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Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are so glad that you are here. We hope that joining us for worship today will nurture your heart and transform your mind. Here at First Pres our mission is transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ, that simple and that challenging. We realize we need each other and commit to pray for each other. We reach out in love and compassion to a world in need, and we know we are a work in progress. If you are new to First Pres, we hope you will join us again and consider attending any of our mission, fellowship and education opportunities. If you would like to learn more about us, please fill out the visitor information on the “blue card” in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. You are also more than welcome to contact any of our pastors over the phone or by email. God's peace to you today.

— Rev. Laura Sherwood, Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, Rev. Bill Lane, Rev. Ann Pitman

(contact information on inside back page)

† Those who are able please stand

PRELUDE 9:00am Beautiful Savior setting by David A. Johnson 11:00am Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore setting by Gregory Hamilton


† CALL TO WORSHIP One: God called to Jonah to get up, go to Nineveh and proclaim God’s word. All: But Jonah refused, until God called a second time. One: God is persistent. God believes in those whom God has called. All: Jesus called the disciples by the lakeshore. One: They left their families and jobs to follow Jesus. All: Lord, give us the courage to follow you all of our lives.

† PROCESSIONAL HYMN No. 721 Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore PESCADOR DE HOMBRES

CALL TO CONFESSION (congregation may be seated)

One: Let us approach God in this time of confession with the honesty of our lives. First, in a time of silent personal prayer. (Moment of silent prayer.) Now, let us pray together:

PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: We listen to the stories of the call of the disciples and find them interesting but unrealistic. When we look at our own lives, we believe that we could not leave everything to follow someone we didn’t know. We have many responsibilities and ties that keep us from following. But God is persistent. God understands our confusion and doubts. And God continues to call us to be in ministry and mission in this world. It may not mean leaving everything behind, but it does mean being willing to serve wherever God calls us. That’s hard. We want to place conditions on service,

All: and usually those conditions are "if we have time," "if we have energy," "if we can just try serving God for a little while to see how it all works out." Still, God calls to each of us. Discipleship is difficult. Forgive us, patient and persistent Lord, for the very many times we turn our backs on serving you and focus on our own comforts. Forgive us when we look the other way when people are in need. Forgive us our angry attitudes and actions which hurt rather than heal. Wrap your arms around us, healing our wounds, binding us to you. Gently move us into service in your name. Amen.

WORDS OF ASSURANCE One: Do not be afraid. God is with you! That is good news. You do not have to go through life alone, wondering if anyone cares about you or knows your heart. God knows and God loves you. Rejoice for thus it is, has always been, and will continue to be. God’s love for you is eternal. All: Amen.

† CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE No. 447 We Are Forgiven WE ARE FORGIVEN We are forgiven. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God. We are forgiven. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Thanks be to God.

† SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST One: Having received the gift of peace that forgiveness brings, our first act is to share it with one another. Let us do that now by saying, The Peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us greet one another with signs of peace in a manner that is comfortable for you. [This may be shaking hands, hugs, or simply smiling.]

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please sign and pass the friendship pad to those in your pew.

ANTHEM 11:00am Beautiful Savior F. Melius Christiansen Fair are the meadows, Fairer the woodlands, Robed in flowers of blooming spring; Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer, He makes our sorrowing spirit sing.

Beautiful Savior! Lord of the nations! Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forever more be Thine.

SCRIPTURE READING – OLD TESTAMENT READING Jonah 3:1-5, 10, pg. 860-861 One: This is the Word of the Lord. 9:00am Sally Swihart All: Thanks be to God! 11:00am Ron Kohart

TIME WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES Please join in singing “Jesus Loves Me” as our children come forward.

CHILDREN’S BUCKET COLLECTION 11:00am Loose change collected goes to support Njorge Peterson through World Vision and to local food banks.

(Children are invited to join their families in the pews for the remainder of the Service, or to meet teachers in the Narthex for worship activity time. Child care is available for ages 5 and under anytime. Please see an Usher for assistance.)

SCRIPTURE READING - New Testament Mark 1:14-20, pg. 35 One: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God!


