January 2018 The · PDF file... Becoming Fully Committed Followers of Jesus Christ ... some of...


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Pastor Dr. Jim Ewing Music Leader Danny Granstaff Children’s Ministry Director Janet Dietsch Youth Leaders Lance & Trena Gregory Ministry Assistant Jan Moore Church Organist/Pianist Vicki Madison Custodians Marshall & Gail Agent

The Challenge Our Mission: Encounter … Grow … Serve … Share

Our Vision: Becoming Fully Committed Followers of Jesus Christ … making a Kingdom Impact on Calvert City

Sunday Schedule Wednesday Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting 10:15 am Worship Service Youth Ministry

5:30 pm AWANA J.U.M.P. (K-5th Grade)

First Baptist Church

PO Box 366

Calvert City KY 42029-0366


Return Service Requested

January 2018

Prayer Concerns for Our Church Family Prayer Concerns for Friends & Loved Ones Letha Sickling – undergoing chemo treatments Oral Sickling – recovering from heart valve replacement Ron Lappin – at home recovering from foot surgery Pam Cornwell – recovering from knee surgery Lowell O’Daniel – recovering from earlier fall

Homebound Linda Terry Carolyn Burt

John Kerr (Ray Tucker’s half-brother) – stage 4 lung cancer, Lindsay & Patrick (Ashley Lanier’s sister) – babies born premature; Kosairs Hospital for care Keith Shelton (wife Caroline) – health issues Pam Truitt (Troy’s daughter-in-law) – diagnosed with breast cancer Joyce Hearell – fell, broken hip, at Baptist Health Lynn Jones (CC Mayor) – complications from flu shot, difficulty walking

Convalescent Centers/Assisted Living

Rivers Capps - living with daughter’s family in Benton

Polly Norwine - Stilley House, room 418

Military Members Corey Joiner Ben Sewell Stephen Ewing

Gail Agent (FBC Custodian) – knee surgery Jan 9, 2018

Justin & Katie Wylie (Jan Moore’s daughter & son-in-

law) – boys Ben & Jack born premature Caleb Riley (Larry & Doris Coursey’s grandson) – 2nd

degree burns on his face, recovering at home Richard O’Bryan (Phyllis O’Bryan’s son) – heart surgery

Dec 27th



Budget Needs Monthly $ 21,285

Budget Receipts (thru Dec 18) $ 17,637 Activities Bldg. Total $ 26,210 YTD Budget Needs $ 234,135 Sign Fund Total $ 13,249

YTD Budget Receipts (thru Nov 25th) $ 230,487

Children’s Ministry: Janet Dietsch

Ring in the New Year! 2018- I can’t believe how fast we went

through 2017. I blinked and it was over, but I did see some

children growing in their knowledge, understanding, and faith

in God. It has been amazing! I have also seen our volunteers

who work with children grow too. I hope it keeps growing

because we can always use more and give the ones who are

always there a break. When we all share the load, it isn’t quite

as heavy. Thank you to all the people who helped with the

children’s programs this year. I truly appreciate it.

Very proud of our AWANA children and leaders. They turned

in $578.73 to Lottie Moon. They have brought in their

pennies, dimes, quarters, and dollars for foreign missions.

This coming year will also be a busy one. AWANA will

resume on Jan. 7th and JUMP on Jan. 3rd. We stay very busy

with both of these programs.

I want to thank all of you and especially the AWANA leaders

for all the support and encouragement given this past year. It

has meant more than you know.


Children in Christ

Janet Dietsch

Happy Anniversary Jan 3rd Darlene & Parvin Latta

Youth Ministry: Lance & Trena Gregory

December has been a great busy month for the youth and

school is out for a couple of weeks!!!

The Christmas Parade was a lot of fun handing out candy and

getting to ride on the float. I didn’t know if our busy youth

was going to be able to help out but they pulled through once


We just did a lesson on “Making Room.” Is there room in your

heart for Jesus? Do we need to move some things out of our

hearts to make room for Jesus?

Also, we had our Christmas celebration dinner with food,

games and gifts and even had some of our college kids joining

us this month.

We will be heading out for “Winter Extreme”, Gatlinburg, TN

December 29th – 31st where we’ll be attending worship

services, seminars, and hearing some of our favorite praise

bands. I’m hearing the weather is getting ready to drop so

pray we can keep warm while we are gone. It gets cold

standing in those long lines to get into the convention center

but it is well worth the wait!

Thanks for prayers and support so we can stay busy in all the

right ways.

Together in Christ, Lance and Trena Gregory

Happy Birthhday Jan. 2nd Trena Gregory Jan. 11th James Ewing Jan. 17th Janie Pagel Jan. 23rd Carolyn Burt Jan. 24th Michelle Ramsey

From Your Pastor: Jim Ewing

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2018 ... WOW! I remember

wondering what the year 2000 would bring when I was a little

boy ... and now that was 18 years ago! Still no flying cars but

the new cell phones are pretty neat!

Covenant Renewal Service - As we begin this new year I

want to remind you about our annual Covenant Renewal

Service. This year it will be on Sunday morning, January

7th. Just as we made a commitment to the Lord as we chose

to become a part of His Universal Church ... we make a

similar commitment to each other as members of this local

church. If you’re not familiar with our Church Covenant, you

can read it on our website at www.calvertfbc.org and then

CLICK on the New to FBC tab and scroll down. At the Jan 7th

service you will all receive a personal copy of the covenant ...

and I urge you to keep a copy in your bible as a regular

reminder of our promises to each other.

