January 1997



Jan. 1997 issue

Citation preview

1, Public Forum - p. 2

"Let Heaven and - Nature Sing" - p. 7

"A journey is a person in itseg no two are alike. 9 9

- John Steinbeck 1

Access Press Volume 8, Number 1


Priorities for the New Session

The 1997 Legislative Session and; 6) dispute resolution. For proposals and provide input opened on January 7th. As a copy of the MN CCD Core from the consumer's point of usual, many disability-relat- Principles, call Tom Brick at view. ed issues will be decided In The Minnesota State Council the areas of health care, hu- on Disability (296-3478) or DHS will introduce legisla- man services, transportation, Bob Brick at Arc Minnesota tion to ~mplement a demon-

stration project to create al- ternative managed care orga-

The disability community nizations in whichservicesfor

;-Comprehensive Health

. f@&@WX .

Hennepin Parks has

s u is &- -si&mce Managed Care for regarding the Prepaid M d i -

ordinration; 3) weeas; 43 tion.*of W i Caunfk I swiwingfd conenamw in- ma2 have additiond prqm-

.-. ~vdvemmt; 5) choke in &i- d;. l l e ~ l i ~ communi- tvidlial Wth c m W s h , ty m& k"&p of these - Grit. on g, 3

take hi mr unusual perfor- .

This is a rare opportunity to talk with rt number of news . Are you concerned with the direction outlet qmmentatives at once. We encourage you to attend

Educational technical assistance Do we need more consumer protection Consultation an right4 provided in our health car system?

Education Resource Referral * Education program development

and legislative watch.


care; Continuity of care; Disclosure of finan- at (612) 874-4288, or 1-800-582-5296 ext. ,

ACCESS PRESS cia1 incentives to providers; whistle blow& 288. Co-Foundcr/Publisher (1990-1M) ................. ... ............... ..... ......................... Wm. A. Smith, Jr. Fectionh gag clausas; Consumer adGO- Editor/Publisher/Co-Founder ....................................................................... Charles ESmith cate .program; Indepen ce appeal Presented by Health Care Consumer Protec- Cartoonist ............................................................................................................. Scott Adams process. tion alliance, a coalition of consumer and, Production .....,..........,.. ,., .............. .. ... , .......................... Presentation Images, El'len Hougbten provider organizations. Staff Writers & Editorial Assistants , .......... .. ......... Bill Steiger, Dawn Deering & Jeff Nymard As our health -

. ACCESS PRESS is a monthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilkies b Access Press, Ltd. Circulation is 10,000, distributed the 10"' of each month through more than 120 L a t ~ o n s statewide. Approximately 650 copies are mailed directly to political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for SISlyr.

Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION

serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. . . % q j .% -- T.7.; ,* -?????%F3b --.a+. Y *.- -- _ . r

Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $1 1 to SIS/column inch, dependin*&*& 529-501 9 483-91 43 , . .

frequency. Classified ads are $7.00, plus 35 centstword over 20 words. . . . , ,

Advertising and editorial deadlines are the 30th of theinonth preceding publication; special scheduling . , , C ~ R E * Y W ~ L ASSIST*ME PROVIDW available for camemready art. . . . .

Access Press is available on tape. Call MN State Services for the Blind, 642-0500 or 800-652-9000. *. &INES 'INC. , ,

Inquiries should be directed to: ACCESS PRESS 1821 Univewity Ave. W. Suite 185N St. Paul, Minnesota 55 104 (612) 644-2133 Fax (612) 644-2136

Jankry %O, 1997 7 Access Press ,-

- * -- ,*% -. .-2 . >

ptimistic But Cautious A Powerful Union . . --. -,

by Ginny Thornburgh - % ?:

ewhat ourpriorities wilt be Thisisreally notthatnew ofan

few weeks ago, I read a St. etc. 1 Pioneer Press article on ility. I looked up the word After reading this article, I attempt.

abilities look for in a congre- present to the person. ship " Conferences. .

ularly used the sit ski last win- Thanks to the workout he re- According to McDowell, the ter while recovering from a ceived on the sit ski, Carlson ideaforthesit ski originated in cuts, designated parking plac-

broken ankle. "The sit ski is skied the 52 kilometer Norway by aman unwilling to es, improved lighting and

very enjoyable to use and is Birkebeiner cross-country ski give up cross-country skiing sound systems, large print,

good for upper body condi- racejust days aflerhis cast was after contracting polio as an Braille and taped materials as ASSISTED SUICIDE tioning," explained Carlson. removed.

