow its economy•Japan has an EXPORT ECONOMY = goods are produced more for export rather than for domestic use•Japan has a huge TRADE SURPLUS = when a country exports more than it imports•Japan is the 2nd largest producer of cars in the world (behind the USA)

Urban Agglomeration• Tokyo-Yokohama is a good example

of a densely populated region surrounding its city (26 million

residents jammed in the region)

High Speed Rail Network

•Japan was the first to engineer HIGH SPEED RAIL (HSR) • In1963, first train clocked at 159 mph•Japan has the highest concentration of HSR in the world•Holds the speed record today of 361 mph (1 mile/ 10 seconds!)

Japan’s Modern Ways of Life

As fewer people are born and they live longer, what effects will this have on health care, social services, and retirement? Because of this, who will have the more difficult problems--older or younger, and why?

•Mostly middle-class•Suburban commuters•Small families, small homes•Lowest birthrates and highest life expectancies in the world

The Two Koreas

North Korea South Korea

North Korea•COMMAND Economy = the state, not the people, controls economic decisions•When the Soviet Union collapsed in early 1990’s, Soviet aid ended•Many North Koreans live in poverty•Droughts, floods, and inefficient farming systems mean little food for the people

Indication of poverty

Kim Jong Il•Isolated nation under a strict COMMUNIST dictatorship•4th largest military in the world (?!)•9.5 million enlisted•For every 1000 people in the country, 419 are in the military (4 out of every 10)•The only one even close is its neighbor, South Korea, with 173 per 1000•Threatening to Japan and South Korea with newly acquired nuclear power

North Korea’s Military

South Korea

•An “Asian Tiger” = a term used to describe a Southeast Asian country having phenomenal economic growth in recent decades.•Huge family-owned conglomerates called chaebol dominate the economy and political system.•Like Japan with its Keiretsu (3-as-1) business model and export economy.•Small farms disappearing because of urbanization.

Seoul, the capital

Korea Reunification (?)

•Koreans share a common culture, but differ on political and economic views•The Korean War (1950-53) was termed a “police action” by the UN, but America sided with South Korea•The DMZ (demilitarized zone) has separated the two Koreas since ARMISTICE = laying down of weapons •Armistice did not create a permanent solution for the countries•The DMZ is 150 miles long and 2.5 miles wide•Lack of human activity in the DMZ has created a lush habitat for endangered animals to prosper, such as tigers, leopards, cranes, and other wildlife.•Efforts to reunify the Koreas have not been successful yet