2018 Church Budget - In this copy of the Challenge you’ll

also find our approved 2018 Plan of Outreach and Ministry

... better known as our budget for the coming year. It’s based

on our desire to expand the effectiveness of our ministry

efforts both within the body, into the community, and even

around the world. I want to ask you to prayerfully consider

making a renewed commitment to faithful giving. As the

apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians

9:8 – “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so

that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have

an abundance for every good deed.” In other words, God

blesses generosity with prosperity so generosity can grow!

Financial Peace University – The class starts again on

Tuesday, January 9 at 5:30 pm, led by our own Les Evans.

You’ve no doubt heard about how this ministry has helped

countless people deal with both debt and wise financial

planning. The average participant pays off $5300 and saved

$2300 in the first 90 days. You can find out more about the

class by CLICKING on the link on our website home page.

The first class is free!

Lifeline Stroke Clinic - We’re hosting the clinic again this

year on Tuesday, January 9th. The details are in the pink

sheet attached to this letter. Just call the number on the flyer

to make your appointment.

Great Reading Opportunities – As you begin this new year,

let me encourage you to consider reading some of the great

books out there designed to inform and encourage your faith.

On the Teaching Page of our website, there is a small icon that

is labeled “Continuing the Journey.” CLICK on that icon and

you’ll find a long list of tremendous books that I can

personally recommend. All of these books can be found either

in the local Christian bookstores or on websites like Christian

Book Distributors, Overstock.com, or Amazon. In many cases

you can purchase a used copy at a significantly lower price

than a new one. As the great author Mark Twain said: “The

man who does not read good books has no advantage over the

man who can’t read them.”

As, as we begin this New Year I want to encourage you to

make a renewed commitment to your personal engagement

with the Word of God. As the 2 Timothy 3:16-17 remind us,

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,

for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so

that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every

good work.” God’s Word changes our hearts and points us in

the direction of peace, security, and joy. You will find a copy

of our Bible Reading Plan on our website, under the Teaching

Tab ... then click on Bible Reading plan to download a

personal copy.

Thank you, once again, for the privilege and joy of walking

through these days with you. Despite the challenges we face

in our world, we’re living in a great time to be a Christian.

May we be faithful followers so that we might see God to a

great work in us and through us!.

Together in Him

Bro Jim

Music Ministry: Danny Granstaff

BAM! The Season many look forward to is upon us! What

happened? One day we are in full swing of good ol’ Summer

time, and the next thing we know, we turn around and

Christmas is staring us in the face. For some, as the song goes,

this may be “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”. They

look forward to being with family, sharing a big meal around

the table, receiving and giving gifts, celebrating in all the

festivities that go along with the season and perhaps travel

back to that part of the country of their childhood memories,

to relive that special feeling and moment in time where things

were simpler.

For others, they are just as content to pass up the entire season

and go into hibernation until spring, perhaps because this

“Special Time” is – well - not so very special due to

heartbreak, loss, unresolved conflict with a family member,

lack of finances, or even homelessness and the list can go on

and on. Whichever way you choose to celebrate or not

celebrate, no one can pinpoint with precision, the exact reason

anyone does what one does during this time. It’s therefore a

time to be sensitive to those around us, not only during this

time, but also throughout the year.

One thing in which we can be certain however is this: Jesus

came to this earth to redeem fallen humanity. Humans which

show joy, humans that grieve because of loss, humans that are

uncomfortable in all social aspects of life, humans who are

hurting deeply, humans who are “on top of the world”

thinking they have it all together, and humans in the lowest of


Wherever you may be and however you choose to celebrate

this season, know this:

“There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son.

Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One.”

Keith Green


KIDS TOWN WORSHIP Marcells’s Drivers COUNTERS January


Sam & Jo Beth


Jan Jill Pagel Tue Jan 2: Sam Jones Fri Jan 5: Nancy Whitler Jan 2: Becky Tynes

Feb Jennifer Burnham Tue Jan 9: Dale Smith Fri Jan 12: Nancy Whitler Jan 8: Kathryn Goheen

Tue Jan 16: Jerry Devine Fri Jan 19: Jerry Devine Jan 16: Betty Thompson

Tue Jan 23: Ray Tucker Fri Jan 26: Nancy Whitler Jan 22: Mildred Oliver Tue Jan 30: David Madison Jan 29: Nigel Broyles


JANUARY 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Happy New


Church Office Closed

2 3 School Starts

Prayer Mtg Youth Mtg

JUMP 6:00 pm

4 5 6


Awana Resumes 5:30 to 7:00 pm

8 9

Lifeline Stroke Clinic

Financial Peace University Begins

5:30 pm


Prayer Mtg Youth Mtg

JUMP 6:00 pm

11 12


14 Deacons Mtg

Awana 5:30

15 Martin Luther

King Day

No School Banks Closed


Financial Peace University

5:30 pm


Members Mtg Youth Mtg

JUMP 6:00 pm

18 19 20


Awana 5:30

22 23

Financial Peace University

5:30 pm


Prayer Mtg Youth Mtg

JUMP 6:00 pm

25 26 27


Awana 5:30



Financial Peace


5:30 pm


Prayer Mtg Youth Mtg

JUMP 6:00 pm

Come Play Pickleball!

Tuesday, Thursday, and

Saturday mornings 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. in the gym. Contact Kathy Poague or Darlene Latta

for more information.


Jan 7 : Tricia Greer & Hadley Pagel Phil Broyles Jo Beth Jones & Nancy Whitler Lance Gregory 270-703-4881

Jan 14: The Burnhams & Anna Hodge Gerry Poague Adam Morton & Oral Sickling Andrew Pagel 270-210-7589

Jan 21: Trena & Kourtney Gregory Adam Morton Nigel Broyles & Doris Coursey Ray Tucker 270-556-5115

Jan 28: Sandra Sewell & Cheryl Ewing Les Evans Les Evans & Dale Smith Aaron Smith 270-395-4204
