January 2020 DELHI GAZETTE - peopleCare.ca...The detective novel still holds immense appeal. The...


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You can donate online as well!

Visit our Team Page at http://www.alzgiving.ca/goto/DelhiLTC

Keep an eye on the thermometer on the

bulletin board to see how much we have raised!

DELHI GAZETTE Delhi Long Term Care Centre * 750 Gibraltar Street * 519-582-3400

January 2020

Celebrating January

Undecking the Halls

Jan 2nd and Jan 3rd

Church Service with Pastor


Wednesday, Jan 8th 2:00pm

Catholic Mass

Thursday January 9th 2:00pm

Music with the Jammers

Monday January 13th 2:00pm

Pub Night with Archie

Tuesday, Jan 14th at 6:30pm

Resident Council

Thursday, Jan 16th at 10:00am

Birthday Party with Pat Murray

Thursday, Jan 23rd at 2:00 pm

Happy Hour with Ken


Monday, Jan 27th at 6:30pm

Walk for Alzheimer’s Outing

Thursday January 30th at 10:00

Wear Blue for Alzheimer’s

Thursday, January 30th

January 2020

Welcome Home Katherine S., Bruce K., Bruce F

Happy Birthday to

All those born in January Resident Name Date

Angela C. Jan 26th

Fay L. Jan 28th

January Birthdays

In astrology, those born between January 1–19 are

Capricorn’s Goats. Goats are focused on lofty goals;

these hardworking and determined souls will prevail

with grit and resilience. Those born between

January 20–31 are Water Bearers of Aquarius.

Water Bearers are deep-thinking intellectuals,

unafraid of exploring outlandish ideas. Their strong

sense of community makes them good friends and

valuable team members

Thank you to everyone who attended our Family

Christmas open house!

Staff and Resident News We say goodbye to Nera Sinnaeve who has moved away to be closer to family and friends. We will miss seeing her in our home. Our New Social Worker has started and will be here on Thursday’s to provide Services to our Home. Her name is Andrea. Please let Stacey know if you would like to see her

Resident’s Council

Next Meeting will be held on Thursday,

Janaury 16th @ 10:00am. All Residents are

welcome to attend.

Resident’s Bill of Rights:

#2 – No Abuse

Every Resident has the right to be protected

from abuse.

In Memory Of

Elza Bolle

Frank Pyneart

Our deepest thoughts and sympathies go

out to the family and friends

"He spoke well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.”

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Message from the Executive Director

Happy New Year to all residents and family members! It is hard to believe that a new decade is starting but I am excited for 2020. We will continue to build off the success of 2019 and continue to work to improve all of our services that we offer our residents. I would like to thank all of the family members who brought in snacks and treats over the holidays. The generosity and kindness that we feel as team members is overwhelming and words cannot express how much we all appreciate your thoughts and gestures. As many of you know, we are in the process of recruiting a new Executive Director and Director of Care. We are optimistic that we will have both positions filled shortly and we will be sure to let everyone know when our new team members join the Delhi family. As we are starting a new year, I would like to remind all family members about our annual satisfaction survey. We are committed to providing the best possible care to your loved one, and to continuously improving the quality of our care and services. No matter how well we are doing, we feel we can always do better. This annual survey is completely confidential and the feedback you provide helps inform how we can improve. Results are shared with our Family and Resident Council, compiled quarterly and reviewed in-depth annually to support the development of our Home’s Quality Improvement and Operational plans. We did not receive a lot of surveys back in 2019 and are hoping to do better. At each care conference you can choose to fill out the survey on a tablet, we can email you the link provided that you have an email, or we can give you a paper copy that you can fill out and hand back in. We are hoping to improve on our return results so we have more data to evaluate and build more effective plans for improvement. Thank you in advance!

Until next month, Jeremy Zinger Sr. Executive Director

News and Notes

Walk for Alzheimer’s Outing Sign up Required

On Thursday, January 30th we will be taking a bus trip to the Simcoe Auditorium to take part in this year’s Walk for Alzheimer’s. We will be walking to fundraise in support of people living with dementia. All funds raised will be used to

support local programs and services in Haldimand- Norfolk. Our Home, Delhi LTC, has

a team fundraising webpage where you can make donations to support the group who is


http://www.alzgiving.ca/goto/DelhiLTC You can also donate in person to Stacey in the

Recreation Office. Family and Friends are welcome to join our team in the walk! Please let Stacey know if you are able to attend this

event, the more the merrier!

Wear Blue for Alzheimer’s Awareness

Join us on January 30th and wear blue to

support Alzheimer’s Awareness. Throughout the month, you will find facts about Alzheimer’s around the home. Take time to read these and stay informed about the disease that affects us


Chinese Lunch Sign up Required

On Friday, January 24th we will be ordering in Chinese food for lunch- Please sign

up with Recreation Staff, spaces are limited. Help us celebrate the start of the Chinese New

year and the year of the Rat.

Check us out, and like us on Facebook by typing

in “peopleCare Communities” https://www.facebook.com/PeopleCareCommunities/

Visit www.peoplecare.ca to

download our latest program calendars and newsletters, and to

learn what’s new at peopleCare



Congratulations to our October Draw Winners!

Name of Giver: Alex B.

Name of Receiver: Lori P.

They have received a $25 gift card for displaying the peopleCare Values!

