JAN MAY 2021...Tue 09-Feb 13.00-14.00 How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle's Metaphysics...


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    JAN - MAY 2021

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    Please note that CMD events will not be held until official clearance has been received. We are monitoring the situation carefully and look forward to resuming activities as soon as possible. We offer you our prayers and best wishes.

    Revd Dr Earl Collins is vicar of St John the Baptist, Hove, and CMD Officer for the diocese. Earl.Collins@chichester.anglican.org

    Diocesan workshops and cover image photos with kind permission of Jane Willis. Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/revjane/albums , Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janeewillis/?hl=en


    Wed 13-Jan 10.30-13.00 Preaching in a Scientific Age, Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers

    Tue 26-Jan 13.00-14.00 An evangelical philosophy of science? From Bacon and Paley to Stokes' - Faraday Institute

    Wed 03-Feb 13.00-15.00 Modern Approaches to the Eucharist: Beyond Catholic and Protestant, Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Tue 09-Feb 13.00-14.00 How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle's Metaphysics - Faraday Institute

    Wed 10-Feb 15.00-17.00 How to Craft a Faithful Sermon, Revd Prof Karoline Lewis, Professor and Marbury E Anderson, for the College of Preachers

    Wed 17-Feb 10.00-12.30 Preaching on Mark's Gospel through Lent, Revd Dr Ian Paul, for the College of Preachers

    Tue 23-Feb 13.00-14.00 Theology Past the Tipping Point: God’s goodness in a world of rapid change - Faraday Institute

    Tue-Thu 23-25-Feb 3 day course Music for Mission and Ministry - RSCM

    Thu 25-Feb 10.00-12.00 The Office and Work of a Priest in the Church of God, Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Tue 09-Mar 13.00-14.00 From Biology to Theology: How viruses challenge our perception of good and evil - Faraday Institute

    Thu 11-Mar 13.30-15.30 The Dark Night of the Soul, Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Thu 18-Mar 10.00-12.00 Celebrating Easter for Lay Minsters and Readers, Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Sat 20-Mar 10.00-16.00 'End of Life Matters' - Faraday Institute

    Fri-Sat 23-Apr 2 day course Engaging With Science - Faraday Institute

    Tue-Thu 4-6-May 3 day course Music for Mission and Ministry - RSCM

    Thu 06-May 10.00-12.00 Spiritual Abuse 1, Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Thu 27-May 10.00-12.00 Julian of Norwich: A Visionary of Love, Revd Dr Earl Collins

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    13 Jan 2021, Thu CLERGY

    Preaching in a Scientific Age 10.30-13.00 £7. Led by Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford

    Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society.

    To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/

    26 Jan 2021, Tue

    'An evangelical philosophy of science? From Bacon and Paley to Stokes' 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Stuart Mathieson

    Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/dr-stuart-mathieson-an-evangelical-philosophy-of-science-from-bacon-and-paley-to-stokes/

    03 Feb 2021, Thu CLERGY

    Modern Approaches to the Eucharist: beyond “Catholic and Protestant” 13.00-15.00 Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    The 2Oth century witnessed a remarkable renewal of eucharistic theology and practice in the Western Church. Old divisions between Catholics and Protestants began to be transcended. Yet even today clichés and misunderstandings can dominate discussion of the Eucharist. Since the Church of England aims to hold together positions too frequently split asunder, this work-shop will describe the gains of 20th century eucharistic renewal (embodied in Common Worship, Holy Communion) and discuss how contemporary eucharistic spirituality testifies to the work of Christ and the Spirit in worship and mission.

    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/modern-approaches-to-the-eucharist-beyond-catholic-and-protestant-tickets-136604276067


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    09 Feb 2021, Tue

    How to Craft a Faithful Sermon 15.00-17.00 £7. Led by Revd Jennifer Brown, Director of Training for the College of Preachers and former Science Missioner in the Diocese of Oxford

    Science & technology are central to our lives and there are many who believe that science and religious faith are incompatible - that we can believe one or the other but not both. This workshop will explore how we can use our preaching to dispel this myth, help people to discover the truth of scripture in an age of science and equip our congregations to bring Christian values to discussions about how science & technology are used in society.

