January 6th, 1964 - historicalpapers.wits.ac.za€¦ · T-shirt3 with peace slogans on. ’»»;...


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January 6th, 1964

Minutes, END CONSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN meeting. Durban. Dec 6th. 19S4

Gathering and Introductions. L / ' A b j • / " Agenda review. J

Rer>ort-ba;k from groups. Not many groups had had a chance*.to neat since the ECC workshop on October 27th, but generally' the feedback from groups end individua Is ' is supportive end enthusiastic•

Structure of ECC* LOCAL .a . Rather than jU3t meeting a3 a forum, the group felt it would be better

for groups to formally affiliate with ECC. This would involve a greater level of committment.

b. Work will be done mainly by tho organisations rather than the ECC mee ting * i e —. f •

c. The procedure for affiliation has aot yet been decided on.d. A simple constitution is being draftee for presentation to the

national meeting in January* This cam'll be uiied as a baris for affiliation .

e. Groups not wanting to 1'orzally aft .llete » and individuals, are still very welcome to bo part of ECC.

f . A coordinating group is to be selected from the mee ting to help maintain coherence and continuity in th* Campaign. They can also

be resource people for the organisa tions of ECC anci anyone else.This group will be selected fron the working group t o o arepreparing for the national ECC meeting in January.

NATIONAL: a . 3he group agreed that a national organise r /fielr worker be appointed for 1985. Thf* appointment will take place a ; ch? national meeting. This worker w ill live ineach region fcr a wnile, and work according to a timetable and agenda sot by the regions.This person's salary will come from the national budget.

b . The three areas with active ECCs are Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg. The Eastern Cape is becoming mere involved, and Namibia is actively mobilising against conscription. Links are being established wiSi these two regions.

c. At the national meeting in January, national campaign themes will *be decided on. Each region w ill still be able to run their own campai campaigns as w ell .if they so wish.

Looking forward to 1985a . The national meeting, January 25 - 27, at Koinonia (just outside

Durban). IBiis w ill be a working meeting, with 8 - 1C representatives from eaoh of the three main regions. The main aims of the meeting are to decide on ( i ) structures (e.g .' fieldworker, national adminis­tration e t c .) ; ( i i ) budget; ( i i i ) national campaign theme/s.Vfe agreed that the Durban reps to the meeting should be from the following organisations: NTTSAS (Fiona?), Black Sash (Ann?), CCSG ̂(Richard), NOW (? ) , Youth Fcrum (Alvin?), Diakonia (Sue), AZASO »?), NEUSA (Jeremy), IFOR (Anita), Methodist CEYD (Paul), Klaarwater (Mike), (Nozipho), (L in dani). These people w ill function as a planning group for the national meeting.

b. The twice-yearly call-up for conscripts i* between Jan 9-15, We decided we would like to go ther-J to feel what happens tbere, sncto register some aort of symbolic protest, ffe theugnt wt roula ^sar T-shirt3 with peace slogans on. ’»»; planned to noet on Jun 2 to sil^screen T-shirts and plan thr rctirn, j^t thf Bcefcing did not go- ahead because of the low -turnout.

t C t, i e o b i h , pci^o z

tt.jp own organisations. » S “ . £ b ^ m l g a ^ t e d ’ a r t h ?SO we have an Idea of how ECC can f it „ f tha next noe-~-3

d. Campaign themes: n ln wlth upcoming activities.

conscription of taxes for military purposes

' f r ^ r 0rtPtl° n ‘ ° C0n0mlC P" " UPM « “ • « * *° volunteer

“ ff^f?ri Pi i0n ln thB hom9la»ds by homeland governments

' 1 ^ 4 ' bslns caU ad « % i t h ^- conscription of older white men

’ f ? V XJa! I i0n f£ ooncription to womon, Coloureds and Ind 'ar*- links between the militay and Indust-v a-d tha- highlight the civ il war and toe economy

I SAD* in ^ al arS33 0 ‘S * as taacl^ 3 » doctors t in the uroan areas, enforcing aoartheid laws

' S ™ ! ^ 33®? *“ * “ ^ T O s i t i e a which support th- mili-a-^- SAD? indoctrination through the media - exo^sinc- it a 2 ^ ^ ,- opposing war toys for children ? 5 co^ * r l x L Z it

0 ' a ^ W ’ S S s ™ “ bUlldlnS bl0Ck= ° f

C ' t a 'a ^ h S d l T s 00 W<>ek0n!i can?a ror y°uth’ and P«sra™ for childr»

‘ ' 4t! ! ° b! r3 ' pupils, school coonitteea

^ p a b L c a u L ?or y o u ^ " 1” *“ Z°h°OU ’ black school,

JpeTeaiL ^ f 7“ * 1 * * “ oxporting and importing arms

i e L 4 m s ^ parades e .g . the Durban Tattoo.

£s.“ brSoS^K^gSirsrii^ss wber°a ,others if they so wish. rk on an7 of the

5. Budget

The central fund is not yet a r^ali-*— - , , .

The^national budget being motivated for looks like this: ap^ oac:ie;:-

O 1 * Field Worker: srlary Es000

trevel and additions2

eipansoa * 400t S10 00C

2 . National Coordination:travel *

phone lOT'O

PcstaSe 500 6 000

3 . National Conference, approx 100 dilegates. 4 davs:trsvel . _ " 30H0

accomodation <fc food 6000speskers I qqc

preparation and rssourcss 1000

lltfu?less conference fees 3000 S 000

4 . National Administration:

bookkeeping, auditing, bank 1500 legal fees 1000international contact 500 3 ooo



f C C , 4r c 2 ,

f Regional

5. J»Activities and campaigns (4 regions I . e . Jhb, Dbn, C .T . and E Capeand Namibia counting as a half each):

media (including a nat. newsletter) video project hiring halls 4 speakers administration miscellane ous


in the regions

2000030002000500040004000 33 000

TOTAL H55 000

7* Next meetirx:


whole ""of ! Ja^uar7 1 5 > a*S .3 0 pm, Diakonia, Ecumenical Co---whole of jlC C , Saturday January 19, 10.30am, Ecumenical Cancel

A-*— i .

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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