Thank you for all you do!

Thank you!

Thank you to all of our family, friends and staff

who donated items to our Angel Tree this year.

We received more donations than we could

have imagined! What a great community we

live in. The Sharing Pantry was very happy to

receive all of these donations!

peopleCare Is here for you!

peopleCare recognizes that we cannot thrive without the hard work and dedication our employees make every day in all our

Homes. Please remember all of the programs that peopleCare has to assist you in your personal lives, educational

pursuits and employee recognition! If you are unfamiliar with any of the following,

please speak to your manager:

Employee Assistance Program

Education Assistance Program

HEARTbeats Rewards and Recognition Program

Disaster Relief Fun

Living the peopleCare Values

EXCELLENCE Exceed Expectations

Do you do your best work, each

and every day?

Strive to be better than the rest

Congratulations goes out to all of our 2019 Value Award Winner and Years of Service

Recipients. Thank you for your commitment, kindness, and care that you show towards

our residents and home.

Years of Service 2 years Larissa Stairs-PSW Peter Sudds-Maintenance Elissa Schram-RN Sarah Ferreira-RPN Tina Propper-Dietary Sarah McKay-housekeeping Lori Pedley-PSW

Annie Driedger-Housekeeping Selina Garganis- RPN Dana Bridgewater-PSW 5 Years Tanya Burtch-PSW Peggy Vangastel-Dietary Gennifer Prado-Whitehead-RN Naveen Thuppathy -RN Nayana Jacob-RPN

Melissa Coucke-PSW Bev Gaspar-RN 10 years Kim A Goris-PSW Kelsey Steinhoff-PSW Pam Buckle-PSW 25 years Leticia Peters-Daigle-PSW

We recognized our 2019 Value Award Winner Elissa who received an award of Excellence!

Elissa has been awarded a value award for living our organizational values in the work place! This is a peer driven award to reward employees of their commitment, dedication and hard work! Congratulations!

Why I Love to Read? Written by

Michael Davison

“Why do you always have your nose stuck in a

book?” She asked.

“I don’t. I read the Hamilton Spectator cover to

cover.” Even I know a ignorant answer when I

issue one. I do it because I’m an information

junkie and I appreciate good entertainment.

For me, reading is also a bit of a creation story.

My mother never met a book she didn’t want to

read and my father avidly consumed


With the mind of a pre-pre schooler, I reached

this conclusion:My parents are grown-ups and

they read. For more reasons than I have fingers

for couting, I want to be grown-up so I have to

teach myself to read. But how?

Solution found. At our Caledonia home the

bakyard ran to a fence beyond which was the

railway track. The box cars were covered in

letters which I knew combined to make words.

Upon intense study I discovered my first word-

“No.” I could read!

I accept the normal division into non-fiction and

fiction. Ever have to build a staircase or hang a

french door when your go to advisor is

unavailable or tired of working for free? Been

There. That’s probably why they invented the

how-to book. If you have a problm the odds are

high the solution is waiting for you on a book


For an extended period of years, I had an

interest in Napoleonic-era military organization.

Books, of course but there were even magazines

featuring this seemingly obsure subject.

Sometimes, you can learn more from a single

sentence than an entire book- Bonus time;

George Santayana is famous for, “ Those who

do not remember the past are condemned to

repeat it.” This gem does not just apply to major

nations or big shots. It comes to my mind

whenenver I manage to lose an argument.

These days I’m reading more fiction than usual.

One of my favourtie varities is a tad rare- “ What

if History” –An example would be a book based

on the notion that the south won the American

Civil War. The story could take place in 1914 or

2020. It could be a love story or a political

murder mystery set against a world war of

seemingly the most unlikely coalition partners.

Authors play with this genre as they play with

science fiction.

Conversely, I like historical fiction. At the moment

of writing, I am well into Andrew Taylor’s, “ The

Scent of Death.” It starts in 1778 New York City

which is still in British hands. A murder

investigation in Lower Manhattan where I spend

a fair bit of time in the late 1970’s. Magic.

The detective novel still holds immense appeal.

The hard-boiled American private eye is

originally made for respectable reading by

Raymond Chandler. He is always worth another

read. I had the opportunity to meet Robert B.

Parker whose central character Spenser appears

in perhapns twenty novels populated by a stellar

regular and one-off cast of characters in Boston.

Spenser is a tough guy who is literate and wise-


This is from Memory: “ Young man, I demand to

speak to your superior!”

(Spenser) “Ma’am, that’s not possible.”

“Why not?”

“Well, I’m not even sure I have an equal.”

Zing! Books full of zing by a single author.

If you think this column is about permitting myself

a trip down memory lane, you’re not quite right. I

want you to remember the joy of reading or

develop it as a pastime of your own. Imagine

reading in the back garden when the warm

weather returns. I know your first objection…”But

I am already using every flat inch of space for

this and that…

But it is easy to borrow books here. There is a

limited selection on the shelves to the right of the

TV in the North Lounge. And, Did you know that

you can borrow books from the Norfolk County

Public Library, and they are delivered to DLTCH-

for free! Talk to Stacey Farquhar, the director of

programs in the office just south of the nurses

station. Stacey will introduce you to a fantastic

volunteer named Mary. My good pal Mary will

arrange a library card, advise you on books you

might enjoy, arrange extensions and see to


Ready, Set, Read!