    To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/

    10 Feb 2021, Wed CLERGY

    How the Quantum Revolution Vindicates Aristotle’s Metaphysics 13.00-14.00 Led by Prof. Robert Koons

    Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/prof-robert-koons-how-the-quantum-revolution-vindicates-aristotles-metaphysics/

    17 Feb 2021, Wed

    Theology Past the Tipping Point: God’s Goodness in a World of Rapid Change 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Bethany Sollereder

    Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/dr-bethany-sollereder-theology-past-the-tipping-point-gods-goodness-in-a-world-of-rapid-change/


    23 Feb 2021, Wed

    Preaching on Mark's Gospel through Lent 13.00-14.00. Led by Revd Dr Ian Paul. Dr Paul is a writer, blogger, and theologian. He is also the Managing Editor at Grove Books.

    How can we draw on Mark's portrayal of Jesus' temptation and passion to capture the essence of the season of Lent, share the Good News, and encourage congregations to faithful discipleship? In this workshop, we'll explore what Mark's Gospel says about Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness at the start of his ministry - those days echoed in the 40 days of Lent - together with the story of his passion and how we can retell this story in the context of our lives today to point people towards the hope and joy of Easter.

    To find out more and book: https://www.collegeofpreachers.co.uk/events/



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    25 Feb 2021, Thu

    09 Mar 2021, Tue

    Music for Mission and Ministry – on-line 3 day course £80-00 (RSCM Members) £96-00 (non-members). Led by the Revd Helen Bent with Jonathan Robinson

    8 sessions plus worship on Zoom spread over three days These courses aim to: inspire worship in fresh ways, deepen knowledge and understanding, introduce you to new resources’ and equip you for worship and music in a post-Covid world. Also see resources page 8.


    To find out more and book: https://www.rscm.org.uk/start-learning/music-for-mission-and-ministry/ Sarah King, Tel: 01722 424843, Email: education@rscm.com

    “The Office and Work of a Priest in the Church of God” 10.00-12.00 Free Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    The Ordinal is the touchstone for ministerial understanding in the Church of England. This workshop will consider the historical evolution of priestly ordination and how that ministry relates to the priestly ministry of the whole Church. Terminology (priest or presbyter, sacrament or ministry?) and the concept of “validity” will be discussed. It will demonstrate that the Ordinal offers a theologically balanced, biblically based understanding of ordained priestly ministry rooted in the earliest traditions of the Church.

    23-25 Feb 2021, Tue-Thu

    From Biology to Theology: How viruses challenge our perception of good and evil 13.00-14.00 Led by Dr Miriam Schilling

    Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-office-and-work-of-a-priest-in-the-church-of-god-tickets-136604980173

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/from-biology-to-theology-how-viruses-challenge-our-perception-of-good-and-evil/



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    20 Mar 2021, Wed

    Engaging With Science 2 days. Led by Dr Denis Alexander, Dr Ruth Valerio, Dr David Randall Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/engaging-with-science/

    The Dark Night of the Soul Free. 13.30-15.30. Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Darkness and light have always been governing images in the Christian spiritual tradition – from Moses ascending Mt Sinai to Christ’s transfiguration on Mt Tabor. Exploring the use of dark and light imagery in prayer and theology, and drawing on the Bible and the Christian mystics, we will consider such topics as “the dark night of the soul”, the difference between spiritual darkness and depression, developing “a sense” for God and what to do in prayer when one’s inner lights go out.

    Celebrating Easter Free. 10.00-12.00. Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Easter is at the heart of the Christian faith and its annual celebration should be at the heart of all our worship. This workshop will look at the “three great days” (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), using Holy Scripture and some texts from Common Worship, Times and Seasons, to meditate on the death and resurrection of the Lord and its saving impact in our lives.

    23 Apr 2021, Tue

    ‘End of Life Matters’ 10.00-16.00 Led by Revd Dr Rodger Charlton, Revd Dr Derek Fraser

    Follow the link for more information.

