James R Aymann Las Vegas, NV 89160onemansfightagainstcorruptioninlasvegasnevada.com... · Las...


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James R Aymann

PO Box 61272

Las Vegas, NV 89160


Please See Episode 4

Please See Episode 5

For Las Vegas lawyer John C. Courtney:

This is a copy of an open letter currently on the Internet with

links attached.

As you are fully aware, I have posted a website titled “One Man’s

Fight against Corruption.”

This website was posted several years ago and presently is at 275


If you “Google” “Las Vegas lawyer John C. Courtney

corruption,” you will find on page one:

Item 1 – “Episode Four” “Las Vegas lawyers trick, cheat and lie

to an older and disabled combat veteran of the Vietnam War.” “Las

Vegas lawyers – Paul C. Ray, John Peter Lee, Yvette Freedman and

John C. Courtney.”

Item 2 – “Episode Five” “Stolen Valor” reaches an all-time

low.” “Las Vegas lawyers: John C. Courtney and John Peter Lee.”

Item 3 – “Episode Seven” “Corruption in the State Bar of Nevada”

Item 6 – “Supplement to Civil Proper Person Appeal Statement”

Case # 65292


Item 7 – “Civil Proper Person Appeal Statement Case” # 65292.

I know that you have been made aware of my website

titled, “One Man’s Fight Against Corruption”

I am also know that you have been aware of these entries on the

Internet concerning your involvements James R Aymann.

This open letter contains a link of a “video” with myself and a

12- year-old boy and a subsequent statement by his single mother


The mother of this 12-year-old and I had a “consultation” with

Las Vegas lawyer Paul C. Ray prior to my ever even meeting you.

To this day you are a co-conspirator in the concealment of the

circumstances and details of the termination of Paul C. Ray by your

boss John Peter Lee!

Mr., I know you for the despicable trickster, cheat and lawyer

that you are!

Mister, you did not just screw me over.

You screwed over a 12-year-old boy and his single mother!

James R. Aymann (Jim) is a combat veteran of the Vietnam

War with a service connected disability and he celebrated his

71st birthday a few days ago.

In August 2014, Jim created the website-


In the past year alone, (July 2015 – July 2016) this website

has had over 14,000 visits, to include Europe, Asia, Latin

America, Australia, New Zealand with a following from China,

Ukraine and Brazil.


To date, Jim has no accounting for visits by mobile phones

and backdoor visits that include phrases and this is without the

aid of press releases, networking, advertising etc.

Jim has also received hundreds of favorable emails in

reference to this website from all over the world.

What is interesting is that Jim has essentially added

nothing to this website in the past year.

However, Jim has posted several articles on the Internet

under pseudonyms.

There is a populist movement that is sweeping across this


This movement is deeply factionalized with progressive

sentiments at one end of the spectrum and reactionary

sentiments at the other end but the common theme and the

common thread that runs through this movement is the

complete and total disgust by the populace involving the

corruption in the private sector (big business) and the

corresponding corruption of government at all levels that

includes all branches.

To begin with, Jim will present the argument that the legal

industry throughout the State of Nevada may be the most

corrupt in the USA and that the culture of Las Vegas may be the

most predatory and corrupt in the USA.



“Most Hated Professions – Top 10 List” states:


Nevada received a failing grade of “F” and is

fifth from the bottom amongst all 50 states!


Public access to information, political financing, electoral

oversight, Legislative accountability, Judicial accountability,

procurement, internal auditing, lobbying disclosure, ethical

enforcement agencies, ad infinitum received failing grades in

the State of Nevada!

To be blunt, Nevada industry, to include lawyers, in

conjunction with Nevada State Government at all levels is a

labyrinthine sewer of corruption and deception draining into a

cesspool and that cesspool are the Nevada courts at all levels!

Are you getting the picture yet!

In theory, if an individual has a collection of supportable

facts ad infinitum, then the opposing party in an adversarial

setting is lying and cannot prevail.

In reality, in the State of Nevada, supportable facts are

meaningless unless you are connected (big business, affluence,

hotshot lawyers, relatives etc.) you cannot prevail with any state

institution in the State of Nevada, end of story!


Every year tens of thousands of hard-working, taxpaying

and law-abiding Nevada residents are victimized in an extremely

predatory private sector.

When these victims appeal to law enforcement or to

virtually any other county and/or state agency and ultimately to

the court system at all levels, they will be victimized again and

again and again and again ad infinitum!

Gallup conducted a poll last year whereby they determined

that “Three in four Americans (75%) last year perceived

corruption as widespread in the country’s government!)

This poll is an indication that government on the federal

level is perceived to be both rampant and pervasive!

In Nevada however, a more accurate figure would be 95%

or 19 out of 20 Nevadans perceiving corruption as widespread

in Nevada government! (5% are either corrupt government

officials or the individuals that benefit from this corruption)




John C. Courtney, Las Vegas lawyer John C. Courtney, John C.

Courtney corruption, stolen valor, one man’s fight against corruption,

James R. Aymann, policy. Ray, Las Vegas lawyer Paul C. Ray,

policy. Ray corruption, John C. Courtney, Las Vegas lawyer John

Peter Lee, John Peter Lee corruption, John Peter Lee Ltd., Las Vegas

law firm of John Peter Lee Ltd., John Peter Lee Ltd. corruption,

Nevada Supreme Court, rampant corruption in the court system of

Clark County Nevada, James Aymann, James R. Aymann, older and

disabled combat veteran of the Vietnam War, one man’s fight against

corruption, Internet, links, posted, website, rampant corruption,

reeks of corruption, trickster, cheat, liar, deception, trickery,

fraudulent misrepresentation, reprehensible, populist movement,

sweeping across this country, factionalized, progressive sentiments,

reactionary sentiments, complete and total disgust by the populace,

corruption in the private sector, big business, corruption of

government at all levels, legal industry, state of Nevada, most corrupt

in the USA, culture of Las Vegas, most hated professions – top 10 list,

lawyers destroying America one lie after another, state integrity

investigation, Nevada gets F grade in 2015, legislative accountability,

judicial accountability, labyrinthine sewer of corruption and

deception, cesspool, Nevada courts at all levels, are you getting the

picture yet!, Collection of supportable facts, adversarial setting,

cannot prevail, supportable facts are meaningless, big business,

affluence, hotshot lawyers, hard-working, taxpaying, law-abiding,

victimized Nevadans, extremely predatory private sector, law

enforcement, any other county and/or state agency, court system, Las

Vegas is a cesspool of corrupt lawyers, overpaid government officials,

disregarding their duty, greedy and unscrupulous lawyers, policy,

lawyers get away with tricking cheating and lying to their clients

every day, riddled with fraudulent statements,