SERMON Picking Teams Rev. Bill Lane

HYMN OF REFLECTION No. 726 Will You Come and Follow Me KELVINGROVE You are invited to remain seated in a time of reflection by listening to the hymn,

singing along or meditating on the words.

LITANY READING One: Jesus is calling you to follow him. All: We’d really like to, but we have too much to do right now. Check back later, OK? One: Jesus sees your labors and knows your gifts All: Flattery will not work on us. We have bills to pay and work to do. One: Jesus is ready for you to come. All: Look, the stories are nice and all, but they really don’t work for us. One: Have faith, place your trust in Jesus. All: Well, everyone else seems to let us down. How can we be sure he won’t do the same? One: He will prove his love to you with his life. All: We didn’t ask for that. One: What will it take for you to trust in him? All: We don’t know. Trust is risky. One: Then take the risk. Place your lives in his hands. He can handle all your problems. All: Will he really guide us? One: Absolutely, through bright days and dark nights, everywhere, all the time. All: Can we rely on him? One: Yes. He will not abandon you. All: Perhaps we can try. One: Don’t just try. Go ahead. Follow Jesus. You won’t regret it. All: Jesus, help our unbelief. Where we are weak, give us strength; where we falter and hold back, gently bring us forward; where we fail, please forgive us. Amen. † HYMN No. 700 I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me I’M GONNA LIVE

THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

INVITATION TO THE OFFERING One: Our nets are full enough to share God’s bounty. Our hearts are open wide to the needs of others. Let us reach out and share what we’ve been given.

OFFERING OFFERTORY 9:00am Beautiful Savior setting by Dale Wood

11:00am Beautiful Savior setting by Robert A. Hobby

† DOXOLOGY No. 606 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDREDTH All: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below;

Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

† PRAYER OF DEDICATION All: Holy God, Steadfast Rock of all Salvation, we marvel at the strength of your compassion and your ability to offer forgiveness. We come to you, hungry to be part of the good news you are bringing forth, for we would be part of the realm you are revealing. Amen.

† HYMN No. 853 We Are Marching in the Light of God SIYAHAMBA


† BENEDICTION RESPONSE The Lord Bless You and Keep You Peter Lutkin The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord lift His countenance upon you; And give you peace, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you, be gracious, the Lord be gracious, gracious unto you. Amen.

† POSTLUDE 9:00am Prelude in B Flat J. S. Bach 11:00am We Are Marching in the Light of God setting by John Behnke

Please join us for the Congregational Gallery Reception in Gallery after the service.

JANUARY 21, 2018

Scripture for today: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Mk. 1:14-20 Lectionary readings for today: Jon. 3:1-5, 10; Ps. 62:5-12; 1 Cor. 7:29-31; Mk. 1:14-20 Lectionary readings for next week: Deut. 18:15-20; Ps. 111; 1 Cor. 8:1-13; Mk. 1:21-28

Anthem note: This morning’s anthem is the signature piece of the St. Olaf Choir. The tune for “Beautiful Savior” was originally a Silesian folk tune (Silesia is a region of Europe located mostly in Poland). F. Melius Christiansen arranged the anthem which was later revised by his son Olaf. F. Melius Christiansen was the founding director of the St. Olaf Choir which he conducted from 1912 to 1944. Olaf Christiansen succeeded his father as director of the choir. The text used in the anthem speaks of the beauty of the savior compared to the beauty of creation.


Greeters: 9:00am Tom & Sally Swihart 11:00am Lucy Clarke, Eric Evans, Vaun Smith, Sherrie Steiner Ushers: 9:00am Tom Swihart 11:00am Dave Beer, Wendell Cree, Dick Florea, Ron Gumbert, Deb Ward Liturgists: 9:00am Sally Swihart; 11:00am Ron Kohart Organists: 9:00am Kathryn A. Miller; 11:00am Dr. Chelsea Vaught Chancel Choir Accompanist: 11:00am Kathryn A. Miller Chancel Choir Members: 11:00am (soprano) Christa Cook, Mary Cree, Susan Dorion, Joan Jackson, Antoinette Lee, Gretchen Lee, Patricia Pierce, Marianne Platt, Sandy Shearer; (alto) Nancy Archer, Jane Beer, Virginia Coats, Mary Jane Ormerod, Fran Page, Marj Sapp, Jill Therrien, Mary Winters; (tenor) Kathie Bishop, Scott McMeen, Robin Memmer; (bass) David Beer, Jim Mergenthal, Dan Michnay, Kip Ormerod

The Chancel Flowers are given in memory of Gertrude and Robert Keegan and Margaret Ann Keegan by the Silliman family.