    To find out more and book: https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/end-of-life-matters/

    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-dark-night-of-the-soul-tickets-136605389397

    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/celebrating-easter-tickets-136605523799

    18 Mar 2021, Thu CLERGY



    11 Mar 2021, Thu CLERGY

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    4-6 May 2021, Tue-Thu

    Julian of Norwich: A Visionary of Love Free. 10.00-12.00 Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Unknown for centuries, Julian of Norwich (1343 AD-c.1416) has rapidly become one of the most cherished Christian visionaries. Rowan Williams has called her, “…a theologian of extraordinary intuitive resource.” In her Revelations of Divine Love, the first surviving book written in English by a woman, Julian set out the meaning of her visions. Imaginatively representing traditional ideas and images, the visions revealed her overriding vision: God’s absolute love for all. This workshop, in addition to offering an introduction to her life and work, will consider three major topics: her vision of Christ crucified, her meditations on the Holy Trinity, and her unique understanding of prayer. We will read together short excerpts of her work and explore what she can say to us as contemporary Christians.


    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/julian-of-norwich-a-visionary-of-love-tickets-105774895560

    Music for Mission and Ministry – on-line 3 day course £350-00 (RSCM members) £375-00 (non-members). Wydale Hall, Yorkshire Led by the Revd Helen Bent with Jonathan Robinson

    A fuller all-round experience including teaching, discussion and worship in different styles for those who prefer to meet face to face. Aimed to: inspire worship in fresh ways, deepen knowledge and understanding, introduce you to new resources’ and equip you for worship and music in a post-Covid world. Also see resources page 8.

    Spiritual Abuse 1 Free. 10.00-12.00 Led by Revd Dr Earl Collins

    Recent studies indicate that spiritual abuse may be encountered in every form of religion.

    This workshop will discuss what forms such abuse may take and how it may be “justified” by the misuse of sacred texts or

    authority, to control others. Some case studies will be presented from the Christian and Buddhist traditions. Psychological

    and theological aspects will be considered in exploring what constitutes authentic spiritual guidance and what risks being

    manipulation of the vulnerable.

    To find out more and book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/spiritual-abuse-1-tickets-136605708351

    06 May 2021, Thu CLERGY

    To find out more and book: https://www.rscm.org.uk/start-learning/music-for-mission-and-ministry/ Sarah King, Tel: 01722 424843, Email: education@rscm.com

    27 May 2021, Thu CLERGY

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    To find out more and book: https://www.rscm.org.uk/courses/inspiring-music-in-worship-online-for-course-facilitators/ Sarah King, Tel: 01722 424843, Email: education@rscm.com

    Inspiring Music in Worship Online for Course Facilitators – RSCM Monday Evenings: 18 Jan, 25 Jan, 1 Feb, 8 Feb, 15 Feb, 19.00 - 21.00 (GMT) Led by the author, the Revd Helen Bent, RSCM Head of Ministerial Training in partnership with Praxis Cost: £50-00 (RSCM members) £60-00 (non-members) Cost includes a copy of the Inspiring Music in Worship book and discount voucher for bulk buys Inspiring Music in Worship could be just what is needed to harness the creative flexibility and imagination that has been generated through worshipping under Covid-19 restrictions. Are you asking some of the following questions, as you look to the future?

    • How does our worship need to look when Covid-19 is over?

    • How do we avoid a slide back into the “same old same old” and embrace healthy ongoing change and development?

    • How can we intentionally inspire and refresh congregational singing after a long abstinence?

    • How can we shape the ‘new normal’ to include both face-to-face and virtual expressions of wor-ship?

    • What can we be doing now to pave the way for the ‘new normal’? This five-session online course during January and early February is for potential group facilitators to become familiar with the IMiW material and how to use it with their own church in our present situation. It could then provide an imaginative alternative course for Lent to share with the choir, the music group, or the whole congregation. IMiW itself is a conversational tool for everyone, not only musicians, using guided discussions, Bible readings and tasks to help to explore differences of tradition and style with honesty and mutual respect. Everyone has valid views and experiences, which increase ownership and make the ongoing journey of worship into an exciting adventure. Format of each session: Welcome and Icebreaker 15 mins

    • Section A Guided discussion 15 mins What the Bible says 15 mins Guided discussion 15 mins

    Refreshment Break 15 mins

    • Section B (Group Task) 30 mins Or Section C (Case Studies) 30 mins

    • Worship 15 mins

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    To find out more and book: https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/diocesan-resources/ministry/ministry-development/living-ministry/living-ministry

