JamiQ's Technology Explained


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How JamiQ’s Sentiment Detection Works

1. After social media posts are mined and stored in JamiQ’s database, the text is analyzed for sentiment.

2. The sentiment detection algorithms break every sentence down into its syntactic structure that represents the parts of speech of each word.

3. The system looks at each Subject and identifies the adjectives describing it, verbs related to it, as well as nouns nearby.

4. These words are then matched against a dictionary of over 150,000 words that have sentiment scores attributed to it.

5. Adverbs are also considered as they may modify or negate certain sentiments. 6. JamiQ’s sentiment detection currently works in English, Chinese

(Simplified/Traditional), Bahasa Indonesia, and Tagalog. 7. The goal of JamiQ’s sentiment detection is NOT to be as smart and accurate as a

human (which is impossible with today’s technology), but to accurately identify with high-speed the obvious sentiments expressed so that trends may be clearly seen.

How JamiQ’s Market Detection Works

1. Market Detection is needed to analyze the social media because Blogger A (blogA.wordpress.com) and Blogger B (blogB.wordpress.com) both use the same blogging platform, but are from different countries.

2. JamiQ uses multiple methods to identify an individual’s location. 3. IP addresses are an easy option, but this only applies to large sites such as BBC is in

the UK and New York Times is in the US. 4. Country domains are also used, but some people have domains that do not contain

country domains. (.sg, .my, .ph). 5. JamiQ looks at the Profiles of blogs and accounts to look for location specific data.

This data is often found, but not complete. When individuals specify they are from “Sydney”, we take that text and test it against our geographical information system to determine that Sydney is in the state of New South Wales, which is in Australia. This method works with published GPS coordinates as well.

6. In the absence of profiles, JamiQ looks at the text to derive clues as to where the person is writing about looking for elements such as well known landmarks and unique location elements.

How JamiQ’s Influence Scoring Works

1. JamiQ’s influence scoring is used to determine how much of an impact a site/individual has now that he has mentioned your keyword.

2. The influence scoring runs from 0 (meaning little or no influence) to 10 (meaning most influential).

3. For most websites such as blogs, news, forums, we attribute a score to them using Google’s Search Engine’s PageRank. This takes into account amount of traffic to a site, back links, searches for that site, among other metrics. (PageRanks has be argued to be the best measure of anything online.)

4. For other platforms such as Twitter, we look at the number of followers an individual has. We use an internal scale to determine their influence score.

5. Since JamiQ’s scoring only runs from 0 to 10, it is not intended to be an absolute score but an indicative scoring system that helps our clients identify the ongoing trend.

How JamiQ’s Spike Detection Works

1. Spike detection is designed to look at the buzz trend in a time series and analyze it for anomalies in the trend.

2. The algorithm looks at a moving average of the last five days to determine the projection and benchmark.

3. This benchmark is used as a trigger for the spike detection. If the actual buzz spikes beyond the benchmark, this indicates an anomaly. An anomaly in trend could mean a crisis, issue, or even a successful campaign.

4. The spike detection can be adjusted to focus on specific markets and media types.