poles and used them to propel preters - can also serve the

himself in a fiberglass sled. gg$ Midway Building Sit skis used today were con- are encouraged to reserve one 1 University Avenue W. ceived'hm this simple idea ahead of time by calling the and have evolved since the specific park where they in-

ite #330 So., St. Paul early to mid-1980's. tend to ski. For further

information, or for a list of As with any athletic activity, other adaptive recreation the ability to recognize one's equipment available at own skill level is the greatest Hennepin Parks, call 559- asset in learning to use the sit 9000. ski. Use of the sit ski requires ce will be limited so, to insure that there will be roo

balance, stamina and upper Though not available for rent, I1 the Access Press office at 644-2 133 befo

body strength, especially on there are sit skis designed for challenging terrain. Other ba- children as well. In conjunc- sic skill requirements for us- tion with outdoor education ing the sit ski include the abil- programs at Eastman Nature ity to get in and out of the sit Center, Hennepin Parks staff ski independently or with the utilizes a child's sit ski for assistance of a companion, the various interpretive programs. ability tomaintain balance and In addition, Hennepin Parks

For w h c ~ l t u m n working nrh mll groups or expum*ncd e d u a w n In rho cl.rrroam TWD for change o n i n proarms r h c a n b. wad r p n mi a p n by control speed while on the will facilitate a program this Available 24 hours per day popl* r l l d#Kanns Iharnmg rbilld*~ A pmlopawr, and acc-ulYe duonon prqnm lor y o h and adultr wtch C v 'opnunpl dl&lklar Took for Chanp Is

fl.mblo -8h for a 1. ran(. d I-img a b l d a Tmlr (or C h g o a n bo used m r . K - a d v c a q gmup m r . lub luhn hclld*r. In rmdandal semi<* programs. m d in du rhur0am-u a s q a n r m progrm pa 01 a Iargar curriculum

sistance of a companion. to ski using a variety of sit skis Awdak Oclokr 1.1996 by raUnf

1-800-64.11- . and sleds. For further infor-

Sit skis designed for adults are mation about sit skis for chil- Our Rehabilitative Services include: Physical/

T c T - available for rent at French dren, call 559-6755. Occupational/SpeechlRespiratory Therapies Regional Park, 559-889 1 ; PCA Provider Organization

Wwrntng Chmw T w l h s Hyland Lake Park Reserve, This article is based on infor- MAIWaiverlMedicare Certified

A C T s o n m p M ~ n g h u a p m a m ~ b l a d f o r 941-4362; and Baker Park mation from the Suburban

pmm, 4 *mad cnd .dla dsawla Pmccdr Imn T m h I b O l m l e ~ v p p o n c ) * ~ ~ P I m

Reserve, 473-4 1 14. Park vis- Hennepin RegionalPark Dis- itors wishing to rent a sit ski trict.

:- - 1 1- .

January 10,1997 5

Hello Nicole:. 3n Mental Illness m

Y liybecamespinalcot.dinjured. pendently, I suggest you start is that all ywhave;todo i s d l 1 The Americans with Disabil- law and the problems I have, Tessa has her own unique per- in one of yomcotumns by looking through bre Access them and they do dre work in ities Act (ADA) defines a ser-

Psm advertisers. Here you findingandqzmizingthedif- vice animal as one trained to canfUldsomeverygdsom- fepwkesanbeq&pment provide assistance to an indi- es far ramps9 aff-le vads you nee& vidual with a disabilit);. Dis-

possible, Ibolie\reyqbt and tnedical supply cornpa- abilities do not need to be ob- &!& ~nppiy cornpa- Fin&& fuaerncial k i p will be vious for a person to benefit

start. Do you k v f : any sug- nies will sell grab bars and thehdwk Xsifefkdwswwk from using a service animal. gesdons about how to flnd orber ~ipmmt. It's just zt to Mlp'5faa,&id a RXn- Service animals to mentally ramp,yyabbt~%ii&eapv~fl mattex of wdlihg am@ & to b@ -(if disabled persons are usually

let me state how Tessa actual- ly assists me. Basically, she helps me to be more responsi- ble. One of my disorders is behaviorallattitudinal. Which means I would just as soon tell someone off or antagonize a situation instead of dealirig with it productively. When

. . sonality, as do most animals. However, she seems to be very in tune with me. She seems to be able to sense my moods and act accordingly. One time I was sitting on the floor crying when Tessa came and sat on my lap and licked my tears until 1 stopped crying.' I never

41 the new things f S ~ l d h g a i ~ , ~ p % m y y ~ \ s ~ n e > i ~ ~ ~ a f o ~ ~ , there k called "emotional support Tessa is with me, 1 think twice asked her to come to me, she will ne&? It also St?ems: pt%S@& %kt. &pf%%dhfl, m t @k~\mih&ktob!ppe~. I dogs". Most public places, about what 1 say or do. Mostly just did. She even let me hud-

like we win haveto t'emadd o o n y ~ ~ t y p e o f * ~ ~ ~ ~ @&thekhMm* and often officers of -public this is because I will not let dle over her on the floor to hug Ow b h X & l ~ . Do yau sug- may be able to get some af m~~'actXssibb. Occasion- law enforcement, are not well anything happen to her. If I her during a normal play time. @st S#lXWW who & do these tbia$s wid for by gobg db3 h- receive versed in the Technical Manu- antagonize the police and they it? 1s that! some hdhgto I h r o a & ~ m e d i d ~ & ~ ~ m - pubkhelp,Woften the help a1 of the ADA (Section 1 1- arrest me for disorderly con- Only a couple of weeks ago, help us wc0mp6sb'oiff pany.. (3tbnvh,MCK(f%6- isonbe~~w-intwesthfmma 4.2300) which discusses ser- duct (which has happened), she earned her keep as a ser- ~b-2 83421 sells wed @quipmer)t, t h e ~ ~ e ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ t ; viceanimalsandaccessibility. they will put me in jail and vice dog. My emotional sup- - -

everything fFom wheelchairs may also be able to help ia Tessa in the pound. This is an port companion kept me from S i a h l y * and ramps to vans and beds. fiphg out if, based on yaw Being totally disabled (men- event she has never experi- committingsuicideontwosep chf%wh&ad<Mothet MCIL can also be used as a specificsi~ion,tliereis~~~le tally, not physically), I have enced, nor will she as long as I arate days. I was in one of the

g f W resource far all kinds of fimcfing you rtxeivc I'd chosen to incorporate a ser- have a choice in the matter. deepest depressed times I've Dear Overwhelmed, things - including refer&, work with Lifelim and MCIL vice animal into my life. Since had in a long time. All 1 want-

clmds, support groups and on thk om. . . mydisabilityisnotreadilydis- I made a commitment when I ed to do was to sit, sulk and Tlnank you fotaskhg! Ithfnk political issue$ dis- ' < . cemible to the lay public, I got Tessa to care for her and wish life was over. As I was it's great that you laeghgto atdedlifk-Isugg~geton I r e d h t h ~ a ~ % h U @ i w e ~ t - encounter many obstacles her needs. This translates into getting my affairs in order on elp your daughter adjust to their mailing list. ma% ofthnct, money aad ef- when my companion accom- making sure she has food, paper, Tessa cuddled in my er new life situation as fully f w b u t aside fitam@uing~n- panies me during daily activi- water, exercise and proper lap and kissed me as to say

possible. There are a cou- There isalsoa w ~ c o m - conditionat acceptance md ties. My companion, Tessa health care. Thing care of "Mommy, l love you and need ple of general suggestions I paoy called Lifeline Co& lov%*th$y areths most @IU%- (an eight pound Silky Terrier), these most basic needs is often you, Please don't leave me." I [kave for whm to start - om nt&g stmkes (771-1 1933, t a l ~ C W ~ # p capu & tohelp- I does not-look like she could enough to force me to get up She knew that this was a time

is house-broken, so if I don't leave me alone, she was con- want to get out ofbed to let her stantly on my lap kissing me.

access. Often, I encounter se- her responsible for making a where she was normally sleep

- - from the state", to "Only neitherwill she allow me to do favorite toy to throw for her.

Accessible Arts Performances I seeing-eye dogs are allowed". so. Mental - cont. on p. 8 It is difficult to deal with the ,

.The following is a list of per- Lune, Mpls. Hopkins. formances that are audio de- scribed and American Sign JustASL Interpreted February 16, Sunday, 2:00 1 .anguage (ASL) interpreted. January 8,1997, Wednesday, p.m., 'Sweet Freedom: The

8:00 p.m., "Sunset Boule- Harriet Tubman Story", ASL Interpreted and vard", Orpheum Theater, Stepping Stone Theater,

Audio Described M ~ l s . Weverhaeuser Auditoriumum St.


Accessible Space, Inc. (ASL) offers subsidized one and two bedroom apartments for individuals with physical disabilities. We have apart- ment buildings in a variety of locations in Twin Cities Metropolitan area plus'Mankato, St Cloud, Brainerd, Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Austin and Marshall. New apartment buildings are under construction in Willmar and Duluth.

Apartments are fully wheelchair accessible, and each has a central laundry room, large community room, secured entry, onsite caretaker.

AS1 also provides shared personal care services on a 24 hour basis at most locations for adults with a physical disability andlor traumatic brain injury who qualifL for Medical Assistance.

For more information regarding services call Leigh or for apartment rental information call Dora at (612)645-7271 or (800)466-7722.

Accessible Space, Inc. .

ignorance of those causing these hassles. Plus, the proof ofdisabilitv forwhich thev ask I Mental Health


simply doks not exist ir; the personal care service state of Minnesota. Having to

nied by my companion be- (61 2) 929-041 4 provemy~g~t to~eaccompa~ 2925 Dean Parkway, #814, Mpls., M N

January 1 5, Wednesday, 7:30 Paul. comesmyproblem,ratherthan p.m., 'Bus Stopn, Jungle January 30, Thursday, 1:00 that ofthose attempting to en-

Theater, Mpk. a.m. & 1 :00 p.m., February 2, JustAudio Described force a law with which they

Sunday, 2:00p.m., 'The Ad- February 2, Sunday,2:OOp.m., obviously are not familiar- January 17th, Friday, 8:00 ventures of Tom Sawyer", 'Someone Who'll Watch p.m., "The Three Muske- Child's Play Theater, Eisen- Over Men, Theatre in the Now that I'Ve summarized the teersn, Theatre De La Jeaune hower Community Center, Round, Minneapolis.

Handi Medical Supply 2505 University Avenue West

St. Paul, Minnesota 551 14 At Hwy. 280 8 University Avenue

(61 2) 644-9770 111 Visit Our Large, Fully-stocked showroom open to the public. 111

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January 10,1997

by Gordon Gillesby

how to eat, where to encounter por- celain fixtures to relieve our internal When using an SE, and finding your- to get all the previous answers plus a time, I'll look at some specific SE's er of To: is about computers, pressures, how to get to the grocery self with enough responses to your whole mess of astrology and astron- and how well they do the job.

r; store, what to do when we get there, keyword search to start an employ- omy stuff that I'm not interested in d and so forth.

advanced features of BL to narrow really want is an "AND search to SE's. If you master their use, you this column with Access Our ancestors long-term survival the computer's response to some- fmd the entries with BOTH the Ford depended on noticing the details of thing youcanreasonably use. Here's keyword AND the Taurus keyword. life around them and storing the in- how it works: formation as memories. All ofwhich Now you've eliminated 90% of the camenaturally fiombirth; So ,Fmer Suppose I want to find information unwanted material, because the SE Joe -your great, great grandfather about a car. Say, Ford Taurus. I willreturnONLYthoseentrieswhich -spent his life remembering a host could search using the keyword have both keywords in them. This of seemingly useless information on "Ford". This will likely return sever- meansyou'renow dealingwithsome- the chance it might come in handy al million responses rangingfrom the thing specific lo Ford Automobiles. later. His, and ultimately your, sur- Life of Henry Ford, the Ford Foun- The search can be fiuther refined viva1 depended on it. dation, every Ford Dealership on the with additional keywords AND add-

Internet, The Hitchhiker's Guide to ed tothe list: "Dealerships" ifyou're Fast forward to themodern computer the Galaxy (Ford Prefect), Actor looking for prices; "Minnesota" if age and this column, the third in a Hanison Ford and anyone who hap- you're interested only in dealers in series about using Internet Search pens to be named Ford. Not useful. Minnesota; "repair" or "Chilton's" if Engines (SE). There may seem to be you want to fix the car you own. no relationship between the intro- Therefore, I ask the SE to refine the duction and what follows (except in keyword search by being more spe- Search Engines themselves some-

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FOK THE FEBRUARY 10 ISSUE Mail to: ACCESS PRESS 1821 University Ave. e#185Ne St. Paul, M N 55104 FAX 644-2136

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cation and supplemental a p by the Great American Histo- there.

plication to be submitted no cy Tlieatr*, ig &mb;ing "ut its Watching and workiug with

later than 1/22/97. honesty. T e l l ~ g a ~ ~ A resolution introduced dw- the actors, some dwhom had together from intedews of ia$ the 1996 state legislative their own experiences with f m e r residents and ariginaf sssion to require the state to state hospital, Beverage said

1 $15 Buys A Full Year (12 Issues) Of I d0;Cmentsfromthestate hoe apologize to the thousands of "We are a he11 of a lot more

I Access Press

timatel), is abk # lathe lave suits, but kt Heaven and aterhas no plans to continue to shared by two residents sh'm Nufwe Sing and the Remem- stage the play after its limited

bering with Dignityprqject are run, but Beverage hopes a new I

I issues and attitudes still sur- round us today. We need to 1 0 Limited income subscription: $5