    How Clergy Thrive – resource downloadable from the CofE website

    Wellbeing is a complex area and sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. Here you can find resources emerging from the Living Ministry research to use for personal reflection and in discussion with others. Designed specifically for ordinands, clergy, senior clergy and diocesan officers, they will help you think about your own wellbeing and how you support the wellbeing of others, and point you in the direction of further sources of support. Based on the Living Ministry research, Dr. Liz Graveling has written this booklet as a tool both for clergy reflecting on their own wellbeing and for those with responsibility for supporting the wellbeing of others. It is published by Church House Publishing. Downloadable worksheets:

    • Questions for reflection for Clergy

    • Questions for reflection for Senior Clergy and Diocesan Officers

    • Six Ways Clergy Can thrive

    • How Clergy Can Thrive in a Pandemic—resource

    • Sources of Support

    • Wellbeing Map

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    Safeguarding for Clergy and Parish

    The hub for all information, resources, news and events relating to safeguarding children and adults throughout the life of the Diocese. It also introduces a new tool - 'Safer Quality Protects' - which will help parishes to assess and improve their own safeguarding practice, whilst providing useful resources to enable them to achieve this goal. Safeguarding is a complex area of church life - how do we keep children and adults safe from harm, whilst building communities of trust and openness, and still demonstrate the welcome the Gospel offers to all? Moreover, how do we build church communities that obey the biblical mandate to defend those who are weak, heal those who are hurt, and demonstrate God's forgiveness to all, for all have sinned? This site is intended to provide people in parishes with a 'one stop shop' for all things safe-


    Wellbeing for Clergy and Families

    “In my experience the journey of ministry can be joyful and fulfilling but can also be stormy, scary and turbulent. Clergy, their partners and their families at times walk on a very real tightrope, with many demands upon us. There will be times for all of us when we need pastoral care and support” Archdeacon Fiona. The Diocese of Chichester is committed to promoting and sustaining the Wellbeing of our clergy and their families. Nicola Canham, Head of Wellbeing for Clergy and their Families (WCF), is employed by the DOC to provide the WCF services for clergy and their families. We provide Reflective Practice Groups (RPG’s), counselling for clergy, couples and families, de-briefing sessions for clergy after a traumatic event, psychoeducational groups e.g. anxiety and depression, stress management and wellbeing activities e.g. Christian mindfulness.

    RESOURCES: Safeguarding

    To find out more and book: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/wellbeing-for-clergy-and-families/ and https://www.chichester.anglican.org/mental-health-and-wellbeing/


    To find out more and book: https://safeguarding.chichester.anglican.org/safeguardingelearning/


    RESOURCES: Safeguarding

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    To find out more and book: https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-studies/ or https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/contact/

    To find out more and bok: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/glitter_news/2020/04/21/ministry-contemporary-church/

    Chichester University MA in Christian Ministry

    3 years, part-time.

    The MA in Christian Ministry has been specifically developed to meet the needs of Christian ministers, predominantly those working in local churches. A diverse and exciting range of modules will enhance your theological and ministerial practice.

    This course will:

    • Enhance and enrich your ministry and practice

    • Help you gain new insights for your ministerial practice

    • Develop your theological knowledge and expertise

    • Enable you to reflect creatively on practical issues and questions

    • Give you confidence in your theological skills

    For those recommended by their church authorities, the fee is £1,500 per annum for each of the three years. For those applying from the Diocese of Chichester a fee arrangement is in place which allows students to study for a much reduced rate.

    St Augustine's MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission

    The St Augustine’s MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission is a specially tailored programme of theological learning and research that allows lay and ordained ministers, as well as church members, to deepen their theological knowledge by building on previous theological learning, engaging with daily life and ongoing experience of the Body of Christ.

    Accredited and awarded by Durham University, the degree includes both taught modules and guided research in a theological discipline of your choice. It offers opportunities to develop advanced skills as part of your continuing ministerial development e.g. in pastoral supervision, leadership, mission, spirituality.