Hospital Visitation: Please contact the Church Office, 426-7421.

Let Us Rejoice With You: to share a landmark anniversary or birthday with the church, please contact Cindy Larson, 426-7421 x112 or clarson@firstpres-fw.org two weeks before the event.

Welcome Baby Ministry We are excited to provide new families with meals, support and small gifts from the church. If you are pregnant or adopting, please contact Cindi Odle, 317-523-5985, or cindiodle@yahoo.com.


Myrna LuAnne Burgoyne August 9, 1936-January 12, 2018

A member of First Presbyterian Church for 36 years.

Today is Bucket Sunday. All coins collected go to sponsor Njorge Peterson through World Vision and local food banks. Today we will serve the Rescue Mission meal and collect food for Hunger Relief. Thank you to all who donated.

The Gallery will host a Congregational Reception from 12:15 to 1:30pm for its newest show, Wanderings, Musings and Stories from Our Trails, featuring the work of husband and wife team Jeremy and Erin Patton McFarren.

High School Youth Fellowship meets Sunday from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Dinner is $5 per person. Questions? Contact Rev. Lane 426-7421, ext. 150.

T.O.W.N will not meet in January. It will resume in February.

Everyone a Neighbor Day is Thursday, January 25, from 10:30am to 3:00pm. The church hosts neighbors — some of whom are homeless — for games, food, clothing assistance and blood pressure screening in McKay Hall.

It may be too cold, wet, icy or muddy for any outside activity, but don’t let that derail your fitness efforts. Smock Senior Ministries’ 3B (Body-Brain-Belief) class is geared toward flexibility, balance and muscle strengthening. The class meets Monday and Wednesday at 1:30pm in McKay Hall. Come early and join the walking club, which meets from 1:00 to 1:25pm and walks inside the church.

The 2018 per capita amount is $39.05 per confirmed First Presbyterian Church member. A per capita envelope is included in your offering envelope box. You also may use a pew envelope and mark “2018 per capita” on it. Questions? Contact Michelle Adams, 426-7421, Ext. 116.




The Earth Care Ministry has compiled a list of quotations, poetry and prayers to remind us all of our relationship to this glorious planet Earth on which we live. We will be printing one each week. Here’s the first one:

Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round and pluck blackberries. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

For Children,* Youth, and Adults

Join us for a fun night of Treasure Hunting, Food, Fellowship, and lots of fun!

Teams can be families, adults, high schoolers, middle schoolers, or a mix. Who will be the fastest?

There will be several hunts for different abilities and ages.

Dinner is at 5:30pm and Treasure Hunt begins at 5:50pm.

*Children 5th grade and under must be accompanied by parent or responsible adult.

Festival Sponsored by Children, Youth, and Family Ministry and the Day School

Questions: Talk to Pastor Bill Lane or Jennifer Rannells at 260-426-7421.


First Presbyterian Church

Wednesday, February 7, 2018



CHILD CARE: 8:45am - 12:15pm — Kindergarten and under, Room 210 CHURCH SCHOOL: 10:00am — K - 2nd Grade, Room 210; 3rd - 5th Grade, Room 208; 6th - 12th Grade, Room 209; Adults, Parlor & 3rd Floor

(Wired Word and The Bible Speaks, respectively)

OPTIONAL CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES: 11:15am — (After the “Time With Young Disciples”) Kindergarten and under, Room 210; 1st - 5th Grade, Room 208

Nominees sought for

Church and Society Distinguished Service Award in Memory of Elaine I. Wareham

Every year we give a service award to a volunteer layperson who best represents Christian leadership and service, both in the church and community. The award is given in memory of Elaine Wareham, who, by her example, showed that Christian witness should extend beyond the local church and be a compelling force in one’s daily life. The winner must be a member of First Presbyterian Church of Fort Wayne, and must not have won this award previously. A list of past winners is on the nomination form. Nomination forms should include details on the nominee’s participation in First Presbyterian Church, such as serving on Session or being a Deacon, involvement with Committees, participation in Religious Arts ministries, etc. The nomination form also should detail the nominee’s other volunteer efforts outside the church, such as volunteering for a nonprofit or helping children, or any activities that serve to meet the needs of our society. Nomination forms can be picked up in the Church Office beginning today. They must be returned to the Church Office by February 11. The winner will be announced at the Annual Meeting on March 18.

Wanderings, Musings and Stories from our Trails, featuring the art of local couple Jeremy and Erin Patton McFarren, is the title of our newest show of the season. Jeremy writes stories and draws pictures,

creating graphic short stories and novels. Erin creates collages and assemblages using found materials. The Congregational Reception is today, from 12:15pm to 1:30pm. Gallery hours are from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday and Sundays from 9:30am to 1:00pm.

Coming back by popular demand, Pizza, Pipes and Piano will be Monday, February 26. The Pizza Party in McKay Hall starts at 5:30pm, followed by the concert at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.

This family friendly organ and piano concert features our Director of Music, Dr. Chelsea Vaught, and will be narrated by Dotty Miller. Come and enjoy some new twists on familiar tunes such as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” “Chopsticks” and “Happy Birthday.”

Next up in the Theater: William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, opening March 1.

Auditions for The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and the Count Leo Tolstoy: Discord will be Sunday, February 11 at 1:00pm in the Theater. It will be directed by Chance Parker. For information on what to prepare, email thofrichter@firstpres-fw.org. Stratford 2018 dates and shows are set. Brochures are in the literature rack next to the Church Office. Contact: Thom Hofrichter at 426-7421, Ext. 103. Another Theater tour is being planned to the Ohio Light Opera in Wooster, Ohio, August 2-3. We will be seeing the musical The Pajama Game and Candide, Leonard Bernstein’s 1956 comic operetta that is based on the classic 1759 satire of Voltaire.



Rev. Laura Sherwood, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff lsherwood@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 107 Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, Korean Group Associate Pastor ysan@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 105 Rev. Bill Lane, Assoc. Pastor for Children, Youth & Families BLane@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 150 Rev. Ann Pitman, Parish Associate for Pastoral Care apitman@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 106 Michelle Adams, Financial Manager madams@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 116 Norma Christon, PT Administrative Assistant nchriston@firstpres-fw.org or Ext 120 Jo Furr, Financial Assistant jfurr@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 111 Danielle Gonzalez, Office Administrator dgonzalez@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 102 Beth Grueb, Administrative Associate bgrueb@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 101 Rev. Bill Haworth, Ex. Dir., Smock Sr. Adult Ministries smockoffice@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 131

Thom Hofrichter, Managing Artistic Director thofrichter@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 103 Cindy Larson, Communication Manager clarson@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 112 Mary Lynn McIntyre, Smock Administrative Secretary smock@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 132 Kathryn A. Miller, Assistant Organist kmiller@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 137 Bill Patterson, Property Manager bpatterson@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 144 Jennifer Rannells, Director of Day School Ministry jrannells@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 108 Rae Surface, Theater Technical Director rsurface@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 130 Shannon Timmons, Facility and Event Coordinator stimmons@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 104 Dr. Chelsea Vaught, Director of Music cvaught@firstpres-fw.org or Ext. 137

Many staff members are also church members. If you speak to one of them regarding a business item on Sunday, please follow up with a phone call or e-mail reminder the following week, or leave a written note in the Church Office. Thank you.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 300 West Wayne Street † Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802

Contact us by phone at 260-426-7421 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm M-F;

8:30am - 12:30pm Sunday

Our clergy are available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office.

FIRST PRES BOOK & GIFT SHOP: 260-426-7421 x110

Book & Gift Shop hours: Thursday 11:00am—1:30pm &

Sunday 10:30 - 11:00am and 12:00 - 12:30pm


Wanderings, Musings & Stories from our Trails January 19 — February 25


March 1-17

FIRST MUSIC Pizza, Pipes and Piano

February 26

Visit our website: www. firstpresfortwayne.org Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/firstpresfortwayne

MISSION CO-WORKERS SPONSORED: Mr. Mark Hare and Ms. Jenny Bent, Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers in the Middle East Rev. John McCall, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan

Rev. Leonel Pech, Amistad Cristiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana


SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 9:00am English Worship, CH 9:15am Session Executive Committee, SR 10:00am Chancel Choir Warm-up, SC Church School, for all ages Korean Group Choir rehearsal, 201 10:15am Officer Nominating Committee, SR 10:30am Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS 11:00am English Worship, SC Korean Group Worship, CH Korean Group Sunday Class, 200 11:20am Children’s Activity, 208 12:00pm Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS Korean Group Fellowship, FH 12:15pm Congregational Reception in Gallery, GL 1:30pm Korean Group Choir Rehearsal, 201 4:15pm Rescue Mission Meal, OS 6:00pm High School Youth Fellowship, 209/212 7:00pm Hamlet rehearsal, 302

MONDAY, JANUARY 22 9:30am Day School Chapel, CH 1:00pm Smock Walkers, SC 1:30pm Winter 3B, MH 3:00pm Study Connection, MH 5:30pm Pastor Nominating Committee, SR Children, Youth & Family meeting, PR 7:00pm Hamlet rehearsal, 302 Amistad, 304

TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 Prayer Day: John McCall, Mission in Taiwan

10:00am Staff Meeting, SR 11:00am Staff Worship Planning, SR 4:00pm Building and Grounds Committee, SR 5:30pm Worship Committee, SR 7:00pm Hamlet rehearsal, 302

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 Prayer Day: Presbyterian workers in the Middle East

10:00am Table Talk I, SR 1:00pm Women’s Bible Study, 302

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 cont. 1:00pm Smock Walkers, SC 1:30pm Winter 3B, MH 2:30pm Table Talk 2, 300 Congregational Life Mission Team, 304 7:00pm Hamlet rehearsal, 302

THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 Prayer Day: Mark Hare & Jenny Bent, Mission for Haiti

10:30am Everyone a Neighbor Day, MH 11:00am Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS 2:00pm Men’s Bible Study, 303 5:00pm FPC Foundation Meeting, SR 7:00pm Hamlet Rehearsal, 302 Chancel Choir Rehearsal, MR

FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 9:00am Chancel Guild, SC

SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 9:00am Winterval Freeze Frame Car Show, MH

SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 9:00am English Worship, CH 9:15am Session Executive Committee, SR 10:00am Chancel Choir Warm-up, SC Church School, for all ages Korean Group Choir rehearsal, 201 10:15am Officer Nominating Committee, SR 10:30am Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS 11:00am English Worship, SC Korean Group Worship, CH Korean Group Sunday Class, 200 11:20am Children’s Activity, 208 12:00pm Book & Gift Shop Open, BGS Korean Group Fellowship, FH Hospitality Time, MH Earth Care Committee, SDR 12:15pm FPC Strategic Planning, SR

1:30pm Korean Group Choir Rehearsal, 201 6:00pm High School Youth Fellowship, 209/212

BGS - Book & Gift Shop CH - Chapel CL - Chapel Lounge CO - Counseling Office CY - Courtyard FH - Fellowship Hall FO - Front Office

GL - Gallery K2 - Kitchen, 2nd floor LB - Library LE - Lobby Elevator LK- Lower-level Kitchen LN - Lobby North CH - McMillen Chapel

MF - McKay Foyer MH - McKay Hall MK - Main Kitchen MR - Music Room NX- Narthex, SC OS - Offsite PG - Playground

PO - Pastor’s Office PR - Parlor SB - Sanctuary Balcony SC - Sanctuary SDR - Small Dining Room SMO - Stephen Ministry Office SR - Session Room

TH - Theater YL - Youth Lounge (209, 212)