    The degree can be taken part-time or full-time. Much of the teaching is delivered alongside candidates for church ministry, but the programme is suitable for all, irrespective of any ministerial involvement.

    Since the MA aims for a more critical mode of engagement with theology and ministry, the teaching sessions and much of the contact time will take the form of seminars, during which you will discuss texts with teachers and fellow students and present your own work.

    The course is designed for lay and ordained ministers, or church members, who wish to deepen their theological knowledge by building on previous theological learning. To undertake the MA, you must have completed either a degree in theology or ministry or a degree in another subject combined with an additional qualification in theology or ministry.

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    East Sussex Ashburnham Place Ashburnham Christian Trust, Ashburnham Place, Battle East Sussex TN33 9NF

    Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre The Old Rectory, Forewood Lane, Crowhurst, Battle TN33 9AD

    Penhurst Retreat Centre Manor House, Penhurst, Battle TN33 9QP

    West Sussex Chemin Neuf Community Storrington Priory, School Lane, Storrington, Pulborough RH20 4LN

    Monastery of the Holy Trinity Fermandy Lane, Crawley Down, Crawley Down, Crawley RH10 4LH

    Worth Abbey Paddockhurst Rd, Crawley RH10 4SB


    To find out more and book: as above


    To find out more and book: http://www.retreats.org.uk/findaretreat.php?area=southeast

    University of Chichester Website: https://www.chi.ac.uk/ Main reception: 01243 816000

    St Augustine’s College of Theology Website: https://staugustinescollege.ac.uk/ Main reception: 01732 252 656

    Sussex Gospel Partnership Website: https://sussexgospelpartnership.org.uk/ Contact: Mrs Wendy Sands, SGP Administrator, Haywards Heath, RH16 3LE. Ph 01444 458635

    Sarum College Website: http://www.sarum.ac.uk/learning Main reception: 01722 424800 Email info@sarum.ac.uk



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    Bursaries, Extended Ministerial Development Leave—EMDL (Sabbaticals), Education and Training Ecclesiastical Ministry Bursary Awards; European Bursary Trust ; Fellowship of the Maple Leaf; Josephine Butler Memorial Trust; Philip Usher Memorial Fund; Provost Howard Fund; Socie-ty for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; SPCK: The Richards Trust & St Aidan’s College Charity; St Boniface Trust; St George’s Trust; St Luke’s College Foundation; Winston Churchill Memorial Trust; Elfinsward Trust, Women’s Continuing Ministerial Education Trust Children of Clergy The Buttle Trust; Lawrence Atwell’s Charity; Rustat Trust; Society for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; Working Families Tax Credit Clergy Spouse/Retired Clergy Broken Rites; Church of England Pensions Board; Diocesan Committee for retired Clergy and Widows/ers; Crosse’s Charity; Dr. George Richards’ Charity; Family Action; Foundation of Ed-ward Storey; Independent Age; Newton’s Trust Debt Assistance Christians against Poverty General Assistance with Hardship Elizabeth Finn Trust; Frances Ashton’s Charity; Fraser and Howarth Trust Funds; Friends of the Clergy/Sons of the Clergy; Henry Smith’s Charity; Queen Victoria Clergy Fund; Society for the Relief of Poor Clergymen; Society for the Assistance of Ladies in Reduced Circumstances; Society of Mary and Martha, TURN2US, The Clergy Support Trust, St Luke’s Healthcare Health Pyncombe Charity; St. Luke’s Healthcare for Clergy Holidays Eggbeer Trust; English Clergy Association; Mothers’ Union; Tranquillity House Trust Vocational Grants Board of Mission Trust Fund; Cleaver Ordination Candidates' Fund National Transition Service for Clergy: Church of England website


    RESOURCES: Grants

    Applying for a CMD grant or EMDL: https://www.chichester.anglican.org/fundraising-and-grants/ https://www.chichester.anglican.org/cmd/ Earl.Collins@chichester.anglican.org

    The Department for Apostolic Life brings together several areas of responsibility at Church House whose primary aim is to support parishes and individuals in their ‘apostolic’ life and ‘mission’ activities.

    The overall team is headed by the Director Revd Canon Rebecca Swyer,

    and The Deputy Director Revd Rob Dillingham

    Contact us:
